View Full Version : Oklahoma City receives funding for archives program

09-10-2014, 08:54 AM
I thought some of you would appreciate this press release.

Oklahoma City receives funding for archives program

The City of Oklahoma City is using an $185,000 grant to create and preserve a searchable inventory of the City’s historic documents that can be shared with the public. Once complete, the project will be the first municipal archive in Oklahoma.

The project, “Let the Sunshine in: Processing Government Records of the City of Oklahoma City,” will enhance transparency and access to records by allowing residents, students and researchers the chance to search and browse a catalog of the City’s records online.

“All records held by the City Clerk’s Office are open and available for research, but most do not have an index for public use,” City Archivist Jennifer Day said. “The goal of this project is to let the public know what kinds of records are available for use.”

The records inventory will include documents such as City Council’s Journal of Proceedings, resolutions, deeds and abstracts and building plans for city projects such as pipelines, bridges and public use facilities. Many City documents date to 1890, when Oklahoma City was incorporated.

“Establishing a municipal archive in Oklahoma City is an important part of preserving the unique history of the city’s development. These records chart the economic and social growth of the last 125 years,” Day added.

The grant will pay for a project archivist, intern and preservation supplies for two years.
Support for the grant was provided by the National Historical Publications and Records Commission, the grant making affiliate for the National Archives and Records Administration.

For more information on The City of Oklahoma City Clerk’s Office, contact Jennifer Day, archivist, at