View Full Version : Alley's End (4th & EK Gaylord)
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In August of 2012, an LLC affiliated with SandRidge Energy purchased the 1.83 acres shown in yellow below from OPUBCO for $1.97 million.
We know from several good sources that LandRun Commercial (developers of The Rise) now has the property under contract.
This parcel is surrounded by land owned by the City of Oklahoma City (show in pink) and was once considered for the new headquarters of the Chamber of Commerce. Combined with the SandRidge property, this vacant site is over 3.4 acres; by way of comparison, the Stage Center site (for the proposed OG&E Tower) is 3.2 acres. No word yet on whether LandRun will acquire the City-owned property as well.
As we understand it, there are several concepts being evaluated for this property, with no firm development decisions as of yet.
Also, LandRun owns property at 6th & Broadway (shown in green) which is immediately adjacent to another key SandRidge property (blue). It has long been expected that the large lots SandRidge owns on Broadway would be developed into structured parking with retail/commercial space on the ground floors.
This is a new article on a very important piece of downtown property, as it could serve to bridge together Deep Deuce, Automobile Alley and Midtown.
shawnw 09-05-2014, 11:24 AM Just because? Or are you prepping to tell us something we don't already know?
catch22 09-05-2014, 11:28 AM Just because? Or are you prepping to tell us something we don't already know?
It's under contract to LandRun, which my guess would be something will happen soon.
If it truly is landrun, any hopes for a tower on this lot are out of the question.
They plan to develop the property and are working with an architect to evaluate alternatives.
Martin 09-05-2014, 11:45 AM hopefully this will put chase's redevelopment plans under more scrutiny. -M
Bellaboo 09-05-2014, 01:16 PM hopefully this will put chase's redevelopment plans under more scrutiny. -M
I thought Chase came out with a different design that was approved ?
I thought Chase came out with a different design that was approved ?
Not approved yet. Downtown Design Review Committee meets Sept. 18th.
Bellaboo 09-05-2014, 02:04 PM Not approved yet. Downtown Design Review Committee meets Sept. 18th.
Gottcha... I went and looked at the article from Aug 22 and it quoted Dick Tannenbaum saying he thought it would get approval from the board at the next meeting.
Spartan 09-07-2014, 01:35 PM It's under contract to LandRun, which my guess would be something will happen soon.
If it truly is landrun, any hopes for a tower on this lot are out of the question.
There's probably someone else involved with LandRun. LandRun also has a whole block on the other side of the YMCA/RED block..parcels that have typically been included with the EK Gaylord site in past development visions. Under contract just means they have a tentative development with maybe a few fallback options in place.
I've heard a local architecture firm has worked up preliminary plans for this site which include a 15-story residential tower, 10-story office structure, structured parking and some retail space.
I suspect they are working with the City to acquire the adjacent property they currently own.
Spartan 09-07-2014, 01:42 PM Well that's already more world class than Rainey Williams.
catch22 09-07-2014, 05:01 PM I've heard a local architecture firm has worked up preliminary plans for this site which include a 15-story residential tower, 10-story office structure, structured parking and some retail space.
I suspect they are working with the City to acquire the adjacent property they currently own.
I hope that's true.
Tier2City 09-07-2014, 06:59 PM Well that's already more world class than Rainey Williams.
You don't know Rainey Williams.*
*That was the point.
Bellaboo 09-07-2014, 07:25 PM I've heard a local architecture firm has worked up preliminary plans for this site which include a 15-story residential tower, 10-story office structure, structured parking and some retail space.
I suspect they are working with the City to acquire the adjacent property they currently own.
Several months ago, in one of these threads when the rumor was starting on Main and Hudson, Steve had asked someone to add a large tower (conceptual drawing) at that site, then he also asked to have a 15 story residential tower placed at 4th & EK Gaylord.
It may be that a couple of different groups took a run at this property because I'm not 100% sure the development I described was for the LandRun group.
I know a local architecture firm made such a conceptual plan but not sure it was for the group that is now controlling the property.
bchris02 09-07-2014, 08:30 PM A 15-story residential tower would an amazing development for OKC. How soon before we should know whether or not that is really in the cards?
