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09-09-2014, 02:19 PM
I'm by no means an Apple fanboy but am at a critical juncture where I need (and really want) to replace my aging iPhone 4.

I really like the new Samsung Galaxy Note 4, because I'm leaning more towards a phablet (phone / table hybrid) as I had an iPad briefly then never used it. So, I'd really like a phone with a large screen that can be used like a tablet but also make calls and at least somewhat fit into my pocket.

So today, Apple launched the iPhone 6 and 6 Plus; 4.7 inches and 5.5 respectively. The 4.7" may be enough but I'd really like to see and handle both before I make a decision -- or merely opt for an Android phone like the Note.

One thing that is a huge advantage for Apple in my personal situation is that I have an iPhone cable in my car that I installed as an after-market improvement and it works flawlessly with my existing sound system and even steering wheel controls. So, if I moved to Android I'd have to dismantle my dash and swap out the kit, both an expensive and ugly process.

I also really like the idea of a smartwatch and have been very unimpressed with what Android (or 3rd parties) have to offer. The Apple Watch looks much more compelling and of course, only works with the iPhone.

A really well thought out smartwatch makes a lot of sense, as it's the one piece of electronics that most of us wear every day and it hasn't essentially changed in the last 100 years. Apple wasn't the first to create a smartphone, music player or tablet but quickly became the standard in each segment while at the same time creating demand that didn't necessarily pre-exist.

One thing for sure: The competition between Google/Android and Apple is very good for the consumer.

Apple iPhone 6 Preview - CNET (

Apple Watch Preview - CNET (

Richard at Remax
09-09-2014, 02:33 PM
Im still team blackberry. But if/when the ship goes down im going to do a Galaxy. Plenty of my friends have them and swear on them over iphones. I found their user interface more interesting and user friendly than iphone as well.

09-09-2014, 02:45 PM
internet clogged with Apple announcement today. .I guess I just don't get it. they make some great products but feel they are bit behind in many aspects to features of Android. I had one for a hot sec and went back to android and prefer them. I do however have an ipad and I like it a lot and when I lost it recently I replaced it with another ipad. I will give them this they do have a lot of loyal fanboys that would never touch another device no matter what.

09-09-2014, 03:17 PM
Well Pete if you have an iPhone 4 that means you have a 30 pin cable, so no matter what you'd have to switch cables. That being said I've used several android devices and none have ever seemed to flow and function as easily as an iPhone. At this moment I can't see myself switching to an Android platform.

09-09-2014, 03:24 PM

I can get an adapter for the new iPhone but for Android the entire interface box (which is mounted deep behind my existing stereo) would have to be replaced.

09-09-2014, 03:35 PM
True, make sure you get a real Apple adapter, even though they cost almost as much as a cable. I had real issues with the $1 knockoffs.

09-09-2014, 03:44 PM
A few weeks back I was hearing some rumors that the standard audio out jack on the 6 would be replaced with a new proprietary connector, did that end up happening?

Pretty committed Android user here, so just randomly curious.

09-09-2014, 03:47 PM
A few weeks back I was hearing some rumors that the standard audio out jack on the 6 would be replaced with a new proprietary connector, did that end up happening?

Pretty committed Android user here, so just randomly curious.

No it did not.

09-09-2014, 03:48 PM
Galaxy Note Edge

Hands on: Samsung Galaxy Note Edge review | Phone Reviews | TechRadar (


09-09-2014, 03:50 PM
I think Apple will do well with the new Apple Pay system built in. I think the partnerships Apple made will help people move to it where other NFC payment systems have failed. Lord knows I would love to get away from using my debit card. The Midfirst ones wear out for me yearly.

09-09-2014, 04:06 PM
I'll be pre-ordering the 6 (4.7 screen) friday.

Here is the state of my current iPhone 5. The screen itself does not work (I can kind of read it, but the touch interface no longer works and I have to use Siri (voice command) to perform all functions on the phone). Not to mention is so cracked that glass is falling out daily.

