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08-08-2014, 04:35 PM
I know this has been discussed in years past, but, do you attend or have you attended in the past and no longer do so? I haven't been in a few years, some of the food is good but not enough to make me attend, I think when I attended, the Tower was still in use

08-08-2014, 04:39 PM
We usually go once while it's here. The last few years have been a bit of a disappointment to me, with the exception of the Wine tasting area. :wink:

08-08-2014, 05:51 PM
Haven't been in a few years. Our main motivation in the past was to take our now grown son. We also would go for the food - however, the abundance of food trucks elsewhere make that a moot point.

Not much of a desire to go these days have there are so many other outdoor events that are less of a hassle (and cheaper).

08-08-2014, 06:34 PM
I gave up on the fair two or three years ago. I don't know just why, but it seems like a combination of factors. Parking and money among them. Plus the last time I went it just seemed like more of the same ol' same ol. Actually less of the same ol' same ol'. Me wife nags me a little every fall in an attempt to get me to take her but I manage to resist and/or ignore it. She is from Minnesota and a few years ago we went to the Minnesota State Fair. THAT was a memorable experience. It's about twice as big as the one here and the crush of people is nearly overwhelming. Plus, to deal with some of the parking they run a constant stream of buses from various pick up locations.

08-08-2014, 07:22 PM
We usually go just to meet the DIL and Grandkids, and what's his name.

08-08-2014, 08:01 PM
I go for the roasted pecans and wine tasting.

Dennis Heaton
08-08-2014, 08:16 PM
Haven't been to the State Fair since the last time...2006, when my son had that wide-eyed fascination and I could keep up with him.

08-08-2014, 11:21 PM
Not since they closed the Speedway.

08-08-2014, 11:26 PM
Finest in white trash entertainment. We get the season passes and also close the office one day early to take staff out! With the season pass, we will go out maybe just to eat or grab a specific item or just people watch for an hour. Don't feel you have to stay all day to get money's worth.

08-09-2014, 12:33 AM
There have been a number of previous threads on the various aspects of the State Fair.

08-09-2014, 01:26 AM
Havnt been in a while and don't miss it.
Between the people that don't bathe and the "thug element" I see no reason to go.

Roger S
08-09-2014, 09:18 AM
Not since CASI decided to move the Oklahoma State Chili Cook-off Championships from the fair to the casino at Durant..... Only reason I went out there was to eat free chili.

08-09-2014, 09:47 AM
Haven't been in years. I used to enjoy walking all of the indoor and outdoor exhibits, and the food. Never was much for the rides though I did ride a few. There's just something about getting on a ride the gets assemembeled, disassembled, moved and reassembled every couple weeks. Also, we used to pay to go in and see the individual freek shows. Now you you can just grab a seat somewhere and the freaks come to you.

08-09-2014, 12:14 PM
Was loads more fun when I was a young child, and I have a lot of good distinct memories of it. I still go at least once a year, mainly out of family tradition. Gets everyone back together for a day.

08-09-2014, 03:33 PM
We go on $2 day. Mostly a family tradition. We don't really do much in the way of rides but will eat there and also make some purchases from the Made in Oklahoma building.

08-09-2014, 04:03 PM
We go on $2 day. Mostly a family tradition. We don't really do much in the way of rides but will eat there and also make some purchases from the Made in Oklahoma building.

I read this 10 times and still had trouble putting it together. "How could you go to the fair on $2 a day?", I thought. The cheapest item is upwards of $3-5. Finally got it, you go ON $2 day. There was no "a". Funny how the mind reads letters and words where they don't exist.

