View Full Version : Who knew? Advertising/Selling firewood by the 'rick' or 'truckload' is illegal in OK

11-18-2014, 07:45 AM
Was buying firewood for the house last week and called someone recommended to me and asked about buying a 'rick of firewood.' He was prompt to tell me he doesn't sell by the rick and that Oklahoma law forbids the practice. He said the law requires you to sell by the cord only - except in very small amounts (like those bundles at 7-11).

He said a 'rick' measurement is not legally defined and so people are almost always shorted when they'd buy by the rick. You're not likely going to find many people selling you anything that measures 8' x 4' x 4'. Most is 8' x 4' x 14-18" (basically a 'rick' is 1/2 a Cord or a 'Face Cord'). But, in many cases a 'Rick' is even less than 1/2 a Cord.

Just found this interesting.

11-18-2014, 08:46 AM
Old article (1996) on this topic:
State Law Governs Sale of Firewood | News OK (

11-18-2014, 10:26 AM
That's one thing I miss about living in the country. We had plenty of our own firewood.

This has been a bone of contention for years. I remember my dad complaining about getting shorted when trying to buy ricks of wood. I was searching Craigslist for fire wood prices this last weekend, and for the prices some of these guys are asking for an un-split rick, pickup only, most folks would be hard pressed to afford a cord delivered.

11-18-2014, 10:49 AM
I guess it's also illegal to sell firewood by the cubic cubit?

11-18-2014, 02:58 PM
I guess it's also illegal to sell firewood by the cubic cubit?

Yer like dat fella what gits his salsa from new yark city ... dat jus' ain't rite now, no siree, nat a tall.

11-18-2014, 09:53 PM
From the KFOR evening news.

Saving A Buck: Comparing firewood prices across Oklahoma | (

Bill Robertson
11-19-2014, 07:06 AM
A bit off topic but the timing of this talk about ricks of wood brings back memories. My parents had a cabin near lake Eufaula for some time. We bought wood there because it was way cheaper than in or around OKC. About this week of 1979 we brought a rick of wood back and stacked it on the patio. A week or so later dad was in St. Anthony ICU with Guillain-Barre syndrome. He spent 6 months in ICU and another 6 months in a regular room. He was never on his feet again. He passed away last June and mom soon started wanting to clean out in and around the house of things that were his. I took most of that rick of wood to the curb for big trash day. Sorry for getting off topic but thanks for my being able to vent a bit.

11-19-2014, 07:58 AM
Sooner... sorry for your loss

11-19-2014, 09:20 AM
Yeah I always thought a rick was half a cord. Never really thought about it though.