IanMcDermid 09-07-2014, 09:36 PM It sure would be nice if the city would retain some green area dedicated to recreation during this rush toward a densified core. It was a major topic of the key note speaker, a former Vancouver city planner, at this years mayoral round table.
There's well over a thousand units and growing just east of the tracks and no public green space to use other than this sliver of grass. There's no community without communal area. Gonna need some urban parks guys.
bchris02 09-07-2014, 10:16 PM It sure would be nice if the city would retain some green area dedicated to recreation during this rush toward a densified core. It was a major topic of the key note speaker, a former Vancouver city planner, at this years mayoral round table.
There's well over a thousand units and growing just east of the tracks and no public green space to use other than this sliver of grass. There's no community without communal area. Gonna need some urban parks guys.
Good point. I agree, even if they are just small plazas with maybe an art piece as its center. OKC is lucky though to have a park like Myriad Gardens right in its CBD.
ljbab728 09-07-2014, 10:16 PM It sure would be nice if the city would retain some green area dedicated to recreation during this rush toward a densified core. It was a major topic of the key note speaker, a former Vancouver city planner, at this years mayoral round table.
There's well over a thousand units and growing just east of the tracks and no public green space to use other than this sliver of grass. There's no community without communal area. Gonna need some urban parks guys.
Hmmm, I think that's already being planned and you don't have to have a park every few blocks. Nobody expects that. The nearest park to me is about a mile away and I enjoy the walk to get there.
catch22 09-07-2014, 10:22 PM It sure would be nice if the city would retain some green area dedicated to recreation during this rush toward a densified core. It was a major topic of the key note speaker, a former Vancouver city planner, at this years mayoral round table.
There's well over a thousand units and growing just east of the tracks and no public green space to use other than this sliver of grass. There's no community without communal area. Gonna need some urban parks guys.
There's the pocket park in Deep Deuce, there's the Sandridge Commons and soon (?) to be opened Kerr Park (is that right?). Also, not really a very cheerful place, but there's the Memorial area which has plenty of open space. And the MBG is a short walk away. I've made the walk from 6th and Broadway to MBG and it's not a bad walk at all.
HOT ROD 09-07-2014, 10:30 PM ya, I think OKC has more urban parks in downtown than we have in Seattle.
HOT ROD 09-07-2014, 10:31 PM But I also agree, any advice from Vancouver should be strongly considered/adopted.
Teo9969 09-08-2014, 12:20 AM East of the Tracks:
NE corner of Oklahoma/3rd
Block 42 Green space (not sure if they're hep on non residents hanging out there)
The Canal (thought not green, it operates in the vein of being a public place people can congregate)
West of the Tracks:
Kerr Park (under construction)
Federal Building Lawn
Devon Lawn
This is definitely not a locale where we need green space. This needs to the densest possible development we can muster for this lot. A 30+ story high rise would be ideal here, but we'll probably not get that.
I've heard a local architecture firm has worked up preliminary plans for this site which include a 15-story residential tower, 10-story office structure, structured parking and some retail space.
I've been able to confirm that these plans were actually created for another developer who had been considering acquiring this property; not Land Run. For some reason that potential deal did not come together.
My understanding is that Land Run does not have any specific plans at this time.
ljbab728 09-26-2014, 12:01 AM The sale to Jonathan Russell has closed.
Jonathan Russell, best known for redevelopment of The Rise shopping center at NW 23 and Walker in Uptown, closed a $2.9 million purchase Thursday of property at the southeast corner of Broadway and NW 4.
Chadanth 09-26-2014, 05:28 AM The sale to Jonathan Russell has closed.
Hopefully whatever they do with this parcel goes smoother than the rise, or grandchildren will be looking at a construction fence there in 30 years.
bchris02 09-26-2014, 07:09 AM I've been able to confirm that these plans were actually created for another developer who had been considering acquiring this property; not Land Run. For some reason that potential deal did not come together.
My understanding is that Land Run does not have any specific plans at this time.
Very disappointing. That would be an amazing spot for high-rise residential.
