View Full Version : Central Business District

08-18-2014, 10:30 AM
Automobile Alley ( _|_Boathouse Row (|_ Bricktown ( _|_Central Business District (
Deep Deuce (|_Film Row (|_Midtown (|_Plaza District (|_SoSA (|_Uptown / 23rd (
21c Hotel (| Avana | Bicentennial Park | Boulevard ( | Braniff Building | Bus Station ( | Central Park | Century Center | Chase Bank | Chesapeake Arena | City Center East Garage | City Hall | Civic Center | Civic Center Flats | Convention Center | Convention Hotel | Cox Center | Devon Engery Center ( | Dowell Center | Dowell Garage | First National Center | Ice House | John Rex Elementary | Kerr / Couch Parks ( | Mahogany Steakhouse | Main Street Garage | Myriad Gardens | OG&E Tower ( | Park House | Parkside Building | Police Headquarters| Preftakes Block | SandRidge ( | Santa Fe Garage | South of Stage Center | Transit Hub (

08-18-2014, 07:27 PM
oops, Film Row is highlighted not the CBD

01-20-2015, 02:08 PM
Looks like they are coring on the north side of the 500 block on West Reno.. Been going at it for several days now.

01-20-2015, 04:37 PM

not sure if I got this in?

Reno and Walker
01-21-2015, 10:51 PM
Looks like they are coring on the north side of the 500 block on West Reno.. Been going at it for several days now.

Deal busted.

Reno and Walker
01-21-2015, 10:52 PM
Deal busted, told them to get off the property today.

Reno and Walker
01-21-2015, 10:55 PM
Nothing is going to happen on the north side of 500 block and Reno..clay co backed out of the contract..

01-22-2015, 12:15 AM

01-22-2015, 04:18 AM
I'm confused. No residential towers? Did OKC lose out on more potential towers?

01-22-2015, 06:28 AM
What is going on here? What was planned to built?

01-22-2015, 07:04 AM
Today's journal Record.

Adios, La Luna: Day wanes for downtown OKC Mexican restaurant

By: Molly M. Fleming The Journal Record January 21, 2015 0

Cindy Cabrera, owner of La Luna Mexican Cafe at 409 W. Reno Ave. in Oklahoma City. (Photo by Brent Fuchs)
Cindy Cabrera, owner of La Luna Mexican Cafe at 409 W. Reno Ave. in Oklahoma City. (Photo by Brent Fuchs)
OKLAHOMA CITY – The La Luna Mexican Cafe sign displays the words “Tick Tock.” Owner Cindy Cabrera knows just how much time she has left, and it’s less than 100 days.

La Luna, 409 W. Reno Ave., will open its doors for the last time on April 11. The last regular-season weekend home game for the Oklahoma City Thunder is Friday, April 10, and Cabrera said she didn’t want to miss the crowd or Saturday night festivities.

The restaurant that originated in downtown Oklahoma City opened at SW Fourth Street and Walker Avenue in 1968 and was owned by Cabrera’s stepfather. She has worked in it since she was 16 years old.

“It will be weird not driving downtown every day,” she said.

The restaurant, which opened April 1, 1988, attracts a lunch crowd filled with customers in suits or jeans. Everyone feels welcome in the dimly lit spot where salsa, tortilla chips, queso and fresh-made tortillas are on the table before the customer cracks open a menu.

“We were here when no one else was downtown,” she said. “It’s like my third child. My son – who is my third child – was born after the restaurant was opened, so this really is my third child.”

The Festival of the Arts was downtown by 1988, and the event is important to the restaurateur. La Luna’s walls are lined with posters from the spring celebration.

“I’m going to miss the arts festival, but it will be nice to be closed to enjoy this festival and not work it,” she said.

She will miss her customers as well, she said. While she may not know them all by name, she knows them by their order numbers. She’s been known to yell those numbers at customers, as if she were calling their names.