09-09-2014, 04:09 PM
It's funny; I've been a dedicated iPod/iTunes and later iPad user for close to a decade now, but have never cared one bit about the iPhone. Probably a timing thing, because every time I switched phones since leaving Blackberry, the iOS product was behind the curve, had too small of a screen, or wasn't configurable enough for me. I make heavy use of widgets for my calendar, tasks, weather etc on my phone, and iOS is too locked down. I do like the idea of a common OS - which would make it easier to stream my iTunes music to my phone for instance - but it is just not that important to me. Besides, so many apps and services like Dropbox make that a moot issue in respect to what they do. I can seamlessly bounce back and forth between my iPad and my phone without much trouble. I look at my phone as a work device and the other stuff as play/music/media/reading devices. Really happy with my Galaxy from a phone standpoint.

I will say the watch is intriguing. Mostly because it looks so damned good (always Apple's strength). I have a Galaxy Gear watch, and I'm fine with the function, but truthfully usually only wear it when on a distance motorcycle ride because it easily allows me to see the caller ID when my phone rings. If I were going to get another watch to link to my Android phone it would be a Pebble Steel (

09-09-2014, 04:11 PM
The problem with Apple Pay -- and you could argue the entire Apple business model -- is that it is proprietary.

And when you consider Apple's rapidly shrinking market share in smartphones, why would a retailer (or a car manufacturer in the case of Apple CarPlay) side with them over Google & Android?

I'm completely content with my iPhone but because it's so old I have to upgrade soon and now stand at a crossroads where my choice will likely impact my watch, my car, how I pay for things, etc. And in this respect, I'm not sure I want to bet on Apple.

09-09-2014, 04:13 PM
The problem with Apple Pay -- and you could argue the entire Apple business model -- is that it is proprietary.

And when you consider Apple's rapidly shrinking market share in smartphones, why would a retailer (or a car manufacturer in the case of Apple CarPlay) side with them over Google & Android?

I'm completely content with my iPhone but because it's so old I have to upgrade soon and now stand at a crossroads where my choice will likely impact my watch, my car, how I pay for things, etc. And in this respect, I'm not sure I want to bet on Apple.

See as I understand it the NFC reading stations will be at the stores meaning that other devices with NFC can still pay using their NFC payment system. So you can use Apple Pay or any other NFC pay application since Apple Pay takes place on the phone where the NFC works with the Point of Sale system.

All this means is more NFC reading stations in stores. Good for all consumers.

09-09-2014, 04:15 PM

I don't think that is correct.

At the launch today they talked about all the reasons why Apple Pay was different than Google Wallet, and all the retailers they announced seem to be solely in the Apple camp.

Vendors could use to offer multiple systems, just like some auto manufacturers could offer both Apple CarPlay and Android Auto, but they are still separate systems.

09-09-2014, 04:16 PM
The problem with Apple Pay -- and you could argue the entire Apple business model -- is that it is proprietary.

And when you consider Apple's rapidly shrinking market share in smartphones, why would a retailer (or a car manufacturer in the case of Apple CarPlay) side with them over Google & Android?

I'm completely content with my iPhone but because it's so old I have to upgrade soon and now stand at a crossroads where my choice will likely impact my watch, my car, how I pay for things, etc. And in this respect, I'm not sure I want to bet on Apple.

Apple will always have a large loyal following, even if they lose marketshare. I really really really do not like the Android platform.

I have terrible OCD, and the Android platform really just bugs the crap out of me. It's more customizable, which means more ability to modify things -- which means I spend more time trying to get it just exactly perfect that I drive myself insane in the process. On the other hand, Apple is much more strict in modifications and much more structured so it's easier for me to deal with. Besides, the logic behind most of the core processes inside of iOS are similar to the logic my brain uses. So it feels much easier for me to use Apple. I'm going to stick with Apple.

09-09-2014, 04:18 PM
I've had Android and an iPhone and liked them both. I feel safer with iOS and feel there are fewer threats through the huge app store (all pre-approved by Apple). That gives a huge boost to my confidence of using my phone as a payment system and just all the way around. I keep no nude pics on iCloud.

The biggest reasons I'll upgrade:

- The new camera with Focus Pixels looks amazing

- The new 802.11ac WiFi

and the biggest reason...

- Apple Pay! This will be the first serious introduction of phone-based payment systems in the took an Apple to seal the deals on the partnerships and make this thing work soon after roll-out. With Visa, Mastercard and American Express signed up, I'm good to go, knowing everybody will be jumping for the sensors for their stores. The partnership that the processors have made with retailers (basically free set-up for them) means this thing will take off like a rocket. I have heard estimates of 90% of national retailers will be Apple Pay ready within the next 8-10 months. This will be huge.