08-09-2014, 06:01 PM
If I've got a quilt entered I go but that's usually every other year. I like to see the traditional food/craft/livestock entries. I'll usually indulge in some terrible for you food. I'm hoping to drag husband with me, tnis year (although no quilts entered) because I want to look at the RV's. I don't want one but a couple of my friends each bought one and they are really cool.

old okie
08-09-2014, 09:39 PM
We go on the "free" day for those over 60, or 62, whichever. We meet the criteria easily. :) We always go see the new cars, and I can talk him into seeing the horses and other animal exhibits. We don't eat there; park only in the free parking areas; and he usually wants to walk through the commercial products. Weather is our biggest concern; if it's nice, we'll go; otherwise, meh, skip it. It's always the same from one year to another.

08-09-2014, 11:48 PM
I go for the roasted pecans and wine tasting.

For me it's the Roasted Corn, [the wine tastings, only recently "legalized"], and The Band from the Andes Mountains of Peru*.

The blend is authentic . . . like in a fine cigar.
Not to mention the Fine Cookware Pitchpersons
One of whom convinced me that The Great Wok of China was, indeed, a Great Value.
(and . . . actually . . . it was. dang.)
(He reinforced my preconceived notion of the value of that cooking device--as previously Seen on TV--and I bought three of them.)
(We are still using the Miracle Broom purchased a few years ago. It still works. To do what a broom should.)
(My copy of The Great Wok of China, is now providing a home for spiders and whatnots out in the garage on account of My SweetHeart has upgraded us on The Stir-Fry Front at least three times.)

The sludge on the sidewalks, over by The Midway/Food Courts, ain't the same sort of authentic.
At this point in time, I would bet that the Authentic Band from Peru--with those charming PanAmerican flutes--
Has been juried out by The Entertainment Committee, probably right behind the disappearance of The Speedway.

I hope that the Dunk the Bozo Dude has been studying comedy to a deeper level to come up with more contemporary jokes involving insult humor.

I do have to admit that it was a total surprise to me, when wandering down one of the sidewalks, at the State Fair, on a divorced dad's weekend visit that included my new/old girlfriend and my then maybe seven year old daughter encountered a guy who handed us three tickets for ringside seats to The Circus. On my friggin' birthday, maybe twenty-plus years ago, fer cryin' out loud. It was like . . . The Miracle in The Moment at The Great State Fair of Oklahoma. I'm thinkin' A Hallmark Channel Movie could be created from that True Story . . . =)

The State Fair isn't a total waste of time nor money.
I suppose it all depends upon your reason for being . . . [there]. =)
Doesn't it?

Edited to Add:
State Fair Fail 1: The Monorail and the lack thereof for future visitors to the site.
State Fair Fail 2: That Pesky, Futuristic, Getting Stuck for Adventure, Viewing Tower is Gone
State Fair Fail 3: They took all that time to move the Goodholm Mansion from what used to be the Ghetto (down around 4th or 2nd Street where it was falling into disrepair), moved it to the Fairgrounds, expended the effort to refurbish, restore, and refurnish it . . . Then had a different house-mover haul it out on Old 62 to languish in it's glory waiting to be moved, again, I guess.

*I know . . . I know . . . Those South Park Cartoon Dudes already caught the drift of the movement of South American Culture up north . . .
Google it if you don't believe me . . . =)

08-10-2014, 12:46 AM
If I've got a quilt entered I go but that's usually every other year. I like to see the traditional food/craft/livestock entries. I'll usually indulge in some terrible for you food. I'm hoping to drag husband with me, tnis year (although no quilts entered) because I want to look at the RV's. I don't want one but a couple of my friends each bought one and they are really cool.

Having watched many a quilting/weaving/sewing show on television (plus making a visit to Quilteratti, just outside of a Major League City) I have to ask . . . When, exactly is the point at which one call it Quits instead of Quilts? =)

Hopefully, the answer to that question is "Never."

(and a good reason to visit the fair to see trophy cakes on display. plus new cars. and belt buckles. and carneys . . . =)

08-10-2014, 01:15 AM
Try not to go, have not for several years. The only thing worth watching was BOBO the clown abuse people, but they ran him off.

08-10-2014, 01:41 AM
Try not to go, have not for several years. The only thing worth watching was BOBO the clown abuse people, but they ran him off.

