View Full Version : Mayor Mick on Meet The Press

09-05-2014, 12:18 PM

Oklahoma City Mayor Mick Cornett will appear on “Meet the Press” Sunday on the first episode of the show hosted by its new moderator, Chuck Todd.

The show will focus on a discussion about how mayors in some major American cities are changing the way government works.

09-05-2014, 01:21 PM
If he makes that, "Wrath of Grapes" joke one more damned time I swear so help me...

09-05-2014, 11:55 PM
OKC will get more publicity than I expected from this.

Mayor Mick Cornett shows 'Meet the Press' crew around Oklahoma City | (

Cornett said he spent about an hour Friday morning with a crew from “Meet the Press,” shooting video in Bricktown and discussing the city’s ascent through MAPS 3, which is about at its mid-point in terms of tax collections. He said the NBC crew also visited the new John Rex charter elementary school downtown.

09-06-2014, 12:09 PM
I am astounded that Meet the Press is still being broadcast.
(it was the most boring part of my Sunday Morning television viewing)
(about 50 years ago)

Actually, it's more like astonished rather than astounded.
Yet, with Todd Chuck . . . or Chuck Todd at the helm . . .

Clown puncher
09-06-2014, 04:17 PM
I am astounded that Meet the Press is still being broadcast.
(it was the most boring part of my Sunday Morning television viewing)
(about 50 years ago)

Actually, it's more like astonished rather than astounded.
Yet, with Todd Chuck . . . or Chuck Todd at the helm . . .

Sounds like a cut of meat.

Urban Pioneer
09-07-2014, 11:15 AM
The Mayor did a great job and the film footage of OKC was pretty impressive. Def another major nationwide impression among a different demographic set.

09-07-2014, 01:07 PM
The Mayor did a great job and the film footage of OKC was pretty impressive. Def another major nationwide impression among a different demographic set.

Could you imagine if the guy running against Mick would have won, and what he would tell the media. He would tell them everything he thinks we are doing wrong and why he is wanting to change it. Instead of highlighting what we have done right, and what we are striving to become.

09-07-2014, 01:55 PM
Did he tell the audience how everyone in OKC has at least one car, and how the city is building a new street car system to ferry white people around the core gratis while bus routes are being trimmed and the least of us are now being charged for transfers, and how a conservative city with an ultraconservative mayor prospers because the majority of citizens agreed to be taxed more- what a concept.
Cornett is a sometimes delusional champion and #1 cheerleader for all things downtown, but he's not the mayor fd all OKC. that would have been the other guy.

09-07-2014, 02:13 PM
Young man, as I recall you and I both live outside OKC. Being interested in OKC is one thing, but being bitter many, many moons after an election is just downright sad. A friendly tip. When your candidate loses, accept the loss and work for a better tomorrow. Plain old bitter, it's just that.

Let it Go is a song from an animated movie, not the foundation for a political philosophy. If all you see is what you see inside the isolation of the ice castle, you might feel a feigned sense of power and importance, but you'll never get a clear vision of the rest of the world around you.

09-07-2014, 02:55 PM
Not bitter at all Kevin, just pointing out the conservative hypocrisy.

09-07-2014, 03:45 PM
Thank you Edgar. Now point out a few positive things about our city.

09-07-2014, 04:53 PM
Did he tell the audience how everyone in OKC has at least one car, and how the city is building a new street car system to ferry white people around the core gratis while bus routes are being trimmed and the least of us are now being charged for transfers, and how a conservative city with an ultraconservative mayor prospers because the majority of citizens agreed to be taxed more- what a concept.
Cornett is a sometimes delusional champion and #1 cheerleader for all things downtown, but he's not the mayor fd all OKC. that would have been the other guy.

Just for the record, I am 1/64th Native American and I plan to use the streetcar.

09-07-2014, 05:30 PM
(Jeff foxworthy voice mode)
If you think a streetcar is going to have a white folk only sign ... you might be irrational.

If you think a mayor who champions tax increases is an ultra conservative ... you might be irrational.

(Jeff foxworthy mode off)

Richard at Remax
09-07-2014, 05:52 PM
I didn't know grapes could get THAT sour

09-07-2014, 07:38 PM
Edgar, you amaze me.

