10-02-2014, 03:10 PM
Here is the appropriate response to the Ebola crisis.
View Full Version : Ebola virus bchris02 10-02-2014, 03:10 PM Here is the appropriate response to the Ebola crisis. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=04xOsNW7zTA zookeeper 10-02-2014, 03:25 PM I'm disappointed to see such joking around about something that is killing so many people. They're saying the death toll from this epidemic is over 3,000 people. Is everything worthy of juvenile jokes? I'm sorry, but this is a humanitarian crisis. You are being spared only by the luck of your geographical birth. bchris02 10-02-2014, 03:33 PM I'm disappointed to see such joking around about something that is killing so many people. They're saying the death toll from this epidemic is over 3,000 people. Is everything worthy of juvenile jokes? I'm sorry, but this is a humanitarian crisis. You are being spared only by the luck of your geographical birth. The joke is more about the media sensationalism over this. Yes its a terrible disease but at this point it is being severely overhyped. This chart puts it into perspective. http://cdn0.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/Q6QDXe08VVLZJzQ-jrRPn7fPTPE=/700x0/filters:no_upscale()/cdn1.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_asset/file/2316374/Africa_death_causes_revised.0.png PennyQuilts 10-02-2014, 05:15 PM Wait. This disease is horrible and comparing it to what is going on in Africa only makes it less terrifying in comparison. Setting aside the death toll/mortality rate, the COST is jaw dropping. Look at what they are having to do with just One sick person. What if ten were walking around? Just ten? They are giving us all kinds of bs that we can control this but there aren't enough manpower hours to address this beyond a handful of sick people. Controlling it doesn't mean no one will die. It means that they'll stop it before multitudes die and they can't stop it. All you can do is quarantine at a certain point. And people lie. Forget the fact that this guy lied about his exposure to an ebola victim which allowed him to get on the plane. They had to go get a court order to force these exposed people to stay in their apartments. And, again, this is just a court order, no actual people assigned to confine them. Reports are that the man's partner is staying in an apartment with the man's sheets in it four days after he was admitted. She said the red cross brought her sandwiches but there seems to be no real plan to restrict movement and give basic care/food for these people. What if they have to work? What if they have special needs that require them to leave the apartment? The ambulance that took him to the hospital was stil in service for while after he was admitted. The number of children directly exposed is up to eight. They keep telling us that no one is showing symptoms to calm us down. IT IS TOO EARLY FOR THEM TO SHOW SYMPTOMS. They are making no effort to stop flights from ebola nations. The medical care givers that deal with this man he displayed symptoms (EMT's, nurses, doctors, clerks, etc.) weren't wearing protective gear. They sent him home with antibiotics. They keep telling us that the patient will get GREAT care. Fine. I assume he will (not that this will slow down the lawsuits for their failure to follow procedure and potentially exposing and killing others). What I personally have little faith in is our ability to handle even a small outbreak on a public health level. This could easily bankrupt these agencies and humans, being humans, are next to impossible to control or trust. They keep,saying we can but everything they say sounds like it is built on the notion that people are reasonable, will cooperate, etc. We all know that people who aren't sure will go about their business and hope for the best rather than miss work prior to symptoms appearing. They'll send their kids to school because they can't take off work and will hope for the best. Or they'll run rather than risk getting quarantined with other potential victims. And they'll likely walk around with symptoms for a day or three before they go to the doctor. I am not saying this will be a catastrophe - but it could. This is in an urban area and they describe one impacted school as having students who speak 23 different languages. These neighborhoods are not that much different than an urban area in Africa in terms of culture and finding enough staff to step in and handle this is a pipe dream. I watched the press conference from the CDC a couple of days ago. DEER IN THE HEADLIGHT is what I was left with. In fact, at one point they assured reporters that they were going to be completely transparent and would stay as long as the reporters had