Clowns, in general, do not frighten me.
General clowns cause discomfort.
Redneck insulting clowns
Above a pool of water
Can iInspire a two/ten dollar wager.
Involving my skill at throwing something at the source of my ire
Or not.

I chose to not bet. -)

I did, however, choose to load up my ex-wife's/mother of my little girl/now a new mother in her own rights/entire house with overstuffed, gigantic, colorful puffed up flannel and fill animalesque representations of that sort of room-fill, from China.

Yet . . . That same experience . . . of actually visiting The Fair can be even a "noobz" first encounter.
If the noob is courageous enough to park the car, make the walk, enter the gates (of Heaven . . . or the other H word)

Didn't the "original site of The Oklahoma State Fair" used to be over by that HighSchool between Reno and Tenth, near Eastern?
Didn't the last of the Gaylord Klan attempt to move it from it's present location?

08-10-2014, 07:09 AM
Having watched many a quilting/weaving/sewing show on television (plus making a visit to Quilteratti, just outside of a Major League City) I have to ask . . . When, exactly is the point at which one call it Quits instead of Quilts? =)

Hopefully, the answer to that question is "Never."

(and a good reason to visit the fair to see trophy cakes on display. plus new cars. and belt buckles. and carneys . . . =)

Periodically you take breaks but the true believers continue till the end.

08-10-2014, 07:33 AM
We go at least twice every stinkin year. Get my Sammy's calzone, corn, Pancho Dog, couple beers and head home.

08-10-2014, 08:12 AM
We go at least twice every stinkin year. Get my Sammy's calzone, corn, Pancho Dog, couple beers and head home.

Sans the beer that's about what I do. I'm still bummed there were no Sammy's calzones at the arts festival this year so I'm doubling down on the fair.

08-10-2014, 10:08 AM
Helmut's Schnitzel Rolls . . . yummmmmmmmmmmmm . . .
And that thin crust pizza, in the building adjacent to the Authentic Peruvian Mountain Pan Pipe Band . . .

08-10-2014, 12:31 PM
Yes, the state fair that I first attended was where Douglas High School was built (and recently rebuilt). We rode the trolley cars from downtown to the fair entrance. Fond memories, I was five and with my mother, aunt, and eight year old sister. My family got lost and I had a lot of fun until the police caught up with me and reunited me with them. Then, in the amphitheater, the man on the stage asked for volunteers to ride the bear (and yes, it was a real bear). Somehow, my sister was spotted way back in the crowd and selected. She went to the stage and was placed on the bears back. Really great memories.
C. T.

Didn't the "original site of The Oklahoma State Fair" used to be over by that HighSchool between Reno and Tenth, near Eastern?
Didn't the last of the Gaylord Klan attempt to move it from it's present location?

08-10-2014, 09:25 PM
The Oklahoma State Fair 2014 - Information on Schedule, Tickets, Parking, Rides and Events (

Schedule, including kids' day (avoid :)) and geezer day, plus reduced ticket price days.

08-10-2014, 09:48 PM
I will probably be going 2 days. The day with the Grandkids is us mostly keeping rounded up. Geezer day is good for looking at the stuff we want to see.

08-11-2014, 05:48 AM
Yes, the state fair that I first attended was where Douglas High School was built (and recently rebuilt). We rode the trolley cars from downtown to the fair entrance. Fond memories, I was five and with my mother, aunt, and eight year old sister. My family got lost and I had a lot of fun until the police caught up with me and reunited me with them. Then, in the amphitheater, the man on the stage asked for volunteers to ride the bear (and yes, it was a real bear). Somehow, my sister was spotted way back in the crowd and selected. She went to the stage and was placed on the bears back. Really great memories.

C. T.

C.T.. Wasn't there a golf course out there as well.? And if I'm not mistaken, doesn't one of the old rock buildings still stand as a maintenance building, or something like that, on the east side of the football field?.

