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02-02-2015, 10:51 AM
I understand where PluPan is coming from. If one is used to big city driving culture, then the way people drive around here - usually at or below the speed limit many times in the left lane - can be very frustrating. When I lived in Charlotte it was pretty normal to drive 10-15 over the limit just like they do in Dallas. It was rare for the NC highway patrol to pull people over unless they were going 15+ mph. It took some adjustment after moving back here to get used to the slower pace. I think unreasonably low speed limits and poor road engineering here also contributes to slow driving.

Plutonic Panda
02-02-2015, 12:25 PM
So are yellow lights pointless too? We should just have green and red?what a dumb comparison. A traffic light is little different than a sign that tells people to slow down. Speed limit signs and stop signs are a different scenario to.

Plutonic Panda
02-02-2015, 12:26 PM
You have to have advanced warnings. You have to have signs because the numbskulls will say "well, there were no signs telling me to slow down". But sadly, you're probably right, though speaking from experience, narrow lanes do little to slow people down.i think they should be there, but they still do almost nothing to protect the construction workers. I still think they need to have them so people can't use the "there wasn't a sign that said otherwise" line to get out of a ticket.

White Peacock
02-02-2015, 01:20 PM
I've always found the "fines double in work zones" signs to be pretty effective at slowing my ass down.

Plutonic Panda
02-02-2015, 01:26 PM
Well, I've always witnessed people still haul ass through construction zones regardless of there being a sign or not.

02-04-2015, 09:59 PM
Well, I've always witnessed people still haul ass through construction zones regardless of there being a sign or not.

It will be interesting as the project unfolds to see how motorists handle a couple miles of 35 mph speeds on this busy corridor.

02-04-2015, 10:24 PM
I was planning on stopping by the meeting tomorrow night so I'll double check but I think the main segment of 74 will be more than 35. Most of the work is a brand new build to the west of the existing road so I hope they will finish they out and move everyone to it and then do the east side service road. 150th is being widened now with about half done to the west and 164th to the east I believe will be widened within the year so while it will be a giant mess, but I'd rather it all be done at the same time.

02-05-2015, 07:36 AM
I have a few friends who live around Second Street and May and that is their way to work every day. Five years ago, they couldn't stop complaining about how bad traffic is and how they need to widen it quickly. Now, I am sure they will complain about the construction and traffic.

02-05-2015, 08:25 AM
I have a few friends who live around Second Street and May and that is their way to work every day. Five years ago, they couldn't stop complaining about how bad traffic is and how they need to widen it quickly. Now, I am sure they will complain about the construction and traffic.

I could never live in that little pocket, takes forever to get to a damned highway of any sort.

02-05-2015, 09:15 AM
I was planning on stopping by the meeting tomorrow night so I'll double check but I think the main segment of 74 will be more than 35. Most of the work is a brand new build to the west of the existing road so I hope they will finish they out and move everyone to it and then do the east side service road. 150th is being widened now with about half done to the west and 164th to the east I believe will be widened within the year so while it will be a giant mess, but I'd rather it all be done at the same time.

The stretch from just south of 150th to north of 178th is already reduced to 35mph. I haven't been north of there since the speed reduction to see how far it goes. I'm betting it will be that way for a while. Let us know what you find out.

For the police, it's guaranteed to be a ticket writing gold mine. ... I plan on avoiding that area as much as I can.

02-05-2015, 10:09 AM
I have a few friends who live around Second Street and May and that is their way to work every day. Five years ago, they couldn't stop complaining about how bad traffic is and how they need to widen it quickly. Now, I am sure they will complain about the construction and traffic.

I also live near that intersection and have been complaining about traffic for a few years. However, I will gladly take inconvenience of about a year of construction to improve the situation. It used to that on days I left at 6:30, I could drive down to 74 and have a relatively smooth drive to Memorial. Lately, it's just as backed up at 6:30 as it used to be at 7:30. I mainly just go down May and get on the Kilpatrick at Memorial. I'd rather pay the toll than deal with the traffic on 74.

