11-10-2014, 05:36 PM
Didn't go very often but hate to lose this place
View Full Version : Raven (formerly VZD's) Easy180 11-10-2014, 05:36 PM Didn't go very often but hate to lose this place http://m.newsok.com/landmark-okc-restaurant-and-club-closes-doors/article/5365493 Pete 11-10-2014, 05:43 PM Ah, bummer! At 38 years, that's an exceptionally long run. Mel 11-10-2014, 07:25 PM Real bummer. Haven't been there in awhile but had some fun times. Have they posted a reason? Paseofreak 11-10-2014, 07:33 PM $50,000 plus I unpaid taxes of various types. Owner cited health issues as well. Libbymin 11-10-2014, 07:38 PM Shame. I've seen lots of good shows there. But the Tax Commission doesn't screw around when it comes to unpaid taxes. Pete 11-10-2014, 07:39 PM I had my first (legal) mixed drink there the day I turned 21 -- saw many music acts there as well. Sad to see it go. Mel 11-10-2014, 07:40 PM $50,000 plus I unpaid taxes of various types. Owner cited health issues as well. Thank you for the info. Hate to lose a touchstone like that. Everybody has a VZD's story or two. Urbanized 11-10-2014, 07:47 PM Chad's working with someone to take over the brand/concept/space. Might not be the end for the brand. It is as far as Chad's ownership though. Easy180 11-10-2014, 07:59 PM You would think there is still money to be made at that place. Buddy was just there Fri night and said it was packed. Rover 11-10-2014, 08:12 PM And the Veazey Drug Store history goes much deeper than the bar. GaryOKC6 11-10-2014, 08:28 PM $50,000 plus I unpaid taxes of various types. Owner cited health issues as well. It is not the first time they have been closed for taxes. In the early 1990.s The tax commission locked the doors for unpaid taxes. Bob Sullivan (he owns the building) took it over and opened it up until it was sold to new owners. Like Pete I had my firs mixed drink there except I had a fake id. I live in the neighborhood and have gone there since the 70's. I have seen it change hands several times for various reasons. I don't think it will be closed for long. PhiAlpha 11-11-2014, 08:14 AM Chad's working with someone to take over the brand/concept/space. Might not be the end for the brand. It is as far as Chad's ownership though. I know a group that is discussing this as well. Might be the same group, but if not, I'm glad that it's generating so much interest this quickly! Urbanized 11-11-2014, 08:28 AM I can't imagine the space stays empty for long. I hope the brand carries on, not just for its own history but also for its nod to OKC history and specifically Veazey's Drug. The menu was also pretty bulletproof for a lot of years. I would hate to see that change in favor of something chain-y, for instance. Just bummed for Chad, who put so much money and effort into it over the years. Also a little bit concerned about some of the decor and such. I know when Makers closed the OTC forced an auction of EVERYTHING. There are some elements of VZD's that really should never leave that building. bombermwc 11-11-2014, 08:29 AM That's a shame, it was a nice place to hang out without being trashy. I can't imagine why they wouldn't pay taxes with the volume of business that went through there though....weird. Uptowner 11-11-2014, 09:00 AM If you've made a premeditated decision your going to shut and liquidize the LLC. Might as well drain the bank account and stiff the tax man. There is a bond on OTC liquor licenses so they'll get paid anyway. The bond has, after decades of payments, probably been paid 10 times over. Bullbear 11-11-2014, 09:40 AM I was talking about this last night with someone close to the establishment. it is very sad to see them close down and have seen many great shows there. health problems were a factor but fact is the smoking ordinance really hurt them. going non smoking dropped their business considerably and they couldn't compete with bars and clubs in the area who didn't have to prohibit smoking. they were fine with going non-smoking but would have rather it been all bars to have an even playing frield since they did so much "club" business besides just food. but regardless I am sad to see it close its doors. Libbymin 11-11-2014, 11:42 AM I was talking about this last night with someone close to the establishment. it is very sad to see them close down and have seen many great shows there. health problems were a factor but fact is the smoking ordinance really hurt them. going non smoking dropped their business considerably and they couldn't compete with bars and clubs in the area who didn't have to prohibit smoking. they were fine with going non-smoking but would have rather it been all bars to have an even playing frield since they did so much "club" business besides just food. but regardless I am sad to see it close its doors. I'm sad to see them close their doors as well, but it seems to me that they didn't do much in the way of adapting their business to the new non-smoking laws. I guess part of the charm of that place is the fact that it's the same as it was when I was younger, but when the business and legal environment changes, you have to find a way to change too. My understanding is that ALL bars will be non-smoking at some point in Oklahoma. It's not a