La Luna’s corner at Reno and Hudson avenues is part of 3.15 acres mostly owned by the Oklahoma City Urban Renewal Authority. It will be developed by Clayco Inc., which is also creating the OGE Energy Corp. plaza on the north half of the block. The site was the former home of Stage Center.

Clayco plans to build two more towers on the southern parcel, one for office use and another for residential. First, however, the company wants to complete the OGE Energy tower. Larry Chapman with Clayco Realty Group said during the January Downtown Design Review Committee meeting that he expects the OGE tower construction to start in April and occupancy is slated for early 2017.

With new towers going up, the La Luna building will have to come down, but that’s not what prompted the decision to close, Cabrera said. She knew her time would come as she watched the landscape change downtown. She started thinking about her next step about five years ago, when she was operating the downtown restaurant and a place on Campus Corner in Norman. She closed the Norman store in 2001 and opened a Newcastle location in 2012. She said she often sees longtime Oklahoma City customers at the southern location.

Yet, Oklahoma City hasn’t seen the last of La Luna. Cabrera has a food truck that she plans to bring to Bleu Garten and other hot spots. With so many friends in the Oklahoma City restaurant business, she plans to make an appearance in their kitchens as well. She will also be seen more regularly in Newcastle, where her daughter runs a La Luna.

“I’m going to kick back for a while, and then go play with (my friends in other restaurants),” she said.

Reno and Walker
01-23-2015, 12:06 AM
Going to miss you all. I grew up watching you all when it was la Roca then La Luna..

Reno and Walker
01-23-2015, 12:08 AM
Yup, lets hope oil prices go up very soon, or we are all screwed..

Plutonic Panda
01-23-2015, 02:10 AM
I'm confused. No residential towers? Did OKC lose out on more potential towers?I see, Mr. Wisenheimer, smart guy. . . you think I am some artificially aware Cephalopod from Netpune, well, I'm going to stop you right there because I am not adherent to shiny things with the sole exception of cougars, yes, I love older woman(big whoop, there are plenty of others out who do to, I'm sure deep down inside, we all want cougars), and have the self righteousness to contest your accusation by signing off with this last post based upon my own recognizance. See ya.

01-23-2015, 08:26 AM
I see, Mr. Wisenheimer, smart guy. . . you think I am some artificially aware Cephalopod from Netpune, well, I'm going to stop you right there because I am not adherent to shiny things with the sole exception of cougars, yes, I love older woman(big whoop, there are plenty of others out who do to, I'm sure deep down inside, we all want cougars), and have the self righteousness to contest your accusation by signing off with this last post based upon my own recognizance. See ya.

clear case of DWP

Plutonic Panda
01-23-2015, 01:54 PM
I'm confused. No residential towers? Did OKC lose out on more potential towers?

I see, Mr. Wisenheimer, smart guy. . . you think I am some artificially aware Cephalopod from Netpune, well, I'm going to stop you right there because I am not adherent to shiny things with the sole exception of cougars, yes, I love older woman(big whoop, there are plenty of others out who do to, I'm sure deep down inside, we all want cougars), and have the self righteousness to contest your accusation by signing off with this last post based upon my own recognizance. See ya.

I didn't mean that.

01-23-2015, 11:25 PM
I didn't mean that.

You really need to quit staying up so late and get more sleep, plupan. :)

Plutonic Panda
01-23-2015, 11:59 PM
You really need to quite staying up so late and get more sleep, plupan. :)you aren't wrong . ;)

01-24-2015, 12:38 PM
You really need to quit staying up so late and get more sleep, plupan. :)

I don't know...I've found some of his incoherent ramblings quite amusing and informational. :)

02-07-2015, 08:25 AM
This is a rendering from the Convention Hotel RFP by the consultants hired to study possible redevelopment around the Convention Center.

Fun to look at:

02-07-2015, 11:27 AM
This is a rendering from the Convention Hotel RFP by the consultants hired to study possible redevelopment around the Convention Center.