I wonder if Land Run actually plans on developing it or if they will flip it when the time is right to whoever will actually develop the property.
SandRidge bought this for $1.97 million just two years ago.
Nice million dollar flip.
The $2.9 million sale just posted on the County Assessor site.
Interesting, the ownership entity is "Times Square OKC LLC".
May be a hint at future development.
betts 09-29-2014, 05:00 PM The $2.9 million sale just posted on the County Assessor site.
Interesting, the ownership entity is "Times Square OKC LLC".
May be a hint at future development.
Hopefully they're not planning on a giant advertising screen at the top! That might be more difficult to sleep through than the trains (which I never notice anymore, by the way).
The property is kind of shaped like Times Square.
Mr. Cotter 09-29-2014, 05:26 PM We're getting the second location of Guy's American Kitchen!
Plutonic Panda 09-29-2014, 09:22 PM A large times Square like TV would be awesome!
TheTravellers 09-30-2014, 01:53 PM We're getting the second location of Guy's American Kitchen!
Um, did you read the article? Not sure why you're using an exclamation point, sounds like a horrible place, I don't plan on ever eating there if the review is even 10% accurate...
Bullbear 09-30-2014, 02:30 PM Um, did you read the article? Not sure why you're using an exclamation point, sounds like a horrible place, I don't plan on ever eating there if the review is even 10% accurate...
Pretty sure that was
TheTravellers 09-30-2014, 02:43 PM Pretty sure that was
Don't know enough of his posting history to know for sure, but, yeah, I'd hope so!
As has been said many many times before, we *really* need a sarcasm font on the intertubes.
Bullbear 09-30-2014, 02:55 PM Don't know enough of his posting history to know for sure, but, yeah, I'd hope so!
As has been said many many times before, we *really* need a sarcasm font on the intertubes.
From this day forward Fixedsys size 6 will be sarcasm font
wsucougz 09-30-2014, 03:59 PM Rule #2: Any reference to Guy's American Kitchen is assumed to be sarcasm unless noted otherwise.
Menu sounds good, though: Guy's American Kitchen & Bar (
soonerguru 09-30-2014, 10:58 PM We're getting the second location of Guy's American Kitchen!
That review is hysterical. It's sad that after all of the scrumptious discoveries Fieri has made touring the US eating (that's a job I would take any day), that he brought so little back from the experiences for his own diners to enjoy. And no, I never eat in Times Square (although "Restaurant Row" on 46th Street has some wonderfully charming little Italian places).
BillyOcean 10-01-2014, 10:14 AM Until I see Land Run finish The Rise to expectations of renderings (have serious doubts at this point), they are an incompetent group as far as I am concerned. No group with a semblance of a clue of what they are doing misses this badly on date of completion. I don't want to hear about the delays that were out of their hands....experienced developers recognize and account for these from the onset.
I am all for this lot being developed, but not by this group until they can prove that they can pull their heads out of their you know what.
Teo9969 10-01-2014, 11:50 AM I thought Jonathan Russell was the one who left Landrun, or was that someone else?
warreng88 10-02-2014, 08:05 AM Until I see Land Run finish The Rise to expectations of renderings (have serious doubts at this point), they are an incompetent group as far as I am concerned. No group with a semblance of a clue of what they are doing misses this badly on date of completion. I don't want to hear about the delays that were out of their hands....experienced developers recognize and account for these from the onset.
I am all for this lot being developed, but not by this group until they can prove that they can pull their heads out of their you know what.
We need to remember that this would be renovation of an old building (The Rise) versus new construction (4th and Gaylord) and new construction is typically easier unless you hit things unexpected like water tables, etc.
HangryHippo 10-02-2014, 10:55 AM Until I see Land Run finish The Rise to expectations of renderings (have serious doubts at this point), they are an incompetent group as far as I am concerned. No group with a semblance of a clue of what they are doing misses this badly on date of completion. I don't want to hear about the delays that were out of their hands....experienced developers recognize and account for these from the onset.
I am all for this lot being developed, but not by this group until they can prove that they can pull their heads out of their you know what.
