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09-07-2015, 07:33 PM
Not to disagree with what you are saying and I didn't drive it any this weekend but the immediate section north of 164th they did the exact same 1ft of gravel base. Now closer to where it will meet Portland they did exactly what you described but for maybe a couple hundred feet and I had the same thoughts of if they messed this up it will show within a few years but I watched them repeat the same process on the stretch north of 164 where they laid the gravel for about two days and then have been asphalting it like crazy.
On a side note I read the progress report a few weeks back and they say they are over halfway. The rain set them back a few months but they seem to be making good time and the bridges look fairly done. On the section where I saw them lay the asphalt directly on the clay I'm curious that when they buikd out the new section if it doesn't include tearing part of that up and sente that when they bid out the new section if it doesn't include tearing part of that up. Which then while a small waste of money would make sense if they know it will be redone in a few years to add the ft base. But that's just a guess.

09-07-2015, 08:00 PM
Now closer to where it will meet Portland they did exactly what you described but for maybe a couple hundred feet...

That is exactly what I was referring to. I wonder if they are doing it this way because of the future widening up to Covell? I'm just not sure. I know that is a common method of road construction in neighborhoods (asphalt directly on dirt). You can see the surface sloughing and potholes where it looks like the road just squished away. That is from regular car traffic!

The bulk of the road seems to have been properly constructed though. Still would have liked to have seen concrete like the rest of Hefner parkway. Oh well..

09-07-2015, 10:23 PM
I noticed that they are finally starting to lay asphalt (sigh). It looks like they are doing it correctly on the long straight stretches. They are putting down nearly a foot of base material then laying the asphalt. UNFORTUNATELY, I don't understand whatsoever what they are doing where the asphalt meets the existing road north of NW 164th. They have just compacted the clay soil and are laying multiple layers of asphalt directly on that. Do they not have any geoengineers working with them? Do they not understand the properties of clay? You can compact it when it is dry, but the moment water gets in there, it squishes like jelly. You cannot compact it. Within a year or two, I wouldn't be surprised to see that new surface rutted like the old road is now and filled with various potholes. That road gets a lot of heavy trucks down it. Not good....

The section on clay where it meets the existing road is probably temporary and if so more designed for speed of deployment than longevity.

09-08-2015, 05:52 AM
I'm still betting they will have this project done before the widening project on Western between 164th and 178th is done. Not to derail this topic, but if those guys on Western were any slower, they'd be in reverse.

09-08-2015, 08:13 AM
I'm still betting they will have this project done before the widening project on Western between 164th and 178th is done. Not to derail this topic, but if those guys on Western were any slower, they'd be in reverse.

I know that project has had a lot of existing utilities in the way that have caused delays. From what I've been told on other projects, say they run into an AT&T fiber line, they have to wait for AT&T to go through the process of letting our a contract to relocate their lines, wait for that work to be completed, and then come back and start over.

09-08-2015, 09:20 AM
I know that project has had a lot of existing utilities in the way that have caused delays. From what I've been told on other projects, say they run into an AT&T fiber line, they have to wait for AT&T to go through the process of letting our a contract to relocate their lines, wait for that work to be completed, and then come back and start over.

I understand what you are saying. The movement of utilities play a huge factor. But this project has been going on for two years. Utility relocation was done, or should have been done a long time ago. I understand if something was missed and had to be addressed before construction continued, but there has been day after day of good weather with comparatively little work being done. I drive through there at least twice a day, and many days, there's no one even there working. In the time this project has been languishing along, Danforth/192nd from about 1/3 mile east of Western to Penn has been widened from 2 to 4 lanes. 178th from Penn to May has been widened from 2 to 4 lanes, both projects all in concrete I might add, and the SH 74 has gone from nothing to where it is now.