09-09-2014, 04:18 PM
Apple will always have a large loyal following, even if they lose marketshare. I really really really do not like the Android platform.

I have terrible OCD, and the Android platform really just bugs the crap out of me. It's more customizable, which means more ability to modify things -- which means I spend more time trying to get it just exactly perfect that I drive myself insane in the process. On the other hand, Apple is much more strict in modifications and much more structured so it's easier for me to deal with. Besides, the logic behind most of the core processes inside of iOS are similar to the logic my brain uses. So it feels much easier for me to use Apple. I'm going to stick with Apple.

Very good points and I have some of the same issues.

I know with Android, I'd be jacking with the settings and wasting tons of time that probably wouldn't yield much real benefit.

I'm very astute technically but sometimes that can be a curse.

09-09-2014, 04:21 PM

I don't think that is correct.

At the launch today they talked about all the reasons why Apple Pay was different than Google Wallet, and all the retailers they announced seem to be solely in the Apple camp.

Vendors could use to offer multiple systems, just like some auto manufacturers could offer both Apple CarPlay and Android Auto, but they are still separate systems.

I just looked up some more info. I guess the payments works with iBeacons so that would make it proprietary if that is the case. Darn!

I really just want one dang NFC app that does payments that all retailers could use. I was sad the tap to pay thing has never caught on.

I almost think it will have to be the credit card companies that do it but I don't think they have backed any one technology yet. Sad day.

09-09-2014, 04:26 PM
As long as Apple prospers, it seems there will always be at least two parallel hardware paths.

I suppose in many ways that's a good thing, because back in the Microsoft monopoly days, advancements slowed down pretty dramatically for a while.

And I have to say, Apple's strength is taking something that already exists (computers, personal stereos, smartphones, tablets) and making them much better. It seems they've done it again with the smartwatch, at least from what I could tell in watching the live presentation.

09-09-2014, 04:27 PM
Very good points and I have some of the same issues.

I know with Android, I'd be jacking with the settings and wasting tons of time that probably wouldn't yield much real benefit.

I'm very astute technically but sometimes that can be a curse.

Exactly. I'm the type of person that will spend 2 hours leveling a picture frame on the wall. And then 2 hours later, take it down and spend 45 minutes re-centering it because it was an inch off of centering to the wall on one side. And then another 3 hours making sure it's level once I have it back up again.

Freedom to customize settings is a bad thing for me, as much as I like some of the mods available for Android systems. Sometimes it's better to just have something I can't change but that satisfies my OCD bugs.

09-09-2014, 04:32 PM

It helps that Apple provides fantastic user interfaces which satisfy most needs right out of the box. Then, they largely limit what can be changed and it merely takes a bunch of decisions off your plate.

catch, I bet you can relate to this: Give me ten things and I can put them in order of preference in no time flat. Give me a blank sheet of paper and ask me what I want, and I'll be paralyzed.

Actually, this probably describes most people to a great or lesser extent.

09-09-2014, 04:41 PM
I should have put it in my first post back (#17) but the user interface throughout iOS has always been more intuitive for me. Android is fine, like Pete talked about there's lots of options but also like Pete (and some others it sounds like), iOS just works. It does what I need it to without too many bells and whistles that go unused and only complicates things. With this new camera and AP, it's a must for me to upgrade. This is where the "Jump" program finally pays off for me.

09-09-2014, 04:47 PM
Meh, The ability to see my calendar, tasks and weather outlook (extremely critical for my business) - all at a glance - is worth fiddling with some settings for a day or two after getting a phone out of the box. Not to mention that since I am on my third Android phone it's mostly just a case of replicating what I already had on the old one. If iOS would start supporting widgets, I would become much more interested. The screen real estate is just too valuable to be left only to app icons.

09-09-2014, 04:48 PM
I mentioned this on a previous thread but when I buy my next car, I really would prefer one with Apple CarPlay or Android Auto. Or, I may buy an aftermarket head unit with those capabilities and jam it in there.

It makes no sense to have yet *another* completely separate electronic device with it's own data plan, apps and interface, and that's the case with every car maker having their own system.

And this is where the Apple interface is so great because it's simple and can easily be ported to your car's in-dash screen (and other devices as well).