09-07-2014, 09:57 PM
Here is a link to the full show for those who didn't see it. TVE - Watch Breaking News, Top Stories, Local and World News | NBC News (

And here are Steve's thoughts about it.

Immediate Thoughts on OKC on Meet the Press | News OK (

Stan Silliman
09-08-2014, 03:58 AM
Some people think that MSNBC and NBC News are bastions of liberalism. That did not seem the point of this particular Meet the Press report. Curious to see how the conservatives maintain their criticism with these circumstances. Did they mention the worlds most expensive divorce might be occurring in OKC?

09-08-2014, 08:19 AM
Thank you Edgar. Now point out a few positive things about our city.

You all do a good job of that. All the same shameful conditions the other guy brought up during the campaign exist and you can't mention them or you're anti-mo or some such bs and Mick will walk out of the meeting. If you're going to bask in the glow you also have to be willing to duck the tomatoes.

09-08-2014, 08:23 AM
(Jeff foxworthy voice mode)
If you think a streetcar is going to have a white folk only sign ... you might be irrational.

If you think a mayor who champions tax increases is an ultra conservative ... you might be irrational.

(Jeff foxworthy mode off)

If Cornett isn't ultraconservative they've redefined the term. The guy's political hero is Newt. Sure he loves sales taxes paid by all the little people and the homeless wearing paths at stoplights that benefit his chamber buddies.

Of Sound Mind
09-08-2014, 08:33 AM
You all do a good job of that. All the same shameful conditions the other guy brought up during the campaign exist and you can't mention them or you're anti-mo or some such bs and Mick will walk out of the meeting. If you're going to bask in the glow you also have to be willing to duck the tomatoes.
Always easier to throw tomatoes than being part of the solution...

09-08-2014, 08:47 AM
Cornett pandered when running for governor but as mayor I wouldn't call him ultraconservative. Anybody who can actually get stuff done rather than simply harp on the "Three Gs" isn't an ultra-conservative in my book.

09-08-2014, 09:08 AM
Cornett pandered when running for governor but as mayor I wouldn't call him ultraconservative. Anybody who can actually get stuff done rather than simply harp on the "Three Gs" isn't an ultra-conservative in my book.
Check out the groaners Mick ran when going for congress- chock full of 3G's and don't burn the flag.

09-08-2014, 09:10 AM
Always easier to throw tomatoes than being part of the solution...
Mick is foremost a pr guy. It's all blue skies and buttermilk and everyone has at least one car and Ok has water in abundance. Had to find a solution to a problem that doesn't exist in his fantasy world.

09-08-2014, 10:37 AM
We must continue to build on our strengths AND acknowledge our problems/challenges which are many. Good leadership does that.

09-08-2014, 10:41 AM
Does Edgar offer anything but irrational hate for Mick and blind love for Ed? Maybe EDgar IS Ed.

09-08-2014, 11:00 AM
Just for the record, I am 1/64th Native American and I plan to use the streetcar.

Ha! Same here.

09-08-2014, 11:15 AM
Hey Mick said on MTP people didn't mind being taxed for capital projects they could actually touch- new buses and shelters. Lots of of low income citizens would love to touch them. They pay sales tax also.

09-08-2014, 11:20 AM
[QUOTE=Edgar;826001]Hey Mick said on MTP people didn't mind being taxed for capital projects they could actually touch- new buses and shelters. Lots of of low income citizens would love to touch them. They pay sales tax also.[/QUOT

It's all relative, they don't pay near the amount as an average income person.

09-08-2014, 11:23 AM

Saw this past Sunday's Meet the Press segment with guest mayors from Oklahoma City, Tacoma & Pittsburgh. Mick Cornett really stood out; his background in media prepared him for the press. Did you get the feeling that Chuck Todd was baiting both mayors (Oklahoma City-Tacoma) when he brought up the Supersonics relocation? Neither mayor nibbled on that bait.

I am impressed with the leadership of our mayor. He doesn't wear his party affiliation on his sleeve as he gets things done which is why OKC has progressed over the years.

Mick has continued to carry the MAPS' torch as a leader and an ambassador for Oklahoma City. Continuous momentum of our progress is reflected in the investments made by our business sector development . "Oklahoma City looks oh-so pretty... I get my kicks on Route 66." --Nat King Cole.