09-08-2015, 09:25 AM
I understand what you are saying. The movement of utilities play a huge factor. But this project has been going on for two years. Utility relocation was done, or should have been done a long time ago. I understand if something was missed and had to be addressed before construction continued, but there has been day after day of good weather with comparatively little work being done. I drive through there at least twice a day, and many days, there's no one even there working. In the time this project has been languishing along, Danforth/192nd from about 1/3 mile east of Western to Penn has been widened from 2 to 4 lanes. 178th from Penn to May has been widened from 2 to 4 lanes, both projects all in concrete I might add, and the SH 74 has gone from nothing to where it is now.

Oh I'm not making excuses, you're right. Just tossing in what little I do know about the job.

09-08-2015, 02:59 PM
I hear you, and thanks.

This from today about 15 minutes ago..... Nothing but crickets in either direction. There were 3 or 4 guys laying sod on the east side of the road, so it would be misleading to say there was No One out there.

09-08-2015, 04:01 PM
Since they are putting in access/service/frontage roads, is it reasonable to think there will be heavy commercial development there? Would they build it like that if they weren't expecting a lot of development? Also, when the second stage starts, are they likely to demolish the Sonic and those other businesses at NW 178th & Hwy 74?

09-08-2015, 04:20 PM
I can't say this with any authority, but I think it would be unlikely that they would. If you look at aerial views of the stretch between NW 206th / Covell and NW 150th, all of the businesses are on the west side of Portland except for one - and that one on the East side (at 206th & Portland) is set back far enough from Portland that it does not encumber the widening project.

If I had to guess, the ultimate facility from the existing, widened portion of SH 74 (north of 206th) down to NW 164th St will likely be shifted slightly east of the current Portland ROW. At 164th, the ROW would curve slightly to the west toward the new NW 150th bridge and interchange.

Again, that's just my wild guess - but from aerial views, it would make the most sense.

Plutonic Panda
11-19-2015, 03:39 PM
Oklahoma Department of Transportation (

Traffic Advisory — SH-74 traffic will move to temporary alignment between Memorial Rd., 164th St.

SH-74 traffic will shift to the recently paved west frontage road between Memorial Rd. and N.W. 164th St. on Wednesday afternoon. Shifting traffic to the west allows contractor Haskell Lemon Construction Co. to begin working on the new northbound and southbound lanes of SH-74.

The widening project will reconstruct SH-74 from two lanes to a four-lane divided highway from just north of Memorial Rd. to just north of N.W. 164th St. Also being added in the widening are frontage roads on the east and west sides of the highway.

Drivers are cautioned to remain alert as the changes take effect this week and to plan for extra time while traveling this section of the corridor.

Access from SH-74 to a row of businesses and private entities on the east side of the highway from Memorial Rd. north to N.W. 150th St. will be limited for the next four months. Northbound traffic will be able to access the area from the frontage road, but will not be able to exit back to southbound SH-74. The detour will be Parkway Commons Dr. to Memorial Rd. or to N.W. 150th St.

This $34 million project is the third phase in widening the SH-74 corridor from Memorial Rd. north to Waterloo Rd. Completion of this phase is expected in late spring 2016. The fourth and final phase to four lane SH-74 is scheduled for 2018 from north of N.W. 164th St. to N.W. 206th St. (Covell Rd.).

11-19-2015, 07:34 PM
Well, they switched us to the new 2 lane road, and it is terrible. Do NOT go that way if you can help it. There are no left hand turning lanes, and the temporary lights cycle to only let on direction go at a time. Why didn't they install turning lanes and actual lights? They are keeping it like this until april! Why did they set it up like it is now? I'm sure there is a reason, but it seems like a huge cluster right now...

11-19-2015, 08:28 PM
Yeah I went that way this morning at 630 EB on 150th to turn SB on 74 and holy crap what an abortion.

11-19-2015, 08:46 PM
Well, they switched us to the new 2 lane road, and it is terrible. Do NOT go that way if you can help it. There are no left hand turning lanes, and the temporary lights cycle to only let on direction go at a time. Why didn't they install turning lanes and actual lights? They are keeping it like this until april! Why did they set it up like it is now? I'm sure there is a reason, but it seems like a huge cluster right now...

As with everything else roads-related, money (or lack of it) is the answer. Putting in an extra lane on the new frontage road would not be cheap. Nor would permanent traffic signals.