09-09-2014, 04:51 PM

It helps that Apple provides fantastic user interfaces which satisfy most needs right out of the box. Then, they largely limit what can be changed and it merely takes a bunch of decisions off your plate.

catch, I bet you can relate to this: Give me ten things and I can put them in order of preference in no time flat. Give me a blank sheet of paper and ask me what I want, and I'll be paralyzed.

Actually, this probably describes most people to a great or lesser extent.

I sure can. I always get anxious around my birthday or Christmas because close family and friends usually ask me what I want as a gift. I always draw a blank. There's nothing there. But, throughout the entire year I am running across items/devices that would be handy or useful, that are relatively inexpensive that I try to remember for when I am asked about gifts. But I can never seem to remember them. But if someone says, I can get you A, B, or C. Which do you want? It's like a huge weight taken off my back and makes it so much easier.

Last year I was flying from NYC to LA, and there was no inflight entertainment. I bought a box of Starbursts for the flight while I was waiting to board. About 45 minutes in to the flight the Flight Attendant comes by with the drink cart and his eyes got huge and he grinned and asked if I was okay. Out of habit I had arranged all my Starbursts in equal stacks sorted by color and the order I was going to eat them (Orange and Yellow first, then red and pink -- save the best for last). It was at that moment in my life that I discovered I don't need to be left unattended with randomly sorted candy for any period of time. Lucky I had that row to myself. :)

09-09-2014, 04:52 PM
Meh, The ability to see my calendar, tasks and weather outlook (extremely critical for my business) - all at a glance - is worth fiddling with some settings for a day or two after getting a phone out of the box. Not to mention that since I am on my third Android phone it's mostly just a case of replicating what I already had on the old one. If iOS would start supporting widgets, I would become much more interested. The screen real estate is just too valuable to be left only to app icons.

That's the thing, it would not be a day of set up for me. It would be organize it, and hen a few days later decide I didn't like how I set it up, and then I would mess with it again. OCD is a constant cycle of unattainable perfection.

09-09-2014, 04:55 PM
The problem with Apple Pay -- and you could argue the entire Apple business model -- is that it is proprietary.

And when you consider Apple's rapidly shrinking market share in smartphones, why would a retailer (or a car manufacturer in the case of Apple CarPlay) side with them over Google & Android?

I'm completely content with my iPhone but because it's so old I have to upgrade soon and now stand at a crossroads where my choice will likely impact my watch, my car, how I pay for things, etc. And in this respect, I'm not sure I want to bet on Apple.

I think this is kind of like advertising on a network that may pull in millions who watch dumbed down shows versus what AMC gets for a 60 second spot with their programming. Those in the upper tier of income are watching Mad Men, Breaking Bad, and it makes those spots bring in the cash. Likewise, the upper 20% (or so) of buyers between 18-65 are disproportionately Apple iOS users. In other words, the wealthier customers carrying Apple Pay will make it worth the time to grab the hardware necessary.

09-09-2014, 04:56 PM
That's the thing, it would not be a day of set up for me. It would be organize it, and hen a few days later decide I didn't like how I set it up, and then I would mess with it again. OCD is a constant cycle of unattainable perfection.

I went through that on my first Android phone. Took me a long, long time to get it how I wanted it. Now, not so much.

09-09-2014, 05:01 PM
I think this is kind of like advertising on a network that may pull in millions who watch dumbed down shows versus what AMC gets for a 60 second spot with their programming. Those in the upper tier of income are watching Mad Men, Breaking Bad, and it makes those spots bring in the cash. Likewise, the upper 20% (or so) of buyers between 18-65 are disproportionately Apple iOS users. In other words, the wealthier customers carrying Apple Pay will make it worth the time to grab the hardware necessary.

That's a very good point. The Apple demographic may be smaller but they clearly have a lot of disposable income.

Also, you have to add in the millions they already have as paying customers on iTunes. I'm one of them.

09-09-2014, 09:01 PM
Meh, The ability to see my calendar, tasks and weather outlook (extremely critical for my business) - all at a glance - is worth fiddling with some settings for a day or two after getting a phone out of the box. Not to mention that since I am on my third Android phone it's mostly just a case of replicating what I already had on the old one. If iOS would start supporting widgets, I would become much more interested. The screen real estate is just too valuable to be left only to app icons.

The slide down 'Today' menu has all of these and is built into iOS.

