View Full Version : Alley's End (4th & EK Gaylord)

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06-15-2021, 12:38 PM
These are a W in my book. Far better than the other options that were submitted. You can tell they at least tried to make them aesthetically pleasing. This will add some good life to the area!

06-15-2021, 01:53 PM
Assuming it goes up as rendered this is going to be some fantastic infill.

06-15-2021, 02:08 PM
This project along with 700 West and Boulevard Place will bring a bunch of more affordable units downtown.

And all three should be underway soon.

06-15-2021, 02:29 PM
really cannot wait for this to happen. Any chance the city might synchronize some planned updates to 4th street while construction will already be in the area? That segment of road under the viaduct is very rough and I'd love to see the dedicated bike lane headed east

06-15-2021, 02:43 PM
This is a great project and will be good infill, but the balconies are too expensive argument doesn’t make sense to me. I travel to a lot of cities where balconies are the norm across income levels. Almost every apartment I saw in Milwaukee had them when I visited a few years ago. Just from my observations, OKC seems exceptional for its lack of balconies. Also, that parking garage will be a pretty visible eyesore from Deep Deuce. Again, a very good project, but I’d love to have seen a bit better on those two fronts.

06-15-2021, 02:55 PM
For argument sake.... Do people really use the balconies in okc? .... From what I observe- some will put furniture out re "the edge" but most of the others downtown end up being a place to stash something.... not for really using for living space.

06-15-2021, 03:09 PM
I traveled to several places: Kansas City, Nashville, Denver, Minneapolis, etc., apartments in OKC are probably the most boring ones, including this one. Hopefully, the architects in those cities will move to or open their offices in OKC someday.

06-15-2021, 03:22 PM
no pool in this development is a bigger lacking then the balconies ..

06-15-2021, 03:31 PM
but it's across the street form the YMCA Maybe some sort of membership agreement will be worked out between the development and the Y

06-15-2021, 08:13 PM
Honestly, I liked last year's renderings better... each building had a different exterior finish, which made this project look really interesting. This new update is just gray, bland, boring... I'm SUPER excited for more residential downtown to bring more life to the area 24x7, but affordable doesn't mean you can't have some character, especially on one of the most important parcels of land in downtown OKC.

That parking garage though.... Hideous. Why is it just... totally open on the east side? I'm sure that'll look real great from Deep Deuce...

I sincerely hope this project turns out looking better than the renderings, because in all other respects, I really think this will be a winner... but I just don't like the exterior finishes at all.

06-15-2021, 09:39 PM
Does anyone know how the sidewalks will be? Will there be trees closer to the road ( like Project 180)? The lack of greenery in the renders does make me sad.

06-15-2021, 09:41 PM
Any new downtown development has to adhere to the P180 standards for pavers, landscaping and lighting.

06-15-2021, 09:50 PM
I will say it is a bit more bland in comparison to the last renders. Like where did all the color go?

06-15-2021, 10:33 PM
Am I alone here in thinking that these are somewhat hideously ugly?

06-15-2021, 10:49 PM
Am I alone here in thinking that these are somewhat hideously ugly?

I like it. But I don't have a tendency to hate on everything OKC does. I tend to not let great be the enemy of good. They will be a welcome addition to the CBD, in my opinion.

Plutonic Panda
06-15-2021, 11:38 PM
Am I alone here in thinking that these are somewhat hideously ugly?
Not at all.

06-16-2021, 08:15 AM
Reading this forum sometimes makes me go crazy trying to follow who is who. I swear there is 20+ frequent poster "sooner" variation names. There was just 3 in a row on the last page and my brain was telling me it was the same person over and over.

Anyways, is this project still planned to be built in "phases"? I feel like I remember it being building 1 & 2, and half the garage, then comes the final structure or something.

06-16-2021, 09:56 AM
@soonerguru: count me in, looks like they’re running out of ideas.

06-16-2021, 10:10 AM
The design is good. If they would just take all of the grey colored cladding and use natural colored brick this thing would be beautiful. The texture of the brick coming around that curved façade would be amazing. Its not bad it just needs some depth. The grey cladding makes it look a little cold and cheap.

Regardless, this lot is extremely important and this development will go a long way in connecting the CBD with Auto Alley and Deep Deuce.

06-16-2021, 10:51 AM
The design is good. If they would just take all of the grey colored cladding and use natural colored brick this thing would be beautiful. The texture of the brick coming around that curved façade would be amazing. Its not bad it just needs some depth. The grey cladding makes it look a little cold and cheap.

Regardless, this lot is extremely important and this development will go a long way in connecting the CBD with Auto Alley and Deep Deuce.

Are we sure what the actual surface finish is?

