View Full Version : Land and Sea

11-07-2014, 02:39 PM ?oh=fdbc9979f79451419800f951f8cc7f5d&oe=54EFBEDE

New seafood place going in at the current site of Sean Cummings pub at 7523 N. May, run by the Vito's people:


11-07-2014, 02:56 PM
I always thought Sean Cummings Irish Pub belonged downtown, not in a strip center on N May. I will look forward to trying this new concept.

11-07-2014, 04:48 PM
Sean Cummings with another seafood restaurant (remember Boca Boca?). I'm sure it will be really good.
C. T.

11-07-2014, 05:28 PM
Sean Cummings closed? Damn, loved that place.

John Knight
11-10-2014, 09:20 AM
Sean Cummings with another seafood restaurant (remember Boca Boca?). I'm sure it will be really good.
C. T.

Wow... Boca Boca...

My good friend used to be the head chef there and I helped Sean design their logo. Seems like forever ago. Their Chilean Sea Bass was amazing!

11-10-2014, 09:24 AM
Sean Cummings or a similar concept should re-open downtown or in one of the other urban districts. Meanwhile, I am looking forward to trying this seafood restaurant. OKC was lacking good options for fresh seafood other than typical chains like Red Lobster, but with this and the Drake, that appears to be about to change.

11-10-2014, 04:02 PM
The best fish dinner I ever had was at Boca Boca in The Collonade before it became Sean Cummings Irish Pub. I was sad to see Boca Boco go . . . But Sean Cummings Pub was even better. I didn't like the move down next to the Tire Shop . . . but I got over it. Here's the good news: Sean C has indicated that he is looking for a location to re-relocate The Pub. I hope that location is as convenient as the current location and without such an apparently [disconnected] landlord.

11-10-2014, 07:32 PM
Here's the good news: Sean C has indicated that he is looking for a location to re-relocate The Pub. I hope that location is as convenient as the current location and without such an apparently [disconnected] landlord.

That's good news. Personally I think it would be a great fit for Bricktown. Does anybody else agree?

11-27-2014, 11:21 AM
From their Facebook page: h=2ed7cdda8235ea08e8a6426a7a6f389d&oe=550D9706

11-28-2014, 06:51 AM
Interesting picture . . . It reminds me a lot of Sean Cummings Irish Restaurant and Pub with different colored chairs. I wonder if Sean put Fish and Chips or Irish Fisherman's Stew on the Menu, offered Guinness or Smithwick's on tap and/or had an occasional tune by the Chieftains on the sound system the landlord would be all up in arms again . . .

11-30-2014, 09:11 AM
That's good news. Personally I think it would be a great fit for Bricktown. Does anybody else agree?

Not really...not everything has to be in Bricktown, Mid-town, or Automobile Alley for gods sake.

11-30-2014, 04:27 PM
Not really...not everything has to be in Bricktown, Mid-town, or Automobile Alley for gods sake.

If I was going to open a bar today I wouldn't do it in a strip mall way out in the burbs. It was understandable when downtown OKC was completely dead but today there is little reason to be out there. The exception is the Western Avenue district which is great despite being farther out. Nonetheless there still are some great establishments hanging on in the NW Expressway area leftover from the days when that was the "happening" part of OKC.

11-30-2014, 04:35 PM
When I'm in town, I end up meeting people on Memorial Road or in Edmond as much as a I do downtown, simply because that's where a lot of my friends family live and they don't want to drive 20 miles.

And the places I've been to recently (BJ's, Pablano Grill, Baker Street, Fox & Hound, Bricktown Brewery in Edmond) were all packed.

11-30-2014, 04:43 PM
today there is little reason to be out there.

Do you ever get out that way or are you just trying to be controversial? I don't get this perspective that the only place in OKC is is just unrealistic or naive. No need to go over all the restaurants,LOCAL and chains that out that way...or the shopping....or the entertainment....or the housing options....or the good office spaces....or the excellent health care facilities....

I love and promote downtown OKC but to ignore what exists elsewhere seems like fantasy.

11-30-2014, 06:21 PM
Do you ever get out that way or are you just trying to be controversial? I don't get this perspective that the only place in OKC is is just unrealistic or naive. No need to go over all the restaurants,LOCAL and chains that out that way...or the shopping....or the entertainment....or the housing options....or the good office spaces....or the excellent health care facilities....

I love and promote downtown OKC but to ignore what exists elsewhere seems like fantasy.

Well said, Sir. Especially the tactful and diplomatic use of the word "fantasy" as compared to other alternatives . . .

