View Full Version : Nov 4 tax propositions

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11-04-2014, 09:25 PM
This will be a definite quality of life improvement for thousands of us that live in and frequent this area...Excited that it passed

11-04-2014, 09:38 PM
This will be a definite quality of life improvement for thousands of us that live in and frequent this area...Excited that it passed

Congrats. Let's just hope the Moore City Council follows through on its promise to press ODoT for I-35 access.

11-04-2014, 09:45 PM
Congrats. Let's just hope the Moore City Council follows through on its promise to press ODoT for I-35 access.

They better or it takes a good amount of my excitement away.

11-05-2014, 08:10 AM
Since some brought it up Moore Monthly had this video posted on their site yesterday about the language. Form your own conclusions / conspiracy theory.

11nov2 eddy on ballot language FINAL on Vimeo (

As for I-35 access and 4th Street underpass. Both these should be ODOT's responsibility and those concerns should be forwarded to them with calls and letters. They need to stop dragging their feet and put up the money for this since they didn't offer any help for the bridge.

11-05-2014, 05:39 PM
The comments on the city's FaceBook posts are pretty entertaining. People are really fired up over the wording but it would have passed regardless. Sure the vast majority that actually made the effort to go vote on it knew exactly what it was for.

11-06-2014, 09:10 AM
The comments on the city's FaceBook posts are pretty entertaining. People are really fired up over the wording but it would have passed regardless. Sure the vast majority that actually made the effort to go vote on it knew exactly what it was for.

I think an argument could be made about your last sentence. At this point is over and we have to move on regardless. Hopefully promises are kept but I will not be holding my breath.

11-06-2014, 10:33 AM
They sent out a flier with the utility bills that described what the two propositions were for as well as the news stories they had out. I would agree that a majority of voters should have known what it they were voting on.

11-06-2014, 08:20 PM
I think I read somewhere that it would be 2 or 3 years at the earliest for the bridge construction to start. Not sure about that.

Like others here, I was surprised at how the proposition was worded on the ballot. Our city leaders sure know how to work the system it seems.

11-06-2014, 08:43 PM
I think I read somewhere that it would be 2 or 3 years at the earliest for the bridge construction to start. Not sure about that.

Like others here, I was surprised at how the proposition was worded on the ballot. Our city leaders sure know how to work the system it seems.

I have to agree it could have been worded better but doesn't everything pass in Moore? Part of the reason it has exploded in recent years.

11-07-2014, 09:17 AM
I have to agree it could have been worded better but doesn't everything pass in Moore? Part of the reason it has exploded in recent years.

That is a good point. I wonder what the last thing voted down was?

12-02-2014, 10:23 AM
I think I read somewhere that it would be 2 or 3 years at the earliest for the bridge construction to start. Not sure about that.

Like others here, I was surprised at how the proposition was worded on the ballot. Our city leaders sure know how to work the system it seems.

When I was standing in line to vote, just by chance I spoke to a high ranking city official who knows about the bridge project. He said it would most likely be about a year before we saw any construction started on it. The engineering and purchasing of right of ways, etc... will take that long to get ready. I'm sure there is more to it, but that's what I took away from what he said. I don't want to mention any names to avoid him any grief in case things don't happen that soon... not because I have some "secret source inside the program". ;-)