08-11-2014, 12:27 PM
Wow, I don't remember a golf course. That doesn't mean much, when I was going to the old fair grounds, I didn't know what golf was. Not sure about the rock building, but I will drive by there in the next week or so and check it out.
C. T.
C.T.. Wasn't there a golf course out there as well.? And if I'm not mistaken, doesn't one of the old rock buildings still stand as a maintenance building, or something like that, on the east side of the football field?.

08-11-2014, 02:53 PM
Haven't been since Skip Wegner and crew ransacked and destroyed the fair several years ago.

Don't think the City is too worried about it - primarily seems to me they are interested in repurposing the bulk of the fairgrounds into mini-convention and horseshow space. They'll probably always have something called the Fair, but it will be a faint copy of what it once was, and if they ever decide its not financially viable, the current powers that be will not care about killing it off once and for all.


Uncle Slayton
08-11-2014, 03:52 PM
I quit going several years ago. "Something" changed about it and it seemed to morph from something with vestiges of quaintness to a teeming mass of vulgarity, thuggery, and noise. If I want people shrieking inanities and profanities at me from all directions, I'll go to a family reunion for free.

08-12-2014, 05:39 PM
I quit going several years ago. "Something" changed about it and it seemed to morph from something with vestiges of quaintness to a teeming mass of vulgarity, thuggery, and noise. If I want people shrieking inanities and profanities at me from all directions, I'll go to a family reunion for free.

Just go early. The thugs don't wake up until late afternoon.

08-12-2014, 09:36 PM
I quit going several years ago. "Something" changed about it and it seemed to morph from something with vestiges of quaintness to a teeming mass of vulgarity, thuggery, and noise. If I want people shrieking inanities and profanities at me from all directions, I'll go to a family reunion for free.

I avoid the midway and rides. The crafts and livestock areas aren't too rough.

Uncle Slayton
08-13-2014, 04:56 PM
I avoid the midway and rides. The crafts and livestock areas aren't too rough.

True enough. I've never once had to face down a band of militant quilters, nor found myself in a jam with an unsavory group of canners...

08-13-2014, 10:08 PM
Dang . . .
If this was The Theater of The Mind (formerly known as "radio")
I'd feel as if I'd just made a trip to The Great State Fair!

(why . . . as Mickey always used to say to Judy . . .
"Let's Put On a Show!"

and the torch was carried on into the future of the past . . .


08-14-2014, 10:02 AM
Not anymore.

The "car show" is just a few old classics in a barn and the showroom floor is just like going to a dealership lot.
I don't trust rides that are made to be collapsable.
The games are all rigged, although some are still fun.
Food is really the only thing that is worth it, if that is your thing.

08-15-2014, 04:05 PM
Here's a list of new food items for this year's fair. I've bolded those items that interest me. I love sauerkraut, so the fried sauerkraut balls sound pretty good.

Over 20 New Fair Foods To Debut At The 2014 Oklahoma State Fair | Oklahoma State Fair (

We’ve added more than 20 new unique foods to the Fair Food line-up this year. If you are into delicious, one-of-a-kind grub then there’s only one place to be September 11 thru 21 - the 2014 Oklahoma State Fair.

Try not to drool on your keyboard:

All American Hot Dog - One of Diamond Dawgs many "hot dog creations” is a grilled polish sausage on a freshly baked artisan bun, topped with homemade macaroni and cheese, and finished with grated cheddar cheese. This classic combination creates an extraordinary "All American" experience.

Bacon Bloomin’ Onion – A batter-fried onion is hard to resist but now that Porky’s has topped their hand-cut onions with bacon, Fair Food Fanatics will be clamoring to get a taste.

Bacon Explosion Sundae - This sundae has it all: ice cream, whipped cream, caramel sauce, bacon, and more bacon! Is it dinner or dessert? Find out at Guiltless Concessions.

Bacon & Gouda French Fries – Why have plain French fries when you can cover them in freshly shredded Gouda cheese and delicious crumbled bacon? Head over to the Bacon Habit and grab yourself a plate full.