06-16-2021, 11:31 AM
I like it. But I don't have a tendency to hate on everything OKC does. I tend to not let great be the enemy of good. They will be a welcome addition to the CBD, in my opinion.

Me neither. Agree that this will be a great addition. But the greyness is sad.

06-16-2021, 12:06 PM
Me neither. Agree that this will be a great addition. But the greyness is sad.

Grey,tan, brown. What's the difference? They are all neutrals. Grey at least is a contemporary color.

06-16-2021, 05:32 PM

This project incorporates several warm shades of grays highlighted in white trims. A good design IMO as more housing options are added
to the CBD. True it doesn't have the outside hanging balconies you're accustomed to seeing with many of the most recent housing developments or is it situated for any outstanding views of the skyline.

Looks as though there are some inner atrium areas as pictured in these good pics Pete presented.

BTW: Any news on OCURA's final plan approval for this project.

06-16-2021, 06:00 PM
my ONLY contention, besides the lack of height (should be at least 10 floors for one bldg), that the parking couldn't be underneath and balconies [since these are a theme for OKC that most on here seem to 'accept'] is the open air garage facing deep deuce. One could argue this lack-of-design is a latest attempt to finger deep deuce, but I wont.

However, I would say it needs to be amended before final approval - at least have the façade continue the entire garage.

06-16-2021, 08:04 PM
This project reminds me kinda of Novel in Bishop Arts in Dallas.
16900 16901 16902

06-16-2021, 10:10 PM
my ONLY contention, besides the lack of height (should be at least 10 floors for one bldg), that the parking couldn't be underneath and balconies [since these are a theme for OKC that most on here seem to 'accept'] is the open air garage facing deep deuce. One could argue this lack-of-design is a latest attempt to finger deep deuce, but I wont.

However, I would say it needs to be amended before final approval - at least have the façade continue the entire garage.

Would love to see some 15 & 20 story high rises on the Oklahoma River.


06-17-2021, 08:48 AM
OCURA "suggested" that they close off the east side of the garage, and improve some landscaping (meaning they will close off that garage and improve landscaping).

06-17-2021, 11:10 AM
Construction set to start on hundreds of affordable apartments despite supply shortages

Alley's End, Boulevard Place, and 700 West mentioned.

06-17-2021, 11:25 AM
This has been on the Humpreys & Partners website for years. I like looking at it every now and then. I'm sure this development will never happen but they keep it on their website.

06-17-2021, 11:29 AM
a) unclear on where in bricktown this would/could go, I'd prefer to see it next to scissortail myself
b) yes let's confuse folks by have two developments called "The Hill" within .5 miles of each other

06-17-2021, 11:40 AM

That was a pie-in-the-sky development proposed for the area between OKC Boulevard and the Producer's Coop.

The property is owned by the Mazaheri group.

06-17-2021, 11:41 AM
Ah, guess that makes sense

06-17-2021, 11:42 AM

06-17-2021, 12:52 PM
#689 Was that the abandoned Bricktown Towers' Development.

06-17-2021, 01:04 PM
Has a contractor been selected for this?

06-17-2021, 04:49 PM
I have to admit I'm super excited about the prospect of 264 affordable units downtown coming online.

Anyone care to venture how "affordable" is defined here price wise?

06-25-2021, 05:21 PM
I don't think these proposed buildings are the prettiest but this is a huge improvement over the currently mostly empty lot, with a little bit of parking. We forget how much empty or underdeveloped land is available, even in and near the CBD!

Hopefully this can spur infrastructure improvements to both EKG and NW 4 here. If that doesn't come along as part of the deal, then these units will feel extremely isolated because this is not an area where it's easy to get across either of those roads, especially at rush hour when the "highway hypnosis" kicks in (was nearly hit multiple times disembarking from buses across from the 4th Street Y, lol).

06-28-2021, 12:55 AM
yep. let's just settle as usual.

06-28-2021, 07:48 AM
I have to admit I'm super excited about the prospect of 264 affordable units downtown coming online.

Anyone care to venture how "affordable" is defined here price wise?

IIRC it is 80% of market rate ..

06-28-2021, 02:29 PM
IIRC it is 80% of market rate ..

Is the market rate indexed for OKC, or just the downtown area? I would guess a studio would run about $1,000 downtown; a small bedroom $1,200. So, say it's a small one bedroom, that would be about $960 / month. Not exactly a great deal but doable for a lot of service workers I guess.

06-28-2021, 02:41 PM
This is from the Alliance for Economic Development which required a certain amount of affordable housing for the RFP's they issued for this property, Broadway Place and 700 West:

Affordable is defined as not requiring more than 30% of the income from those individuals or families earning at or less than 80% of the area median income. This is an important goal for continued, thoughtful development in downtown. In Oklahoma City, an individual making 80% of the area median income earns $41,650. To spend the recommended 30% or less of their income on housing means their housing costs must be about $1,041 or less a month, including utilities.