Buffalo Bill
11-20-2015, 09:53 AM
Oklahoma Department of Transportation (

Traffic Advisory — SH-74 (Portland) rush-hour traffic improvements scheduled for Monday

The temporary realignment of SH-74 (Portland Ave.) traffic between Memorial Rd. and N.W. 164th St. will see additional improvements in time for Monday’s evening rush hour. They include:

Left turn lanes will be added at the intersections of Memorial Rd. and N.W. 164th St.
There will be southbound, eastbound and westbound left turn lanes added at the N.W. 150th St. intersection. There is not enough room on the temporary pavement to add a left-turn lane for this direction.
Left turns will be restricted from northbound SH-74 to westbound N.W. 150th St. during evening rush hour from 4-6 p.m. Monday through Friday.
Additionally, traffic light timing will be adjusted at Memorial Rd., N.W. 150th St. and N.W. 164th St. to allow more traffic to simultaneously move through the intersections.

Signage will be placed ahead of the work zone warning motorists about the left turn restriction. Drivers are cautioned to remain alert as the changes take effect and are strongly urged to find an alternate route or plan for additional travel time.

Traffic was shifted to the newly paved west frontage road between Memorial Rd. and N.W. 164th St. on Wednesday afternoon so the contractor could begin construction of the four-lane divided highway.

ODOT is maintaining access to a row of businesses and private entities located on the east side of SH-74 from Memorial Rd. north to N.W. 150th St. Access is limited to northbound traffic along the frontage road, but traffic will not be able to exit back to southbound SH-74. The southbound detour will be Parkway Commons Dr. to Memorial Rd. or to N.W. 150th St. Southbound traffic will be able to access this area from N.W. 150th St. or Memorial Rd. to Parkway Commons Dr.

11-20-2015, 11:08 AM
I'm fortunate to live near NW 178th & May so I've just avoided the whole 74 area since they started. I occasionally drive thru on a weekend just to see what progress has been made. I guess I'll have to check it out tomorrow.

11-20-2015, 02:03 PM
Signage will be placed ahead of the work zone warning motorists about the left turn restriction. Drivers are cautioned to remain alert as the changes take effect and are strongly urged to find an alternate route or plan for additional travel time.

Its complete Garbage. I have traveled through at 150th, and 164th over the past two days, just to see the carnage. To say its bad, is an understatement. Will definitely go 178th now, but I think with them having "signage" telling motorists, no left turns (between certain hours) will also be disasterous. You will have many motorists, that will simply disregard these signs, and make the traffic flow even worse.

but traffic will not be able to exit back to southbound SH-74. The southbound detour will be Parkway Commons Dr. to Memorial Rd. or to N.W. 150th St. Southbound traffic will be able to access this area from N.W. 150th St. or Memorial Rd. to Parkway Commons Dr.

And although, I shouldn't find humor, in others frustrations...I have found it somewhat satisfying, to see people illegally zoom past me westbound as we all sit there. They think they're clever, by cutting thru the Parking lot of the Crossings church, hoping to get access to Southbound Portland. about 15 minutes later, when I'm STILL in line to get to the light, I see their car reappear...coming Northbound to the intersection, and seeing the look on their face, when they realize that they're going to have to get right back in do it all over again. Its glorious actually.

Plutonic Panda
02-07-2016, 11:18 PM
End of the road approaches for road project in NW OKC metro | News OK (

05-04-2016, 09:59 AM
Anyone been thru this area lately? I've been avoiding it but I thought it was scheduled to be done around now and I'm hoping traffic on Southbound May will return to normal. It's not unusual to have traffic backed up to NW 164th from 150th and back to Angie Debo Elem from 164th. I'm hoping a substantial portion of this is people who would otherwise have taken 74 and that they will go back to 74 when it's complete.

05-04-2016, 10:51 AM
It's almost done. About December I had heard end of May so they going to be close of the weather stays decent. They really just have to lay the final layers of a asphalt on the whole thing and it will be done.

