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10-07-2021, 12:53 PM
Demolition permits have been issued for the 12 homes that will need to give way for the first phase of this project.

Just went by and they have marked utilities. Looks like they'll be coming down soon.

10-07-2021, 01:34 PM
great news!

10-07-2021, 04:29 PM

10-15-2021, 10:24 AM
The remaining House demo has started.


10-15-2021, 10:48 AM
Just took these (Friday morning).

In the 3rd photo, the construction in the foreground is the church redoing their parking lot which was in terrible shape.

On a personal note, I love the project but hate to see these little houses go. I like nearby and often walk through that area and the homes have a great mid-century charm.




10-18-2021, 03:46 PM
We were one of the last holdouts on selling our home for this project. We struggled with wanting to leave or not -- we continuously flip-flopped on wanting to be right up next to a large development or not. Eventually we couldn't pass on the last deal they gave us. We're looking forward to seeing what the end result ends up being for this development.

10-18-2021, 04:01 PM
We were one of the last holdouts on selling our home for this project. We struggled with wanting to leave or not -- we continuously flip-flopped on wanting to be right up next to a large development or not. Eventually we couldn't pass on the last deal they gave us. We're looking forward to seeing what the end result ends up being for this development.

Was your property a home that was or will be demolished?

11-30-2021, 11:27 PM
Any updates Pete?

12-01-2021, 07:45 AM
Any updates Pete?

Just yesterday they started utility work.

I believe the first step will be the realignment of NW 50th to tie it into the existing light on Penn.

12-01-2021, 09:28 AM
That alone will be a pretty nice change.

Richard at Remax
12-01-2021, 10:34 AM
They had a pretty neat presentation at the planning commission on Nov 18th when I was there. They are putting a ton of effort into this.

12-01-2021, 10:49 AM

Yes, have employed experienced and expensive architects and have spent a ton of time and money leading up to starting the first phase.

They met with the neighbors (I am one) many times and seem committed to doing things the right way.

This project is going to really change that area.

12-01-2021, 12:37 PM
I wish there was a way to get a look at that city presentation.

12-01-2021, 12:46 PM
I wish there was a way to get a look at that city presentation.

I watched the video of the meeting and there was nothing we haven't already posted here.

12-05-2021, 08:39 AM
You can see they are starting some utility work:



12-10-2021, 08:55 AM
I was told they hope to have NW 50th realigned by July, and then work will start on the first phase, the multi-family project shown upthread.

12-10-2021, 09:06 AM
Building permits have been filed for the first phase of this project, which will consist of 320 apartments, 20,000 square feet of retail space on the ground floor, and a large parking structure in the center.

The developers have acquired an additional 12 homes that will be demolished. 9 homes have already been razed.







Quoting the site plan forward (the original post by Pete ( has the renderings).

Interesting different between the last few years and what happened after the 2008 financial crisis. Multiple different significant projects across the city that haven't even blinked and appear to still be moving forward.

12-10-2021, 09:09 AM
OKC has seemed to fair better than a lot of cities in terms of big projects being delayed but still going forward.

There is a ton going on in this town with lots more to come.

12-21-2021, 12:21 PM

12-31-2021, 08:31 AM
These detailed plans show the sign that will be located at the corner of Penn & NW Expressway.

Also, it now shows they plan to demolish part of the Registry building for the new alignment of NW 50th. You can also see the area south of 50th will be (what I assume is temporary) parking lot.



12-31-2021, 08:45 AM
Based on that sign rendering, it looks like they'll be paying attention to the details.

12-31-2021, 09:35 AM
These detailed plans show the sign that will be located at the corner of Penn & NW Expressway.

Also, it now shows they plan to demolish part of the Registry building for the new alignment of NW 50th. You can also see the area south of 50th will be (what I assume is temporary) parking lot.

it will be interesting to follow but it looks like they are going to demo that entire building and that parking south of 50th will be build to stay long term

01-15-2022, 09:08 AM
Some very good news: the plans for the hotel are out for bid.

Looks very similar to all the renderings we've seen and shows a large bar and restaurant on the ground floor facing south, and three large retail bays facing the central area to the west.