Bacon-Wrapped Jack Daniels – Sit back and imagine a churro infused with a half a shot of Jack Daniels, wrapped in bacon and grilled. Served up crispy and topped with maple syrup and whipped cream. Is your mouth watering? The Bacon Habit has the cure.

Boudin On-A-Stick – Rolling on the Bayou is bringing a favorite Southern Louisiana dish, Boudin, to the Oklahoma State Fair this year. But it wouldn’t be a Fair Food if it wasn’t served on a stick!

Capt’n Crunch Chicken On-A-Stick – Diamond Dawgs batters chicken strips in their own special Capt'n Crunch cereal based batter and serves them with honey on the side. This moist and tender chicken will please folks who crave both sweet and savory.

Caveman Turkey Leg – Sure to delight carnivores, the Bacon Habit is taking a GIANT turkey leg and wrapping it with about a pound of bacon before smoking it to seal in the flavor. You’ll need a big appetite to devour this mammoth-sized meal.

Cuban Pork Crepe – CoCo Flow Concessions isn’t afraid to turn a sweet treat into something savory. Shredded pork, some Swiss cheese, pickle spears and a dash of spicy Tabasco mayo all rolled up in a fresh crepe.

Churro Shortcake – It’s a new twist on a classic dessert! L’il Bits Donuts traded out the typical shortcake for churros then topped them with strawberries and fresh whipped cream.

Chocolate Dipped Twinkie On-A-Stick – Leave it to Mom & Pop Corn to skewer a classic snack, dip it in chocolate, and serve it at the State Fair.

Deep-Fried Apple Fries – Crisp slices of apples are deep-fried to a golden brown then topped with cinnamon and sugar and served with cold vanilla ice cream. Available at L’il Bits Donuts.

Deep-Fried Bacon Cinnamon Roll – The Bacon Cinnamon Roll you’ve loved for years is getting the deep-fried treatment from Sweet Shop.

Deep-Fried Banana Nutella Crepe – Coco Flow Concessions is lining its sweet vanilla crepe with fresh bananas and Nutella before deep-frying and topping it off with chocolate and caramel sauce and whipped cream. Have mercy.

Deep-Fried Bison Balls – One of Sweet Shop’s many new food offerings for this year’s State Fair is a flavor explosion for the daring Fair Food connoisseur. Lean bison meat is mixed with tangy blue cheese crumbles and red onion, and then rolled it into balls for a dip in the deep fryer. Served with horseradish-mayo.

Deep-Fried Chocolate Chip Ice Cream Sandwich On-A-Stick – It has taken Aunt Edmoe’s year’s to perfect the science behind deep-frying ice cream. Their homemade chocolate chip ice cream is spread between two cookies and quickly deep-fried to create a warm, crispy shell around the chilly ice cream center.

Deep-Fried Giant Gummy Bears – Gummy bears have taken the plunge into the deep fryer courtesy of the Sweet Shop. But the deliciousness doesn’t stop there; each bear will be covered in powdered sugar and strawberry sauce and served on a stick.

Deep-Fried Sauerkraut Balls – And now for something completely different: sauerkraut, cream cheese, breadcrumbs, and cheddar-jack cheese is hand-rolled into balls and deep-fried into melt-in-your-mouth goodness. You’ll have to try them for yourself at the Sweet Shop.

French Toast Burger – Porky’s introduced OKC to the doughnut burger, the pancake burger and the PB&J burger. Now they’re back with a new bun choice for you to try – sweet French toast!

Fried Chicken & Donuts with Maple Syrup – If you like chicken and waffles, you’ll LOVE chicken and donuts. Available at L’il Bits Donuts.

Honey Bun Bacon Cheeseburger – Harvell Concessions is combing sweet and savory for this new bacon cheeseburger by swapping the typical bun for a Honey Bun. Run, don’t walk, before it’s too late.