matter of "if" but "when". So to a certain extent, there will be a more even playing field. Hopefully they can get on a payment plan with the OTC. Most tax agencies will let you set up something like that. The question is, did they let it go too far in the collections stage that the OTC is unwilling to entertain the idea of paying in installments. Bullbear 11-11-2014, 12:01 PM Everyone is STILL waiting on that non smoking in all bars.. its fails every year. Urbanized 11-11-2014, 02:22 PM Chad spelled out the factors in a post on FB, which is how pretty much most of his friends, acquaintances and venue regulars found out about the closure, before the stories ran. According to his posts, in addition to the decline in business due to the smoking legislation he also was hit with 6 digit expenses related to ADA litigation and resultant building retrofits. He also mentioned the illness he experienced some time back, which was very legitimate and rallied his friends at the time. He just went through a rough patch, and I can only surmise he was robbing Peter to pay Paul to make ends meet, which is unfortunately not an uncommon band-aid in that business when they have fallen on rough times. Unless you have been close to a situation like that it's difficult to appreciate. Not everyone has heavy capital to draw on - especially those who are not a part of a larger group - and a good left hook from the world can be a knockout. Regarding the smoking legislation, I think it hurt VZD's primarily because they operated more like a venue on weekends/evenings and were more dependent on bar business than a normal restaurant. Yes, they had great lunch/brunch business and early dinner business, but at night they were essentially a non-smoking bar with smoking venues like Sipango and Cock O' The Walk right down the street. Once someone popped across the street to smoke or a group agreed to go down the street to meet smoking friends, they were lost for the night. ljbab728 11-11-2014, 11:41 PM Oklahoma Tax Commission shuts down beloved local bar | KFOR.com (http://kfor.com/2014/11/11/oklahoma-tax-commission-shuts-down-beloved-local-bar/) HangryHippo 11-12-2014, 11:37 AM I saw the worst live music ever at VZD's. I also had one of the finest cocktails I've ever tasted here. So, here's hoping it survives in some way because it's never bland at VZD's. td25er 11-12-2014, 12:37 PM I don't understand smokers. "Yeah let's pay ridiculously high prices to smell bad and slowly kill ourselves." Bullbear 11-12-2014, 12:44 PM all of my friends who smoke support the no smoking in Bars concept oddly enough. Pete 11-12-2014, 12:55 PM Oklahoma needs to get with the majority of the rest of the country and western Europe and just ban smoking altogether from bars and restaurants, then everyone is playing on a levle field. All the studies show that after a period of adjustment, business goes up as a result. In this day and age, it's hard to imagine an enclosed bar (or any public space) that still allows people to smoke. Bullbear 11-12-2014, 12:58 PM Oklahoma needs to get with the majority of the rest of the country and western Europe and just ban smoking altogether from bars and restaurants, then everyone is playing on a levle field. All the studies show that after a period of adjustment, business goes up as a result. In this day and age, it's hard to imagine an enclosed bar (or any public space) that still allows people to smoke. 100% agree.. when we have visitors from out of state they always say.. " eww you can smoke in bars".. we are really behind the curve bchris02 11-12-2014, 01:04 PM I don't understand smokers. "Yeah let's pay ridiculously high prices to smell bad and slowly kill ourselves." I was a pack-a-day smoker until last year. It's something never-smokers don't understand but it is one of the most addicting things and it is actually very enjoyable. Also when you are a smoker you don't notice the smell. From the perspective of a smoker getting that nicotine buzz is worth the health risks. I think the social stigma though is slowly but surely pushing more younger people to quit. They say if you quit by the time you hit 30, your chances of lung cancer isn't much higher than non-smokers. Now that I have quit I hate going to smoking bars. I wonder at what point bar owners will go non-smoking on their own. I would think we are getting to a point where smoking pushes away potential customers more than it attracts. Most smokers have no problem going out on the patio for a cigarette, but most non-smokers can't stand to be in a smoke-filled bar. Pete 11-12-2014, 01:07 PM You can't imagine how hard it is to come from a place where you are literally never around smoke, to somewhere like Oklahoma where people are smoking all over the place. It's not only disgusting, it contributes to a culture where smoking is much more socially acceptable and thus smoking rates stay higher. Not surprisingly, OK has one of the highest smoking rates in the country. The impact on the healthcare system is enormous, both in terms of tax dollars and higher insurance premiums. California was one of the first places to ban it and there was certainly an adjustment period, especially with the Hollywood crowd. But it didn't