09-09-2014, 09:05 PM
I am really tempted to get the iPhone 6 Plus, but I'm afraid it will be just too darn big to carry around.

On the other hand, I may end up using it much more as a reader and web browser because the awesome size of the screen.

One thing that Samsung has that I don't think Apple included is the IR blaster for controlling your TV and other A/V components. Great idea to get rid of yet another gadget (remote control).

09-09-2014, 09:08 PM
The slide down 'Today' menu has all of these and is built into iOS.

Yeah, I'm familiar; I have an iPad. None of it is laid out the way I want to view it, and the information is incomplete compared to what I have in my Android widgets.

09-10-2014, 08:14 AM
Apple will always have a large loyal following, even if they lose marketshare. I really really really do not like the Android platform.

I have terrible OCD, and the Android platform really just bugs the crap out of me. It's more customizable, which means more ability to modify things -- which means I spend more time trying to get it just exactly perfect that I drive myself insane in the process. On the other hand, Apple is much more strict in modifications and much more structured so it's easier for me to deal with. Besides, the logic behind most of the core processes inside of iOS are similar to the logic my brain uses. So it feels much easier for me to use Apple. I'm going to stick with Apple.

I disagree 100% with this post. Android is much more intuitive to me. You are knocking the FREEDOM of Android. WTF? Spend 25 minutes toying around with it and your life will be easier for the life of the phone compared to iphone.

I hate Apple. My wife has an iphone 5s and a MBA. They make no sense to me. "They just work"...utter BS. They are not intuitive.

09-10-2014, 08:37 AM
Usually those types of comments - "I'm much too technically-minded to use something so technical", for instance - come from people who really only have experience with the iOS platform but who still want to justify their decision as a conscious choice. Just admit that Apple looks/feels sexier and that all of the cool kids are doing it.

I like to customize my phone experience; no apologies. I don't mind so much being spoon-fed my tablet experience, and the connection to iTunes seals the deal for me.

09-10-2014, 08:43 AM
I made the choice to go with an Android phone (Galaxy S5) a few months ago and I'm glad I did. I considered the Note 3, but after playing around with it for a bit (a coworker has one), I decided it was too big for my needs and taste. With the new iPhones, I think I'd prefer the 6 over the 6+ for similar reasons.

That said, I liked the iPhone (I still have an iPad) but, after using the Android for a bit and getting past a brief re-learning period, I really prefer the Android way of doing things.

09-10-2014, 01:44 PM
Exactly. I'm the type of person that will spend 2 hours leveling a picture frame on the wall. And then 2 hours later, take it down and spend 45 minutes re-centering it because it was an inch off of centering to the wall on one side. And then another 3 hours making sure it's level once I have it back up again.

Freedom to customize settings is a bad thing for me, as much as I like some of the mods available for Android systems. Sometimes it's better to just have something I can't change but that satisfies my OCD bugs.


09-10-2014, 01:48 PM
"The tech world is still experiencing aftershocks from Apple’s big press conference on Tuesday, which is quite impressive considering there wasn’t a single surprise to be found. Each and every announcement from the show had already been revealed in a previous leak, but there’s just something about Apple’s execution that manages to drop jaws anyway. Case in point: Apple Pay."

"Everyone knew it was coming, everyone knew that countless companies had tried and failed to make mobile payments proliferate in the U.S. before, and yet Apple’s mobile payments solution still managed to knock people’s socks off."

"As you can see in the video, Apple’s solution is incredibly fluid and shoppers paying with a default card won’t even need to touch their displays in order to pay. Simply move the handset near the payment terminal, authenticate with Touch ID once the Apple Pay interface pops up, and voila."

Apple Pay Video: Apple demos Apple Pay on iPhone 6 | BGR (

Jersey Boss
09-10-2014, 02:11 PM
If Apple can't stream an iPhone 6 event, is there really an enterprise story? | ZDNet (

If Apple can't stream an iPhone 6 event, is there really an enterprise story?

Summary: Only a week after a public relations fiasco involving high-profile iCloud account breaches, Cupertino fails to reliably stream their iPhone 6 and Apple Watch event. This begs the question: can Apple be trusted to do anything enterprise-grade at all?
In the case of the iCloud account hacks, the company had to issue a statement to immediately address potential brand damage. However, as to the stream failure, Apple is likely to just pretend that it did not happen, as that would be par for the course for the company, which has not learned from its mistakes in streaming previous events and avoids acknowledging them, according to Rayburn, who I spoke to this evening on the matter.