The 2nd level will include a large hotel bar and restaurant and open to a big outdoor patio also facing inward toward the rest of the development. There will be a pool on this level at the north end.

In that second image, all the retail and restaurant space is shown as hollowed out; will be leased to other operators.

Not sure of the operator of the hotel but it all looks very nice so I'm sure it will be a luxury or near-luxury flag.

There are 3 pad sites along NW Expressway that should be built around the same time as the apartments and hotel, which means everything north of NW 50th will be largely complete in this first phase.





01-15-2022, 10:22 AM
A little disappointed the hotel renderings show through the wall Hvac. That usually means it’s not a very upscale property. It’s the cheaper way to go. Also way less energy efficient. At this location one would hope for a more polished property.

01-15-2022, 10:46 AM
Where do you see 'through the wall' HVAC? Those squares on the outside of the building? I interpreted that to just be exterior design. But I don't know, I'm not in that industry.

01-15-2022, 10:54 AM
On the bid plans, those boxes are labeled as 'VTAC Louvers"; which indicates Terminal Air Conditioner and/or heat pump.

And that is a through-the-wall system.

01-15-2022, 11:15 AM
On the bid plans, those boxes are labeled as 'VTAC Louvers"; which indicates Terminal Air Conditioner and/or heat pump.

And that is a through-the-wall system.

Thank you very much. You know how some of these buildings just have different colored bricks or stone for designs, etc. quite frankly i just don't know any better when it comes to that kind of stuff. :)

01-15-2022, 12:17 PM
Rover is a very trustworthy source related to HVAC trade

01-15-2022, 05:12 PM
Perhaps its the base bid with ad alternate to be a fancier style system based on availability of the units for the start of construction? I'm not by any means an HVAC person, I work with dirt :)

01-15-2022, 09:15 PM
A little disappointed the hotel renderings show through the wall Hvac. That usually means it’s not a very upscale property. It’s the cheaper way to go. Also way less energy efficient. At this location one would hope for a more polished property.


01-15-2022, 10:10 PM
Perhaps its the base bid with ad alternate to be a fancier style system based on availability of the units for the start of construction? I'm not by any means an HVAC person, I work with dirt :)

Since the current system spec’d involves actually putting a whole in the building for each and every unit, alternate central systems would require changes to the actual construction. Central chilled/hot water hvac systems are internal to the walls.

And buildings are almost always “value engineered” down, not up.

01-16-2022, 10:25 AM
Since the current system spec’d involves actually putting a whole in the building for each and every unit, alternate central systems would require changes to the actual construction. Central chilled/hot water hvac systems are internal to the walls.

And buildings are almost always “value engineered” down, not up.

Very true about VEs, I've seen it a few times but usually not happening during construction. Just figured I'd ask though, it happens to me on the civil side of things frequently enough.

01-16-2022, 08:55 PM
Very true about VEs, I've seen it a few times but usually not happening during construction. Just figured I'd ask though, it happens to me on the civil side of things frequently enough.

VE is usually done when bids come in and aggregate to an amount larger than the budget amount. Re-design/engineering then and alternate systems bid. Overruns in some areas can lead to VE in others.

01-19-2022, 02:57 PM
Drove by yesterday and had a small fenced in area on the west side of Penn, just north of 50th. Not sure how big, but didn’t look big enough for a pad site. Any idea what that is for?

01-19-2022, 03:03 PM
Drove by yesterday and had a small fenced in area on the west side of Penn, just north of 50th. Not sure how big, but didn’t look big enough for a pad site. Any idea what that is for?

It's to protect the few existing oak trees.

01-19-2022, 07:05 PM
I noticed that as well. I was driving and was at a bad angle, but looked like there was one tree that was outside the fenced area. Poor guy didn’t make the cut.

01-20-2022, 08:50 AM
I noticed that as well. I was driving and was at a bad angle, but looked like there was one tree that was outside the fenced area. Poor guy didn’t make the cut.

On the contrary it sounds like he's the only one that's going to eventually get the cut.

01-20-2022, 01:48 PM
This photo shows the fence near Penn:


01-20-2022, 02:23 PM
Looks like there appear to be two trees outside of the fence. The one nearest the camera (and possibly the other one outside of the fence) appears to be in poor health, so that might have been a deciding factor also. R.I.P., trees!