Monkey Time Donut – L’il Bits Donuts doesn’t monkey around with their fresh take on everyone’s favorite breakfast item. This specialty donut is topped with creamy peanut butter, fresh banana slices, honey, and bits of crumbled bacon! Our taste buds are singing already!

Nutella Donut – Great things happen when you mix Nutella and donuts. L’il Bits Donuts knows the way to our hearts with this hazelnut and chocolate sensation.

Red Velvet Cinnamon Roll – Tender, fluffy, and ooey-gooey cinnamon rolls with the flavor of red velvet cake, topped with real cream cheese frosting? Better get in line now for Sweet Shop’s most decadent new food item.

Wonderboy Corn Dog – Diamond Dawgs has a new spin on a Fair Food classic! They deep-fry a special recipe hot dog frank on a stick that has been coated in a homemade batter made out of Capt'n Crunch cereal. Served with a side of honey mustard, their technique creates a never before experienced taste and texture sensation.
08-15-2014, 05:13 PM
Where do they have the Authentic Peruvian Mountain Pan Pipe Band? I am going this year, the only day I can go is kids day (ugh!) but will be trying to get most of it in before school lets out.

08-15-2014, 11:19 PM
Where do they have the Authentic Peruvian Mountain Pan Pipe Band? I am going this year, the only day I can go is kids day (ugh!) but will be trying to get most of it in before school lets out.
They are usually in the area in front of the Cox Pavilion, I believe. You will hear them before you see them.

08-16-2014, 12:28 AM
At the Great State Fair of Minnesota, in addition to originating Cheese Curds and The Endless Milk Buffet, they managed to figure out how to put Spaghetti with Walleye on a stick. There were a lot of remnants of failed Spaghetti on a stick (with remnants of Walleye garnish) on the sidewalks. There was also a lot of crying in this regard. Mostly it was adults. The kids were crying about the dropped ice cream cones.

Oh! There was a big sign at every gate, and several tacked to trees, saying No Wandering Authentic Peruvian Pan Pipe Bands Allowed.

Instead, I got to see my idol, Billy Joe Shavers, live, in concert, at the Moosehead Beer Stage.
(or some other vaguely northern beer producers pavilion. maybe it was Grain Belt or Hamm's or Timberlodge. it was a big fair. I forget.)
(I don't recall any roasted corn, but they had these really tasty little bags of Olde Tymee Mini Donuts . . . =)

Still . . . I gave up on all that sort of Culinary Entertainment a little over a year ago.
I guess it's one of those "How Do I Love Thee? Let Me Count The Weighs" things. =)
(which sort of kills the attraction of the weight guessing hustler's pitch)

ps: Unless you feel moved in the moment to buy a couple of CDs available at the Authentic Peruvian Mountain Band of Wandering Instrumental Minstrels you might consider that many of them--the CD's and before that, the Cassettes--are available at many yard and garage sales. For some reason, I can't locate the six or so I've bought at the fair over the years.

"Is the line between Cynicism and Pragmatism as thin as I think it is?
"Someone give that Venn Dude a call . . . or Maslow . . .
"Something seems to be missing."

08-16-2014, 04:14 PM
DON"T know if she is Peruvian or not but this young lady plays a classic song quite well on the flute.

08-17-2014, 11:46 AM
I have attended twice in twelve years but I think I'm going to take advantage of my age and go for free on Wednesday, senior citizens day, or, geezer day as some of you children call it. I'm going to head for the handicapped parking, unload my scooter and ride around for several hours, eating along the way. I think I will have an Indian taco first, visit one of the buildings then eat something else, visit another building...until I have had my fill of food or buildings, or my scooter battery runs out of juice. My doctor(s) won't like it, but as I tell them, "you only die twice", and I'm at "one" and counting.
C. T.

08-17-2014, 12:02 PM
Not anymore.

The "car show" is just a few old classics in a barn and the showroom floor is just like going to a dealership lot.