questions. The reporters barely got started before they said they didn't anticipate so many questions and didn't have time to answer them. And they abruptly ended the conference. Most of the facts they gave at that time have turned out to be wrong. When they say there is ZERO chance of catching this unless you touch fluids, I personally don't buy it - several high profile Americans don't know how they contracted the disease. You could catch this from a sneeze. PennyQuilts 10-02-2014, 09:03 PM Just heard that the family actually now has an armed guard keeping them in their apartment. And why? Not only did they continue to leave and socialize - THEY SENT THE KIDS BACK TO THE PUBLIC SCHOOLS!! IMO, and this ,ay be an emotional respinse, If they aren't citizens and survive this, they should be deported and presented with a bill for all the chaos they are causing. Pity, aside, People in their community are also furious, especially those whose children are attending the affected schools. Ginkasa 10-02-2014, 11:01 PM When they say there is ZERO chance of catching this unless you touch fluids, I personally don't buy it - several high profile Americans don't know how they contracted the disease. You could catch this from a sneeze. A sneeze is fluids. Ginkasa 10-02-2014, 11:03 PM I'm disappointed to see such joking around about something that is killing so many people. They're saying the death toll from this epidemic is over 3,000 people. Is everything worthy of juvenile jokes? I'm sorry, but this is a humanitarian crisis. You are being spared only by the luck of your geographical birth. Humor is a coping mechanism and the specific joke in question wasn't at anyone's expense. RadicalModerate 10-02-2014, 11:11 PM It is loose. In Texas. And torrential rains are falling. (oh. wait. perhaps the fluid humor coping saw needs to be recalibrated?) Get over it. It's like trying to worry about renegade tapirs, rabid bats, and rogue manta rays. All at the same time. Not to mention "The Political Sideshow" . . . Well . . . Isn't "it"? =) (any response, Zookeeper? =) I trust that you know we aren't "enemies" on the road in the direction of hope of human happiness. RadicalModerate 10-02-2014, 11:31 PM A sneeze is fluids. Not if it's done right. You know . . . with the "Vampire Cape Twirl" of the sleeve . . . =) Plutonic Panda 10-03-2014, 03:15 AM NBC News cameraman has Ebola, will be flown back to U.S. for treatment | KFOR.com (http://kfor.com/2014/10/02/nbc-news-cameraman-has-ebola-will-be-flown-back-to-u-s-for-treatment/) Plutonic Panda 10-03-2014, 03:16 AM Report: Liberia could prosecute man who brought Ebola to United States | KFOR.com (http://kfor.com/2014/10/02/report-liberia-could-prosecute-man-who-brought-ebola-to-united-states/) Plutonic Panda 10-03-2014, 10:54 PM Patient Hospitalized In D.C. With Possible Ebola Symptoms - News9.com - Oklahoma City, OK - News, Weather, Video and Sports | (http://www.news9.com/story/26699103/patient-hospitalized-in-dc-with-possible-ebola-symptoms) venture 10-04-2014, 07:19 AM I'm disappointed to see such joking around about something that is killing so many people. They're saying the death toll from this epidemic is over 3,000 people. Is everything worthy of juvenile jokes? I'm sorry, but this is a humanitarian crisis. You are being spared only by the luck of your geographical birth. 600,000 die in this country every year from heart disease...where is the outrage over that? Yes ebola is scary and has killed a few thousand as well, but the hype the media is going into is overdone. No need to start getting people worked up in a panic ctchandler 10-04-2014, 12:20 PM Venture, I understand and mostly agree with your point except for one minor detail, heart disease is not contagious. The fear is of course the spread of ebola. You might feel differently if you had children, nieces or nephews, or relatives that are part of the school staff where as PennyQuilts said, "THEY SENT THE KIDS BACK TO THE PUBLIC SCHOOLS!!". So far, I see no reason for panic (at my age, I probably won't ever panic), but we should all be concerned. C. T. 600,000 die in this country every year from heart disease...where is the outrage over that? Yes ebola is scary and has killed a few thousand as well, but the hype the media is going into is overdone. No need to start getting people worked up in a panic Swake 10-04-2014, 01:02 PM Stop with the panic and outrage. It's ridiculous. So far the mortality rate in the US is zero. No one that has been taken out of Africa and cared for with western Medicine has died. This is a dangerous disease we should take seriously, but it's not a larger danger in an advanced country with high sanitation levels and modern healthcare. Those American healthcare workers