This begs the question — can the company and its products be trusted to be used with anything enterprise-related at all? If they aren't addressing security issues in iCloud properly, and they can't learn from previous mistakes made in their streaming events, then is even iOS, the Mac or the company's own apps such as iWork suitable for enterprise use?

What else are they neglecting?

Let's be crystal clear here. I use and own Apple's products — I have two Mac Minis and an iPad Air. I also own two Apple TVs, and I probably will end up buying an iPhone 6 Plus for my own personal use as I do enjoy using their platform and also because I cover this industry.

But based on the events of the last two weeks, I'm certainly not confident that the company knows how to run an enterprise-grade cloud, and by association I'm not confident that any applications the company develops should be used in the enterprise either.

And despite the existence of good MDM products for use with iOS, no way am I going to enroll that new iPhone 6 Plus for use with my enterprise's intranet and corporate messaging system.

If that sounds unfair and biased to you, perhaps it is. But as I said, perception is reality, and I'm fairly sure many similar thoughts are flowing through the minds of plenty of C-seats at large corporations today.

If there is to be an enterprise play for Apple, it will only be if their much more competent developer partners, and the enterprise itself, are confident in the security of the devices, and if the applications running on the devices do not originate from Cupertino.

If Apple succeeds in the enterprise, it will be only because we choose to enable them to, along with a considerable leap of faith.

No way would I trust this set up without before a year of no screw ups.

09-10-2014, 02:21 PM
I have to say, Apple Pay looks really slick.

Hope it gains traction because something like this is sorely needed.

09-10-2014, 02:32 PM
Don't think this has been posted but CNET compares the iPhone and the Samsung

iPhone 6 Plus specs versus Samsung Galaxy Note 4, LG G3: 'Phablets' compared - CNET (

09-10-2014, 03:02 PM

Jersey Boss
09-10-2014, 03:21 PM
I have to say, Apple Pay looks really slick.

Hope it gains traction because something like this is sorely needed.

I fail to see how "this is sorely needed". It is no big deal for me to reach into my wallet, pull plastic (or cash), swipe, put card back, get an invoice in a few weeks. It seems like its addressing a solution to a problem that does not exist. As it stands now, if my cc is fraudulently used, VISA picks up the tab. If Apple Pay is compromised, will Apple pick up the fraudulent charge? If my daughter needs gas for her car I can lend her my plastic, with Apple Pay I would need to lend her my phone and a spare finger. Sorry, but I just do not see the advantages.

09-10-2014, 03:31 PM

For one thing, with this new system the merchant will not get your account number. They just receive an encrypted code for the transaction. So, you don't have to spread your cc numbers all over the place.

Secondly, it would be quite a bit faster. You may be quick with your cards but most people spend forever digging them out, finding the right one, getting it to swipe correctly, entering their PIN or zip code, confirming the amount, then putting it all away again.

As for fraud, you are still using your credit card, just in a different way.

"Sorely needed" was an overstatement but improvements of this sort would be very valuable to yours truly and this particular system might be enough to keep me in the Apple smartphone camp.

Combing this with self checkout would go a very long way towards earning my retail business. As it is now, I do most my grocery shopping now at a Ralph's with self checkout; the standing in line and paying process is still largely antiquated in most transactions and there are lots of ways it could be improved. Apple Pay looks like it could be a big step in that direction.

09-10-2014, 05:17 PM
I've been babying my iPhone 4s for awhile now trying to keep it in good working order until the next iPhone. I passed up on the 5 because a longer screen just didn't 'do it' for me. I'll be getting the larger 6.

I maintain a couple of phone accounts and have had Androids and such and have always preferred the iPhone for my use.

I tried a Galaxy phone for a bit but did not like how it integrated (or didn't) with my other devices.

I very much want to buy Apple's new watch, but will probably wait until its out 6+ months before doing so.

I'm also anxiously awaiting the home automation integration they've been working on. Currently have an extensive Iris system, but would consider switching.

09-11-2014, 11:49 AM
So, pre-order for the iPhone 6 opens tomorrow, 9/12.

Anybody planning to plunk down their credit card?

