View Full Version : Officer involved shooting: Possible car jacking

10-08-2014, 06:03 PM
I was just watching the live coverage of an officer involved shooting around 44th/I35. I understand this isn't Earth shattering, as it seems like these stories are happening everyday. HOWEVER... I was somewhat surprised by the coverage, and/or lack restraint in terms of censorship that KFOR channel 4 just used. They wouldn't comment on the exact crime that had occurrd, but that there had been an officer involved shooting...and a possible car jacking. As the helicopter zooms in on the crime scene, they zoom into a close up of a young blonde woman with her brains blown out, laying in a pool of blood, in the middle of the street. This was somewhat shocking to me...and somewhat traumatizing to my 4 year old, and 8 year old sitting here in the living room with me.

I mean, close up enough that you can see her mouth open, and clearly see that she has expired, and is not covered up in any way. As the camera is zoomed in on this obviously dead person, you can hear the in studio anchors saying..." Zoom out...zoom out, you can't show this." Either way, I thought it was somewhat interesting/disturbing all at the same time. As I am now fielding questions from my 8 year old, and she is clearly affected.

I'm just curious to know, if the victims family were watching at the time, could they take any legal action against KFOR?

10-08-2014, 06:57 PM
Lots of questions surrounding this case. Originally it was a hostage situation, and then a shoot out, and then a suspect shot and killed a woman on the service road a few blocks away. Pretty crazy ****!

They said it was 4-5 people in a hotel room, and they received a call, about a girl being held against her will. Cops show up, and gun fight ensues. I'm gonna jump to conclusions, and guess this is somehow related to sex trafficking.

10-08-2014, 07:16 PM
I noticed a story was it yesterday or the day before that involved a fatality accident involving a corvette. The footage clearly showed footage of them administering CPR.

10-09-2014, 08:37 AM
I'm just curious to know, if the victims family were watching at the time, could they take any legal action against KFOR?

Thankfully, no. First Amendment grants that you can be photographed where you have no expectation of privacy (in public). However, in regards to recording the scene of an accident - it is foggy, but SCOTUS has basically decided that your First Amendment does not grant press pass into the scene of an accident to photograph (think police-tape). So basically if it is in plain view of anyone in public - you can photograph it.