View Full Version : Cool Halloween Decorations

09-26-2014, 09:57 AM
Well, it's about that time! Halloween is hands-down our favorite decorating holiday, and we go all out at our house. I thought it'd be fun to start a thread—kind of like Pete did at Christmas—where we post pictures of cool Halloween decorations. The outside will be going up this weekend, so for now I'll get started with a couple from inside the house. My kid has been obsessed with the "Skellies" ever since she was about two years old. She has to have them at the breakfast table every morning. She even takes them in the car on the way to school—all buckled into the seat belts. It's one of those things we'll always look back on fondly when she finally gets too old to play with them any more.


09-26-2014, 10:28 AM
I love Halloween as well.

Last year, I built a rear-projection screen that filled my garage door opening then looped a scary video with full sound system.

Some of the kids were too scared to approach, so I had to turn down the sound a bit. c85a54b27a250db89b19147349b&oe=5425A56C&__gda__=1411752279_8d9cb81f79d9d0c8dc1a6b206b54de7 8

09-26-2014, 10:29 AM





09-26-2014, 05:27 PM
Pete, you and my husband would get along great. I better not show him this thread or he's likely to try to rig up something like that from our garage. Can't let that happen...we have more than we can handle already. I hate to admit this, but we had to rent a storage locker after Halloween last year exclusively for the outside decorations. After Christmas came and went, we had to double the size of the locker. Very very sad. And fun.

09-26-2014, 05:37 PM
Your stuff is amazing!

Are you in Crown Heights or nearby? I know that some of those neighborhoods have incredible t-or-t traffic.U

I'm sure you've already seen -- they have fantastic Halloween gear.

I have much more Christmas stuff but I have to fight to not do more for Halloween.

09-26-2014, 07:26 PM
I take my Grandkids down Carey PL. and tell them that's where all the witches and wizards live.

09-27-2014, 07:36 AM
Your stuff is amazing!

Are you in Crown Heights or nearby? I know that some of those neighborhoods have incredible t-or-t traffic.U

I'm sure you've already seen -- they have fantastic Halloween gear.

I have much more Christmas stuff but I have to fight to not do more for Halloween.

Thank you, Pete!

We live in Linwood Place. Halloween Central, as it turns out. We've been here 9 years now. I remember the first year we lived here, we had moved in right before Halloween. The neighbors warned us about the number of trick-or-treaters and how we needed to really stock up on candy. We kind of dismissed their warnings, thinking it was an exaggeration. Nope, not an exaggeration. It's like nothing you've ever seen before. Utter insanity. Kids are lined up all the way down the walkway to the street and out into the sidewalk. It's nonstop, starting at about 4:30 and going on as long as there's candy. We buy more and more each year but it's never enough. It's awesome, but also kind of frustrating because people in the neighborhood who live on the blocks that aren't so visible as ours have trouble getting enough trick-or-treaters. I always tell them to come help us and they'll get their fill. :)

Yes, we love Grandin Road and Frontgate! The skeleton dogs came from Grandin Road, as a matter of fact. It's hard to get those catalogs each year and not go crazy.

09-27-2014, 07:51 AM
We have our work cut out for us this weekend. This is what was in the storage locker, and there's more to add to it that we bought a few weeks ago. It's going to be hard this weekend, too, because of all the other stuff going on—Greek Festival, Heritage Hills tour, estate sales, etc. At least it's quiet today in terms of state football teams. This is such a fun and crazy time of year!




09-27-2014, 11:07 AM
I envy you!

My neighborhood is in transition, with most the kids grown and gone and some younger families starting to move back in. Some years I might get around 100 at the door but last year was depressingly slow.

Look forward to seeing your photos when you are done.

If you think about it, take some pictures of the kids lining up on the big night.

09-27-2014, 12:17 PM




Love the bummer sign! I posted my Jack 'o Lantern, elsewhere, but here it is, again, because it seems to fit. 9193

09-27-2014, 12:22 PM
We have Samoyeds - big white fluffy dogs (see my avatar). They love kids and when we lived in a neighborhood with lots of trick or treaters, they always loved it. Husband used to tell the kids they were "ghost" dogs (because they're white). One little boy, upon learning they were ghosts, went into a complete meltdown - not sure if it was from fear or grief but it was so alarming husband stopped telling kids that.