Speaking of "fantasy" . . . it seems to me as if the little historical enclave of Britton is ripe for redevelopment.
Sort of a "boutique neighborhood renaissance" ready to fall from the tree of decline and be reborn better than it ever was.
So to speak.

(what does that have to do with the topic of excellent restaurants and former pubs?
as Louis Armstrong used to say about "jazz": "If you have to ask what it is, you'll never get it." (paraphrased)

12-23-2014, 01:41 PM
We finally got around to trying out this new Sean and Cathy Cummings concept last night. Since I'm a hobby cook, I like to order things that I probably wouldn't ever make at home. I had the Rabbit Stew. It was very good. My wife ordered a rack of lamb. I got a taste and it, too, was excellent. In fact, my wife said she thought it was even better than the lamb that used to be available at Nic's at the Top. One of the nice parts of the visit was that Cathy C. stopped by the table to say, "Hi" and chat a little. I'm sorry that the pub is no longer there, but I will say--without any doubt at all--that we will be going back to Land and Sea. It is a little bit "spendy" . . . but it's one of those cases where you actually do get what you pay for. I'm looking forward to trying several of the offerings on the menu in the future.

12-23-2014, 03:56 PM
I have eaten at all three (four if you count Vito's) of Sean's places and have never been disappointed. I'm anxious to give Land and Sea a try. My friend from London will probably be coming over in the spring, and I will definitely take her there.
C. T.

12-23-2014, 11:31 PM
Please be advised, that around Christmastide, at least one of the charming waitpersons wears antlers. The gracious Ms. Cathy explained that it was "seasonal" and we had a hearty chuckle in that regard. Just one more reason to enjoy the ambiance even if all the old Irish pictures are gone and the chairs are a different color. The food is good too. But I repeat myself.

Plutonic Panda
12-30-2014, 06:56 PM
bout to head over there and try this place. Will post review after.

12-31-2014, 11:56 AM
bout to head over there and try this place. Will post review after.


Just please don't tell me the potato-encrusted Chilean Sea Bass was wonderful, every story about them says that, and it's not that hard to make it wonderful (and it's not really even Sea Bass, it's Patagonian Toothfish). :p

12-31-2014, 03:58 PM

Just please don't tell me the potato-encrusted Chilean Sea Bass was wonderful, every story about them says that, and it's not that hard to make it wonderful (and it's not really even Sea Bass, it's Patagonian Toothfish). :p

It's not unusual to change the name of seafood, I believe goosefish is one that nobody would eat so they changed the name of it to monkfish. Also, slimehead was changed to orange roughy and hogfish is king mackerel. There are others but they escape me at the moment. By the way, I have never ordered Chilean sea bass, I had it confused with some other ugly creature and just recently found out that I was definitely confused. I will now give it a try.
C. T.

01-02-2015, 11:39 AM
It's not unusual to change the name of seafood, I believe goosefish is one that nobody would eat so they changed the name of it to monkfish. Also, slimehead was changed to orange roughy and hogfish is king mackerel. There are others but they escape me at the moment. By the way, I have never ordered Chilean sea bass, I had it confused with some other ugly creature and just recently found out that I was definitely confused. I will now give it a try.
C. T.

You'll probably enjoy sea bass, I've had it multiple times over the past few decades (I think Ludivine did a version that was actually worthy of "wonderful", most times it's merely "good"), I was just commenting on the fact that it's apparently their "specialty", but to me, it ain't that special.

01-05-2015, 11:37 AM
I ate here on Saturday with a large group. I have to say, the Paella was outstanding.

04-13-2015, 09:11 AM
Does anybody know is Sean Cummings Irish Pub will be opening in a new location? Its closing left the city without an authentic Irish pub. I really think the concept would be great downtown somewhere.

04-13-2015, 10:01 AM
I've been trying to convince him to reopen in the former location of KC BBQ on Britton Rd. So far, without success. I think he and Cathy are waiting until Land and Sea is well established.

04-13-2015, 01:06 PM
I'd rather Tusla's Kilkenny's franchise down here, tbh. A Killkenny's on 23rd or Western Ave would be AWESOME.

04-13-2015, 01:12 PM
I'd rather Tusla's Kilkenny's franchise down here, tbh. A Killkenny's on 23rd or Western Ave would be AWESOME.

I agree something like that would be awesome. I wasn't familiar with Kilkenny's but it reminds me of the Irish pub I went to in Dallas this weekend. I really wish OKC had more places like that.