I will hold off until they hit the stores, along with the new Note 4. Want to be able to see them in person first.

09-11-2014, 05:19 PM
I sure can. I always get anxious around my birthday or Christmas because close family and friends usually ask me what I want as a gift. I always draw a blank. There's nothing there. But, throughout the entire year I am running across items/devices that would be handy or useful, that are relatively inexpensive that I try to remember for when I am asked about gifts. But I can never seem to remember them. But if someone says, I can get you A, B, or C. Which do you want? It's like a huge weight taken off my back and makes it so much easier.

Last year I was flying from NYC to LA, and there was no inflight entertainment. I bought a box of Starbursts for the flight while I was waiting to board. About 45 minutes in to the flight the Flight Attendant comes by with the drink cart and his eyes got huge and he grinned and asked if I was okay. Out of habit I had arranged all my Starbursts in equal stacks sorted by color and the order I was going to eat them (Orange and Yellow first, then red and pink -- save the best for last). It was at that moment in my life that I discovered I don't need to be left unattended with randomly sorted candy for any period of time. Lucky I had that row to myself. :)

You and I sound like we are one and the same, ha. I do the exact same thing with the exact same preferences regarding Starburst and other OCD tendencies you've described. Weird. OCD can be a living hell though.

09-12-2014, 03:57 PM
Look like the iPhone 6+ sold out quickly and the iPhone6 you can still preorder.

I heard they manufactured quite a bit more this time around so they could fulfill the pre orders. Carriers are saying this is best launch so far for the iPhone.

I'll pick mine up in store in a couple of weeks. I would like to see how they look and feel.

09-12-2014, 03:59 PM
I prefer to let thousands of people get their hands on the first production runs, figure out what tweaks need to be done and then buy say 6 months in.

09-12-2014, 04:10 PM says the wait for the 6 Plus will be much longer.

Funny how cell phones got smaller and smaller and now all the demand is for the big boys.

If I buy one, I'll probably opt for the Plus as well. Might be a good compromise for a tablet without having to have yet another gadget to synch, charge and carry around.

09-12-2014, 04:10 PM
So, pre-order for the iPhone 6 opens tomorrow, 9/12.

Anybody planning to plunk down their credit card?

I will hold off until they hit the stores, along with the new Note 4. Want to be able to see them in person first.

I did. I need a new phone ASAP as my current one is unusable. So I need to get it as soon as I can. I got the 6 regular, white (silver), 64GB.

09-12-2014, 04:14 PM
I disagree 100% with this post. Android is much more intuitive to me. You are knocking the FREEDOM of Android. WTF? Spend 25 minutes toying around with it and your life will be easier for the life of the phone compared to iphone.

I hate Apple. My wife has an iphone 5s and a MBA. They make no sense to me. "They just work"...utter BS. They are not intuitive.

You can disagree respectfully. I have never knocked Android, I think it is stellar technology that offers more features than iOS in many ways.

If you have read my posts, you'll see where I mentioned I have OCD and the ability to customize a ton of features means more ability to fall into infinite loops of trying to satisfy it. The structure of iOS fits my brain just right, and the strictness of customization prevents me from entering said infinite loop.

Please be a little more respectful of others in your posts. Especially if you don't understand someone's point of view.

09-13-2014, 06:41 AM says the wait for the 6 Plus will be much longer.

Funny how cell phones got smaller and smaller and now all the demand is for the big boys.

If I buy one, I'll probably opt for the Plus as well. Might be a good compromise for a tablet without having to have yet another gadget to synch, charge and carry around.

I think I'll go 6+ also. Hoping to give my iPad mini to the wife and just use my phone in those instances and also keep a full size iPad in the car for the time I need something closer to a laptop.

I just hate buying the first run of anything just to realize they make improvements almost immediately and I'm stuck with the guinea pig.

09-13-2014, 03:03 PM
Okay, so AT&T sucks big time.

I pre-ordered at 2:25 am Friday morning (so 25 minutes after they accepted sales).

I got an email almost 24 hours later saying my card had been declined. And it gave me a link to go update the information.

The link doesn't work. It goes to a "Sorry we are undergoing scheduled maintenance" page which has been up for the past 19 hours. Just now, they updated that page with a "Text this link into your browser to access a temporary page". Well, that page doesn't exist. It just says "Page Not Found". So, I go back to my email and the phone number they gave me is a disconnected line.