that The Toupee and Fox wanted kept out of the US because they were going to spread the disease and kill us all? All have been cured and no one else was infected You aren't contagious until you show symptoms and then you are ether dead or better in a week or so. The Incubation period is up to 21 days, but in this outbreak in Africa it's only been 4-6 days and the man in Dallas was sick after 9 days. It's been ten days since this guy became contagious, why isn't there a massive outbreak yet? Where are the other sick people, shouldn't SOMEONE have gotten sick yet? The simple fact is that it's not that contagious. http://media.npr.org/assets/img/2014/10/01/ebolar0_custom-51327a6a4853632602173cc2fa7ad8339aac5630-s4-c85.jpg If you listened to right wing radio and Newscorp non-news machine you'd think that the world is ending and it's all Obama's fault when so far there is exactly ONE case of Ebola and it keeps not spreading. Flu is far more dangerous than Ebola. 36,000 people die from Flu every year in the United States. New more deadly flu strains that jump species that we don’t have inoculations for are a huge health concern. The Spanish Flu killed 675,000 Americans in 1918, another Flu outbreak in the late 50s killed almost 70,000 people. Swine flu jumped to humans in 2010 but didn’t turn out to be a deadly strain in humans. A bad flu epidemic today could kill hundreds of thousands or even millions of Americans before we are able to develop inoculations. Fox/Newscorp/Rush/Clear Channel are all lying to you. They are spreading fear because it makes them money. Quit being so damn gullible. Paseofreak 10-04-2014, 01:24 PM ^^^^^^Thank you!^^^^^^ bchris02 10-04-2014, 01:27 PM The thing is, whenever a truly dangerous epidemic happens nobody is going to take the hype seriously because of the sensationalism that has been done time and time again in cases such as Ebola, H1N1, Bird Flu, etc. Swake 10-04-2014, 01:44 PM The thing is, whenever a truly dangerous epidemic happens nobody is going to take the hype seriously because of the sensationalism that has been done time and time again in cases such as Ebola, H1N1, Bird Flu, etc. The fact is we got lucky with H1N1, it didn't turn out to be very deadly in humans. Bird Flu is a big danger if it jumps to humans. We worry about all the wrong things. Bunty 10-04-2014, 01:55 PM 600,000 die in this country every year from heart disease...where is the outrage over that? Yes ebola is scary and has killed a few thousand as well, but the hype the media is going into is overdone. No need to start getting people worked up in a panic The five biggest lies about Ebola being pushed by government and mass media - NaturalNews.com (http://www.naturalnews.com/047089_Ebola_pandemic_government_lies_disinformati on.html) http://www.infowars.com/the-shocking-truth-the-u-s-medical-system-is-woefully-unprepared-for-ebola/ Plutonic Panda 10-04-2014, 02:12 PM The fact is we got lucky with H1N1, it didn't turn out to be very deadly in humans. Bird Flu is a big danger if it jumps to humans. We worry about all the wrong things. it has jumped to humans before, hasn't it? ctchandler 10-04-2014, 02:24 PM Swake, I'm sure your post wasn't directed at me because as I said, there's no reason for panic. But I would suggest you listen to CBS and ABC news (I haven't watched NBC recently, so I don't know what they are saying, but is not just right wing, Fox and the others you mentioned. People want to know so most media is reporting it. Regardless of the impact in our country, the amount of deaths although small in comparison to the other problems in Africa (see post 65 by Bchris02) does cause concern. I do think the media in general does go a little overboard in the amount of time devoted to the subject. C. T. Stop with the panic and outrage. It's ridiculous. If you listened to right wing radio and Newscorp non-news machine you'd think that the world is ending and it's all Obama's fault when so far there is exactly ONE case of Ebola and it keeps not spreading. Fox/Newscorp/Rush/Clear Channel are all lying to you. They are spreading fear because it makes them money. Quit being so damn gullible. Swake 10-04-2014, 05:36 PM it has jumped to humans before, hasn't it? H5N1 has and is very lethal, but it hasn't spread as easily in humans as it does in birds, yet. Human infections are rare and mostly from contact with infected birds as opposed to human to human spreading. The Flu virus evolves very quickly so that could change. You know, that whole "fake" evolution thingy. Maybe we should ignore it all then. Swake 10-04-2014, 05:36 PM Swake, I'm sure your post wasn't directed at me because as I said, there's no reason for panic. But I would suggest you listen to CBS and ABC news (I haven't watched NBC recently, so I don't know what they are saying, but is not just right wing, Fox and the others you mentioned. People want to know so most media is reporting it. Regardless of the impact in our country, the amount of deaths although small in comparison to the other problems in Africa (see post 65 by Bchris02) does cause concern. I do think the media in general does go a little overboard in the amount of time devoted to the subject. C. T. Everyone is reporting it, but there certainly is a difference in tone. Plutonic Panda 10-04-2014, 05:56 PM H5N1 has and is very lethal, but it hasn't spread as easily in humans as it does in birds, yet. Human infections are rare and mostly from contact with infected birds as opposed to human to human spreading. The Flu virus evolves very quickly so that could change. You know, that whole "fake" evolution thingy. Maybe we should ignore it all then.yeah that couldn't be because there is no proof evolution exists!!! LOL I heard a bad possibility if Ebola mutates, but I don't known the chances of it happening. You seem to know your stuff on this issue so I didn't know if you heard anything about it. I do think the media is hyping this way over what they should be. Mass panic is one of the worst things people can cause and it really should be taken seriously when they do that. Swake 10-04-2014, 06:07 PM It's not hard to be informed, go read real news articles, check them against what the CDC is posting. Avoid the hot air machine. Plutonic Panda 10-04-2014, 06:15 PM Well, tbh I don't really watch the news at all. I watch AL Jazeera and keep up with BBC, but beyond that, I, I usually just keep and eye on the local news strictly for new development that is going to happen in the city silvergrove 10-05-2014, 07:02 PM yeah that couldn't be because there is no proof evolution exists!!! LOL I heard a bad possibility if Ebola mutates, but I don't known the chances of it happening. You seem to know your stuff on this issue so I didn't know if you heard anything about it. I do think the media is hyping this way over what they should be. Mass panic is one of the worst things people can cause and it really should be taken seriously when they do that. The chance of the Ebola virus recombining with influenza or some other airborne viral disease is extremely low. I think your odds of winning the lottery is better. Many genetic barriers to recombination exist and even if it does recombine, it may not even be a viable or produce functional viral particles. It has been done in the laboratory before but only in under controlled conditions, using stripped viral parts (missing the parts that makes it "bad"), and enriched for the chances that it will recombine. Naturally, I think it would be very hard. PennyQuilts 10-06-2014, 02:55 PM Stop with the panic and outrage. It's ridiculous. So far the mortality rate in the US is zero. No one that has been taken out of Africa and cared for with western Medicine has died. This is a dangerous disease we should take seriously, but it's not a larger danger in an advanced country with high sanitation levels and modern healthcare. Those American healthcare workers that The Toupee and Fox wanted kept out of the US because they were going to spread the disease and kill us all? All have been cured and no one else was infected You aren't contagious until you show symptoms and then you are ether dead or better in a week or so. The Incubation period is up to 21 days, but in this outbreak in Africa it's only been 4-6 days and the man in Dallas was sick after 9 days. It's been ten days since this guy became contagious, why isn't there a massive outbreak yet? Where are the other sick people, shouldn't SOMEONE have gotten sick yet? The simple fact is that it's not that contagious. http://media.npr.org/assets/img/2014/10/01/ebolar0_custom-51327a6a4853632602173cc2fa7ad8339aac5630-s4-c85.jpg If you listened to right wing radio and Newscorp non-news machine you'd think that the world is ending and it's all Obama's fault when so far there is exactly ONE case of Ebola and it keeps not spreading. Flu is far more dangerous than Ebola. 