09-02-2014, 07:48 PM
Actually, not so much "excellence in propaganda" as in videography/voiceovers, pioneered by Ken Burns, that you can [only see on OETA]. Not so much revisionist history, rather, history revisioned.
Recent broadcasts in point:
Just last night: "OKC A to Z" followed immediately by "Tulsa A to Z" (both dated, updated, and rebroadcast)
Tonight: "Cuban Missle Crisis: ('Three Men at War') followed immediately by "The Fidel Castro Tapes".
The most amazing thing about the Cuban Conflicts Paradigms Videographed, at least to me, are to listen to what the talking head commentators on the contemporary (temporal) newscasts of the days in question had to say on the topic at hand compared to the voiceovers of the current versions. =)
Dang . . . Now it's reruns of Ronald Reagan vs. Connie Chung vs. Poor ol' Fidel =) Not to mention the McNamera of The News rather than the State Department.
Well . . . here's Elian Gonzalez . . . As Fidel once said: "Wish of friendship" . . . "neighbors" . . . "live in peace" . . . "and as Henry Adams once said, 'give me liberty or give me death'" . . . (and now Clinton . . . and a Bush)
Sure wish I'd studied something other than Political Science/History back in my formative years. I'd probably have a difference sense of humor. Maybe even "Art" and what constitutes "Entertainment" =)
Recent broadcasts in point:
Just last night: "OKC A to Z" followed immediately by "Tulsa A to Z" (both dated, updated, and rebroadcast)
Tonight: "Cuban Missle Crisis: ('Three Men at War') followed immediately by "The Fidel Castro Tapes".
The most amazing thing about the Cuban Conflicts Paradigms Videographed, at least to me, are to listen to what the talking head commentators on the contemporary (temporal) newscasts of the days in question had to say on the topic at hand compared to the voiceovers of the current versions. =)
Dang . . . Now it's reruns of Ronald Reagan vs. Connie Chung vs. Poor ol' Fidel =) Not to mention the McNamera of The News rather than the State Department.
Well . . . here's Elian Gonzalez . . . As Fidel once said: "Wish of friendship" . . . "neighbors" . . . "live in peace" . . . "and as Henry Adams once said, 'give me liberty or give me death'" . . . (and now Clinton . . . and a Bush)
Sure wish I'd studied something other than Political Science/History back in my formative years. I'd probably have a difference sense of humor. Maybe even "Art" and what constitutes "Entertainment" =)