04-30-2019, 02:44 AM
Pete? Do you have renderings? I don’t click on NewsOK articles.
View Full Version : Alley's End (4th & EK Gaylord) catch22 04-30-2019, 02:44 AM Pete? Do you have renderings? I don’t click on NewsOK articles. BoulderSooner 04-30-2019, 05:36 AM the residential here is the better use for okc Pete 04-30-2019, 07:51 AM I'll have all the renderings and will post in a bit. RaRaRyan 04-30-2019, 07:54 AM Rose Rock looks like it will fit in better with the CBD. But it leaves a lot to be desired with the total use of the land and the large gap it seems to leave on the east side. The Bomasada plan may not be the best design, but adding residential that serves as a connector to Deep Deuce wouldn’t be the worst thing in the world either. The thing that kills the Bomasada plan is the lack of ground level retail. If it had some shops and restaurants on the first floor, it would be a no-brainer. We need more mixed use residential around downtown. They should combine the 2 into a tower with ground level retail, structured parking, offices, apartments/condos, and a rooftop garden. I’ll keep dreaming. hfry 04-30-2019, 08:20 AM If they choose the Rose Rock proposal then they could easily develop the eastern section add any point. I don't buy the other proposal saying it would hurt their ability if their proposal isn't chosen because they have vested interest in selling their section. Pete 04-30-2019, 08:31 AM If they choose the Rose Rock proposal then they could easily develop the eastern section add any point. I don't buy the other proposal saying it would hurt their ability if their proposal isn't chosen because they have vested interest in selling their section. Exactly right. The other parcel is privately owned and is not part of this RFP. Russell has owned it for almost 5 years and has done nothing with it. He is merely looking to flip it and make a profit and that is not the concern of the city or the community in general. Sooner.Arch 04-30-2019, 08:50 AM The Rose Rock proposal fits best with the cbd. The video really helps to visual what the building would look like irl with its limestone cladding. I feel the Bomasada proposal just doesnt fit, aesthetic wise. I would say that residential apartment towers are the best way to go in the cbd. The bomasada proposal is just not cutting it. jonny d 04-30-2019, 08:58 AM The Rose Rock proposal fits best with the cbd. The video really helps to visual what the building would look like irl with its limestone cladding. I feel the Bomasada proposal just doesnt fit, aesthetic wise. I would say that residential apartment towers are the best way to go in the cbd. The bomasada proposal is just not cutting it. There will probably never be a residential tower (more than 8-10 stories) built in the CBD, or at least not for a long time. The Bomsada proposal is best for what OKC citizens would want to pay to live downtown. If you build up, it would cost too much for the citizens of OKC to afford. Pete 04-30-2019, 08:59 AM Here are the new renderings and animation for the Rose Rose proposal: HangryHippo 04-30-2019, 09:11 AM They should combine the 2 into a tower with ground level retail, structured parking, offices, apartments/condos, and a rooftop garden. I’ll keep dreaming. This right here. jedicurt 04-30-2019, 09:12 AM i love the partial street interaction... hate the parking exit being right at the light instead of it being even more street interaction the whole length. David 04-30-2019, 09:15 AM I could be content with either, but I like the Rose Rock proposal quite a bit more. Mid-rise infill is what we need, and both qualify. HangryHippo 04-30-2019, 09:25 AM Apologies if I'm just missing it, but when is the city supposed to decide on this? onthestrip 04-30-2019, 10:35 AM The rose rock proposal seems like the obvious choice here. Looks great and is the highest and best use of the OCURA land. Bomasada could still develop a couple hundred apartments in between this and the railroad. A super block of not-the-fanciest-looking apartments doesnt need to be at this major intersection. Pete 04-30-2019, 11:54 AM Right-click and open in a new window for larger images. Pete 04-30-2019, 12:16 PM G.Walker 04-30-2019, 12:55 PM I for one like the Bomasada proposal & hope it gets chosen. We need more consistent housing closer to the CBD & this will bring active persons 24/7. I would rather the bank who will occupy the Rose Rock proposal absorb Class A office space in the CBD that