View Full Version : Proud of Oklahoma

09-01-2005, 10:51 AM
I know there are glaring differences but I can' t help but feel proud of the way Oklahomans always come together during disastrous events - the Bombing and numerous tornadoes.

I remember touring the Memorial with friends from Calfornia and I was so incredibly proud that OK citizens were portrayed as such generous, giving, selfless people.

I know comparing the recent events isn't quite fair as there is such a sense of desperation in New Orleans but they say a tragedy brings out the best and the worst in people.

Currently the relief workers are being put up on chairs pushed together to sleep.

I remember watching the news in CA and OK got national recognition for being so incredibly generous and giving. It was the simple things such as putting chocolates on pillows and helping with laundry and cooking for all of the volunteers and emergency personnel. Everyone came together is a sense of community... banding together.

I can' t imagine what the city leaders of New Orleans are feeling but I'm certain it isn't pride in how their citizens are being shown - it's a sad time for that city.

I'm proud to know that Oklahomans did their best.

09-01-2005, 12:34 PM
What's even more sad is hearing about the chaos in New Orleans....the looting, fighting, fires set, etc. That doesn't say much for the city of New Orleans.

Doug Loudenback
09-10-2005, 10:14 PM

I'm hoping that in the New Orleans aftermath Oklahoma Citians don't contribute to the looting. See this thread:

09-11-2005, 02:24 PM

While a few people may have that mentality about the Hornets, the vast majority do not. We are opening our city to a displaced basketball team (that has to go somewhere) for ONE year. Anything beyond that is purely speculation. The NBA and the Hornets owners will decide the future of the team-- in New Orleans, OKC, Kansas City, etc. And it will be a business move. If they do end up here permanently, it cannot be considered looting. The TVs, stereos, and jewelry that are being looted don't have to go anywhere-- the Hornets do.

09-11-2005, 08:11 PM
XCELlent synopsis BrianinOK.

Im glad that OKC is available and being considered as the frontrunner, of sorts. Good luck, enjoy, and let's all relax and see this through.

09-12-2005, 11:35 PM
At the same time, I see where Doug is coming from. We need to make sure that our mission doesn't become stealing the Hornets. Instead our mission needs to be to show the NBA and everyone else that OKC can be a major league city.