My biggest complaint is that the Hefner Parkway no longer seems capable of supporting rush hour traffic. I have to leave 15-30 minutes earlier than I did just a couple of years ago if I want to avoid coming to a stand-still at the Hefner road and NW Expressway interchanges.

02-05-2015, 12:00 PM
Hope this wasn't you plupan.
Man cited going more than 100 mph on Hefner Parkway | (

Plutonic Panda
02-05-2015, 12:15 PM
Hope this wasn't you plupan.
Man cited going more than 100 mph on Hefner Parkway | ( was cited once for doing 110 on the Kilpatrick late at night several years ago in this area. The police officer wrote me a ticket for doing 9 over so it wouldn't go on my record. That's crazy though this made the news. I'm friends with an OPH trooper and he tells me the OHP stops at least 3 people a day in Oklahoma County alone for doing more than 100mph.

Plutonic Panda
02-05-2015, 12:21 PM
Now I haven't done 100 in a long time, but when I got my second car, I was pulled over close to the Arbuckles for doing way over than what his guy was pulled over for and I got a wreckless and he let me on my way. Can't believe they towed his car for that. I've been pulled over multiple times for doing that, but they didn't tow my car. I wonder if it was during rush hour. 99% of my joy rides have been in the middle of the night wih no traffic around, so perhaps they were lenient due to that fact.

Regardless, no one should be going fast in traffic.

02-05-2015, 12:23 PM
Hope this wasn't you plupan.
Man cited going more than 100 mph on Hefner Parkway | (

Maj. Nelson's comment about complaints about speeding during rush hour seems like BS - there is no way you can go more than 30 MPH on the Parkway during morning or evening rush hour, no way at all, it's jammed from 10th pretty much all the way to Hefner... I agree with you, corwin, it's just too full, I use Western in the evenings if I have to leave from work (Reno/Portland) anytime between 4:30-6:00 (I go from the Kilpatrick to 10th in the morning and reverse in the evening).

Plutonic Panda
02-05-2015, 12:25 PM
There is a ton of traffic on I44/Hefner parkway during rush hour. If I had to guess, it's be one of the most congested highways on the metro.

02-05-2015, 12:55 PM
There is a ton of traffic on I44/Hefner parkway during rush hour. If I had to guess, it's be one of the most congested highways on the metro.

That and Broadway/235 are definitely tied for worst congested (during rush hour, at least).

02-05-2015, 02:36 PM
Hope this wasn't you plupan.
Man cited going more than 100 mph on Hefner Parkway | (

In high-performance cars, out on the open road, you can *easily* hit 100 without even thinking about it. My work takes me to a lot of rural areas with two-lane highways. When passing another car on a two-lane highway, I frequently hit close to 110. It shocks me when I look down at the speedometer and see that because it doesn't feel like I'm going near that fast. I don't drive that fast in general, though.

On Hefner Parkway, at least most of the time, I can't see how anyone would be able to go over 100 for more than a few seconds. Too much traffic and/or people hogging the left lane going at or under the speed limit.

02-05-2015, 02:49 PM
I've done 100+ on the Parkway numerous times. It's not hard. Especially on the bike. It may be difficult during peak rush times, but there are plenty of opportunities otherwise.

02-05-2015, 04:07 PM
I've done 100+ on the Parkway numerous times. It's not hard. Especially on the bike. It may be difficult during peak rush times, but there are plenty of opportunities otherwise.

That's extremely dangerous. Especially on a bike. Good luck to you and may the odds be ever in your favor!

Plutonic Panda
02-05-2015, 04:13 PM
That's extremely dangerous. Especially on a bike. Good luck to you and may the odds be ever in your favor!Driving 100MPH is not dangerous. I do not, for the life of me, understand why people in this country always attribute higher speeds to being dangerous. You know why the Autobahn is one of the safest highways in the world? People pay attention. They don't text and drive. The move over for people driving faster than them(no road rage), they use their turn signals. Granted, the Autobahn has a recommended speed limit of 85 and there are occasionally posted speed limits in some parts, but it mainly has to do with the driver.