I don't think you're alone...and not because of the cars. I only quoted that part of your post because that was what pertained to things we used to get at the fair that was "new". The last two places where I've worked used to buy very prominent booths at the fair, but both have pulled out due to diminishing returns. I still go to the fair, but it is a shadow of its former self. Maybe the internet killed it, like so many other things, but there's just not much at the fair that's worth paying the price, while fighting the parking and the crowds, for these days. I think the organizers have lost sight of what used to make state fairs a unique marketing opportunity.

08-17-2014, 12:27 PM
CT, don't worry what doctors say. I've already outlived two of mine.

08-17-2014, 12:44 PM
The elitists that run the fairgrounds have ruined it. It's a shell. They put the hard squeeze on all the vendors and required them to buy their goods from them. spaceage hip monorail gone, historic speedway razed, artifacts sold off. The fair is just a nuisance to these people until they can get back to making money on horse a pig shows no one attends. It's no longer the people's fairgrounds.

08-17-2014, 02:16 PM
The elitists that run the fairgrounds have ruined it. It's a shell. They put the hard squeeze on all the vendors and required them to buy their goods from them. spaceage hip monorail gone, historic speedway razed, artifacts sold off. The fair is just a nuisance to these people until they can get back to making money on horse a pig shows no one attends. It's no longer the people's fairgrounds.

I think I just heard an echo of something I said a few days ago . . .
Except for the People's Fair part. As a hard line conservative I have to object to anything with vaguely "Commie" lingo. =)

08-17-2014, 02:18 PM
DON"T know if she is Peruvian or not but this young lady plays a classic song quite well on the flute.

My distain of Wandering Peruvian Mountain Folk Artists is feigned.
That's why I have several CD's--maybe cassettes?--gathering dust around here somewhere.

08-17-2014, 02:21 PM
I have attended twice in twelve years but I think I'm going to take advantage of my age and go for free on Wednesday, senior citizens day, or, geezer day as some of you children call it. I'm going to head for the handicapped parking, unload my scooter and ride around for several hours, eating along the way. I think I will have an Indian taco first, visit one of the buildings then eat something else, visit another building...until I have had my fill of food or buildings, or my scooter battery runs out of juice. My doctor(s) won't like it, but as I tell them, "you only die twice", and I'm at "one" and counting.
C. T.

The Fair was more fair when this tune was on AM radio . . . =)

~c/o The Anti-Bobo the Dunking Clown =)

Looking at the title sequence to that clip makes me wonder about the availability of Deep Fried Broccoli on a Stick.
For the benefit of The Children.

08-17-2014, 02:28 PM
I think I just heard an echo of something I said a few days ago . . .
Except for the People's Fair part. As a hard line conservative I have to object to anything with vaguely "Commie" lingo. =)

Pipe down and drink your vodka comrade.

08-17-2014, 02:34 PM
Pipe down and drink your vodka comrade.

Zdrahzdviche, amigo . . . Kak ti posheviash? . . . Harasho, (I hopes. =)
I think the State Fair could be salvaged with some dancing Russian Bearlarinas . . . in Disney Costumes.
On ice.

That, or a proper Tractor Pull. =)

08-17-2014, 02:49 PM
a nesting doll concession may bring folks back.

08-17-2014, 02:55 PM
a nesting doll concession may bring folks back.

You nailed it.

(still . . . would some belt buckles featuring a Peace Sign, a pentagram, a fist raised in anger, and a picture of John Lennon playing poker with various breeds of dogs hurt? in terms of ambiance? say! instead of belt buckles and teeshirts . . . WHOA!!!: how about tattoo booths!!!??? now that they are legal. =)

08-17-2014, 07:01 PM
I'd like to see a return of the Made in Oklahoma building. The Agrapolis,
or whatever it's called, could be pared down to one of the side rooms or
in the Livestock barns. It's a good exhibit.

08-18-2014, 12:10 PM
Recently, I've participated in the Oklahoma State Fair several times as a volunteer for my (Little Flower Catholic) church booth.

