View Full Version : THRIVE on 10th

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09-29-2014, 04:19 PM
Several properties have sold over the last couple of years on either side of NW 10th on the west side of Classen Boulevard.

After much digging, the various LLC's all track back to Hawthorne Residential, a large apartment developer based in North Carolina.

This seems completely out of character for them, as they typically do large, suburban complexes. But they are a big concern with lots of assets and resources:

They have acquired the properties below shown in pink. The only one with much historic architecture appeal is the old Verdigris space on the NW corner of Classen & 10th.

Gatewood has been red-hot in terms of home sales, Classen Ten-Penn is starting to gentrify and whatever happens here will only accelerate that process.

Lots of new projects scattered all around these sites. Lower Classen Boulevard seems to be building good momentum.

09-29-2014, 05:00 PM
I drive up Western and Classes every day on my way to work.
This is a corridor that needs a lot of improvement as there are quite a few eye sores. I don't know about apartments but if some are wanting density this would help in building up the downtown population. If apartments are developed.

09-29-2014, 06:28 PM
Hopefully these lots get filled in with quality development. If so, that should really help bridge the gap between Midtown and Classen Ten Penn and give a huge shot in the arm to the neighborhoods surrounding the Plaza. That area has a ton of potential yet to be untapped.

09-29-2014, 06:33 PM
Classen and Western are the city's true "Crosstown Boulevard."

09-29-2014, 08:59 PM
The photo of the building on the NW corner of 10th and Classen brings back lots of memories. That was home to one of the best Army Surplus stores I had ever been in. I could spend a long time in that store looking at some of the most unusual things. It was there many years and I miss its mix of practical items with fun, quirky things that I would end up having to ask what they were.

09-30-2014, 12:18 AM
Classen and Western are the city's true "Crosstown Boulevard."

I'd slightly disagree. Classen has TONS of potential if the City would get off it's rear and get behind a design standard. What are the TRUE gems in OKC most people don't even know about Linwood Blvd. (a true 6 lane boulevard with tons of nice old "main street" style buildings. It connects to Virginia Blvd. which also connects to the old Main St which turns into General Pershing. It's mind-boggling these amazing streets are all but abandoned. These are truly gems in OKC that need to be brought back to life!

09-30-2014, 01:18 AM
I'd argue Classen/Western is the most strategically important street in all of OKC.

The OKC Boulevard has 0% chance of being a special street outside of hopefully 5 to 10 blocks.

Broadway is easily the nicest street in OKC (though that really needs to be a Reno/Sheridan combination, because downtown can only truly expand Westward).

Classen/Western is the connection in what I would think should be some of the major (borrowing a term from Urbanized) Priority Development Areas outside of downtown: Southern Nichols Hills/Belle Isle, NW 23rd, Stockyard City, Wheeler Park, SW 29th. It's already been identified as such by the future RTA steering committee and has been targeted for expansion of the streetcar system.

It is therefore important for OKC to begin to target Classen for increased development/design standards for this road stretching from NW 63rd down to SW 29th (and possibly further…I'm not intimately familiar with SW OKC, so I'm hazy on which areas are prime for quality development and which areas are pretty well lost to big-box suburban centers…I see there is a Target on SW 44th).

Done right, this could be a nice spring board toward helping us achieve that goal…done wrong, this may spell doom for lower Classen as there is a lot of bad development to overcome on this road.

Chicken In The Rough
09-30-2014, 09:40 AM
Seems like an ideal location for a West Village style development. This would be a significant shot for this area and the whole west side. I always thought downtown's west side was poised for growth.

09-30-2014, 10:33 AM
My fear is that city leaders are just filling space. While I'm pleased that there's new development (Sunbeam), it doesn't seem like there's any coherent type of master plan for Classen. It is a perfect fit for more residential. It's also a natural transit corridor.

PLEASE CITY PLANNERS, make Classen a planning priority before it gets totally butchered by haphazard development.

09-30-2014, 08:08 PM
I'd slightly disagree. Classen has TONS of potential if the City would get off it's rear and get behind a design standard. What are the TRUE gems in OKC most people don't even know about Linwood Blvd. (a true 6 lane boulevard with tons of nice old "main street" style buildings. It connects to Virginia Blvd. which also connects to the old Main St which turns into General Pershing. It's mind-boggling these amazing streets are all but abandoned. These are truly gems in OKC that need to be brought back to life!