09-27-2014, 12:25 PM
Penny, are you an artist? That's fantastic. It almost looks air-brushed. I couldn't paint something to save my life. I'm very good at arranging things and making them look pretty, but don't have an artistic bone in my body.

The "bummer" sign is one of my favorites. And it was just a cheap Dollar Tree find, if i recall correctly. There's another sign with two arrows. One is pointing to "BOOLVD" and the other "PSYCHO PATH". There's another that says, "Witch Parking Only. All others will be toad.".

Hopefully others will start posting stuff in the coming days and weeks. I didn't intend for this to be exclusively about OUR stuff. We're just off to an early start because our neighborhood home tour is next week and we don't want to have piles of boxes and junk in the yard during the tour. If we waited until the week after that, it'd be nearly mid-October, which is too late. I don't want to put the stuff up and have to turn around and take it down in that short of a time frame.

09-27-2014, 12:38 PM
I really like those metal pumpkins!

09-27-2014, 11:19 PM
Penny, are you an artist? That's fantastic. It almost looks air-brushed. I couldn't paint something to save my life. I'm very good at arranging things and making them look pretty, but don't have an artistic bone in my body.

The "bummer" sign is one of my favorites. And it was just a cheap Dollar Tree find, if i recall correctly. There's another sign with two arrows. One is pointing to "BOOLVD" and the other "PSYCHO PATH". There's another that says, "Witch Parking Only. All others will be toad.".

Hopefully others will start posting stuff in the coming days and weeks. I didn't intend for this to be exclusively about OUR stuff. We're just off to an early start because our neighborhood home tour is next week and we don't want to have piles of boxes and junk in the yard during the tour. If we waited until the week after that, it'd be nearly mid-October, which is too late. I don't want to put the stuff up and have to turn around and take it down in that short of a time frame.
Arranging stuff seems artistic, to me.

I like to tinker around with artsy stuff, sometimes. I saw a photo of that style of pumpkin, online, and liked it. I also hope people put up more stuff. You've got a fabulous collection.

09-29-2014, 09:42 AM
After two days and evenings of hard work, it's pretty much all done—that is, unless we find something else we can't live without.

First, the skeleton crew:







As you can see, they're very naughty. They got into my liquor and got really out of control. And they're not even sorry about it.

09-29-2014, 11:46 AM
Wow! Very impressive.

Love that swing in your front yard. :)

09-29-2014, 01:44 PM
Thanks, Pete! Actually it's the back yard. We have an iron fence, so it's fun to sit there and watch people and their dogs walk by on the sidewalk.

09-29-2014, 03:45 PM
After two days and evenings of hard work, it's pretty much all done—that is, unless we find something else we can't live without.

First, the skeleton crew:







As you can see, they're very naughty. They got into my liquor and got really out of control. And they're not even sorry about it.

Those are great!!!!

09-30-2014, 10:44 AM
Inflatables and spiders:







09-30-2014, 11:02 AM
This was our yard last year.. usually have a big spider in the cedar tree but didn't last year. 9214

09-30-2014, 11:22 AM
I used to get into all the Halloween stuff quite a bit but now all the kids are on their own it's not as much fun.

09-30-2014, 11:34 AM
This was our yard last year.. usually have a big spider in the cedar tree but didn't last year.

Wowee! Very nice.

What neighborhood? Lots of trick-or-treaters?

09-30-2014, 11:35 AM
Inflatables and spiders:

Holy cow!

No wonder you have trouble storing all this stuff.

Very, very cool.

09-30-2014, 12:04 PM
Wowee! Very nice.

What neighborhood? Lots of trick-or-treaters?

Crestwood just about 7 or 8 houses down from Warreng88
its hit or miss with trick or treaters. .seems we are getting less each year
makes it hard to predict how many to buy for.

09-30-2014, 12:26 PM
Crestwood just about 7 or 8 houses down from Warreng88
its hit or miss with trick or treaters. .seems we are getting less each year
makes it hard to predict how many to buy for.

I thought your style of house looked very familiar. We're all in the same area. If you need your trick or treat fix, come down to our neck of the woods, along the median street. It's a madhouse.

09-30-2014, 12:38 PM
One thing I learned about the erratic demand for Halloween candy from year-to-year: I buy big hags of non-Halloween specific candy at Costco, then return what is left.

