12-15-2016, 01:42 AM
Went to the debt and equity markets to finance the transaction
I'll try to get a pic or video of their "derrick tower" at night...
It's exactly what we all expected Devon's LED show was capable of, but on a smaller scale. Very sharp!
12-20-2016, 01:36 PM
You can tell where the majority of OKCTalk posters spend their time in the city. This project is substantial and the discussion and photos went from basically bare land - steel framing - complete in about a dozen posts and a year and a half.
12-20-2016, 02:28 PM
It isn't a well traversed area unless you work in the office park. It's street presence on May Ave is not as noticeable as most buildings in the core.
12-20-2016, 09:02 PM
It isn't a well traversed area unless you work in the office park. It's street presence on May Ave is not as noticeable as most buildings in the core.
That whole area is visible and well traveled. In fact, traffic is very congested all around QSM. The office area to the west is quickly filling in with office projects, many done in the last two years. It has to be one of, if not the biggest office park in OKC....or quickly on its way to be.
12-20-2016, 09:19 PM
That whole area is visible and well traveled. In fact, traffic is very congested all around QSM. The office area to the west is quickly filling in with office projects, many done in the last two years. It has to be one of, if not the biggest office park in OKC....or quickly on its way to be.
He was referring to the roads that break off from the arterials and allow people to access the various businesses in the office park. There's no reason for anyone to drive down "Quail Springs Parkway" unless they work at or patronize one of those businesses; thus that street and the others that criss-cross the office park are not well-traveled.
Obviously Memorial and May are very busy and no one has disputed that, but this particular building is not visible at any point on Memorial, and is only visible at a distance and from the side when seen from May.
No one said it isn't a nice building, or that it isn't big, just that it's objectively out of the way for the vast majority of Oklahoma Citians and OKCTalkers.
12-21-2016, 03:47 PM
Well, yes, that is somewhat true. But, the same I guess is true of most corporate parks. However, it is a very visible building in the area....very noticeable.
Took this last night.
12-22-2016, 09:18 AM
agreed, though there are ways to deal with the traffic if you know the area well enough
Exactly. I pick up Café 7 once ever couple of weeks and always turn down Quail Springs Road from Memorial to avoid Memorial and May traffic. Don't see a lot of traffic over there recently.
Plutonic Panda
01-18-2017, 05:41 PM
Couple shots I got back in December g?oh=29b902da040d00535e0b194b6d7b0e41&oe=591A8455 pg?oh=ab4c25a70c09e64dfec581ea44f03e3e&oe=5907159F
04-30-2020, 05:23 PM
Just enacted the same poison pill CHK did a few days ago so y’all know what’s up next.
05-17-2021, 05:05 PM
Gulfport received NYSE approval to issue stock. They’re back.
Integris Health bought this building in September for $22.5 million.
I believe they are now occupying the first 3 floors.