I'm not going to state how fast I have driven on the highway late at night, but I've extremely fast before and had no problems. I have a ton of tickets, but no accidents. My cousin who "drives safe" and never goes above the speed limit has been in 4 wrecks.

I have not had a bike and quite frankly, I'm waiting until I mature a bit more before I buy a road bike. I have been thinking of getting one next month, but I'm not sure.

PS, I'm not trying to direct anything at you, just to people in general who always point to speed as being the most dangerous thing out there. I've done things before that I've looked back and was thankful I didn't get in a wreck. I rarely speed through traffic anymore. I never speed through school zones or residential areas with children.

Plutonic Panda
02-05-2015, 04:40 PM
This is interesting to.

Car Bibles: Fact vs. Fiction about speeding (

Plutonic Panda
02-05-2015, 04:41 PM
This too.

Speed Limits: Frequently Asked Questions

Q. How should speed limits be set?
A. Traffic engineers maintain that speed limits should be established according to the 85th percentile of free flowing traffic. This means the limit should be set at a level at or under which 85 percent of people are driving. Numerous studies have shown that the 85th percentile is the safest possible level at which to set a speed limit.

Q. What are "realistic" speed laws?
A. According to a pamphlet produced by the Washington State Department of Transportation relating to speed limits, "realistic" speed limits should invite public compliance by conforming to the behavior of the most drivers. This would allow the police to easily separate the serious violators from the reasonable majority.

Q. Isn't slower always safer?
A. No, federal and state studies have consistently shown that the drivers most likely to get into accidents in traffic are those traveling significantly below the average speed. According to research, those driving 10 mph slower than the prevailing speed are more likely to be involved in an accident. That means that if the average speed on an interstate is 70 mph, the person traveling at 60 mph is more likely to be involved in an accident than someone going 70 or even 80 mph.

Q. Wouldn't everyone drive faster if the speed limit was raised?
A. No, the majority of drivers will not go faster than what they feel is comfortable and safe regardless of the speed limit. For example, an 18-month study following an increase in the speed limit along the New York Thruway from 55 to 65 mph, determined that the average speed of traffic, 68 mph, remained the same. Even a national study conducted by Federal Highway Administration also concluded that raising or lowering the speed limit had practically no effect on actual travel speeds.

Q. Don't higher speed limits cause more accidents and traffic fatalities?
A. No, if a speed limit is raised to actually reflect real travel speeds, the new higher limit will make the roads safer. When the majority of traffic is traveling at the same speed, traffic flow improves, and there are fewer accidents. Speed alone is rarely the cause of accidents. Differences in speed are the main problem. Reasonable speed limits help traffic to flow at a safer, more uniform pace.

Q. Aren't most traffic accidents caused by speeding?
A. No, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) claims that 30 percent of all fatal accidents are "speed related," but even this is misleading. This means that in less than a third of the cases, one of the drivers involved in the accident was "assumed" to be exceeding the posted limit. It does not mean that speeding caused the accident. Research conducted by the Florida Department of Transportation showed that the percentage of accidents actually caused by speeding is very low, 2.2 percent.

Q. Aren't our roads more dangerous than ever before?
A. No, our nation's fatality rate (deaths per 100 million vehicle miles traveled) is the lowest it has ever been. The total number of fatalities has also stayed relatively stable for several years. They do occasionally increase, but given that our population and the distance the average person drives are also increasing, this is not surprising, nor is it cause for alarm.

Q. If nobody follows the speed limit, why does it matter that they are underposted?
A. According to a speed-limit brochure published in conjunction with the Michigan State Patrol, inappropriately established speed limits cause drivers to take all traffic signals less seriously. The brochure also points out that unrealistic speed limits create two groups of drivers. Those that try to obey the limit and those that drive at a speed they feel is safe and reasonable. This causes dangerous differences in speed.