is already available... HangryHippo 04-30-2019, 01:18 PM After seeing/learning more, I think I'd like the Rose Rock proposal to win this and for a version of the Bomasada proposal to go up on the land on the west side of Broadway between 4th and 5th. okcRE 04-30-2019, 01:46 PM Rose Rock get chosen. Bomasada revises their apartment proposal facing NW 4ths street. This would be ideal. Architect2010 04-30-2019, 02:58 PM Right-click and open in a new window for larger images. The materials and setback are a hard NO for me. This design is not appropriate for the location whatsoever. Where is the street interaction? Where is the ground floor retail? Do the proposed materials even fit into what is suggested for this area? Looks like an apartment complex you can find in Anysuburb, USA. Rose Rock hands down. Materials are better suited, there is retail along the entire complex, mixed use and community space, AND it leaves opportunity for the back half of the lot to be developed at a later time. bigsmooth 04-30-2019, 03:36 PM D. None of the above Plutonic Panda 04-30-2019, 03:52 PM They should turn down both of these proposals and sit on it for awhile if this is the best anyone can come up with. Both of these developments are just horrible, IMO. fightlessllama 04-30-2019, 04:04 PM The materials and setback are a hard NO for me. This design is not appropriate for the location whatsoever. Where is the street interaction? Where is the ground floor retail? Do the proposed materials even fit into what is suggested for this area? Looks like an apartment complex you can find in Anysuburb, USA. Rose Rock hands down. Materials are better suited, there is retail along the entire complex, mixed use and community space, AND it leaves opportunity for the back half of the lot to be developed at a later time. I agree plus that cut-out on 4th street is terrible for pedestrians trying to use the sidewalk. Hi, I know you're trying to walk past our faceless building but go ahead and take a detour by our leasing office or risk crossing two driveways and a small parking lot. Also, if they're not even going to try and put in retail, I feel like there should be at least an attempt for some ground floor apartments to have street facing entrances. The Level, The Lift, The Metropolitan, The Edge, and The Commons all seemed to have no problem doing that. (The Commons example below) HOT ROD 04-30-2019, 07:19 PM I’ve said this before but with the renderings - Rose Rock wins hands down!!! but I’d really like to see it with 6 or more floors of apartments on top, total height of 15+ floors. Definitely not the Bombasada apartment block which could go elsewhere in Midtown or Deep Deuce. Dustin 04-30-2019, 09:07 PM D. None of the above I agree. Tulsa does way better in regards to design when it comes to developments like this. jonny d 04-30-2019, 09:28 PM I agree. Tulsa does way better in regards to design when it comes to developments like this. OKC is poor. Amirite? G.Walker 04-30-2019, 11:53 PM Both designs are still conceptual, I am sure which ever proposal is chosen, the design would be modified. I wouldn't get so hung up on aesthetics at this point, still kinda early. warreng88 05-01-2019, 09:58 AM Pete, any idea as to what bank will be moving in there? MidFirst has a location at 8th and Lincoln and closed their Park and Robinson location last June. BOK just opened at the bottom of their new tower. BancFirst will be at the bottom of the Cotter Ranch Tower. Chase redid their location across the street from this. BOA has a location in Leadership Square First United opened up a new location next to Red Prime. First Fidelity has a location at 6th and Broadway. Arvest has a location on Park. UMB has a location at Park and Robinson. IBC has a location on Park near Robinson. Prosperity is at 6th and Robinson. RCB Bank has a location at 6th and Broadway Am I missing any that are downtown? Maybe it is someone new to the market? Laramie 05-01-2019, 10:17 AM Like the Rose Rock design. Probably the best use for the limited space. It doesn't matter what you develop there; there's always going to be some criticism about various facets of the design & development. You could say this about everything we've built in OKC; it's not going to please those who critique developments under a microscope. This is a good thing to demand the highest & best use of a project. Glad we're going to get something built. Hope Rose Rock moves forward... G.Walker 05-01-2019, 12:21 