Fun to look at:

Wow thats an amazing render.
I am curious though why the regency looks so massive in it however.

02-08-2015, 09:39 AM
Worth noting that the outdoor public space and the passageway along the Harvey alignment preserves a green connection between MBG and the Central Park. Hopefully those things remain. I do know that outdoor gathering spaces have become an important part of convention center design and convention sales.

Plutonic Panda
02-08-2015, 11:13 PM

Mississippi Blues
02-09-2015, 12:24 AM
Awesome pictures, Plu! They all look great!! Thank you for sharing them!

Note: I'm replying in the Central Business District thread, but what I said goes for all of the other threads you posted pictures in as well.

Plutonic Panda
02-09-2015, 12:41 AM
You're welcome! Some of them didn't turn out like I wanted to, but I jumped on the iPhone bandwagon and got the new 6 Plus and it has an amazing camera.

Plutonic Panda
02-12-2015, 05:03 PM

02-13-2015, 11:05 AM

We must of crossed paths that day haha
Took this the same day

Plutonic Panda
02-13-2015, 12:58 PM

Plutonic Panda
03-31-2015, 06:38 PM
I frequently go to downtown and never once had any parking problems.

Supply and demand: City officials working to solve downtown parking problems | (

03-31-2015, 07:17 PM
I believe the article leans more towards the parking for employees who work downtown versus someone who visits leisurely. I have no problem going downtown and parking in the Bass Pro or a random parallel parking space and walking to the rest of my destinations in the CBD/Bricktown/wherever. However an employee is much less willing, and rightfully so, to have to walk long distances or leave their car unprotected and far away for 8-10 hours.

The article was very short and a rehash of what we've heard before, but at least Cathy O' Connor admits that we have a limited transportation system that does not adequately meet the needs or conveniences of our downtown workers, let alone our entire city. It could help ease parking congestion downtown but instead we're focusing on parking garages because that sort of system is apparently too far away from reality. That should have been the header to the entire story.

04-08-2015, 11:17 AM
Coring going on, NE corner of Reno and Walker. Is this the last piece to the OCURA puzzle?

04-08-2015, 09:37 PM
Coring going on, NE corner of Reno and Walker. Is this the last piece to the OCURA puzzle?

Sounds like the south Clayco site ?

04-08-2015, 09:38 PM
Sounds like the south Clayco site ?

It's the Dunn Law Office building that Clayco has under contract.

06-12-2015, 09:48 AM
Not sure if this is SOSA district or not, heard from a second source they are tearing down a warehouse in the 800 block of W. Robert S. Kerr. I believe it is just north of the county jail.
I'm not sure but I think it is the old McCubbin building. Not sure if the property has been purchased or not.

06-12-2015, 09:49 AM
Not sure if this is SOSA district or not, heard from a second source they are tearing down a warehouse in the 800 block of W. Robert S. Kerr. I believe it is just north of the county jail.
I'm not sure but I think it is the old McCubbin building. Not sure if the property has been purchased or not.

It was recently purchased and it's directly north of the jail.

Not sure of the plans.

06-16-2015, 10:32 PM
yeah i noticed people there recently

06-17-2015, 03:21 PM
I find it odd that we aren't seeing more office-oriented developments. Office space was fairly slim pickings a year or two ago, but we are looking for a new space right now and there's practically nothing available. Seems like the demand is there, would love to see more supply.

06-17-2015, 03:47 PM
Both 499 Sheridan and OG&E Energy Center will have for-lease space.

The Parkside Building is completely available, as is the Dowell Center. Lots of smaller for-lease projects in Bricktown such as The Plow and 2 E. Sheridan.

Tons of vacancy at Chase Tower.

Wouldn't be surprised if SandRidge Tower was soon available.

06-17-2015, 05:06 PM
Both 499 Sheridan and OG&E Energy Center will have for-lease space.