05-04-2016, 11:07 AM
I've been avoiding that area like-a-heck as well. I go around and get off at Western and go north. I can be home, relax and have diner ready by the time I'd be home after coming through that mess. I'll be glad when it's done though.

Plutonic Panda
05-04-2016, 12:19 PM
It's almost done. About December I had heard end of May so they going to be close of the weather stays decent. They really just have to lay the final layers of a asphalt on the whole thing and it will be done.

That really sucks so they are using asphalt? I thought they were just using it as the base and using a cement overlay.

05-04-2016, 01:17 PM
I think it's concrete until they have asphalt in the non permanent area on the northern end (where it all narrows back to the old 74) where later on they'll tear out to connect the next leg. I could be wrong but I've noticed that's generally what ODOT does.

Plutonic Panda
05-04-2016, 03:43 PM
I think it's concrete until they have asphalt in the non permanent area on the northern end (where it all narrows back to the old 74) where later on they'll tear out to connect the next leg. I could be wrong but I've noticed that's generally what ODOT does.
Yeah that is probably what they are doing.

However I wonder why they used concrete on the new crosstown but asphalt for the shoulders and the new BLVD. wtf!!

Same thing with the new I-35 design in Norman. The most recent one they did was asphalt. Why do they use asphalt on some "permanent" projects like the I-35 reconstruction in Norman and cement on others like the Crosstown project?

05-04-2016, 08:08 PM
The northern end of 74 is concrete so I don't know why they would only use asphalt.

05-04-2016, 08:35 PM
Yeah that is probably what they are doing.

However I wonder why they used concrete on the new crosstown but asphalt for the shoulders and the new BLVD. wtf!!

Same thing with the new I-35 design in Norman. The most recent one they did was asphalt. Why do they use asphalt on some "permanent" projects like the I-35 reconstruction in Norman and cement on others like the Crosstown project?

Just so you know, PluPlan, concrete and cement are two different things. Cement is one of the ingredients to make concrete. ;) Not trying to be snarky at all.

Plutonic Panda
05-04-2016, 09:57 PM
Just so you know, PluPlan, concrete and cement are two different things. Cement is one of the ingredients to make concrete. ;) Not trying to be snarky at all.

Thanks for the info. I did not know that.

05-04-2016, 10:09 PM
From driving by, I am pretty sure this is all asphalt. I've never seen concrete overlaid on top an asphalt base, it is typically done the other way. As for why they'd use one over the other? Cost and spreading the love around to keep both industries honest on price. If you always used concrete, they'd charge more. Same reason why you see steel and concrete bridges under a certain length (over that length is almost always Steel and all of sudden when standard concrete beams aren't realistic any more, the cost of steel beams skyrockets).

05-05-2016, 02:11 AM
Yes asphalt is a lot cheaper than concrete. Asphalt is preferred in more hot environments due to it's ability to be more easily repaired and it's flexibility. Concrete can buckle massively in heat, not to say asphalt can't but it has more give -- hence ruts from trucks over time, etc. When done correctly, asphalt is easier to maintain in the long run as you can do continuous mill-and-overlays if you have a good aggregate base. Only maintenance on concrete is to actually cut out a concrete section then pour and set but you get a lot of those in an area and you have nasty patches -- which you may remember toward the end was pretty much what the I-40 crosstown was, just a bunch of bumpy patchwork. Once you start repairs on a stretch of concrete road you'll never have that continuity of smoothness until it's just all torn out and redone. But it's no secret that concrete lasts longer. Heaven forbid you see concrete holes patched with asphalt! I've seen that before and that's not a good thing. I cannot say whether 74 has been all asphalted or not since I have only driven it once -- ironically to see how the construction was going -- however I got stuck for what seemed like forever at a light in the middle of the construction area which made me so irritated that I even forgot to really check out the construction. The intersection was closed to all east-west traffic so it was beyond me as to why the light was there to begin with. Anyway that's a different story.

05-05-2016, 02:17 AM
Again, the northern widened section of Hwy 74 is a lesser traveled area... Why on earth would they change over to asphalt?