36,000 people die from Flu every year in the United States. New more deadly flu strains that jump species that we don’t have inoculations for are a huge health concern. The Spanish Flu killed 675,000 Americans in 1918, another Flu outbreak in the late 50s killed almost 70,000 people. Swine flu jumped to humans in 2010 but didn’t turn out to be a deadly strain in humans. A bad flu epidemic today could kill hundreds of thousands or even millions of Americans before we are able to develop inoculations. Fox/Newscorp/Rush/Clear Channel are all lying to you. They are spreading fear because it makes them money. Quit being so damn gullible. Why you feel the need to talk down to us is puzzling. Here's the deal: We aren't yet to the point where we are past the incubation period for exposure. God willing, no one gets sick. Beyond that, until we are past the incubation period, we have no real idea if this has been stopped. All the steps to contain mean nothing if people have the disease and aren't within the observation of the CDC. I am getting rather annoyed at the authorities attempting to shame us into submission by arguing that people exposed but still early in the incubation period haven't come down with the disease. That insults our intelligence. They may well remain well but the fact that they haven't gotten sick, YET, means nothing. PennyQuilts 10-06-2014, 02:57 PM It's not hard to be informed, go read real news articles, check them against what the CDC is posting. Avoid the hot air machine. Could you be more insulting? Plutonic Panda 10-06-2014, 03:17 PM The chance of the Ebola virus recombining with influenza or some other airborne viral disease is extremely low. I think your odds of winning the lottery is better. Many genetic barriers to recombination exist and even if it does recombine, it may not even be a viable or produce functional viral particles. It has been done in the laboratory before but only in under controlled conditions, using stripped viral parts (missing the parts that makes it "bad"), and enriched for the chances that it will recombine. Naturally, I think it would be very hard.I understand, thanks for the response. Good to know there is little chance of it happening. Plutonic Panda 10-06-2014, 03:18 PM Why you feel the need to talk down to us is puzzling. Here's the deal: We aren't yet to the point where we are past the incubation period for exposure. God willing, no one gets sick. Beyond that, until we are past the incubation period, we have no real idea if this has been stopped. All the steps to contain mean nothing if people have the disease and aren't within the observation of the CDC. I am getting rather annoyed at the authorities attempting to shame us into submission by arguing that people exposed but still early in the incubation period haven't come down with the disease. That insults our intelligence. They may well remain well but the fact that they haven't gotten sick, YET, means nothing.I believe there is a homeless man who has had contact with the individual who has Ebola and he has not been found yet. Swake 10-06-2014, 03:31 PM Why you feel the need to talk down to us is puzzling. Here's the deal: We aren't yet to the point where we are past the incubation period for exposure. God willing, no one gets sick. Beyond that, until we are past the incubation period, we have no real idea if this has been stopped. All the steps to contain mean nothing if people have the disease and aren't within the observation of the CDC. I am getting rather annoyed at the authorities attempting to shame us into submission by arguing that people exposed but still early in the incubation period haven't come down with the disease. That insults our intelligence. They may well remain well but the fact that they haven't gotten sick, YET, means nothing. Keep spreading the fear, but just on the chance you are wrong why don't you check back in a week and see where we are? As of right now the Dallas Ebola victim has been in the hospital for 9 days and first developed symptoms and became infectious 13 days ago. But no one he came in contact with has developed any symptoms to this point. The incubation period for Ebola is from 2 days to a maximum of 21 days, but the average is 8-10 days and this outbreak has been even faster at only 4-6 days. After 21 days a patient is considered to be safe from developing any illness. The patient in Dallas developed symptoms after 9 days. The 13 days since he became infectious is well past the average incubation period. It’s not that no one will still become sick, but it’s getting pretty unlikely and less likely as each day passes. Even if someone does become ill, the chances of them passing the illness on to a third person is just about zero at this point. There is no outbreak of Ebola in the United States. Swake 10-06-2014, 03:32 PM Could you be more insulting? Certainly I could be, but I wasn’t insulting Panda. Maybe you need a thicker skin. Or is saying that too insulting? Swake 10-06-2014, 03:32 PM I believe there is a homeless man who has had contact with the individual who has Ebola and he has not been found yet. He was actually the ambulance's transport after the Ebola victim. They have found him. Plutonic Panda 10-06-2014, 03:57 PM He was actually the ambulance's transport after the Ebola victim. They have found him.That's