take long for all that to change and even among my actor / production friends, there is very little smoking. That changed pretty darn quickly. I worked for a music company and also consulted for several movie studios and right before the bar/restaurant ban, people would even smoke in their private offices, even though it was against the law. Was always a part of the culture in the biz. I had a boss who smoked in her office and I'd have to sit in meetings with her while she puffed away. After the ban, all that stopped. The culture just shifted. Same exact thing with talking on the phone and texting while driving. Once the law changed, you had more to fear from people who would honk and yell at you than from the police. bchris02 11-12-2014, 01:14 PM You can't imagine how hard it is to come from a place where you are literally never around smoke, to somewhere like Oklahoma where people are smoking all over the place. North Carolina banned smoking in bars and restaurants in 2009, so pretty recently compared to a lot of states. Being a heavy smoker at the time I was pretty ticked about it, but after a few months I got used to it and it made nights out a lot more enjoyable for everyone. I did notice the culture start to shift at that point and smoking suddenly became much less acceptable. Rover 11-12-2014, 01:49 PM Most smokers have no problem going out on the patio for a cigarette, but most non-smokers can't stand to be in a smoke-filled bar. Smoking on patios and outside the front door, etc. is still pretty offensive. There is nothing like having to go through a half dozen smokers smoking at the front door of a restaurant just to get in. And one of the reasons to want to sit outdoors is to enjoy the fresh air, not to smell 2nd hand smoke. It is disgusting. Can't wait for Oklahoma to catch up. Just an observation, but after spending the last month in NYC, all the millennial hangouts seemed populated with smokers. Is that a new sign of millennial "independence"? Maybe it was just where I went. Jeepnokc 11-12-2014, 01:55 PM I am a little torn on this issue. I do not smoke cigarettes but do smoke an occasional cigar. I have no issue with non smoking bars (and actually prefer a non smoking bar most of the time) but do not think that there should be a state ban that would prohibit all indoor smoking which would include cigar (or even hookah) bars. By cigar bars... a place designed for and marketed for cigar smoking...not just a bar that allows cigar smoking. As I am the type that won't light up a cigar if there is anyone remotely around me that isn't smoking and would have to smell the smoke, I like having a designated cigar bar to enjoy a glass of scotch and smoke a nice Padron. If there are enough people to support that type of establishment, then one should be allowed to operate. (if we are going to argue public health/safety....then all bars should be closed as alcohol is bad for health and public safety (DUI)) The smoking ban wasn't the only reason VZDs closed according to statements on here attributed to their facebook page... " he also was hit with 6 digit expenses related to ADA litigation and resultant building retrofits" along with some health issues. There have been several successful bars that have opened or changed policies not allowing indoor smoking. So Fine, Mule, Granddads, Saints, Skinny Slims, Doll House. bchris02 11-12-2014, 02:03 PM I agree. There definitely needs to be an exception for cigar and hookah bars if a smoking ban is ever put into place. Pete 11-12-2014, 02:07 PM There are cigar bars/lounges in California. Not sure how they work, but they are around. And the point about pushing smokers out to the outdoor space is a good one. Most places gradually banned smoking on the patios as well, and the laws here require smokers to stay a fair distance from any doors. Rajah 11-12-2014, 02:09 PM I love the Sauced patio but in the evening it is so smokey I would almost rather just grab my pizza and walk back home. I have on a couple occasions. bchris02 11-12-2014, 02:10 PM I love the Sauced patio but in the evening it is so smokey I would almost rather just grab my pizza and walk back home. I have on a couple occasions. Likewise with the aLoft upstairs patio. Jeepnokc 11-12-2014, 02:14 PM There are cigar bars/lounges in California. Not sure how they work, but they are around. And the point about pushing smokers out to the outdoor space is a good one. Most places gradually banned smoking on the patios as well, and the laws here require smokers to stay a fair distance from any doors. That is a good point. They should be away from the door or it defeats the purpose. There were a couple of places I was at this year that didn't allow cigar bars as they banned all indoor smoking. I think they were Philadelphia and New Hampshire. I am not positive, but I do not think you can even smoke a cigar inside a cigar shop lounge in Washington Pete 11-12-2014, 05:07 PM BTW -- and I know we are off subject -- Oklahoma not only allows smoking in bars and restaurants, it also has legislation that specifically bars cities from imposing stricter standards. Just another crazy bit of hypocrisy from our state legislature, where they scream about allowing states to