Most likely it's a base layer. Side roads will probably be asphalt but I'd like to see them laying the strips of green rebar down before adding the concrete.

Time to email ODOT again...

05-05-2016, 07:40 AM
Again, the northern widened section of Hwy 74 is a lesser traveled area... Why on earth would they change over to asphalt?

Most likely it's a base layer. Side roads will probably be asphalt but I'd like to see them laying the strips of green rebar down before adding the concrete.

Time to email ODOT again...

Pretty sure it's asphalt. The north bound land looks to be finished and it is asphalt up to the existing concrete and is now level with it which would mean it's going to be asphalt.

05-05-2016, 09:38 AM
Pretty sure it's asphalt. The north bound land looks to be finished and it is asphalt up to the existing concrete and is now level with it which would mean it's going to be asphalt.

Agreed, I drove by this today. The whole thing is asphalt. Only the curbs and bridge structure is concrete.

The only reason I-40 is concrete is because the federal government paid for most of it.

05-05-2016, 10:08 AM
Yes asphalt is a lot cheaper than concrete. Asphalt is preferred in more hot environments due to it's ability to be more easily repaired and it's flexibility. Concrete can buckle massively in heat, not to say asphalt can't but it has more give -- hence ruts from trucks over time, etc. When done correctly, asphalt is easier to maintain in the long run as you can do continuous mill-and-overlays if you have a good aggregate base. Only maintenance on concrete is to actually cut out a concrete section then pour and set but you get a lot of those in an area and you have nasty patches -- which you may remember toward the end was pretty much what the I-40 crosstown was, just a bunch of bumpy patchwork. Once you start repairs on a stretch of concrete road you'll never have that continuity of smoothness until it's just all torn out and redone. But it's no secret that concrete lasts longer. Heaven forbid you see concrete holes patched with asphalt! I've seen that before and that's not a good thing. I

Agree on all counts. And I will add that concrete does not hold up well in a climate with a lot of freeze/thaw issues like Oklahoma, nor does it do well on roads that are plowed.

Asphalt paving has become much more advanced as of late; they are not just throwing down a layer of tar anymore. An any asphalt road can last long with proper maintenance; I have been surprised how well the stretch of 35 through Moore and Norman has held up.

05-05-2016, 03:55 PM
I-240 between 1-35 and 1-44 is an example of asphalt done right. It has been down for a number of years now and is still nice and smooth.

Bill Robertson
05-05-2016, 07:24 PM
Drive west on I40 from I44 and then tell me that concrete is the perfect paving material. In the Miata I have to carefully miss the cracks and holes in the concrete.

07-12-2016, 09:28 AM
drove on this northbound over the weekend and it's nice, but why does it narrow back down to two lanes north of 164th? seems like they'd keep it 4 lanes until 178th.

07-12-2016, 10:11 AM
The 164 to 206th is a separate project that should be put to bid soon if I remember right to finish the grand scheme of this project to make it the 4 lanes all the way to Waterloo.

07-12-2016, 11:38 AM
I wish they would take down the construction speed limit signs

Plutonic Panda
07-12-2016, 02:27 PM
The 164 to 206th is a separate project that should be put to bid soon if I remember right to finish the grand scheme of this project to make it the 4 lanes all the way to Waterloo.

Correct. I believe it is scheduled to bid early 2017.

07-12-2016, 04:00 PM
I wish they would take down the construction speed limit signs

They did today! 55mph now

07-12-2016, 08:20 PM
They did today! 55mph now

Just noticed that!

07-13-2016, 07:31 PM
Drive west on I40 from I44 and then tell me that concrete is the perfect paving material. In the Miata I have to carefully miss the cracks and holes in the concrete.