good to hear. Glad to know they are taking it serious as they should and would be expected. Hopefully this will all clear out really soon. Swake 10-06-2014, 04:03 PM That's good to hear. Glad to know they are taking it serious as they should and would be expected. Hopefully this will all clear out really soon. Hopefully it will. For all those want to ban travel from Africa, it's interesting to note that the guy in Dallas was on a flight from Belgium to DC. Plutonic Panda 10-06-2014, 04:05 PM Hopefully it will. For all those want to ban travel from Africa, it's interesting to note that the guy in Dallas was on a flight from Belgium to DC.Yeah I'm not sure a travel ban would do much good. You can just go to a connecting country and fly out from there. silvergrove 10-06-2014, 04:05 PM Why you feel the need to talk down to us is puzzling. Here's the deal: We aren't yet to the point where we are past the incubation period for exposure. God willing, no one gets sick. Beyond that, until we are past the incubation period, we have no real idea if this has been stopped. All the steps to contain mean nothing if people have the disease and aren't within the observation of the CDC. I am getting rather annoyed at the authorities attempting to shame us into submission by arguing that people exposed but still early in the incubation period haven't come down with the disease. That insults our intelligence. They may well remain well but the fact that they haven't gotten sick, YET, means nothing. All I can say is anyone who came into direct contact with this individual will be quarantined and monitored during the incubation period. They'll have epidemiologists and other professionals interviewing the individual on his whereabouts and contact those who came in contact. It may take some time to find everyone but from what I understand, I believe Ebola is contagious when an individual presents symptoms. I'm not too worried about it still. I'm still more concerned about people traveling to and from afflicted areas but I don't believe the FAA or CDC will restrict travel as of yet. It's a rather difficult situation because people will lie if they're afraid. Really the best situation is to contain the outbreak at the source, restricting travel simply ignores the problem. PennyQuilts 10-06-2014, 09:11 PM All I can say is anyone who came into direct contact with this individual will be quarantined and monitored during the incubation period. They'll have epidemiologists and other professionals interviewing the individual on his whereabouts and contact those who came in contact. It may take some time to find everyone but from what I understand, I believe Ebola is contagious when an individual presents symptoms. I'm not too worried about it still. I get that. What aggravates me are the people who chant, "there is nothing to fear, there is nothing to fear, there is nothing to fear, and anyone who is worried is stupid," and who pretend undiagnosed or untreated people are within the protections the CDC offers. Those same people seem to be incapable of recognizing that expressing concern is not the same thing as spreading fear. We all accept that sick patients will be cared for and medical workers will take measures to control the spead of the disease. However, when they make the argument that people who are still within the incubation period are not displaying symptoms somehow means the CDC has things under control, they sound either idiotic, or like they are trying to sell something to people who won't notice the obvious. RadicalModerate 10-06-2014, 11:48 PM From Page 3: Venture: 600,000 die in this country every year from heart disease...where is the outrage over that? Yes ebola is scary and has killed a few thousand as well, but the hype the media is going into is overdone. No need to start getting people worked up in a panic. I'm sure glad that Mike Morgan is sticking to the Weather Forecast. =) I wonder what the stats will be on "Stress Related Heart Disease Deaths due to Media Induced Fear of Ebola" . . . Hopefully, the death count will be acceptable. To someone. Surely there are at least a few people who have a natural immunity to this virus. In any case--I have absolutely NO CONTROL OR INFLUENCE WHATSOEVER over the situation. So I choose not to worry about it. And, I suppose, that is a stupid response. To events completely outside Of the abovementioned circles of concern and influence. =) Edited to Add: 6EuAZsz_z_U well . . . "Fear" . . . and EBOLA. PennyQuilts 10-07-2014, 07:21 AM Sid, you make it sound like I am primarily concerned with my personal safety and are offering the same stuff the government is to try to avoid panic. You (and others) are missing the point. Presumably I am quite