View Full Version : But First, Lemme Take a Selfie.... or 1000

Plutonic Panda
08-30-2014, 12:40 AM
So I actually kind of think this might be a disorder, but I'm not an expert on selfieoligy, so we need some of the experts to tune in.

Father captures daughter’s hilarious selfie photoshoot in back seat of car

Starting a conversation with a teenager engrossed in their smartphone can be a difficult task.

So when Rob Beckham saw his daughter posing for a series of selfies he decided to secretly record her trying to get the perfect shot.

Mr Beckham appears to be one of those parents who takes delight in embarrassing their children after putting the footage online.

It shows his daughter pulling a series of bizarre facial expressions while snapping away on her smartphone in the back seat of her father’s car.

Some viewers have questioned the genuineness of the video, which has racked up more than 800,000 hits in just a few days.

- Video: Father captures daughter?s hilarious selfie photoshoot in back seat of car - Telegraph (

So here we have a possible maniac taking 1000 selfies in the back seat making weird demon faces

We have father who is exploiting this by filming her

and he's driving the car while filming



08-30-2014, 04:39 AM
Being a teen is not really a disorder ... though I guess it can seem like one at times.
Dad playing with the phone while driving though ... bad poppa, bad, bad, poppa. Kiddos remember what you do, imitation being sincere flattery and all that rot.

Plutonic Panda
08-30-2014, 06:15 AM
Did I or do I do stuff like that? Maybe time(age) will tell :p

My body is almost 21 but my soul is still young. I'm starting to get old of nooooooo

Oh GAWD the Smell!
08-31-2014, 06:57 AM
I'm very, VERY glad that cameras/phones weren't around when I was a teen. Or even in my twenties.

I can't IMAGINE what I'd have documented.

Wait...yes I can.


08-31-2014, 07:14 PM
"selfieoligy" I am so going to steal that word. I try and spare my phone and other people from my visage. I did get a nice compliment from the guy checking me out at Whole Foods today. He really liked my semi feral beard.

Plutonic Panda
09-01-2014, 12:42 AM
"selfieoligy" I am so going to steal that word. I try and spare my phone and other people from my visage. I did get a nice compliment from the guy checking me out at Whole Foods today. He really liked my semi feral beard.BEARD