Last year was very light but the previous year I had to give out less than I wanted because I almost ran out.

09-30-2014, 04:29 PM
One thing I learned about the erratic demand for Halloween candy from year-to-year: I buy big hags of non-Halloween specific candy at Costco, then return what is left.

Human trafficking? ;)

09-30-2014, 05:02 PM
This was our yard last year.. usually have a big spider in the cedar tree but didn't last year. 9214

Bullbear, I can totally do without that rat in your yard. Rats/mice=the one thing I'm scared of. Ick! The skull inflatable is awesome. Never seen one of those before.

10-01-2014, 09:56 AM
Bullbear, I can totally do without that rat in your yard. Rats/mice=the one thing I'm scared of. Ick! The skull inflatable is awesome. Never seen one of those before.

haha my partner found the rat on sale after halloween one year.. its kind of a odd duck.. lol .. wouldn't be my first choice

10-02-2014, 11:09 AM
haha my partner found the rat on sale after halloween one year.. its kind of a odd duck.. lol .. wouldn't be my first choice

It's great to find stuff really cheap right at the end of the season. Many of our things were acquired that way. It's hard, though, because after putting it all up and taking it back down, I'm not much in the mood to be buying more!

10-02-2014, 11:23 AM
Happy to report nothing got blown away in last night's storm. Also glad I wrapped the cord connections with electrical tape yesterday. No circuits blown. Knock on wood.

This is the rest of it. We're starting to see neighbors putting their stuff out, so I'm hoping to see a lot of others' pictures on here soon. Bring on the Halloween porn (to borrow phraseology from Pete)!






10-02-2014, 05:28 PM
Those are fantastic. I think I need to take a drive in town to see that.

10-02-2014, 05:44 PM
Good grief turnpup!! Is that all of it now or do you have more??

10-02-2014, 08:14 PM
That's about it. I didn't take pictures of every single thing, but for the most part you get the idea. Living on a corner lot, and having an iron fence so the back yard is exposed, allows us to pretty much wrap the property in various vignettes.

I can tell you that today, with the wind, I was constantly outside fighting with Count Dracula. His face kept falling into the fence, and he got cut up pretty bad. I used duct tape and a stapler to patch him up. We may have to move him back a few feet, but I want to wait until the wind subsides before untethering that thing. He's a beast.

10-02-2014, 08:18 PM
I admire your commitment and passion!

I forget about the Oklahoma wind... Hope the Count makes it through another season.

10-12-2014, 09:42 AM
From our neighborhood, taken last night. The picture doesn't do it justice. They have literally the entire front of their house covered with the pumpkins. Not sure how they plug all of them in.


10-13-2014, 08:52 AM
So cool!

10-31-2014, 09:10 PM
Who's got pictures from the big night?

Here in California, we actually have rain moving in for the first time in -- literally -- 10 months. So that is keeping the crowds down a bit.

I'm giving out glow sticks as well as candy and they are a big hit.

11-01-2014, 01:30 PM
The (not quite yet) Teenage Mutant Ninja Turles of EFW in Cheyenne, WY
[aka bestest grandbabies in the land] =a64d5c63d0ad8bc03441e89f3a178782&oe=54F0885A =205af17b63263668193052e85af73b93&oe=54DEC2F5&__gda__=1423812854_f66c7e567d6f0d6e6c625feb691cd46 e

And let's not forget there are four turtles, and of course Splinter =fc7bd501bc6704f9c9b4f16629d1b7e6&oe=54E09907&__gda__=1424806506_5abfccf41c4cdb3dee76ebc3a481878 0

11-01-2014, 03:39 PM
Kevin, I don't think the boys are going to be a match for their older sister. She looks like trouble! : )

11-01-2014, 03:56 PM
I envy you Kevin. I have 5 Grandsons. If I had a Granddaughter she would have me totally wrapped around her little finger. I guess the powers that be decided to deny me that.

Here are my mobile decorations I walked around Yukon yesterday Evening with. Easton would not wear his Scooby Doo hat. I guess he wanted to let his freak flag fly.


11-01-2014, 07:54 PM
soooo stinking cute!

My daughter painted the turtle shells to the sweats. She gets that from her mama.
I'm more of an abstract artist, or so my clothes often suggest after a good meal. :)