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11-15-2014, 10:52 PM
I will freely admit that I rarely go out to bars. I spent a good portion of the late 70's and early 80's hanging out in them and they don't have much attraction for me anymore. Having said that, the only bar I can think of that I've been to in the last few years that allowed smoking was Baker Street up on Memorial. I'm also aware of WSKY as a place to enjoy a drink and a good cigar, but haven't been there yet. Do a lot of bars actually still allow smoking? If so, color me surprised.

btw: I'm not opposed to smoking in the right context. (the glass of Bushmill's is out of the shot behind my hand) 0eef2ba92f2dfae510f53e4c1&oe=55202F19

Come by the office and share one on the balcony with me and my own personal stock of Jack Single Barrel. (I bought the barrel so it really is my own stock)

11-15-2014, 11:16 PM
Come by the office and share one on the balcony with me and my own personal stock of Jack Single Barrel. (I bought the barrel so it really is my own stock)

When the weather warms up in a few months I just might take you up on that kind offer. =)
On the other hand, a double shot of Jack, neat (or maybe with three ice cubes), a good cigar and a space heater . . .
Nearly Priceless whatever the season. =)

One of Life's Simple Pleasures.
(especially if you don't have any anti-tobacco Nazis nagging in the background =)

11-15-2014, 11:23 PM
When the weather warms up in a few months I just might take you up on that kind offer. =)
On the other hand, a double shot of Jack, neat (or maybe with three ice cubes), a good cigar and a space heater . . .
Nearly Priceless whatever the season. =)

One of Life's Simple Pleasures.
(especially if you don't have any anti-tobacco Nazis nagging in the background =)

We can always sit in the empty retail space. View sucks but its warm and no issue smoking....I have an in with owner

11-16-2014, 09:03 AM
Off the top of my mind places that allow smoking in an inside space within the near-NW "bubble" around VZD's: Sipango, Cock o' the Walk, Edna's, Junior's, Henry Hudson's, Cousins, Speakeasy, Blue Note, The Other Room, Red Rooster, McNellie's (upstairs), Cookie's. I'm sure there are others; those are just the ones I can think of easily. And by "allow smoking" in most cases I mean the smoke is fairly oppressive and you can be guaranteed to smell like a dirty ashtray upon departure.

Around here at least, smoking is still "a thing."

11-16-2014, 09:26 AM
I really had no idea that indoor smoking was still that common around here. I remember seeing a No Smoking sign on a bowling alley many years ago and thought, "Dang. I can't imagine bowling without tobacco." (not that I was actually a bowler, it just seemed like bowling alleys were the last bastion of bad habits.)

Over the years, I've gotten used to recusing myself to the "Rosa Parks" areas outside of just about everywhere we go if I feel the urge to light up. Ain't no thang . . . doncha know. In fact, in general, I try not to allow my personal vice to trespass on other's airspace. What cracks me up are those wimps who might be twenty feet from you and give those lame little coughs as if just seeing someone enjoying a cigarette is killing them. Never mind all the auto exhaust and asbestos from brake linings and deconstructed buildings that is still wafting around.

btw: for years I've wondered: is it Si-PANG-O or is it Sip-(a)N-Go? (i don't constantly wonder that, just once in awhile . . . like now.)

I don't usually notice the smell of cigarette smoke but I have to admit that on the rare occasions we travel and check into a "Smoking Allowed" room at a hotel or motel, the stink of stale smoke is pretty oppressive . . . for about ten minutes. So I get your "dirty ashtray" simile.

11-16-2014, 12:31 PM
I have heard that Sipango was meant to be pronounced as Sip And Go. However, the other way of pronunciation was quite common. I have friends who would refer to Sipango as the "Pang" as well.

12-09-2014, 08:24 PM
Didn't stay closed for long...Reopening tomorrow under new management

12-10-2014, 09:57 PM
They are not reopening tonight They are not ready to open it back up

12-10-2014, 10:09 PM
They were still closed tonight

12-10-2014, 11:37 PM
Brianna's update.

Oklahoma City restaurant-bar VZD's to reopen under new management | News OK (

VZD’s is set to reopen at 5 p.m. Thursday with a solo performance by David Lon from the band the Wavetones at 6 p.m.
VZD’s will celebrate its grand opening Dec. 19 with a reunion performance by 1990s Oklahoma City band Dirt Poets, which hasn’t performed together in about 15 years, Walton said.