safe. Many are not and the cost to the country will be staggering. My concern (which doesn't seem to be shared by the shamers) are for the people who are inadvertently exposed to sick family or the occasional health care worker. I am also quite concerned at what this is going to cost. I am well aware that much of the problem in Africa has been how they handle dead bodies and their sanitary practices. It gets a bit tedius when shamers assume others are just ill informed and take it upon themselves to be the government spokesman. Do I believe we'll contain this? Yes. Do I think there is a possibility of a regional, small outbreak or outbreaks? You bet. Unlike the shamers - I am very concerned about the ones affected even if it isn't me. silvergrove 10-07-2014, 10:13 AM Unlike the shamers - I am very concerned about the ones affected even if it isn't me. That's the approach I hope everyone adopts. I'm not too worried about Ebola personally since I trust our pathogen surveillance but I do worry about the effects it will have on regional instability. It will take a good effort from doctors, virologists, epidemiologists, engineers, volunteers, and even anthropologists to convey to the local population how Ebola spreads and what to do. Customs have to be changed but they have to be changed in a context to where a population must be convinced to give up age-old traditions. Preventing the next patient zero, ie don't eat dead fruit bats will also involve a group effort. I do think the media is running away with it here in the US but it's a "slow" news cycle. I just don't watch TV anymore. https://i.imgur.com/lBUAFWs.jpg Stuff like this is scaring the population needlessly. And all news channels are doing this too, I was at the gym yesterday and saw Fox news squawking about this. silvergrove 10-07-2014, 03:32 PM Good article on how a rubber plantation stopped the spread of Ebola. Firestone Did What Governments Have Not: Stopped Ebola In Its Tracks : Goats and Soda : NPR (http://www.npr.org/blogs/goatsandsoda/2014/10/06/354054915/firestone-did-what-governments-have-not-stopped-ebola-in-its-tracks) mugofbeer 10-07-2014, 07:53 PM All I can say is that with the current administration, we've had 6 years of "mistakes" being made with everything from the IRS to the Justice Department giving guns to Mexican Druglords to mistreatment, lies and fraud in the VA. The latest in a long history of error is the "misjudgment" of the strength and resolve of ISIS. I seriously hope the administration isn't in the middle of yet another misjudgment with the dangers of Ebola. Chadanth 10-07-2014, 08:16 PM All I can say is that with the current administration, we've had 6 years of "mistakes" being made with everything from the IRS to the Justice Department giving guns to Mexican Druglords to mistreatment, lies and fraud in the VA. The latest in a long history of error is the "misjudgment" of the strength and resolve of ISIS. I seriously hope the administration isn't in the middle of yet another misjudgment with the dangers of Ebola. If you have evidence of any of your cited "mistakes", you should present it to the appropriate congressional committe. They haven't been able to pin any of it on the administration. You might consider that the CDC is ran by doctors and scientists who know a hell of a lot more than you or I do about is, and they're not terribly concerned. Any research that is publicly available says in pretty plain language that we will likey see more cases, but probably not the scope of what is taking place in Africa. Does that not play into your narrative? Jersey Boss 10-07-2014, 08:36 PM All I can say is that with the current administration, we've had 6 years of "mistakes" being made with everything from the IRS to the Justice Department giving guns to Mexican Druglords to mistreatment, lies and fraud in the VA. The latest in a long history of error is the "misjudgment" of the strength and resolve of ISIS. I seriously hope the administration isn't in the middle of yet another misjudgment with the dangers of Ebola. nm PennyQuilts 10-08-2014, 06:14 AM C If you have evidence of any of your cited "mistakes", you should present it to the appropriate congressional committe. They haven't been able to pin any of it on the administration. You might consider that the CDC is ran by doctors and scientists who know a hell of a lot more than you or I do about is, and they're not terribly concerned. Any research that is publicly available says in pretty plain language that we will likey see more cases, but probably not the scope of what is taking place in Africa. Does that not play into your narrative? The committees are dealing with these situations. The administration has been court ordered to produce