Q. Don't lower speed limits save gas?
A. No, research has shown that the 55-mph National Maximum Speed Limit, which was enacted specifically to save gas, had practically no impact on fuel consumption. This is partly because people do not obey artificially lower speed limits. It is also because the differences in travel speeds that result from unreasonable limits waste gas. Most fuel is used to accelerate to a given speed. Speed limits based on actual travel speeds promote better traffic flow, which reduces the amount of braking and accelerating on our roads. This has a positive effect on fuel consumption.
- Speed Limits: Frequently Asked Questions (

02-05-2015, 05:38 PM
That's extremely dangerous. Especially on a bike. Good luck to you and may the odds be ever in your favor!

Cars and trucks handle better and are safer than they've ever been. Tires, brakes, suspension .... are worlds better than they were even 10 years ago. What's dangerous is people. Knowing when and where to get that burst of speed is key. You don't do it with shoddy equipment and you don't do it in congested areas. In most cars today and on just about any bike, hitting 100 takes just a matter of a few seconds.

Isn't it interesting that even though we have maximum speed limits, automobiles continue to be built with the ability to to exceed and in many cases double the century mark?

02-05-2015, 06:42 PM
Was at the meeting, not a whole lot of new info that isn't already known but the contractor wants to be done by feb 2016 which would be great in my opinion. Contract gives him a little longer with heavy incentives for done early or fines if they are not done on time. No scheduled lane closures but they will be switching all the traffic over to the southbound(west) service road mid-late summer. Speed is 35mph 24/7 because they will be working at least 5 days a week, early starts and late ends. There was a police officer with someone pulled over as we were leaving so everyone be warned.

Plutonic Panda
02-05-2015, 06:51 PM
Was at the meeting, not a whole lot of new info that isn't already known but the contractor wants to be done by feb 2016 which would be great in my opinion. Contract gives him a little longer with heavy incentives for done early or fines if they are not done on time. No scheduled lane closures but they will be switching all the traffic over to the southbound(west) service road mid-late summer. Speed is 35mph 24/7 because they will be working at least 5 days a week, early starts and late ends. There was a police officer with someone pulled over as we were leaving so everyone be warned.A year seems like a pretty fast timeline for this. Thanks for the info!

02-05-2015, 07:41 PM
Of course! But I thought so as well seeing all the roads being 4 laned around it have been taking 9 months to a year depending on the weather and this is much more complicated, but most of it is all new and away from the existing roads so they can work freely I guess. The contractor did say they will have 9 or so crews working in different areas most everyday so it shows how quick they can work when it needs to be done fast and you pay for it.

02-05-2015, 07:50 PM
I was cited once for doing 110 on the Kilpatrick late at night several years ago in this area. The police officer wrote me a ticket for doing 9 over so it wouldn't go on my record. That's crazy though this made the news. I'm friends with an OPH trooper and he tells me the OHP stops at least 3 people a day in Oklahoma County alone for doing more than 100mph.

That police officer should be fired.

Plutonic Panda
02-05-2015, 08:55 PM
That police officer should be fired.That's just like, your opinion dude. If it were me, I'd commend that officer and treat him to lunch.

02-05-2015, 09:26 PM

?It?s definitely time and definitely overdue,? Oklahoma breaks ground on $34 million project | (

02-05-2015, 09:28 PM
That police officer should be fired.

Officer discretion.

Plutonic Panda
02-05-2015, 09:39 PM
Maybe I missed it, but would 164th also be an interchange or an intersection?

02-07-2015, 12:48 AM
100 MPH Crash | MythBusters | Discovery (

Interesting video on the effects of a dead-on car wreck at 50 MPH vs 100 MPH.

Accidents are more likely to happen at a higher speed and thus any wreck at that speed would be pretty devastating. Double the 'dangerous'. I've seen enough dead motorcyclists on the road for a 22 years on this Earth.

But hey that's me. I don't really care for the moral or legal justifications of what the speed limit should be, because like most people, I don't exactly adhere to those little white signs either. Haha.

And apparently no one has watched the Hunger Games movies either. I thought some might catch the end of my post. Lol.

02-09-2015, 11:37 AM
Back on topic. Who was the idiot that decided a 4-way stop was a good idea at 150th and 74? Why is that there? how long will it be there????