“We’ve already had about 500 calls about it — it’s going to be big,” Walton said.

12-11-2014, 07:22 PM
Kings X.

Owner says VZD's not ready to reopen | (

12-12-2014, 12:22 AM
Yup! Got all those bases covered. Opening tonight's! NOT!

01-20-2015, 11:32 PM
Not good news here.

Plans to reopen VZD's appear to have fallen through in Oklahoma City | (

Plans to reopen Western Avenue’s landmark music venue VZD’s under new management appear to have stalled or broken down completely.

02-14-2015, 12:40 AM
It's on again as per Dave Cathey.

VZD's on Western Avenue gets new owners in Oklahoma City | (

In brief

VZD’s gets new owners

The off-again-off-again-off-again reopening of VZD’s is over as new owners Nelson Bolen and chef Eric Smith on Friday made public their purchase of the historic restaurant and bar.
In December, a few premature announcements were made about the sale of the concept formerly owned by Chad Bleakley. A new would-be owner even went to so far as to go on Facebook to announce a relaunch party that was never to be.
But chef Eric Smith said the bookend to the Western Avenue entertainment corridor will open in late March or early April with a blowout party, featuring live music and samples of the re-imagined menu.

05-06-2015, 04:00 PM
They tweeted "JUNE 2015" today.

Mr. Cotter
05-06-2015, 04:27 PM
I'm a fairly pretentious person by OKC standards, but I'm still hoping the "re-imagined menu" looks a lot like the old one. I've been missing my $3 happy hour chicken strip basket for far too long.

07-15-2015, 10:15 AM
From the Gazette:

Comeback kid

After months of waiting, fans of beloved Western Avenue bar and restaurant VZD’s might see light at the end of the tunnel. Chef Eric Smith said the business, which closed its doors in 2014, should reopen by the end of July.

VZD’s, 4200 N. Western Ave., has undergone a lot of refurbishment, but Smith said the dividends promise to pay off for customers. Its long history as a retail space meant the bar was not ideally suited for restaurant use and needed upgrades to core systems, including electrics. Smith hopes the improvements will yield a more functional restaurant.

About 75 percent of the old menu remains, including burgers, chicken salad and blue plates specials. But by creating a Crown Heights neighborhood restaurant, Smith will incorporate several new, healthier menu options.

“That’s what we want it to be, and that’s what the people want it to be,” he said, “a day-in, day-out neighborhood restaurant.”

However, an entirely new concept from Smith is going in the space next to VZD’s. The Crown Room will be a 12-seat, one-table restaurant serving a tasting menu that will change monthly. The restaurant will employ three sommeliers, one each for Thursday, Friday and Saturday night services.

07-15-2015, 01:47 PM
However, an entirely new concept from Smith is going in the space next to VZD’s. The Crown Room will be a 12-seat, one-table restaurant serving a tasting menu that will change monthly. The restaurant will employ three sommeliers, one each for Thursday, Friday and Saturday night services.
Sounds familiar. :D

07-15-2015, 01:55 PM
Sounds familiar. :D

Haha... Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery!

Thomas Vu
07-24-2015, 12:09 AM
From the Gazette:

Comeback kid

After months of waiting, fans of beloved Western Avenue bar and restaurant VZD’s might see light at the end of the tunnel. Chef Eric Smith said the business, which closed its doors in 2014, should reopen by the end of July.

VZD’s, 4200 N. Western Ave., has undergone a lot of refurbishment, but Smith said the dividends promise to pay off for customers. Its long history as a retail space meant the bar was not ideally suited for restaurant use and needed upgrades to core systems, including electrics. Smith hopes the improvements will yield a more functional restaurant.

About 75 percent of the old menu remains, including burgers, chicken salad and blue plates specials. But by creating a Crown Heights neighborhood restaurant, Smith will incorporate several new, healthier menu options.

“That’s what we want it to be, and that’s what the people want it to be,” he said, “a day-in, day-out neighborhood restaurant.”

However, an entirely new concept from Smith is going in the space next to VZD’s. The Crown Room will be a 12-seat, one-table restaurant serving a tasting menu that will change monthly. The restaurant will employ three sommeliers, one each for Thursday, Friday and Saturday night services.

Pete, I find it incredible how you know this type of information!

I'm glad VZD's will stay open. I like their chicken salad.

John Knight
08-06-2015, 08:02 AM
Menu prep.