06-28-2021, 03:28 PM
This is from the Alliance for Economic Development which required a certain amount of affordable housing for the RFP's they issued for this property, Broadway Place and 700 West:

Thank you.

08-17-2021, 04:50 PM
These are the latest and likely final designs that will be voted on by OCURA tomorrow. If they pass, council will then approve.












08-18-2021, 08:12 AM
Colorless and bland, bordering on brutalist.

08-18-2021, 08:25 AM
I like that the material is brick... And that's about it.

No pool, no balconies, no roof utilization, lame attempt at pops of color/art...

It is like they designed this entire complex after the cOKC ring across the street.

08-18-2021, 08:28 AM
It's fine. Mid-rise infill and ultimately more residents in downtown. Every apartment complex doesn't have to be astounding architecture.

08-18-2021, 08:33 AM
It's fine. Mid-rise infill and ultimately more residents in downtown. Every apartment complex doesn't have to be astounding architecture.

^^^^ This ^^^^ Much better than what is currently on the site.

08-18-2021, 08:51 AM
It's fine. Mid-rise infill and ultimately more residents in downtown. Every apartment complex doesn't have to be astounding architecture.

More residents = good for downtown okc.

'Every apartment complex doesn't have to be astounding architecture' = defeatist mentality. If other developers and architects in town are completing architecturally relevant projects for the same prices, why not strive to be better than 'fine'?

okc should require better than 'fine' when selling prime real estate to private developers.

08-18-2021, 09:01 AM
^^^^ This ^^^^ Much better than what is currently on the site.

Exactly. Replacing an empty field and a surface parking lot right next to downtown with an inoffensive apartment complex? Please give me more of this 'brutalism' if these are the results.

08-18-2021, 09:59 AM
Plus a number of the issues mentioned are things that can be done in a later renovation, kind of like with what happened to Avana.

08-18-2021, 05:38 PM
I’ll never understand the lack of balconies in OKC developments. It’s bizarre.

Plutonic Panda
08-18-2021, 06:13 PM
It really is. I’ve never seen this in other cities.

08-18-2021, 09:00 PM
It really is. I’ve never seen this in other cities.

While I haven't done a study or anything, I travel to a lot of cities and pay attention to it everywhere I go. I can't think of anywhere that compares with OKC's lack of balconies. In many cities, balconies seem to be a given on new builds.

Balconies are great amenities. I moved apartments during the pandemic specifically because I needed a balcony to be able to get fresh air. Moreover, they really enhance Jane Jacob's "eyes on the streets" concept that makes neighborhoods feel safer.

08-18-2021, 09:20 PM
The stubby little things stuck on many apartment buildings are hardly balconies. To actually have a balcony that’s of use for more than stashing a bicycle or lawn chair on it takes away actual indoor living space from the floor plate. If you are already unwilling to pay proper rates then I’m sure you will be unwilling to have a smaller living space in favor of a smaller or higher priced flat.

Plutonic Panda
08-21-2021, 03:37 PM
I'm guessing this was approved? Is there a timeline of construction?

08-21-2021, 06:24 PM
More residents = good for downtown okc.

'Every apartment complex doesn't have to be astounding architecture' = defeatist mentality. If other developers and architects in town are completing architecturally relevant projects for the same prices, why not strive to be better than 'fine'?

okc should require better than 'fine' when selling prime real estate to private developers.

I said it's fine, not it's trash. And what other developers and architects in town were competing for this lot with objectively better designs and missed out?

In the context of the surrounding buildings it fits in great and fills an important lot with infill residential. We could do far worse, and waiting to do better (by some nebulous, completely subjective judgement I would note I would probably disagree with) likely means leaving the lot as grass and parking for 30 more years.

12-21-2021, 05:26 PM
Any updates or timeline on when this as well as 'Boulevard Place' get going Pete?

12-21-2021, 05:28 PM
Any updates or timeline on when this as well as 'Boulevard Place' get going Pete?

Both should get going in the early part of next year.

02-09-2022, 08:09 AM
I wasn't sure where to post this exactly since this is the spot between NE 2nd and 3rd.

I noticed this week the little triangle parcel that doesn't appear to be in the Alleys End site plan has been marked with property lines on all corners.

02-10-2022, 02:11 PM
According the OKC Economic Development Trust:

– Redevelopment agreement in place, reviewing request for Affordable Housing funds, working with DEQ regarding environmental issues, pursuing a 20 year leasing structure with developer. Parking garage will be separate project with separate entity