02-09-2015, 11:43 AM
Back on topic. Who was the idiot that decided a 4-way stop was a good idea at 150th and 74? Why is that there? how long will it be there????

No one was an idiot. It was a great idea 15 years ago before everyone decided they wanted a new house in Edmond and Deer Creek.

Only 1 and a half more years until the 4-way stop is gone and a full blown highway interchange takes its place.

Edit: Unless your talking about the signals being gone? I haven't been through this area in a week so I don't know what they have been doing.

02-09-2015, 12:07 PM
I was at the meeting and while they didn't mention the 4 way stop they did say any traffic inconveniences would be reported on ODOTs web site or twitter account before hand(which it was) and everything would be done as quickly as possible. Not the best situation but if it means the difference between two years of slow construction vs a year with some things like this I would rather have the latter.

02-09-2015, 12:18 PM
Traffic signals are turned off with stop signs in place. Seems unnecessary to me since the actual work is taking place just to the west of highway 74.

02-09-2015, 12:26 PM
I dunno, I drove by about 30 minutes ago and they had 3 or 4 utility crews working on multiple sides of the intersection. The contractor did say they would begin the widening of 150th this week, so I assume this is related to the fact they are about the 4 lane everything there on both sides of Portland.

02-09-2015, 03:07 PM
Any bets on which will get done first? ... The hwy 74 project or Western between 164th and 178h? ... :)

02-09-2015, 03:11 PM
Any bets on which will get done first? ... The hwy 74 project or Western between 164th and 178h? ... :)

haha, I'm laughing but 74 isn't a bad bet

02-09-2015, 08:46 PM
So anyone know if past 164th if they are going to keep it limited access or are they going to leave the intersections. They should definitely make it limited access all they way to Waterloo. It would be nice if the kept the west alignment all the way too, so Portland would stay a normal road, but I think this is way too forward thinking for ODOT.

Also, are there any plans to tie this in to the turnpike better? You should be able to go any direction on the turnpike or SH74 without getting off and going through the lights.

As for the made up construction zones with way too low speed limits. I was rear ended in one such zone when the police decided to turn it into a massive speed trap. The area hadn't been under construction for 4 months, but was a 2 mile stretch between two other construction area. I saw a lot of other accidents in that zone during the week long speed trap, none any other time.

Edit: Oklahoma is also the worst start with construction zones. Kansas merges you, puts up a concrete wall then lets you drive a reasonable speed. Other states pull down the construction speed limit signs as soon as construction is over, Oklahoma leaves them up for months or like now puts them up away from the actually construction.

Plutonic Panda
02-13-2015, 09:04 PM
So anyone know if past 164th if they are going to keep it limited access or are they going to leave the intersections. They should definitely make it limited access all they way to Waterloo. It would be nice if the kept the west alignment all the way too, so Portland would stay a normal road, but I think this is way too forward thinking for ODOT.

Also, are there any plans to tie this in to the turnpike better? You should be able to go any direction on the turnpike or SH74 without getting off and going through the lights.

As for the made up construction zones with way too low speed limits. I was rear ended in one such zone when the police decided to turn it into a massive speed trap. The area hadn't been under construction for 4 months, but was a 2 mile stretch between two other construction area. I saw a lot of other accidents in that zone during the week long speed trap, none any other time.

Edit: Oklahoma is also the worst start with construction zones. Kansas merges you, puts up a concrete wall then lets you drive a reasonable speed. Other states pull down the construction speed limit signs as soon as construction is over, Oklahoma leaves them up for months or like now puts them up away from the actually construction.
It's going to be intersection for now. :(

Plutonic Panda
02-13-2015, 09:05 PM
Sorry about the over sized picture. I'm too lazy to convert it to smaller right now.

Plutonic Panda
02-13-2015, 09:07 PM

02-13-2015, 10:15 PM
So anyone know if past 164th if they are going to keep it limited access or are they going to leave the intersections. They should definitely make it limited access all they way to Waterloo. It would be nice if the kept the west alignment all the way too, so Portland would stay a normal road, but I think this is way too forward thinking for ODOT.

