View Full Version : Bush job approval rating hits new low

08-22-2005, 06:25 PM
From American Research Group (

August 22, 2005
George W. Bush's Job Approval Ratings Drop

George W. Bush's overall job approval ratings have dropped from a month ago even as Americans who approve of the way Bush is handling his job as president are turning more optimistic about their personal financial situations according to the latest survey from the American Research Group. Among all Americans, 36% approve of the way Bush is handling his job as president and 58% disapprove. When it comes to Bush's handling of the economy, 33% approve and 62% disapprove.

Among Americans registered to vote, 38% approve of the way Bush is handling his job as president and 56% disapprove, and 36% approve of the way Bush is handling the economy and 60% disapprove.

This is the second month in a row when improving economic ratings have not been matched by higher job approval ratings for Bush. A total of 24% of Americans now say their personal financial situations are getting better, up from 17% in July, and 27% say they believe that their personal financial situations will be better off a year from now, which is up from 21% in July.

The increases in the personal financial ratings, however, are coming mainly from those approving of the way Bush is handling his job. A total of 54% of those approving the way Bush is handling his job say their personal financial situations are getting better, compared to 5% of those saying they disapprove of the way Bush is handling his job, and 61% of those saying they approve of the way Bush is handling his job say they expect to be better off a year from now, compared to 6% of those saying they disapprove of the way Bush is handling his job.

The results presented here are based on 1,100 completed telephone interviews conducted among a nationwide random sample of adults 18 years and older. The interviews were completed August 18 through 21, 2005. The theoretical margin of error for the total sample is plus or minus 2.6 percentage points, 95% of the time, on questions where opinion is evenly split.

Overall, 36% of Americans say that they approve of the way George W. Bush is handling his job as president, 58% disapprove, and 6% are undecided.

08-22-2005, 06:57 PM
I don't believe in approval ratings. There are so many errors in polls and approval ratings, that they mean absolutely nothing to me.

08-22-2005, 07:32 PM
Then there is really no point to the polls that are presented on these boards, if that's your logic.

08-22-2005, 07:39 PM
I don't believe in approval ratings. There are so many errors in polls and approval ratings, that they mean absolutely nothing to me.
Are you challenging the methodology of the poll or the validity of finding out what the American public thinks?

This president rode high on the "mandate" from the 2004 election — a poll in and of itself — believing he had the will of the people behind him. However, less than a year later, the will of the people seems to have shifted and would, by the president's own logic, change the "mandate."

Both sides see value in the polls. We can't ignore them when we don't like what they say.

08-22-2005, 07:41 PM
Or we can be like me, and ignore them even when we like what they say.

08-22-2005, 09:23 PM
Then there is really no point to the polls that are presented on these boards, if that's your logic.
Actually, the polls that are presented on this forum are very accurate. For one thing, a poster is allowed to vote only one time in a poll, and although there may be very few people that vote in our polls, at least the outcome is believable.

When you have a poll done by the media or by an independent company, there are so many holes in that poll, because the same people can vote over and over again, making that poll useless and inaccurate. Plus, the independent companies seem to sensationalize everything.

"Or we can be like me, and ignore them even when we like what they say."

I don't pay attention to any the polls, whether it is the presidential election or if it is just to vote on a state question. Like windowphobe said, I ignore the polls even when I agree with them.

There are those that live and die by the polls and there are those that could care less about them...I am the latter, and there is nothing wrong with that:wink: .

08-23-2005, 09:08 AM
How then do you gauge the views and/or attitudes of the constituency?

08-23-2005, 02:00 PM
I think people are finally seeing how incompetent our president is. The guy doesn't have a clue how to solve the situation in Iraq. Either that or he's enjoying the high energy prices and doesn't really want to rock the boat. If another dictator takes over in Iraq, peace will return to the region and oil prices will go back down. That means no more profits for Halliburton.

08-23-2005, 02:53 PM
Keep in mind, George the younger is a second term President and is not able to serve beyond his current term. Most second termers could care less. They are locked into the term and term limits anyway.