View Full Version : Mustang Event Center

08-29-2014, 01:14 AM
I'm thinking about moving back to my old hometown, and I've been driving around Mustang looking at houses and getting reacquainted with the place. During my wandering, I noticed that the district was building a new event center on the high school campus. The design is impressive, and I've enjoyed reading a little bit about it on the Mustang Public Schools website. However, nothing is mentioned (as far as I can tell) about what's to come of the old gymnasium. Can any of you provide some insight as to the fate of the old gymnasium?

08-29-2014, 06:40 AM
I don't have the answer but the "the old gymnasium" has been brought up by my husband, a Mustang boy, repeatedly. I'm chuckling because the descriptive term is always the one used by him and Mustang folk.

We aren't in Mustang, proper, but after a thirty year absence, moved nearby. Husband continues to marvel at how it's growing. After four years of returning, he is finally slowing down on pointing out which streets used to be dirt. Just since we moved back it's added many businesses. Wish it had a movie theater but am delighted the small hospital is going in.

08-29-2014, 08:42 AM
As far as I know there hasn't been any new development on what is to become of the old gym, and yes that's what it was called when I went there as well. At one point they talked about tearing it down, but then the community got pissed and spoke out against it. Many people want it turned into some sort of historical center for the school, but it needs a lot of work. Last I heard it needs a roof, paint, new windows, upgraded plumbing and a few other things if I remember correctly. It was discussed in the paper for about a month a few months back, but since then I haven't seen much. I'm not sure if they are trying to raise money to save it or what they are waiting on at this point. If I hear anything I'll be sure to post up as it's something I've forgotten about recently.

08-11-2017, 03:02 PM
As far as I know there hasn't been any new development on what is to become of the old gym, and yes that's what it was called when I went there as well. At one point they talked about tearing it down, but then the community got pissed and spoke out against it. Many people want it turned into some sort of historical center for the school, but it needs a lot of work. Last I heard it needs a roof, paint, new windows, upgraded plumbing and a few other things if I remember correctly. It was discussed in the paper for about a month a few months back, but since then I haven't seen much. I'm not sure if they are trying to raise money to save it or what they are waiting on at this point. If I hear anything I'll be sure to post up as it's something I've forgotten about recently.

We now have our answer.

08-11-2017, 03:08 PM
We now have our answer.

Yeah I actually saw in the paper where they were supposed to do this a couple weeks ago. Not sure what the hold up has been.

At this point there isn't anything left at the High School that's reminiscent of when I went there. Kind of sad. I took an out of state friend there a few months ago and had to tell them, now I know it looks nice now, but it was super crappy when I went. Seems like all my childhood schools have been torn down now.