Like. I agree, Metro. There are some great buildings on those streets and seems ripe for development. Of course, many are concerned about not allowing one district to prosper before we create another and another and another. But, I think you are spot-on about Linwood and Virginia.

10-01-2014, 01:34 PM
Glad I'm not the only one who knows about and appreciates Pershing and Linwood. From my part of town, the two best ways to get to the heart of downtown, as they run (as the crow flies) diagonally. Linwood to get to the area around the courthouse, d/t post office, etc. Pershing to get to the southern half, such as for Thunder games. Lots and lots of potential along those two routes. Now that West Main is gentrifying to the west, Pershing will be even more a possibility for re-development.

10-09-2014, 02:47 PM
This entity just bought another property for $1.1, shown in yellow in the article at the top of the page. Be happy to see this place go:

10-09-2014, 02:53 PM
"This seems completely out of character for them, as they typically do large, suburban complexes."

Pete, do you think they are just buying up the area piece by piece to resell it as one large parcel to a different developer?

10-09-2014, 02:55 PM
Does this area fall under any type of design review in case they are planning to build something?

10-09-2014, 03:09 PM
Does this area fall under any type of design review in case they are planning to build something?

Only the parcels east of Classen; they fall under the Downtown Design Review Committee:

Design District Boundaries - OKCTalk (

10-09-2014, 03:18 PM
They have one development that kind of looks urbanish.

Apartments located near Bass Lake Park | Main Street Square (

10-09-2014, 03:38 PM
They have one development that kind of looks urbanish.

Apartments located near Bass Lake Park | Main Street Square (

If you look at it on the google maps, all buildings are surrounded by a lot of parking lots.

10-09-2014, 06:09 PM
I'd like to see an apartment complex go up from 10th and Classen all the way down to 6th. Condos or something

10-09-2014, 06:39 PM
I'm holding out hope for this, but it looks like trouble to me. Their portfolio is absolutely massive, and as noted there isn't a single example of urban architecture within it.

The glimmer of hope is that the development linked to above looks like a step toward a more urban approach, so maybe they are ready to move further in that direction - the $ trends have to be pointing them that way.

Either way, I hope they don't scrape that nice little commercial building.

10-09-2014, 06:41 PM
Yeah, since that building falls outside of any design review purview, I don't think the City has any way to stop them from demolishing it, which they almost certainly will.

10-09-2014, 11:15 PM
This entity just bought another property for $1.1, shown in yellow in the article at the top of the page. Be happy to see this place go:
YES!!! This place is vagrant and panhandler central. Most of the time you can see several people passed out on the sidewalk, and other parts of this property.

10-10-2014, 09:27 AM
Only the parcels east of Classen; they fall under the Downtown Design Review Committee:

Design District Boundaries - OKCTalk (

That's not to say the zoning overlay couldn't be expanded...

10-10-2014, 10:01 AM
That's not to say the zoning overlay couldn't be expanded...

Is that likely?

10-10-2014, 10:02 AM
That's not to say the zoning overlay couldn't be expanded...

I will be writing my City Councilor today to suggest this. Others should do the same.

It would be a tragedy to lose the cute little commercial district around 10th and Western for any reason. Double tragic to lose it to a parking-infused, gated-entry apartment complex.

10-10-2014, 10:32 AM
I can't image why you would want a strict design ordinance on only one side of a street. It only makes sense to extend to both sides of Classen.

10-10-2014, 11:38 AM
is that likely?

i will be writing my city councilor today to suggest this. Others should do the same.

It would be a tragedy to lose the cute little commercial district around 10th and western for any reason. Double tragic to lose it to a parking-infused, gated-entry apartment complex.

i can't image why you would want a strict design ordinance on only one side of a street. It only makes sense to extend to both sides of classen.


05-18-2015, 11:32 AM
Another parcel has been sold to this group, this time about .5 acres for $645,000 on the NW corner of NW 9th & Western:

05-18-2015, 12:33 PM
Any idea what their plans are?

05-18-2015, 12:35 PM
I'm sure it will be apartments -- that's all this company does.

05-18-2015, 12:53 PM
So if that graphic is correct, then they're only missing one lot from the 10th/Classen/9th/Western block? I imagine as soon as that's bought up we'll have an announcement shortly thereafter if they're legitimately planning on building here.