Other than the outside westbound lane, that is all original pavement laid in the 1960's. Given the large amount of semi traffic on 40, I'm surprised it lasted as long as it did. Not denying it desperately needs to be replaced, but if it has originally been asphalt, it would have been resurfaced at least twice in that time,

Plutonic Panda
07-13-2016, 07:53 PM
Other than the outside westbound lane, that is all original pavement laid in the 1960's. Given the large amount of semi traffic on 40, I'm surprised it lasted as long as it did. Not denying it desperately needs to be replaced, but if it has originally been asphalt, it would have been resurfaced at least twice in that time,


Plutonic Panda
07-16-2016, 11:45 PM
Now open though it seems like 65MPH would be a more appropriate speed limit but perhaps they are waiting until the rest is widened to 4 lanes.

10-27-2016, 11:35 AM

10-30-2016, 09:26 PM
I guess better than nothing, but I'd much rather see it be limited access.

Plutonic Panda
10-31-2016, 05:05 PM
I guess better than nothing, but I'd much rather see it be limited access.

Couldn't agree more. In a perfect world(in this case Texas) they'd be securing row and having a new freeway loop around Edmond u/c by 2020, but this is ODOT :/

10-31-2016, 06:33 PM
29 million? My god. Roads are the biggest waste of money pretty much ever.

01-22-2018, 01:56 PM
Construction signs just went up on 74, leading to where the Northbound lanes narrow down to a single lane. Does anyone know if this is phase two of the widening project or something else? The signs say the construction is for six miles, which sounds about right.

01-22-2018, 08:23 PM
Construction signs just went up on 74, leading to where the Northbound lanes narrow down to a single lane. Does anyone know if this is phase two of the widening project or something else? The signs say the construction is for six miles, which sounds about right.

It is Phase 2 (from 164th to Covell) but I am puzzled why it says 6 miles. 1/2 mile either end added on would only total 4 miles.

01-25-2018, 04:50 AM
29 million? My god. Roads are the biggest waste of money pretty much ever.

without roads the economy would grind to a halt. The interstate highway system is what helped the U.S. become an economic powerhouse and we must continue with upgrading and creating new roads. you gotta move all those goods and people efficiently

sgt. pepper
01-25-2018, 06:14 AM
I guess better than nothing, but I'd much rather see it be limited access.

OK, what does "limited access" mean?

01-25-2018, 07:02 AM
Using on- and off-ramps like they did on 150th rather than stoplights like they did on 164th would
Be my guess.

01-25-2018, 07:30 AM
29 million? My god. Roads are the biggest waste of money pretty much ever.

I would agree that the bidding process and how certain contractors win certain jobs and negotiate for great profits with ODOT is something which could do with some looking in to. That said, when I see announcements like this, I have to chuckle any time I hear someone bristling at Amtrack receiving state and federal subsidy.

01-25-2018, 09:12 AM
OK, what does "limited access" mean?

Interchanges only at select locations, like the turnpikes or interstate highways in rural areas, where interchanges or access points are spaced more than a mile apart. also know as controlled access.

01-25-2018, 09:14 AM
I would agree that the bidding process and how certain contractors win certain jobs and negotiate for great profits with ODOT is something which could do with some looking in to. That said, when I see announcements like this, I have to chuckle any time I hear someone bristling at Amtrack receiving state and federal subsidy.

The equivilant would be if we gave subsidies to SAIA for moving goods on state highways. It's not really the same thing.

01-25-2018, 10:56 AM
I would agree that the bidding process and how certain contractors win certain jobs and negotiate for great profits with ODOT is something which could do with some looking in to. That said, when I see announcements like this, I have to chuckle any time I hear someone bristling at Amtrack receiving state and federal subsidy.

My thoughts exactly. Yes, this stretch of highway is way past due for an upgrade, but the same amount of money would fund Oklahoma's share of the Heartland Flyer's current operating cost for just about a decade.

01-25-2018, 10:58 AM
But, but the Deer Creek people need to get home sooner and not sit in traffic.

01-25-2018, 11:36 AM
Putting this stretch of highway on Deer Creek people is pretty disingenuous. There is a lot of traffic going in and out that way, it’s the main road in and out from the city on the north side aside from I-35.

01-25-2018, 12:32 PM
This project has been planned and the first part of it implemented for over a decade. They did the Waterloo section back when Deer Creek was still 2a. Sorry to burst your bubble.