Agree completely. Someone that can actually deliver something grand is what's needed on this lot, and that's not Land Run.
bchris02 10-03-2014, 07:34 AM My hope is that Land Run bought this with the intention of flipping it when the right developer comes along. I agree with people who say that until I see a completed Rise, I don't trust Land Run to deliver a quality development.
Spartan 10-04-2014, 09:05 AM Don't know enough of his posting history to know for sure, but, yeah, I'd hope so!
As has been said many many times before, we *really* need a sarcasm font on the intertubes.
I often just use & in texts and emails which friends and colleagues know by denotes the driest sarcasm..
Not that we don't already know eachother well enough to tell everyone's sarcasm &
Land Run now has a sign up on this property:
G.Walker 11-01-2014, 08:46 PM If they put a sign up, an announcement and renderings should be coming soon...
catch22 11-01-2014, 08:55 PM If they put a sign up, an announcement and renderings should be coming soon...
Or they are just gauging market interest. They are advertising office retail and residential. Really broad, so mybe just seeing what bites they get before making a final decision on how to develop the property.
Yeah, I don't think they have a clear picture of what they want to do yet.
ljbab728 11-02-2014, 12:32 AM So what do they say to anyone who calls? Do they just say are you interested and how much will you pay? How can you prelease something without a little detail about what you're planning?
catch22 11-02-2014, 10:12 AM So what do they say to anyone who calls? Do they just say are you interested and how much will you pay? How can you prelease something without a little detail about what you're planning?
If 60% of the calls they get are interested in office space, 15% in retail, and 25% are living...they will kind of have a better idea of what the market is looking for.
Good salesmen ask you what price you want to pay before they show you a product. I'm sure they'll do the same. Once they have a dataset of a mix of market preferences they can get get some sketches and do preleasing.
ljbab728 11-02-2014, 09:02 PM Good salesmen ask you what price you want to pay before they show you a product. I'm sure they'll do the same.
I do that too but the difference is that I actually have a product I can present to my customers.
catch22 11-02-2014, 09:08 PM I do that too but the difference is that I actually have a product I can present to my customers.
Before they can offer a product, they need to see what the market is willing to pay.
I bet the Milhaus people move to this site, anyway.
ljbab728 11-02-2014, 09:18 PM Before they can offer a product, they need to see what the market is willing to pay.
I bet the Milhaus people move to this site, anyway.
You may be correct but I would still think that if I was someone calling because of the sign I would think it was rather strange that all they wanted to do was ask me questions and have little of substance to tell me.
Developers do this all the time.
Very little downside to putting a sign on a high traffic area and fielding calls.
Lots of times it's as much about other properties they own as it is about the site where the sign is located. Land Run owns several properties just blocks away from this site.
Still, I hope they have something great planned for this property. It's important in lots of ways.
ljbab728 11-02-2014, 10:06 PM Developers do this all the time.
Very little downside to putting a sign on a high traffic area and fielding calls.
I'm sure that's true, Pete. I'm just looking at it from the viewpoint of the person who calls after seeing the sign.
Bellaboo 11-03-2014, 07:19 AM I'm sure that's true, Pete. I'm just looking at it from the viewpoint of the person who calls after seeing the sign.
Call them up and see what they say ?
Anonymous. 11-03-2014, 08:42 AM The best part about the piece of land, is whoever ends up leasing here or buying - you can easily walk across the street to your local suburban bank branch!
Rover 11-03-2014, 09:45 AM I'm sure that's true, Pete. I'm just looking at it from the viewpoint of the person who calls after seeing the sign.
Are you trying to take the point of view of a rubbernecker or a serious potential tenant?
Some people will call who have no intent of ever participating in any way...only because they are curious or wanting to feel in the know. Others will call who might be potential major/named tenants who like the site but don't want to be the actual owner developer. They might even get some potential co-developers who after driving by a number of times decide they would like to participate.
As Pete said, they probably aren't far enough along to have actual plans, so a SERIOUS inquiry could affect the type of development and the mix of tenants. No interest will probably mean they aren't pressed to make any decisions and to just wait.