make their own decisions, then remove those same rights from cities. I know for a while Wisconsin had no state-wide ban but Madison made their own law. After their ban went so well, Milwaukee then followed suit and then the whole state eventually changed over. So, Oklahoma is going out of it's way to try and nip this movement in the bud, and thus further driving the health of the state to the very bottom of the country. And yes, I know some places are volunteering to go smoke free but the movement really only takes hold when everyone participates, and thus has a meaningful impact on smoking rates. Mel 11-12-2014, 05:14 PM I wonder how much tobacco lobbyists spend in OK? Wishbone 11-13-2014, 07:20 AM I had 3 people in front of me on the way home yesterday throw their cigs out the car window. One of them landed on my hood. Why do smokers not think this is littering??? Roger S 11-13-2014, 07:26 AM I had 3 people in front of me on the way home yesterday throw their cigs out the car window. One of them landed on my hood. Why do smokers not think this is littering??? Argh.... Don't even get me started on this topic.... To put it bluntly I think tossing a cigarette out of a car window should be a capital offense... Forget the fines... forget jail time... Just go ahead and do what the idiots are doing to themselves... Just at a little faster pace. Urbanized 11-13-2014, 07:41 AM Ironically the reason so many people do that these days is because it has become socially unacceptable to have an ash tray full of butts in your car... IanMcDermid 11-13-2014, 08:01 AM Ironically the reason so many people do that these days is because it has become socially unacceptable to have an ash tray full of butts in your car... When was the last time some one made a car with an ashtray?? I quit a year ago and haven't been sick a day since vs working at the fry and taking antibiotic 4 times a year for bronchitis. The Pump will be non inside and bathrooms and smoking on the covered and non covered patio. The covered patio will have conditioned air and table service. I tried to make the best of both worlds. Not everyone will be happy. But when does that EVER happen? Roger S 11-13-2014, 08:18 AM .... Not everyone will be happy. But when does that EVER happen? In the service industry?.... HA! NEVER! :wink: Urbanized 11-13-2014, 08:57 AM True story indeed... RadicalModerate 11-13-2014, 09:32 AM I only went to VZD's one time . . . But I loved it. (My daughter was in a band that played there.) I never drove by there that I didn't have the urge to stop in for a few minutes. Just never did. I really wanted to try one of their burgers . . . oh well . . . another one bites the dust . . . Jersey Boss 11-13-2014, 09:52 AM I know that I don't get out that much, but does Oklahoma still allow smoking in restaurants? I was under the impression that even the alternative ventilated rooms were prohibited. I have not smelled smoking in an Oklahoma restaurant in quite some time. FighttheGoodFight 11-13-2014, 10:06 AM I know that I don't get out that much, but does Oklahoma still allow smoking in restaurants? I was under the impression that even the alternative ventilated rooms were prohibited. I have not smelled smoking in an Oklahoma restaurant in quite some time. I believe if it has a separate room at is not more than 25% of the building and ventilated then you can have a smoking area. List of smoking bans in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_smoking_bans_in_the_United_States#.C2.A0Ok lahoma) Pete 11-13-2014, 10:09 AM You can either have a separately ventilated room OR if your patrons are all over 21 smoking is allowed in restaurants. So, in places like the Fox & Hound and Baker Street people are smoking all over the place without restriction. Jersey Boss 11-13-2014, 10:14 AM Thanks for the info, FGF. With the state only addressing indoor areas and the ban on local entities from imposing additional restrictions than the state, I wonder as to how legally OU can restrict smoking in the stadium which is outside. It would seem that they are a state entity and exceeding what other state entities can do. Pete 11-13-2014, 10:32 AM ^ OU, OSU, OCU and UCO -- as well as most public schools and other universities -- have complete bans on their campuses. That includes everywhere: dorm rooms, office, car or any open space. And it applies to everyone, including visitors. I believe the legislation says municipalities can't impose restrictions but that wouldn't affect entities like schools, businesses and restaurants to set their own policies. windowphobe 11-13-2014, 05:29 PM When was the last time some one made a car with an ashtray?? Porsche's new Macan has an optional Smokers Package; it's the only Porsche option I know of that costs $0, so I suspect at least some dealers will add it to the ten or twenty grand worth of extras they usually tack on. Snowman 11-14-2014, 04:43 AM There are cigar bars/lounges in California. Not sure how they work, but they are around. And the point about pushing smokers out to the outdoor space is a good one. Most places gradually banned smoking on the patios as well, and the laws here require smokers to stay a fair distance from any doors. The law here is at least 