Crossing my fingers for good things…but somebody should get in REHCO's ear and tell them that the success of Classen greatly impacts just how great their West Downtown developments can be. Hall might be able to get enough people with power to extend downtown zoning overlays along the west side of Classen.

05-18-2015, 12:56 PM
They have a ton money invested in property not generating much income and a decent amount of expense. I'm sure they plan to do something relatively soon.

Keep in mind this is outside of any design review district. Should be very easy for them to get demo and building permits once they are ready.

Might serve as a very important bridge between Midtown and everything on the other side of Classen.

05-20-2015, 10:33 AM
This project could be really cool, but I have a nagging feeling this could end up being a design atrocity.

05-20-2015, 01:30 PM
This project could be really cool, but I have a nagging feeling this could end up being a design atrocity.

Me too. I think we may be in for a rude awakening with this project.

05-20-2015, 01:38 PM
Pretty sure almost anything could be better than what is there now. I know that sounds like 'better than crappy' but honestly almost anything would be an improvement.

05-20-2015, 02:08 PM
Pretty sure almost anything could be better than what is there now. I know that sounds like 'better than crappy' but honestly almost anything would be an improvement.

Not really. The opportunity costs for building are high. As it stands now, the land cost is low and there is very little in the way of creating good development.

But once a large scale poor site plan is built out, then in order to correct the issue, the land cost becomes exorbitant, and the fixes even more so.

In a city like OKC, you can't afford to do thing poorly the first time around.

05-20-2015, 06:22 PM
I'm surprised to see their land assembly bridging both sides of 10th, which will need to be made waklable, and surely implies some kind of street level retail component. I'm excited about this project, which looks a lot like the Metropolitan but on the other end of 10th, but this is a very delicate site that has to be done right.

Imagine this. Federal Building > TBA infill > Dustbowl/Fassler > Plaza Court > The Frank and LIFT > The Edge > Classen Commons > THIS Hawthorne Project > 2000 Classen (Dowell) > Asian District to the right and Plaza District to the left

Looks like a pretty strong transit propensity corridor to me.

05-20-2015, 07:55 PM
Not to alert anybody, but these guys have developed about 40 apartment communities (so they've been around), and have yet to develop a single remotely urban project. This is the only project in their portfolio that comes remotely close to what we'd want to see here:

Photos and Video of Meridian at Harrison Pointe in Cary, NC (

That said, those are all developments in North Carolina or the San Antonio and Houston areas, so remains to be seen how they plan to enter the OKC market.

05-20-2015, 10:51 PM
Pretty sure almost anything could be better than what is there now. I know that sounds like 'better than crappy' but honestly almost anything would be an improvement.

Haha. First thing I thought when reading your post was, "justification for 'better than crappy,'" and if you reread your post you will probably agree. Our city didn't get ugly by accident. We should demand the standard we envision for OKC. If we demand it, we'll get it, because we are no longer desperate.

05-20-2015, 11:06 PM
Haha. First thing I thought when reading your post was, "justification for 'better than crappy,'" and if you reread your post you will probably agree. Our city didn't get ugly by accident. We should demand the standard we envision for OKC. If we demand it, we'll get it, because we are no longer desperate.

I agree with this. OKC is at the point where it needs to put a vision in place and enforce standards to get the city there. If developers don't want to adhere to the standard, they can go home. If this city doesn't start enforcing design standards and keeps granting variances to anything and everything, it will never reach its potential.

05-21-2015, 01:07 AM
Haha. First thing I thought when reading your post was, "justification for 'better than crappy,'" and if you reread your post you will probably agree. Our city didn't get ugly by accident. We should demand the standard we envision for OKC. If we demand it, we'll get it, because we are no longer desperate.



05-21-2015, 08:07 AM
I do agree that it should be great quality.

My only point was that really anything could be better than this:

05-21-2015, 08:56 AM
The property and investment alone almost guarantees an urban development.

They've paid a lot of money and will have to go up several levels and probably add structured parking.

The biggest issue will be the frontage along Classen, which should include retail space.

I'm not too worried about this. No matter what, we are going to get high-density new housing and probably a good deal of units.

Will be a very important bridge between Midtown and The Plaza District and surrounding neighborhoods.