01-20-2022, 05:16 PM
to bad the trees can't be moved or repurposed.

01-23-2022, 02:11 PM
The developer told me that in order to accommodate the new alignment of NW 50th as shown below, the eastern third of the Registry building (which is rectangular) will be demolished.

Then, over the next couple of years as the existing tenants relocate, they'll demolish the rest.


01-23-2022, 06:08 PM
So weird, let's just go ahead and demolish part of this occupied building to make way for a street we can't not have for a bit. Spend the money to buy them out of their leases or something, jesus.

01-23-2022, 09:38 PM
So weird, let's just go ahead and demolish part of this occupied building to make way for a street we can't not have for a bit. Spend the money to buy them out of their leases or something, jesus.
So, do you know something about the logistics and project management of this project? Do you think they are just doing this for the heck of it? Just curious as to your objection.

01-23-2022, 09:47 PM
There is actually a state agency in that building. It's a small one though.

02-15-2022, 06:43 AM
A building permit application has been filed for the hotel.

Plans reveal the operator will be Gatehouse Capital which is based in Dallas and has a large hotel portfolio:

It will be called The Hotel at Oak and be part of the Tapestry Collection by Hilton, a first for the state:

They have started to mark out the new alignment for NW 50th and work on the hotel should coincide with the apartments and first phase of restaurants and retail. Drone photo is from yesterday:



Plutonic Panda
02-15-2022, 07:42 AM
Did they scale the height back down again?

02-15-2022, 09:54 AM
A building permit application has been filed for the hotel.

Plans reveal the operator will be Gatehouse Capital which is based in Dallas and has a large hotel portfolio:

It will be called The Hotel at Oak and be part of the Tapestry Collection by Hilton, a first for the state:

They have started to mark out the new alignment for NW 50th and work on the hotel should coincide with the apartments and first phase of restaurants and retail. Drone photo is from yesterday:



Does this mean there are building permits for all of phase I, or those buildings up at the corner still not to that point yet?

02-15-2022, 11:50 AM
Does this mean there are building permits for all of phase I, or those buildings up at the corner still not to that point yet?

There will be 2 free-standing buildings along NW Expressway and they have not filed building permits for those yet.

02-15-2022, 02:30 PM
We are Hilton Honors members and will stay at their Curio or Tapestry series of hotels if they have one where we travel. That'll be really nice add for this area.

03-03-2022, 04:53 PM
There is now a construction fence around the Registry building, so I would expect them to start demo of the east section in the near future.

03-15-2022, 08:02 AM
This is the east end of the Registry Building. In the second photo, you can see they are starting to demolish the interior of that section.



03-19-2022, 12:24 PM
This (Saturday) morning, they started removing the skylights from the east end of the Registry Building so a portion of it can be demolished, making way for the new alignment of NW 50th.






03-24-2022, 02:00 PM
It looks like the plan is to demo everything to the east of what was the eastern atrium.



04-05-2022, 04:28 PM
I had previously posted the plans for the hotel were put out to bid a couple of months ago.

Today, they filed their building permit application for the hotel, and they are identical to the bid plans.

Always takes a few months for the permit to be issued, but this looks like it will be starting this summer, about the same time as the apartments.

I believe we'll see the majority of this project under construction then, and the three retail/restaurant parcels along NW Expressway should be starting soon as well.

This project will completely transform the area.


04-05-2022, 04:34 PM
I spoke with Colin at Gateway last week. they are excited to be coming into the OKC market. They are definitely a class act.

04-06-2022, 08:00 AM

04-06-2022, 08:21 AM
I expect your drone to have full time monitoring as it's so close to you, Pete!

04-06-2022, 08:22 AM
After that section of the Registry building comes down, then they can start on the realignment of NW 50th.

The apartments and hotel will follow.

04-06-2022, 08:31 AM
After that section of the Registry building comes down, then they can start on the realignment of NW 50th.

The apartments and hotel will follow.

is the entrance off of NW expressway new or was that always the plan?

04-06-2022, 08:32 AM
is the entrance off of NW expressway new or was that always the plan?

It's been in the plan for a while.

Also, a southeast bound stop for the BRT will be right in front of this property on NW Expressway.