08-06-2015, 09:03 AM
Not to derail, but any word on when Crown Room will be opening? I was hoping to book a special occasion at Nani, but since everything is on hold there, looks like Crown Room might be a cool substitute.

08-06-2015, 11:31 AM
Menu prep.


Doesn't look like any of the VZD's food I remember...still haven't decided if that's a good or bad thing?

John Knight
08-17-2015, 11:30 AM
Getting closer:


08-17-2015, 11:34 AM
Wow, looks really nice.

I bet they do very well; a refresh was overdue.

08-17-2015, 01:46 PM
I'm gonna miss that rail that kept people from rushing my bar seat to wave cash in a bartender's face in an attempt to get drinks tasters. The interesting thing to me about VZD's was its almost complete flip-flop from elite luncheon by day to dive bar / rock venue by night. The latter was especially true when we could smoke in there. But it doesn't (at least from what I see on this board) look to be the direction of the new dynasty.

08-17-2015, 06:35 PM
I'm gonna miss that rail that kept people from rushing my bar seat to wave cash in a bartender's face in an attempt to get drinks tasters. The interesting thing to me about VZD's was its almost complete flip-flop from elite luncheon by day to dive bar / rock venue by night. The latter was especially true when we could smoke in there. But it doesn't (at least from what I see on this board) look to be the direction of the new dynasty.

Yea, it was kind of odd the first time I went there for lunch with co-workers, having only been their for concerts in college before that.

09-03-2015, 06:42 PM
They have quietly reopened:

Thomas Vu
09-04-2015, 08:00 AM
Can't wait to see the new menu.

09-04-2015, 09:14 PM
Looks like the stage is gone. They've added TVs above the windows that overlook Western and the cabinets along the wall that use to have a bunch of pharmacy stuff in gone. A new ceiling and lighting. Alot of what made VZD what it was is gone IMHO. Oh well.

09-05-2015, 01:50 AM
This is circulating on social media. g?oh=9cff610d131849abd79b6d8eb0359aeb&oe=56AA2478

Personally, I don't think it is a big deal. But seems to be attracting some negative attention.

09-05-2015, 08:03 AM
Looks like the stage is gone. They've added TVs above the windows that overlook Western and the cabinets along the wall that use to have a bunch of pharmacy stuff in gone. A new ceiling and lighting. Alot of what made VZD what it was is gone IMHO. Oh well.

Are you sure about the cabinet? There was always some wall space between the door and the cabinet. I hope not.

09-05-2015, 09:50 AM
There was some space for sure but I thought they ran at least far enough towards the door to be seen in this picture. I wonder if they covered up the sky light in the ceiling and I wonder how the upstairs is being used.

Are you sure about the cabinet? There was always some wall space between the door and the cabinet. I hope not.

09-05-2015, 06:19 PM
The space between the cabinet and door has always been there. It used to have a magazine rack and lots of gig posters. Now there is one big image of the RHCP, which I thought was actually a nice homage to the place's history.

Stopped by today. Didn't go upstairs but it looks about the same. The stage is gone, clock above bar remains, old menu board gone, "bum rush" rail around bar is gone, didn't even think about looking for skylight. Cabinet on N wall remains, but all of the old meds and stuff are gone. The glass in the cabinet is now mirrored, and several openings have TVs.

Overall it will take a little bit of getting used to, but still essentially feels like the same place, just...different.

09-06-2015, 06:38 PM
From Urbanized:

Thomas Vu
09-07-2015, 09:22 AM
They kept their chicken salad sandwich!

09-11-2015, 10:11 PM
Went today. We took the wild side of the menu. Most everything sucked. The thing that sucked the least, French dip, but who puts French dip on a croissant?? It was so weird: as if some guy who worked at johnnies came up with a menu then NO ONE tasted it to tell them what was wrong. Or everyone smiled and nodded and said "ooo it's so yummy, don't change a thing."

09-15-2015, 04:41 PM
I went recently. I had a cheeseburger with onion rings and also tried the Super Bowl dip. It was all excellent.

John Knight
01-04-2016, 08:14 AM
Finally made it by here yesterday afternoon. The remodel looks very good and clean.

We tried the Chinatown Chicken Wings which were excellent.


01-04-2016, 08:19 AM
Was in there a couple of weeks ago for lunch and it was only about half full and it was crazy loud.

I've really grown to dislike places with such bad acoustics, and there are a bunch of them.