PM Pete, any idea as to what bank will be moving in there? MidFirst has a location at 8th and Lincoln and closed their Park and Robinson location last June. BOK just opened at the bottom of their new tower. BancFirst will be at the bottom of the Cotter Ranch Tower. Chase redid their location across the street from this. BOA has a location in Leadership Square First United opened up a new location next to Red Prime. First Fidelity has a location at 6th and Broadway. Arvest has a location on Park. UMB has a location at Park and Robinson. IBC has a location on Park near Robinson. Prosperity is at 6th and Robinson. RCB Bank has a location at 6th and Broadway Am I missing any that are downtown? Maybe it is someone new to the market? I wouldn't be shocked if it is Watermark Bank, as they are trying to establish an OKC footprint. warreng88 05-01-2019, 01:19 PM I wouldn't be shocked if it is Watermark Bank, as they are trying to establish an OKC footprint. Interesting. Great Plains and Citizens were two others I was thinking about, but they both have midtown locations, so I don't see that happening. I wouldn't completely rule out Arvest as they have a small location there. The larger location would also give them a drive thru and probably dedicated parking, which is a big gripe for people working downtown. It will be interesting to see who it is, if that is project that gets built. OKCRT 05-01-2019, 03:10 PM I liked the mid-rise housing that was first projected on this land. The two projected now just don't move the needle for me. Taller = better in the downtown area. These two projects would fit out on NW Expressway. jonny d 05-01-2019, 03:18 PM I liked the mid-rise housing that was first projected on this land. The two projected now just don't move the needle for me. Taller = better in the downtown area. These two projects would fit out on NW Expressway. Height won't work yet. Not enough people can afford high or even mid-rise housing in OKC. It wouldnt sell. Look at other projects announced, and how few are actually getting built. dankrutka 05-01-2019, 04:49 PM Taller = better in the downtown area. These two projects would fit out on NW Expressway. 1. I disagree with the premise that "taller = better". There is so much infill needed that quality urban street interaction is still a more important factor than height in my opinion. 2. How many mixed use and walkable developments with first level retail exist on NW expressway? Bomasda would be completely out of place on NW Expressway and actually fits well right at this location. Plutonic Panda 05-01-2019, 04:54 PM Taller increases density with more people per square mile with few exceptions which will bring in more services to downtown. No? dankrutka 05-01-2019, 04:59 PM Taller increases density with more people per square mile with few exceptions which will bring in more services to downtown. No? Potentially. I'm not against height. My personal favorite is 4-8 stories, but there are of course places where taller is desireable. I certainly supported the previous 17-story proposal for this lot. But if, for example, a tall building is built with a huge parking garage and big setbacks for a park or pedestrian area that will go unused (see many of the office towers built between 1950-1990) then the area can easily become a deadzone where residents drive most places instead of engaging in the area by walking, hanging out, etc. Anyway, so I just think it's more complicated than Taller = better. king183 05-01-2019, 10:20 PM I agree with those who have said "none of the above." Both of those designs are architectural abominations. The Rose Rock design is extraordinarily bland--instantly forgettable, but for the parking garage screen. The Bomasada apartments are a mish-mash of materials that create a gaudy, unnecessary visual complexity in an attempt to distract from the fact its just a cookie cutter apartment complex. Like the Rose Rock design, it's instantly forgettable. jdg78 05-01-2019, 11:17 PM None of the above. Most likely Simmons/Bank SNB, Regent Bank or RCB. Of Sound Mind 05-02-2019, 07:21 AM This thread is a perfect example of why it's a good thing many of these commenters are not on the planning commission or city council. shawnw 05-02-2019, 10:24 AM (we hope) baralheia 05-02-2019, 12:58 PM 1. I disagree with the premise that "taller = better". There is so much infill needed that quality urban street interaction is still a more important factor than height in my opinion. 