09-28-2014, 11:47 AM
View Full Version : Facepalms kelroy55 09-28-2014, 11:47 AM venture 09-28-2014, 12:26 PM That one is great...some people are just too stupid for their own good - or they just don't bother reading. A couple others I like... kelroy55 09-28-2014, 12:50 PM BlackmoreRulz 09-28-2014, 05:55 PM And these people vote........ RadicalModerate 09-28-2014, 07:33 PM And these people vote........ Want to guess which party they vote for? In fact, btw, the Triceratops pictured wasn't shot at all. It was simply sleeping next to it's human friend. This is actually an "Awwwww" moment gone horribly wrong due to lamestream social media coverage. And it makes me more nervous than Steve Irwin in a tank of manta rays. If it wasn't for global warming, the Triceratops would have been fetching a stick in the park instead of being warmed into slothfulness by human carbon footprints. Note: I LOVE the title of this thread. RadicalModerate 09-28-2014, 07:37 PM Is that The Flying Grim Reaper on the poster's graphic teaser? Apparently, rather than an "epiphany", the poster had an "epidural" . . . involving both the higher and lower centers of brain function. Mel 09-28-2014, 07:58 PM 9194 Plutonic Panda 09-28-2014, 08:03 PM Want to guess which party they vote for? In fact, btw, the Triceratops pictured wasn't shot at all. It was simply sleeping next to it's human friend. This is actually an "Awwwww" moment gone horribly wrong due to lamestream social media coverage. And it makes me more nervous than Steve Irwin in a tank of manta rays. If it wasn't for global warming, the Triceratops would have been fetching a stick in the park instead of being warmed into slothfulness by human carbon footprints. Note: I LOVE the title of this thread.They vote democrat I know it catcherinthewry 09-28-2014, 09:40 PM And these people vote........ So that's how Shadid got votes.:) RadicalModerate 09-28-2014, 09:56 PM They vote democrat I know it That, and the post after it, is unfair extrapolation, and way too political. Triceratops were notably independent. RadicalModerate 09-28-2014, 09:59 PM 9194 So what's the problem? You can only drop so many nukes on the Japs . . . Say! Aren't there some desert testing areas on the other side of the globe? We just need to be sure that all of the endangered Triceratops are over in the tank with the manatees. kevinpate 09-28-2014, 11:31 PM ... Triceratops were notably independent. True. However, folk in the 21st Century who bemoan the senseless and savage present day hunting of dinosaurs are notably certifiable. rezman 09-29-2014, 05:39 AM 9195 Plutonic Panda 09-29-2014, 11:36 PM Well, I think this is an appropriate place to post this story Man trades $160,000 diamond for $20 of marijuana | Oklahoma City - OKC - ( RadicalModerate 09-29-2014, 11:42 PM That would rate a double Yup. (aka: two Yups Up) Next thing you know . . . He'll be out there speeding and texting in traffic and taking fotos of cars he wished he could drive. Plutonic Panda 09-29-2014, 11:44 PM Well, I mean, at least get it appraised first!!!!! RadicalModerate 09-29-2014, 11:46 PM Well, I mean, at least get it appraised first!!!!! You seriously got to be [Wa****ian] me . . . Plutonic Panda 09-29-2014, 11:49 PM Listen man.. I don't know bout yous... but if I'm stealing, what I believe to be, a diamond ring, I'm either going to know how much it's worth or I'm going to find out how much it's worth. Unless I'm just digging around for a Captains Crunch ring looking to get a fix, I ain't trading nothing till I know what I know about it. RadicalModerate 09-29-2014, 11:59 PM Listen man.. I don't know bout yous... but if I'm stealing, what I believe to be, a diamond ring, I'm either going to know how much it's worth or I'm going to find out how much it's worth. Unless I'm just digging around for a Captains Crunch ring looking to get a fix, I ain't trading nothing till I know what I know about it. That makes perfect sense to me. Apparently you have stepped outside the box. Here . . . Hold this Red Hot Cauldron in your forearms and move immediately and carefully to the exit door into "the real world" . . . =) In the next life no teacher will ever refer to you as "Grasshopper". =) Edited to Add . . . for a subset of The Next Generation: rezman 09-30-2014, 05:42 AM 9206 Plutonic Panda 10-06-2014, 05:03 PM g?oh=d49ecd2a3290fedfaf7f3cf90c60c9c5&oe=54BB0638&__gda__=1421956946_4ff50922bfffbb6395d04e7f68824c8 b Plutonic Panda 10-17-2014, 01:44 AM Woman Wants To Get Paid For Hitting Her Own Car With City Van ( Plutonic Panda 10-17-2014, 02:01 AM Plutonic Panda 10-18-2014, 03:52 PM |