The last time I was at the fair as a fairgoer was in the 60s: As an excited 12 year old, I threw a nickel onto the middle of the target of the lucky strike board symbol (Midway games). My family was elated with joy, the guy who operated the board just ignored me and slowly swept my nickel from the board robbing me of my giant stuffed animal prize. A number of people were in support of our complaint about me not being awarded my prize, it fell on deaf ears. My aunt cursed and called this guy everything but a child of God (terrible display by an adult); my mother being the leveled headed person she was just took us and walked away.

You can imagine the devastation this was for a child of my age. I was traumatized for years every time the State Fair of Oklahoma was mentioned. We never went back as a family after that incident.

As one poster mentioned, there are a number of events to attend: like the Arts Festival, Bricktown Blues & BBQ Festival, Medieval Fair, '89er Day Celebration, Greek Festival, Juneteenth Celebration, Boley Rodeo, Okmulgee Invitational Rodeo, Oklahoma Czech Festival, Strawberry Festival, Okeene Rattlesnake Hunt, Rush Springs Watermelon Festival, Edmond Jazz and Blues Festival, Charlie Christian International Music Festival and many, many more. The fun filled excitement of these events throughout Oklahoma is enough for the annual calendar.

The State Fair of Oklahoma is a great event which many people await with anticipation. Enjoy the Oklahoma State Fair it ranks among the top five fairs in the United States. "Oklahoma City looks oh-so pretty... I get my kicks on Route 66." --Nat King Cole.

08-18-2014, 12:58 PM
I'd like to see a return of the Made in Oklahoma building. The Agrapolis,
or whatever it's called, could be pared down to one of the side rooms or
in the Livestock barns. It's a good exhibit.

I've never like Agtropolis since it first displaced the Made in Oklahoma building many years ago - that was on the leading edge of all the scorched earth destruction the fair leaders inflicted upon it. It was one of the first things that turned me off to the fair.

08-18-2014, 01:27 PM
I've never like Agtropolis since it first displaced the Made in Oklahoma
building many years ago - that was on the leading edge of all the scorched
earth destruction the fair leaders inflicted upon it. It was one of the first things
that turned me off to the fair.
In a sense that's what happened to me. I liked the Made in Oklahoma bldg.

Another was that a friend of mine was removed as a food vendor. He had
the best cinnamon rolls. I could not care less about the Midway.

08-18-2014, 01:28 PM
I've won some ribbons for canned goods. Just doing the County Fair this

08-19-2014, 12:15 AM
Here's a guy who has a lot to say about lots of local (and not exactly non-local "issues"--especially in regard t' local airplay, doncha know) who is edging Dave Barry into the stretch as my favorite non-local Humorist/columnist (not counting Mark "Samuel Clements" Twain) or George Carlin, as if:

Lileks: Who needs a World's Fair when we have our Get-Together? | Star Tribune (

Please note that Minneapolis/StPaul is such a spread of amazing Major League City Stuff--including all the interstates in OKC combined times ten with a vague appreciation for something resembling Historical Preservation that the commentator, cited above, got hired and fired and rehired at least once. Possible on account of Dave Barry protested the action of The Bozos in "Control".

Enjoy the words.
The guy also has The Nearly Ultimate "Blog" in the Internet.
At least for folks who think a little rather than get confused at the truth and wander away.

Here is my introduction to this gentleman from the plains and/or planes of Fargo, ND.
(whose dad worked in the petroleum industry
I discovered his work looking for a way to balance the motives behind Stage Center as compared to the Biltmore as compared to Devon Tower . . .
Navigation Prompt: Go left. Click on topic. Review. Consider the possibilities. Move on.

that was my "gateway" "drug", metaphorically typing, from man of conscience, with a deep sense of humor and some pretty good blogging skills.

At one time . . . in the distant . . . distant . . . past . . . didn't Chautauquas used to compete with State Fairs?