Also, are there any plans to tie this in to the turnpike better? You should be able to go any direction on the turnpike or SH74 without getting off and going through the lights.

As for the made up construction zones with way too low speed limits. I was rear ended in one such zone when the police decided to turn it into a massive speed trap. The area hadn't been under construction for 4 months, but was a 2 mile stretch between two other construction area. I saw a lot of other accidents in that zone during the week long speed trap, none any other time.

Edit: Oklahoma is also the worst start with construction zones. Kansas merges you, puts up a concrete wall then lets you drive a reasonable speed. Other states pull down the construction speed limit signs as soon as construction is over, Oklahoma leaves them up for months or like now puts them up away from the actually construction.
In oklahoma

Blow a red light? No big deal, you were in a hurry and don't have time to stop.
Go 2mph over the speed limit in a construction zone that's been finished for 3 months? Jail, not really but I did get a ticket. Took it to court and got it dismissed.

Richard at Remax
02-18-2015, 08:18 AM
Its alarming how many drivers ive seen run red lights lately

02-18-2015, 08:35 AM
Go 2mph over the speed limit in a construction zone that's been finished for 3 months? Jail,

This is a pet peeve of mine. They start closing lanes well before the construction begins. I've come across those light up signs that tell you that it's narrowing to one lane up ahead and ten miles later, it still hasn't narrowed. Which causes undue congestion as many people begin to get over when they see the sign. Then they narrow down to one lane 5 miles early and when you pass the construction there's only about 100 feet of construciton going on. But it continues to be one lane for 5 more miles past the construction. And then, when the construction is completed, they don't come and take away the pilons, clean up the area and reopen the lanes in a timely manner.

02-18-2015, 08:44 AM
No offense guys, but some of you are pretty ignorant in regards to highway and road construction. First, guys just don't go slap pylons up when they're working and then take them down. Work zone traffic safety plans are researched and designed by specialty subcontractors specifically for jobs and situations. Then take into account variables that occur during construction, and it just doesn't make logical sense to mobilize a traffic safety sub multiple times just because there might be a reason for a stoppage. You may look and think work is done, but often there are reasons why the work zone is still up (typically because THE PROJECT ISN'T COMPLETE).

Trust me, OCPD isn't conspiring with road contractors on where to set up work zones.

02-18-2015, 08:55 AM
Thank you! I've noticed they often go above and beyond what some seem necessary for a reason and that is people don't pay attention and end up injuring or killing someone and then its anyone but their fault on why it happened. I drive this stretch almost everyday and there is almost always someone pulled over and there is always someone riding my ass for going 35. Adds on about 3 or 4 extra minutes to the trip which is fine by me.

02-19-2015, 10:36 AM
No offense guys, but some of you are pretty ignorant in regards to highway and road construction. First, guys just don't go slap pylons up when they're working and then take them down. Work zone traffic safety plans are researched and designed by specialty subcontractors specifically for jobs and situations. Then take into account variables that occur during construction, and it just doesn't make logical sense to mobilize a traffic safety sub multiple times just because there might be a reason for a stoppage. You may look and think work is done, but often there are reasons why the work zone is still up (typically because THE PROJECT ISN'T COMPLETE).

Trust me, OCPD isn't conspiring with road contractors on where to set up work zones.

OCPD may not be conspiring, but the contractors are failing on their job to remove things in a timely manner, and OCPD may have been capitalizing on this laxness. I have personally witnessed at least 4 projects that were complete, yet the signs/barriers stayed up for months longer than they should've (the NW 164th/Penn/May/Western area). I know they were physically completed, with no more work to be done (everything was striped, resurfaced, there was literally nothing more that could be done), because I drove by/through them every day until they took the barriers down.

02-19-2015, 03:05 PM
All I'm saying is, that while work "looks" completed, it may not always be the case. You could place some partial blame on the city for that, final inspections have to be signed off on and those aren't always done in a swift manner.

