View Full Version : New 7-Eleven to be built at 2nd St. and Coltrane

Plutonic Panda
07-24-2014, 02:07 PM
This seems like it will be very nice. Hopefully they will shut down the other store down the road and that area will be redeveloped.

Second Street to get new 7-Eleven
James Coburn
The Edmond Sun

EDMOND — The amended site plan for a new 7-Eleven Convenience Store was approved by the Edmond Planning Commission this week by a vote of 4-0.

No further action by the Edmond City Council is necessary for the store to be located on the southeast corner of Coltrane Road and East Second Street, said Barry Moore, commission chairman.

“It’s a pretty sporty looking store,” Moore said.

Approval of the site plan includes electronic message signage that is part of an extension of the convenience store’s original approval in 2012, Moore said.

“They were approved for the signs for just the gas pricing only,” said Bob Schiermeyer, city councilman.

The City Council voted 3-2 in January to allow electronic signs in commercial zoning districts. However, an initiative petition attracted 1,109 signatures to put to the vote of the people whether the City of Edmond should eliminate allowing all future electronic sign requests in city limits.

Edmond residents will decide the matter during a citywide election to be held the first Tuesday of April 2015, according to Steve Murdock, city attorney. The 7-Eleven site plan will not be affected by the election.

“That’s before we did anything. It’s exactly in accordance with municipal code,” Schiermeyer said.

The ground signs are 302 feet apart, meeting the 300-foot separation, Schiermeyer said. One is on Coltrane at 41.9 square feet, 6 feet in height and the second sign is on East Second Street and is 20 feet tall, 73.7 square feet, Schiermeyer said. 8ffdb80e1.jpg

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07-24-2014, 02:23 PM
Glad to see 7-Eleven stepping up their game! OnCue is really giving them a run for their money.
Competition breeds success!

07-25-2014, 11:36 AM
Cant wait to eat my taquitos and drink my big gulp on their cool patio...

07-25-2014, 02:39 PM
Yeah I thought the patio was pretty funny to. 7-Eleven is going to have to work hard to keep up with OnCue. I wish they would find a way to acquire more land and do a better job with the location on 15th & Boulevard. That parking lot is an accident waiting to happen.

07-26-2014, 11:07 PM
I hope they are putting in plenty of microwaves for the lawn maintenance crews.

Joe Kimball
07-27-2014, 06:35 AM
I think the patio is truly a nice idea, and very smart. Have you seen the food for sale there, lately? It deserves a bit more justice than rushing out to your car. Even if your objective is running by for a taquito (or a 99 cent sandwich or burrito-out-of-the-microwave), there's somewhere decent to sit! Of course there's the incentive of running back in for something else.

I do not uncommonly share close proximity with groundskeeping crews while I eat lunch, and I could ask for a lot worse for table-neighbors! I've had much worse company at any one of our otherwise fine establishments, al fresco and otherwise, in the Plaza, Paseo, Bricktown, etc.

07-27-2014, 12:25 PM
We are just stuck with 7-Eleven here. It is what it is.