The Parkside Building is completely available, as is the Dowell Center. Lots of smaller for-lease projects in Bricktown such as The Plow and 2 E. Sheridan.

Tons of vacancy at Chase Tower.

Wouldn't be surprised if SandRidge Tower was soon available.

Interesting, I've contacted the brokers for most of those places and have been told they mostly have nothing available. Maybe they just aren't interested in smaller companies.

07-19-2016, 04:50 PM
Not sure where to put this, but found it very interesting:

07-19-2016, 05:45 PM
Interesting indeed. Thank you for posting.

Unfortunately a cousin of mine was let go from his general contracting job in Houston about 3 months ago....says its U-G-L-Y down there with regards to commercial construction. In that regard OKC has fared much better, which this article seems to back up.

07-20-2016, 07:19 AM
Houston and to a lesser extent Dallas consistently way over-build office space then go through big down periods where it takes a long time to absorb. It's one of the reasons you haven't seen a new significant office tower in downtown Dallas in decades.

The last spec office building of major size in OKC was Leadership Square and that opened 30 years ago.

Richard at Remax
07-20-2016, 10:50 AM
I know its not all spec space but drove down the Tollway in Dallas from 380 to Downtown and there are some impressive structures in Frisco area going up for being so far out.

07-20-2016, 01:32 PM
Houston and to a lesser extent Dallas consistently way over-build office space then go through big down periods where it takes a long time to absorb. It's one of the reasons you haven't seen a new significant office tower in downtown Dallas in decades.

The last spec office building of major size in OKC was Leadership Square and that opened 30 years ago.

Very true. I was in Houston this past April and the amount of development that has occurred along the Energy Corridor is shocking. More disturbing though....we were driving through that area at dusk right when the buildings become illuminated. And since we were in an epic traffic jam on I-10 I could get a good look at the buildings and tell more than a few of them were "see-through", i.e. completely empty.

DFW as a whole is doing much better in that regard but even downtown Dallas is still about a quarter vacant, with a lot of buildings constructed in the 80s boom now in danger of being completely obsolete.

The funny thing is I can find posts here on this board, most likely from 2007-2010 lamenting on how little office development there was in OKC compared especially to Houston since both places are big oil centers. You ride the boom harder, you tend to catch the bust harder as well.

07-20-2016, 01:50 PM
Houston and to a lesser extent Dallas consistently way over-build office space then go through big down periods where it takes a long time to absorb. It's one of the reasons you haven't seen a new significant office tower in downtown Dallas in decades.

The last spec office building of major size in OKC was Leadership Square and that opened 30 years ago.

I wonder if the lack of vertical development in Downtown Dallas had a lot to do with horizontal development pattern. There have been plenty of significant office space developments in the area, just not downtown. There are millions and millions of square footage in the periphery of Dallas. Nothing like this exists in OKC even on a proportionally reduced scale.

07-20-2016, 03:07 PM

Right, but much of that for specific tenants already in hand and certainly not in million SF increments.

07-20-2016, 03:31 PM

Right, but much of that for specific tenants already in hand and certainly not in million SF increments.

There is plenty of spec spaces in Legacy, Las Colinas, Addison, Frisco, Richardson.

The following is all being built along the tollway currently (in addition to what already exists):
Frisco square - 1.5 Million - Spec
Wade Park - 1.0 MIllion - Spec
Crown Centre @ Castle Hills - 150K - spec, part of a 3 million sf Class-A office and retail development

and to boot FedEx HX & the Dallas Cowboys are also moving to the neighborhood.

So yes, millions at a time are being added to the periphery of Dallas.

Hall Office Park is also on the tollway - 3 Million (all be it in 16 buildings).

07-20-2016, 03:34 PM
Not at the same time, Eric and we are talking about rental office space, not retail, multi-family etc.

Hence my "million SF increments" comment.

A 50 story building is approximately a million square feet, built all at once by one group.

Very different that an office park / mixed-use development situation.