View Full Version : OKC's health in relation to the National Economy.

07-31-2014, 02:52 PM
As I type this, the Dow is down a bit less than 300 points (~1.75%).

At best, the national economy is in the midst of a slow-arduous and taxing recovery. More likely it's just sustaining a relatively static couple of years since the '08 downturn. At worst, it's already in the process of another downturn (and as the '08 recovery has been rather tepid so far, a downturn would likely be even worse than that of '08).

I think at the end of the day, nobody can say for sure what direction the economy is going to take over the next 5 years, but let's assume the national economy takes another significant downturn:

1. What kind of downturn can Texoma (thereby OKC) withstand? This part of the country has maintained and even thrived the last decade, at least in some part, because of suffering Midwesterners and West Coasters deciding to move this direction. The other part has obviously been the Energy sector, which is only as strong as people needing and being able to afford the energy.

2. Should a moderate downturn occur, something comparable to '08, does OKC continue to see investment in the core or are people tempted by cheaper land and less restrictions further out of the core?