documents in some and are dragging their feet in others while the courts address FOIA requests on the private side. Holder was found in contempt of congress. As to the CDC, too early to tell but a lot of us, myself included, don't have much confidence in their competence and zero faith in their transparency. Chadanth 10-08-2014, 06:24 AM C The committees are dealing with these situations. The administration has been court ordered to produce documents in some and are dragging their feet in others while the courts address FOIA requests on the private side. Holder was found in contempt of congress. As to the CDC, too early to tell but a lot of us, myself included, don't have much confidence in their competence and zero faith in their transparency. Well, feel free to let us know when you find a document or a shred of evidence that the Justice Department supplied a cartel with weapons. Until then, I'll continue to have a little faith in government and quasi-governmental institutions. He same level of faith I had when the last guy was president and there were scandals. silvergrove 10-08-2014, 10:34 AM He didn't make it. PennyQuilts 10-08-2014, 10:50 AM RIP. Fingers crossed that none of his contacts fall ill. mugofbeer 10-08-2014, 11:41 AM Agreed and how very sad. kelroy55 10-08-2014, 11:46 AM All I can say is that with the current administration, we've had 6 years of "mistakes" being made with everything from the IRS to the Justice Department giving guns to Mexican Druglords to mistreatment, lies and fraud in the VA. The latest in a long history of error is the "misjudgment" of the strength and resolve of ISIS. I seriously hope the administration isn't in the middle of yet another misjudgment with the dangers of Ebola. Yeah, the disease is Obama's fault. jerrywall 10-08-2014, 11:50 AM Yeah, the disease is Obama's fault. Yes, because concern about how the administration can handle the crisis is the same as blaming them for the cause. On bizarro world. kelroy55 10-08-2014, 11:53 AM Yes, because concern about how the administration can handle the crisis is the same as blaming them for the cause. On bizarro world. I don't think the Administration has handled it badly. jerrywall 10-08-2014, 11:56 AM I don't think the Administration has handled it badly. I think they've been too slow in restricting travel and implementing screening procedures. I am also concerned about the CDCs and the Administrations ability to respond to a larger crisis if one does present itself (and to be fair, I would have said the same thing during the previous administration as well). kelroy55 10-08-2014, 12:31 PM I don't think restricting travel is the only answer. I think a quarantine for flights and passengers from the hotspots for 7 days or so might be in order, plus screening on the other end before any flights.. A closer look at passports to see where people have been and how long ago were they there. The availability of the new vaccine for Ebola does put a hamper on what to do if there's an outbreak. Like you said I don't think there's been much of a plan in case of a pandemic and it's hard to test something like that. I think the last thing that came close was the Swine Flu but we had a vaccine for that. Plutonic Panda 10-08-2014, 03:38 PM Yes, because concern about how the administration can handle the crisis is the same as blaming them for the cause. On bizarro world.I'm just curious, how exactly is he handling it? It's nice to know that some people are watching his moves every 24/7 but I'm not one of them. PennyQuilts 10-08-2014, 03:42 PM They are reporting that a deputy who entered the first ebola patient's apartment has presented with ebola symptoms and he was transfered from Frisco to the same hospital for evaluation. A witness described him entering the facility, looking very sick and leaning on his wife. Very frightening. Hopefully, he does not have the disease. silvergrove 10-08-2014, 03:50 PM A witness described him entering the facility, looking very sick and leaning on his wife. Very frightening. Hopefully, he does not have the disease. If he's presenting symptoms, he SHOULD not be leaning on his wife. This would be a fail all around. The nurse that caught it in Spain touched her face with gloves she was using to handle the patient. PennyQuilts 10-08-2014, 03:51 PM Jeeze, apparently the new guy was ordered into the contaminated apartment to serve the quarantine papers without protective gear. An article five days ago wrote that the deputies were upset at being ordered to go in without protective gear. This man has not been monitored and while they don't yet know if he has the disease, it could be very bad, very soon since he's been in the suburbs exposing his family, neighbors and the public. |