09-09-2014, 09:41 AM
I watched it last night and here are my thoughts...

OKC and Mick came out looking the best, we wanted a turn around and taxed ourselves in a very conservative state.

The Tacoma mayor, has a Daddy Warbucks in the Gates family, so they really don't need to increase taxes because he has an unlimted check book to help with infrastructure.

The Pittsburgh mayor looked the worse, basically still wanting money from the federal gov't. He also starting playing politics by blaming the gridlock on the congress not the President.

Both Mick and the Tacoma mayor both said it starts from the top, the executive branch and that is how it should, the Pittsburgh mayor still wants to blame Congress and get political. That is the core difference to me between R's I's and D's, the D's never take responsibility

09-09-2014, 10:31 AM
I watched it last night and here are my thoughts...

OKC and Mick came out looking the best, we wanted a turn around and taxed ourselves in a very conservative state.

The Tacoma mayor, has a Daddy Warbucks in the Gates family, so they really don't need to increase taxes because he has an unlimted check book to help with infrastructure.

The Pittsburgh mayor looked the worse, basically still wanting money from the federal gov't. He also starting playing politics by blaming the gridlock on the congress not the President.

Both Mick and the Tacoma mayor both said it starts from the top, the executive branch and that is how it should, the Pittsburgh mayor still wants to blame Congress and get political. That is the core difference to me between R's I's and D's, the D's never take responsibility

The irony of you whining about the Pittsburgh mayor playing politics and getting political and then talking about how the blame should lie at the feet of the President is not lost on me.

09-09-2014, 10:58 AM
The irony of you whining about the Pittsburgh mayor playing politics and getting political and then talking about how the blame should lie at the feet of the President is not lost on me.

maybe you miss understood my post or read something that wasn't there.

Pittsburgh mayor said, " Washington gridlock is solely on the Congress, no fault of the President.

Mick- " the executive branch needs to lead from the front, not get involved in bickering or playing politics.

(I actually never gave my opinion on the problem with Washington) but since you asked.
My opinion, both the Congress (house and senate) along with the President are to blame for the gridlock?

I never said the problem in Washington is solely the Presidents fault, I think it starts with the executive branch and goes from there, but putting blame on just one side (like the mayor of Pitts does) is just incorrect

09-09-2014, 11:00 AM
Do not feed the troll folks. Everyone wants to respond to Edgard, and that's easy. He's being completely asinine, but he has managed to turn himself into the center of attention. Don't let him get away with that.

All that said, Cornett was very impressive on MTP. He painted OKC in an amazing light. He is exactly what the mayor should be in OKC. A cheerleader.

09-09-2014, 12:17 PM

09-10-2014, 09:09 AM
I watched it last night and here are my thoughts...

OKC and Mick came out looking the best, we wanted a turn around and taxed ourselves in a very conservative state.

The Tacoma mayor, has a Daddy Warbucks in the Gates family, so they really don't need to increase taxes because he has an unlimted check book to help with infrastructure.

The Pittsburgh mayor looked the worse, basically still wanting money from the federal gov't. He also starting playing politics by blaming the gridlock on the congress not the President.

Both Mick and the Tacoma mayor both said it starts from the top, the executive branch and that is how it should, the Pittsburgh mayor still wants to blame Congress and get political. That is the core difference to me between R's I's and D's, the D's never take responsibility
Yeah, being mayor of a homogenous white bread city medium city in middle America is just like being leader of the free world while also trying to get something done with the collection of tea party ninnies mucking everything up. Myrtle the turtle told us long ago the gop strategy of doing whatever damage to America necessary to cause the President to fail. Why do they hate America?

09-10-2014, 09:22 AM
It's all relative, they don't pay near the amount as an average income person.
And yet, they are more than likely the ones most dependent upon public transportation.

09-10-2014, 01:16 PM
There was an interesting segment / show on Freakonomics about "If Mayor's Ruled The World". In it, they cited how effective mayors need to be very independent of classical (two-party) politics. The podcast cited the Zionist mayor of Jerusalem telling all the religious factions to just back down and work together when it was his job to take care of the sewers, not what flavor of muck ran in them. They also went further to discuss how the POTUS simply cannot work like a mayor and still be successful.