25 feet from a door, however you still see a ton of people do it standing right at them or light up in large crowds just exiting the doors from a large event. Urbanized 11-14-2014, 08:06 AM I hear now that Chad might be working with various interests that might come in as partners and help him dig out, which would be great news if true. Apparently more than one prominent local got in touch with him immediately following the news, ready to pony up. Says a lot about how much the community values the restaurant and what he has done over the years. Libbymin 11-14-2014, 04:43 PM I hear now that Chad might be working with various interests that might come in as partners and help him dig out, which would be great news if true. Apparently more than one prominent local got in touch with him immediately following the news, ready to pony up. Says a lot about how much the community values the restaurant and what he has done over the years. I had heard something similar from someone else actually. This is coming from a friend of a friend type of source so you can take this with a grain of salt, but I've heard that the financial situation may be a bit more FUBAR than the article indicated. I certainly hope someone can step in and help them out but it may be too much of a mess. I've heard the place next door has already had a steep drop off in business which is also very unfortunate. Questor 11-15-2014, 11:00 AM Its amazing how slowly things of this nature change here. I completely refuse to spend money at places that allow smoking of any kind. Clearly that hasn't had much impact... I don't know if that's because other non-smokers just keep going to these places anyway, or if there are just so many smokers in Oklahoma it doesn't matter. Yes, really crazy that the state passes laws taking local rights away from cities. It's not surprising or unprecedented though; Oklahoma has a long history in restricting the rights of its individual cities. Sad about VZDs. Hopefully they can get something figured out. OKCRT 11-15-2014, 12:29 PM They need to allow smokers if they want to make it in this city. That's just the way it is. People go to bars/casinos and want to smoke and spend money. That is fact. They need some powerful exhaust fans to suck the smoke out. Putting up a non smoking sign on your door will kill a bar. Bullbear 11-15-2014, 01:06 PM They need to allow smokers if they want to make it in this city. That's just the way it is. People go to bars/casinos and want to smoke and spend money. That is fact. They need some powerful exhaust fans to suck the smoke out. Putting up a non smoking sign on your door will kill a bar. First off they cannot allow smoking at VZD's it wasn't a choice they made it's the alw. 2nd you don't have to allow smoking if you want to make it in this city. there are plenty of successfull businesses who do not allow it and they are doing just fine. Urbanized 11-15-2014, 03:03 PM ^^^^^^ Agreed on all counts. Honestly I don't think you would hear that being trotted out as a reason in this particular case if only: VZD's didn't have the longstanding character of a bar/venue vs. restaurant after 5 AND They weren't so closely proximate to places like Cock o' the Walk, Sipango, Speakeasy and Edna's. I suspect they just saw their bar business regularly siphoned off by those places after the law change, and it stuck in their craw. IanMcDermid 11-15-2014, 08:41 PM Porsche's new Macan has an optional Smokers Package; it's the only Porsche option I know of that costs $0, so I suspect at least some dealers will add it to the ten or twenty grand worth of extras they usually tack on. Yeah I ticked that option on my 2005 Mini Cooper order. It was an ashtray that fit inside the cup holder and a lighter inside the "phone charger." :) Prunepicker 11-15-2014, 09:40 PM Real bummer. Haven't been there in awhile but had some fun times. Have they posted a reason? I gigged there in the 80's. Sorry to hear it's closing. RadicalModerate 11-15-2014, 10:22 PM ^^^^^^ Agreed on all counts. Honestly I don't think you would hear that being trotted out as a reason in this particular case if only: VZD's didn't have the longstanding character of a bar/venue vs. restaurant after 5 AND They weren't so closely proximate to places like Cock o' the Walk, Sipango, Speakeasy and Edna's. I suspect they just saw their bar business regularly siphoned off by those places after the law change, and it stuck in their craw. I will freely admit that I rarely go out to bars. I spent a good portion of the late 70's and early 80's hanging out in them and they don't have much attraction for me anymore. Having said that, the only bar I can think of that I've been to in the last few years that allowed smoking was Baker Street up on Memorial. I'm also aware of WSKY as a place to enjoy a drink and a good cigar, but haven't been there yet. Do a lot of bars actually still allow smoking? If so, color me surprised. btw: I'm not opposed to smoking in the right context. (the glass of Bushmill's is out of the shot behind my hand) https://scontent-a-dfw.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xap1/v/t1.0-9/1459767_606522599395009_455381604_n.jpg?oh=c3ac9ee 0eef2ba92f2dfae510f53e4c1&oe=55202F19 |