After some browsing, I found another number to call. I call the first time, and tell the voice prompt my CC#. And it goes into an infinite loop and eventually gives up and says "Thank you for calling" and hangs up on me.

I call back, and finally get it to accept all my information. It then says, "Thank you for entering your payment info, Please hold while we transfer you to the next agent" and then it completely just hangs up on me.

The pre-order comes thru AT&T Premier. Which means I can't access the payment info from the regular AT&T site, I have to use whatever the Premier division has set up. This is a complete joke and cluster fudge. I am beyond furious right now. I am fuming.

How can a company this big (a TECHNOLOGY COMPANY) not even get the basics right. I can't get through to any agents, and the voice prompt keeps hanging up, and the website doesn't work.

Now, by the time I do get my payment info verified -- I will be so far behind in line it will be months before I get my phone. Thanks a lot AT&T.

09-13-2014, 05:05 PM
I drove to the AT&T store where the agent said it would be Monday before I can do anything. Also, they will need to cancel my order and re do everything. What a complete joke of a company. I'm beyond pissed. If I do have to reorder, it will be October orNovember before I get my phone probably. So much for preordering.

I knew I should have purchased directly through Apple like I did when the 5 came out. What a complete mess this has turned into.

09-13-2014, 05:18 PM
The HTC Droid Incredible that I had sent me back to Apple. I realize that their Android implementation may have been flawed and problems that far back (two years ago) but it was a pain to deal with. I just had the battery recall done on my iPhone 5 so it will be good for awhile, I also prefer the size and don't want to carry a tablet around in my pocket. We will probably get my wife an iPhone 6, she is not technical (she still has a phone with a slide out keyboard) and is used to her iPad Air. She is starting a cookie/cake business so we are looking at the Square card reader for her to use with it plus there is one game she likes that is only on iOS devices.

What I didn't like was that Apple dropped the iPod Classic, I was hoping to get another one and dedicate my seven year old Classic to car duty. They have already shot up another $100 since being dropped and Apple has no real option to a 160gb music player for a decent price (the 160gb Classic was $249). There just aren't that many options for a large music library and interfaces with car stereos. I don't want an all in one device as that means pretty much everything is a compromise, I want a music player that is separate and have a separate GPS for trips.

09-14-2014, 07:40 AM
I've learned a few things from this thread.

Some folk really do not like Apple.

I'm not the only person who rearranges Starbursts (Sprees as well for me)

When the Borg arrive, catch22 will probably be the guy in front of me in the assimilation line.

Catch22 needs a gift list that includes the t-shirt - CDO - the way OCD should be.

Plutonic Panda
09-15-2014, 03:50 PM
iPhone 6 Camera Features - Business Insider (

09-15-2014, 04:19 PM
Probably the most compelling thing about an iPhone is the Apple Watch; especially if you are anxious to try out a swartwatch, and I'm definitely in that camp. You don't need an iPhone 6, but I have an iPhone 4 and that won't work.

Of course, their watch is still months away but the one thing Apple has done so well in the past is take an existing item then add great interfaces and usability. Not necessarily better features, but a better design in any way.

Sid, I'm really anxious to hear what you say about the Moto 360. I really like it of all the available wearables and there is part of me that doesn't want to get an Apple Watch because I know they will be ubiquitous.

One complicating factor for me and watches is that as a triathlete, I really do need a sports GPS watch. So, the idea of getting another expensive gizmo for my wrist is hard to swallow. Any existing smartwatch doesn't really work because it is either not very durable or it requires you also carry a smartphone. But, it's just a matter of time before someone addresses all these issues, so I will likely just continue to wait.

09-15-2014, 06:42 PM
There's a fair chance I'll be picking up the LG Wear watch when it comes out. I can't say I'm particularly anti-Apple (I have a functioning Apple IIe and was a Mac user way back in the OS 6 days), but I'm too financially invested in the Android ecosystem to consider dropping the money on an iOS device. Everything in my Google Play Music library would work or so I understand, but the apps I own are completely worthless on the other side of the fence so I just don't see the point of dropping the cash to try.

By the way, for those of you that end up running iOS 8 in the near future, take a look at the software keyboards that'll be available. I'm a big fan of Swiftkey X, and I understand there will be an iOS version in fairly short order.