If the City gets some good response to the 10th Street RFP, Classen Ten Penn could be in for a pretty rapid overhaul, and it's badly needed in 90% of that neighborhood.

05-21-2015, 11:28 AM
What does it take to establish a new design review district?

05-21-2015, 11:46 AM
I believe the Planning Department would have to propose it, then City Council would ultimately approve.

05-21-2015, 12:13 PM
I do agree that it should be great quality.

My only point was that really anything could be better than this:

A 4 story apartment complex with 40' of parking enclosed by a gate fronting Classen would be worse long-term than that picture because it's a 4 story complex that is sure to generate revenue for the owners and 1. Set a bad precedent for Classen and 2. Likely not have those issues fixed within the next 25 years, and likely longer.

I'm not saying that's going to happen, I'm just saying that we have to be careful asking for development right now if it means that development will need substantial overhaul down the line. Would it look nicer? Absolutely. Would it be more functional? Of Course. But if it's throw-away development, why not just wait 5 - 10 years until someone else is ready to develop the parcel at a high-level that can stand the test of time?

05-21-2015, 12:27 PM
A 4 story apartment complex with 40' of parking enclosed by a gate fronting Classen would be worse long-term than that picture because it's a 4 story complex that is sure to generate revenue for the owners and 1. Set a bad precedent for Classen and 2. Likely not have those issues fixed within the next 25 years, and likely longer.

I'm not saying that's going to happen, I'm just saying that we have to be careful asking for development right now if it means that development will need substantial overhaul down the line. Would it look nicer? Absolutely. Would it be more functional? Of Course. But if it's throw-away development, why not just wait 5 - 10 years until someone else is ready to develop the parcel at a high-level that can stand the test of time?

Agree with this 100%

OKC is at the point now where allowing throwaway development for the sake of development is no longer viable. Classen is a key piece that will bridge Midtown with the Plaza district and Classen Ten Penn. Hopefully the city encourages that bridge to be created rather than allowing barriers.

06-11-2015, 09:22 AM
Saw something on the construction boards this morning about 14 single family homes to be built along Classen between NW 6th and NW 10th. Not sure if this plan is for what Pete said would be apartments earlier or not.

06-11-2015, 09:59 AM
Now this is a blighted area. Would love to see single family homes in a gated area, but will probably inexpensive apartments. GULP!
Does anyone know of the developers previous work?

06-11-2015, 10:05 AM
Single family homes in a gated area? Why?

06-11-2015, 10:06 AM
Saw something on the construction boards this morning about 14 single family homes to be built along Classen between NW 6th and NW 10th. Not sure if this plan is for what Pete said would be apartments earlier or not.

Pete corrected me, this is the SoSA development he's already posted about.

06-11-2015, 10:13 AM
I would just like to see a more stable residential development. I know most gated communities with smaller patio homes sale easily.

06-11-2015, 10:31 AM
I would just like to see a more stable residential development. I know most gated communities with smaller patio homes sale easily.

Since 10th and Classen is the intersection of two major urban streets, a gated community is entirely inappropriate there.

06-12-2015, 12:54 AM
Don't think it's been posted, but the structure on the SE corner of NW 9th and Western was torn down months ago.

06-12-2015, 09:41 PM
Now this is a blighted area. Would love to see single family homes in a gated area, but will probably inexpensive apartments. GULP!
Does anyone know of the developers previous work?

I agree, Valencia (I think on NW 864th Street?) would be a development that downtown OKC can aspire to have. What shall we tear down for this higher and better use?

11-01-2017, 12:57 PM
That hideous Discount Tabacco building on the southeast corner of NW 10th & Western has been demolished.

11-01-2017, 12:57 PM
Any word on what will replace it?

11-01-2017, 01:00 PM

That entire block and a good chunk north of 10th along Classen is owned by a New York real estate investment firm and they haven't done anything with any of the scores of properties they own other than demolish a few.

Reminder that everything on the west side of Classen is outside any design review so they can demolish anything they want, including the cool buildings on the NW corner of 10th & Classen.

Roger S
11-01-2017, 01:03 PM
Any word on what will replace it?

Probably a discount vape shop.

11-01-2017, 01:06 PM
Probably a discount vape shop.

No way! Remember that this area is gentrifying. It'll be a bespoke vape shop with only organic e-juice.

11-01-2017, 02:29 PM
Probably a discount vape shop.

Beat me to it.