View Full Version : SW 29th & Council

10-11-2014, 11:00 AM
Anyone know what all is going on here? The fire station now looks abandoned and there was an abandoned car in the drive and storage containers everywhere. I know they opened the new one up down by me at Rockwell and 119th, but I didn't know that meant they would close that one. Also the Will Rogers business park looks like a tornado hit part of it. Not sure if they are demolishing it or what. And on the southeas corner looks like they are building something there. Lots going on from last time I drove by.

10-12-2014, 12:28 AM
Anyone know what all is going on here? The fire station now looks abandoned and there was an abandoned car in the drive and storage containers everywhere. I know they opened the new one up down by me at Rockwell and 119th, but I didn't know that meant they would close that one. Also the Will Rogers business park looks like a tornado hit part of it. Not sure if they are demolishing it or what. And on the southeas corner looks like they are building something there. Lots going on from last time I drove by.

Maybe more expansion by Hobby Lobby?

10-12-2014, 07:54 PM
Drove by it again today. Looks like they are tearing it down. I don't know if it's Hobby Lobby they are already building so much south of 29th. I did see some of their trucks on the east side of the business park though. There are big leasing signs out in front, although those may have been there for a long time.

10-13-2014, 09:43 AM
The City of OKC owns the very small lot where the fire station sits. All surrounding that is the old tire plant now owned by the Producers Coop.

10-13-2014, 11:23 AM
Any idea why they are tearing it all down?

10-14-2014, 09:45 AM
That's Sta. 20. They're going through a massive "re-model". Basically gutting the place, jacking up the foundation and updating all the systems. They're slowly doing this to all the stations built in the 70's. Those stations are collectively suffering from age and maintenance related problems. Right now the crews are farmed out to other stations in the area that had room for extra equipment in their rig rooms. Projected to reopen sometime in the late winter or early spring.

10-14-2014, 02:46 PM
That's Sta. 20. They're going through a massive "re-model". Basically gutting the place, jacking up the foundation and updating all the systems. They're slowly doing this to all the stations built in the 70's. Those stations are collectively suffering from age and maintenance related problems. Right now the crews are farmed out to other stations in the area that had room for extra equipment in their rig rooms. Projected to reopen sometime in the late winter or early spring.

That's good to know. I'm guessing they just waited till the new one was open to make sure coverage was sufficient.

01-04-2015, 05:19 PM
More of the Tire Plant is torn down, almost all gone. They have big banners up for their site. Link below for those interested.

01-04-2015, 11:47 PM
More of the Tire Plant is torn down, almost all gone. They have big banners up for their site. Link below for those interested.

If someone wants that they better jump before Hobby Lobby gobbles it up. :)

01-05-2015, 12:13 PM
If someone wants that they better jump before Hobby Lobby gobbles it up. :)

You are spot on about that.

01-06-2015, 08:27 AM
Well HL was already using some of the space on the east end of the plant. I haven't driven by in almost a year, so I don't know what is still there. But the part HL was using had been repainted and was being leased as the "new" Will Rogers park. But all of this is while they construct their mammoth new warehouse space. They've got enough room nearby that it would actually surprise me if they used the Will Rogers area. I mean compare their new space with what they had oh man.

What you would probably be surprised about, is how much demand there is for this space out there. The problem is that the existing structure had too low of a roof height. The new place is going to be able to handle a lot more height per square foot. And even a little further east on 29th, just west of McArthur, there is a smaller scale twin building structure....not to mention all the spec stuff just west of Meridian in the Lakeside Business Park. It's all "off the road", so you never see it unless you're going to them.

01-13-2015, 08:11 PM
That's Sta. 20. They're going through a massive "re-model". Basically gutting
the place, jacking up the foundation and updating all the systems. They're
slowly doing this to all the stations built in the 70's. Those stations are
collectively suffering from age and maintenance related problems. Right now
the crews are farmed out to other stations in the area that had room for extra
equipment in their rig rooms. Projected to reopen sometime in the late winter
or early spring.
I first heard of this today. Some were wondering why the City didn't raze the
existing structure and build a new one.

01-14-2015, 07:47 AM
Does Hobby Lobby have any other distribution centers across the country? At some point it seems like it would be impractical to keep supplying their stores from one location in the US. Plus, what if a mile wide tornado takes 3/4 of their facility out? They would be hurting for awhile as they scramble to get their supply chain going again.

01-14-2015, 10:18 PM
Does Hobby Lobby have any other distribution centers across the country? At some point it seems like it would be impractical to keep supplying their stores from one location in the US. Plus, what if a mile wide tornado takes 3/4 of their facility out? They would be hurting for awhile as they scramble to get their supply chain going again.

distribution Careers : Hobby Lobby - Hobby Lobby (

Hobby Lobby operates from a single office, distribution and manufacturing complex in Oklahoma City.