John Knight
01-04-2016, 08:23 AM
Was in there a couple of weeks ago for lunch and it was only about half full and it was crazy loud.

I've really grown to dislike places with such bad acoustics, and there are a bunch of them.

Yeah, I can understand that. There were only two other people in there besides us so it was actually pretty quiet.

08-23-2019, 08:15 PM
Did this place change ownership last week? I have been going here at least 4x a month for 8 years and tonight was incredibly off. VZDs has never been great but it's the most normal place in my vicinity and we just like it for some reason. We missed going last week at all but went tonight and it was terrible. The menu changed, the entire staff seemed to turn over and for some reason they are now selling hats??? The whole place had an odd vibe, lots of gold chains and club music playing. Took 2 hours to get through dinner and there were only 5 or less tables.

08-31-2019, 02:04 PM
Yes. It has changed hands recently. The folks who revived the place had had enough of the restaurant business.

09-03-2019, 01:48 PM
Man this scares me. I am not a regular, but this place is always fun when we have been there. Hope they get it turned around.

09-05-2019, 08:59 AM
Eric Smith just re-opened Pachinko Parlor in the new The Parlor (lol) so I'm sure that has something to do with it.

09-05-2019, 09:30 AM
Man this scares me. I am not a regular, but this place is always fun when we have been there. Hope they get it turned around.

I'm with you, it's been our go to at least once a week for years - I don't see it working out well but I could be wrong.
They went in like accountants and removed worst selling items and cheapened the ingredients on a least a few things that we noticed.

Let us know if you go back and have a different experience than we did.

05-19-2023, 08:27 AM
They just posted this on social media:

It is with extremely heavy hearts that we share this information with you, but it looks like our chapter at 4200 N. Western is unfortunately coming to a close. Ownership of the building we call home has changed as of the beginning of 2023, and while we’ve explored every option to try to remain tenants, our new landlords will be exploring other options for our current space. As every restaurant and bar has experienced over the last 4 years, this has by far been the most difficult time to exist, but we are thankful beyond measure to those that have continued to support us and support local entertainers that have poured their souls out performing on our iconic stage. Fortunately, we have come to terms with the current landlords to allow us to extend our lease through the end of the summer, so that you can have some time to come by, eat, drink, listen to our wonderful local musicians, and enjoy what remains of the last iteration of VZD’s as we know it…as our last weekend of business will occur Friday 9/1 and Saturday 9/2 with hometown favorites Wakeland graciously giving us a proper send off with two back to back shows. This will also give our wonderful staff, to which we are so grateful, an opportunity to figure out their next steps. Please come by and see us this summer and use this time to celebrate and remember the wonderful times we’ve had at VZD’s. We will be announcing a handful of special shows and engagements to coincide with this, and we certainly hope to see your smiling faces. Everything that has a beginning also has an end. Having said that, we are also working on potential next steps, and if there are any further developments, you’ll all be the first to know. To those that have continued to believe in us and support us, you know who you are, we love you and we thank you from the very bottom of our hearts.

05-19-2023, 12:07 PM
I spoke with the new owner of the building where VZD's is a tenant.

He said he owns the name and trademarks for VZD's and plans to run it under a new operator.

Said the current owners stopped serving lunch 2 years ago and that they often only open a few nights a week. He wants to bring it back with full hours of operation and hopes there won't be much downtime between groups.

I know VZD's has had at least 3 different owners over the years and it was briefly closed in 2014 for unpaid taxes.

05-19-2023, 01:32 PM
I spoke with the new owner of the building where VZD's is a tenant.

He said he owns the name and trademarks for VZD's and plans to run it under a new operator.

Said the current owners stopped serving lunch 2 years ago and that they often only open a few nights a week. He wants to bring it back with full hours of operation and hopes there won't be much downtime between groups.

I know VZD's has had at least 3 different owners over the years and it was briefly closed in 2014 for unpaid taxes.

I was annoyed at first but that seems like a pretty understandable reason for not wanting to renew their lease. It's a cool restaurant/venue hope they can get another operator in there who can make it work.

05-21-2023, 12:12 PM
I know the former owner and he told me some interesting stories about the place. When the current operators first opened, they had Adam Aguilar (who was part of the operating group in some capacity) perform and it was packed. We sat in a high-top table in the back and Bob told me stories about buying it way back in the '70s or '80s. He used to own Will Rogers Theater as well and apparently bought those properties when they were fairly reasonably priced. He made a killing on them over the years.