2. How many mixed use and walkable developments with first level retail exist on NW expressway? Bomasda would be completely out of place on NW Expressway and actually fits well right at this location. The Bomasada proposal is *neither* of these things though. It's literally just apartments and a parking garage - there's zero first level retail and zero street interaction, and it has a suburban-style setback. Their proposal, as submitted, is literally a suburban apartment complex shoehorned into this space. Housing is super important and I wish Bomasada had come in with a much better design here, but as submitted, this absolutely doesn't fit the space and is a hard no from me. The Rose Rock development checks all of the urban design boxes - except for housing. The upswing? If the Rose Rock development wins, Bomasada or some other development group could develop apartments in the remaining space owned by Russell/Ruffin. Win-win. David 05-02-2019, 01:09 PM And if they do pick Rose Rock and it actually happens, that later development on the rest of the block might have to go more urban just as a matter of course for the space they have to fit into. dankrutka 05-02-2019, 01:20 PM The Bomasada proposal is *neither* of these things though. It's literally just apartments and a parking garage - there's zero first level retail and zero street interaction, and it has a suburban-style setback. Their proposal, as submitted, is literally a suburban apartment complex shoehorned into this space. Housing is super important and I wish Bomasada had come in with a much better design here, but as submitted, this absolutely doesn't fit the space and is a hard no from me. The Rose Rock development checks all of the urban design boxes - except for housing. The upswing? If the Rose Rock development wins, Bomasada or some other development group could develop apartments in the remaining space owned by Russell/Ruffin. Win-win. I accidentally typed Bomasda when I meant Rose Rock. Sorry for making you type all that. lol. HOT ROD 05-02-2019, 02:53 PM i think most of us knew which one you meant ;). And totally agree, I hope Rose Rock is selected (with a few minor adj to the bottom for better ped interaction) - which will hopefully force a highrise into the remainder of the block with this Rose Rock being sort of a podium. Now THAT is the best use of this block, baralheia 05-02-2019, 03:17 PM I accidentally typed Bomasda when I meant Rose Rock. Sorry for making you type all that. lol. It's all good! I normally follow context but I kinda fell flat on my face on this one, lmao. But yeah, swap Bomasada for Rose Rock in your original post, and I totally agree. Pete 06-18-2019, 02:07 PM The city is now looking to buy the property from Jonathan Russell and then reissue the RFP for the entire block. This will be voted on and likely approved by the OKC Redevelopment Authority tomorrow: To: Board of Trustees of the Oklahoma City Redevelopment Authority From: Catherine O’Connor, Executive Director Date: June 19, 2019 Ref: Resolution Approving the Real Estate Purchase Agreement for the Acquisition of Land Located Near NW 4th Street and E.K. Gaylord Boulevard and Authorizing Conveyance to the Oklahoma City Urban Renewal Authority, Oklahoma Regional Innovation District Project Area Background: The owner of property in the project area, located near the intersection of N.W. 4th Street and E.K. Gaylord Boulevard, immediately adjacent to property owned by the OCURA, is interested in selling its property. The Executive Director has negotiated a proposed Real Estate Purchas Agreement with the property owner. In order to support the implementation of the Project Plan and the Urban Renewal Plan, it is appropriate and desirable to authorize the acquisition of the property, approve the Real Estate Purchase Agreement, and to authorize the transfer of the property from OCRA to OCURA, if necessary or beneficial for the consolidation of properties for redevelopment purposes pursuant to the Project Plan jccouger 06-18-2019, 02:37 PM Soooo.... What does this mean for the prior 2 proposals? jonny d 06-18-2019, 02:45 PM Soooo.... What does this mean for the prior 2 proposals? They gone. SagerMichael 06-18-2019, 02:49 PM Times Square is coming back. Chess moves G.Walker 06-18-2019, 03:05 PM No, a portion of the block was still owned by Jonathan Russell. The original RFP did not include that parcel & original proposals did not take into account that