02-19-2015, 09:15 PM
No offense guys, but some of you are pretty ignorant in regards to highway and road construction. First, guys just don't go slap pylons up when they're working and then take them down. Work zone traffic safety plans are researched and designed by specialty subcontractors specifically for jobs and situations. Then take into account variables that occur during construction, and it just doesn't make logical sense to mobilize a traffic safety sub multiple times just because there might be a reason for a stoppage. You may look and think work is done, but often there are reasons why the work zone is still up (typically because THE PROJECT ISN'T COMPLETE).

Trust me, OCPD isn't conspiring with road contractors on where to set up work zones.

I understand what you are saying. A lot of times the project isn't fully complete, but a lot of times it is. Either way, Oklahoma is much worse about removing construction zones at the end of the project. Either because they take forever to fully sign everything off, or because they just forget to pick up the cones.

Other states also use much more dynamic construction zones, where Oklahoma likes to set up the zone one time for the full length that will ever bee touched.

C. B.
02-24-2015, 11:31 AM
Thanks for the posting the image. I live west of the intersection at 164th so I'm interested in this project. Am I reading the plan correctly that "Eastbound 164th wanting to head South 74" will not have an on-ramp prior to 150th? Is that the intention that you won't be able to get on until passing Crossings? Thanks.

02-24-2015, 11:39 AM
Thanks for the posting the image. I live west of the intersection at 164th so I'm interested in this project. Am I reading the plan correctly that "Eastbound 164th wanting to head South 74" will not have an on-ramp prior to 150th? Is that the intention that you won't be able to get on until passing Crossings? Thanks.

Uncertain, but I think it means that you can access the highway from 164th but not from the access road until you pass 150th.

02-24-2015, 11:42 AM
Thanks for the posting the image. I live west of the intersection at 164th so I'm interested in this project. Am I reading the plan correctly that "Eastbound 164th wanting to head South 74" will not have an on-ramp prior to 150th? Is that the intention that you won't be able to get on until passing Crossings? Thanks.

Boy thats really bad design if that's the case. I'm wondering if there is an on ramp mixed in closer to the actual intersection that you just can't see because of the proximity of so many yellow lines?

02-24-2015, 11:57 AM
There will be direct access because 164th and Hw74 will be an intersection. You will just go and turn onto it if I believe I understand what you are asking?

Plutonic Panda
02-24-2015, 12:50 PM
Thanks for the posting the image. I live west of the intersection at 164th so I'm interested in this project. Am I reading the plan correctly that "Eastbound 164th wanting to head South 74" will not have an on-ramp prior to 150th? Is that the intention that you won't be able to get on until passing Crossings? Thanks.164th will be a traditional intersection not an interchange. The you can access the service roads from 164th or use the off ramp at NW150th and SH74.

C. B.
02-24-2015, 01:45 PM
164th will be a traditional intersection not an interchange. The you can access the service roads from 164th or use the off ramp at NW150th and SH74.

Ah, I see what you mean. Thanks.
I guess I was looking further into the future when the next phase is done & 164th becomes an interchange. Hopefully then, there will be an on ramp closer to the interchange without having to travel over a mile down the frontage road.

Plutonic Panda
02-24-2015, 02:17 PM
Ah, I see what you mean. Thanks.
I guess I was looking further into the future when the next phase is done & 164th becomes an interchange. Hopefully then, there will be an on ramp closer to the interchange without having to travel over a mile down the frontage road.Yeah, I'm almost certain when they do turn it into an interchange, it will have north and south on/off ramps.

09-07-2015, 07:12 PM
I noticed that they are finally starting to lay asphalt (sigh). It looks like they are doing it correctly on the long straight stretches. They are putting down nearly a foot of base material then laying the asphalt. UNFORTUNATELY, I don't understand whatsoever what they are doing where the asphalt meets the existing road north of NW 164th. They have just compacted the clay soil and are laying multiple layers of asphalt directly on that. Do they not have any geoengineers working with them? Do they not understand the properties of clay? You can compact it when it is dry, but the moment water gets in there, it squishes like jelly. You cannot compact it. Within a year or two, I wouldn't be surprised to see that new surface rutted like the old road is now and filled with various potholes. That road gets a lot of heavy trucks down it. Not good....