05-21-2023, 03:41 PM
One reason VZDs was so great back then was because we had precious little else to do. There were very few quality live music places. Now, we have a plethora of great places to see live music. Friday I saw Skating Polly at Factory Obscura for the first time. Wow, another great spot.

The most recent ownership clearly didn't get it at all, but I'm not convinced that even great owners can restore what the place once was and meant to this city.

05-22-2023, 12:21 AM
One reason VZDs was so great back then was because we had precious little else to do. There were very few quality live music places. Now, we have a plethora of great places to see live music. Friday I saw Skating Polly at Factory Obscura for the first time. Wow, another great spot.

The most recent ownership clearly didn't get it at all, but I'm not convinced that even great owners can restore what the place once was and meant to this city.

didn’t get what? Having a great place for local artists to play? When was the last time you were there? I’ve seen Austin Winkler (lead singer of Hinder) twice, Mark Letierri twice, Aranda, and Raul Malo (lead singer of the Mavericks) all in the last 5 months. Again, they aren’t leaving because they don’t get it, they are leaving because they can’t come to terms with new ownership. Despite what said above by the new owners, the current owners of VZDs came out with a statement on their Instagram story a couple days ago stating that they bought the rights to the name VZDs and when they leave VZDs will cease to exist there.
Honestly, I hear they are bringing in some great acts to go all out through summers end! Keep an eye out and enjoy the music.

05-22-2023, 12:28 AM
I spoke with the new owner of the building where VZD's is a tenant.

He said he owns the name and trademarks for VZD's and plans to run it under a new operator.

Said the current owners stopped serving lunch 2 years ago and that they often only open a few nights a week. He wants to bring it back with full hours of operation and hopes there won't be much downtime between groups.

I know VZD's has had at least 3 different owners over the years and it was briefly closed in 2014 for unpaid taxes.

They open Every day at 4PM. They have Karaoke on Tuesdays, Jazz night on Thursdays and acts playing all weekend long. Not sure where they get that they are only open a few days a week.

05-22-2023, 07:55 AM
They open Every day at 4PM. They have Karaoke on Tuesdays, Jazz night on Thursdays and acts playing all weekend long. Not sure where they get that they are only open a few days a week.

The building owner told me there have been recent weeks where they weren't open Tuesday and Wednesday.

05-22-2023, 11:45 AM
The building owner told me there have been recent weeks where they weren't open Tuesday and Wednesday.

They do send out frequent updates via Instagram (I think) indicating closures for private parties or catering. They come regularly enough that I figured it was part of their schedule to be closed some days of the week.

But I'm not a frequent visitor, so I have no idea. Just a casual observer.

05-22-2023, 11:48 AM
They open Every day at 4PM. They have Karaoke on Tuesdays, Jazz night on Thursdays and acts playing all weekend long. Not sure where they get that they are only open a few days a week.

Look on their Facebook page. There are a LOT of "closed for maintenance/private event/catering" or "no food service today" posts. There was one week in March the kitchen was open for a total of 15 hours.

05-22-2023, 12:09 PM
Private events just means they are closed to the public. Someone paid enough to rent the whole place out. If there is no food service they allow you to bring in your own food. It basically a family run business so if the cook is gone for a day or they have an outside catering then obviously it means there’s no cook. I think there is a narrative that is being created that it’s closed a lot or they are not doing any business, which is not the case all. Case in point the last month they have had a Karaoke competition going on every Tuesday, so to say that in recent weeks they were closed on that day is just not true at all.

Mesta Parker
05-22-2023, 03:53 PM
As long as the current tenants are making their lease payments on time, the number of days VZD’s is open should be irrelevant to the building owner. Sounds to me like “days open” is an excuse to raise the rent for a future tenant.

05-22-2023, 05:28 PM
As long as the current tenants are making their lease payments on time, the number of days VZD’s is open should be irrelevant to the building owner. Sounds to me like “days open” is an excuse to raise the rent for a future tenant.

Some leases have a Continuous Operation clause in them requiring them to continuously operate its business during the lease term. You see it more in shopping center leases as the idea is that if a store closes, then other neighboring tenants in the center may lose out on potential customers. That said, I don't know if VZD's necessarily had such a clause in their lease.

05-22-2023, 05:48 PM
The building owner also owns the other tenant in this building, Sage Wellness.

I'm sure it doesn't help their business if the restaurant is closed so much.