parcel. Now that the OCURA will own the full lot, they will have to reissue the RFP. We will likely see Bomasada & Rose Rock resubmit their original proposals with some tweaks that include the new parcel of land. onthestrip 06-18-2019, 03:07 PM Seemed like a really nice project with Rose Rock. Now we might end up not seeing anything at all for many more years. Its doesnt have to be some super block development. I dont see how Rose Rocks plans would hinder the east half of the property from developing into something separate, dense and unique. G.Walker 06-18-2019, 03:10 PM Seemed like a really nice project with Rose Rock. Now we might end up not seeing anything at all for many more years. Its doesnt have to be some super block development. I dont see how Rose Rocks plans would hinder the east half of the property from developing into something separate, dense and unique. Or, it will give an opportunity for new RFPs from new developers to be submitted & we might get something even better. shawnw 06-18-2019, 03:11 PM If we get the best of both worlds in a new proposal I'm down Anonymous. 06-18-2019, 04:45 PM City laying the groundwork for this to show up in the RFP applications. 3b07e747a78b48186fa166ee74%2Ffort-totten-square-01.jpg bchris02 06-18-2019, 05:38 PM This is great! Hopefully it comes to fruition. I imagine if Wal-Mart is invested in it, that increases the chances of it actually being built. Also glad to see them doing something urban. A lot of people, including myself, was worried about downtown OKC ending up with a suburban-style Supercenter. Pete 06-18-2019, 06:12 PM There is a hitch: Bomasada usually builds apartments then sells the complex. It's what they did with the Metropolitan; had it on the open market not long after construction wrapped. And in their previous proposal they specifically mentioned not planning to seek TIF and that implies they would have the same build and sell strategy, as TIF doesn't allow without repayment of the incentives. So, unless they combine forces with someone else and then keep their apartments separate and easy to sell off, I don't see them participating in a mixed-use development. In fact, their proposal was for both properties combined and it was nothing but apartments, even though there is frontage on two major thoroughfares. Rose Rock just won the right to develop Boulevard Place and it is a great mix of housing and commercial uses. Hopefully, they'll resubmit a re-worked proposal for the full property. And maybe there will be some other new proposals as well. David 06-18-2019, 06:31 PM Disappointing that after all this we're just back to square one while OCURA attempts to buy the full lot. Given how well the city seems to do when trying to buy lots from private citizens, this may add a several year delay into the project for no actual change in the end. Not to mention, go now while the economy is still ticking nicely, waiting may mean waiting long enough to catch another recession for an even longer building delay. OKCRT 06-18-2019, 07:38 PM Disappointing that after all this we're just back to square one while OCURA attempts to buy the full lot. Given how well the city seems to do when trying to buy lots from private citizens, this may add a several year delay into the project for no actual change in the end. Not to mention, go now while the economy is still ticking nicely, waiting may mean waiting long enough to catch another recession for an even longer building delay. I hope that someone comes in with a couple towers 15-20 stories for this prop. Am I dreaming here? BoulderSooner 06-19-2019, 07:32 AM Disappointing that after all this we're just back to square one while OCURA attempts to buy the full lot. Given how well the city seems to do when trying to buy lots from private citizens, this may add a several year delay into the project for no actual change in the end. Not to mention, go now while the economy is still ticking nicely, waiting may mean waiting long enough to catch another recession for an even longer building delay. ocura already has an agreement to buy the extra property bombermwc 06-19-2019, 08:12 AM I've never been a fan of flip-developers that dont have any long-term commitment. So if Bomasada was going to do that, then i'd rather look elsewhere. This is the side of downtown that if groundfloor retail is really going to work well, then put it here. That way at least it's in line with the other retail on both sides of Broadway already. |