View Full Version : Tulsa 66er's to move to OKC

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Just the facts
07-20-2014, 09:30 PM
I would like to see them move to Wichita and be called the Boomers just to see Trammel's head explode.

07-20-2014, 10:07 PM
If the Thunder is the NBA team, maybe the "D" league team can be The Rumble :)

Or the "Aftershock".

07-21-2014, 08:29 AM
What, nobody wants Lightning to go with that Thunder? :-P

Just the facts
07-21-2014, 09:12 AM
What, nobody wants Lightning to go with that Thunder? :-P

I guess this brings up the question, is Thunder named after the weather event or the sound of a herd running? I thought it was named after a herd running.

07-21-2014, 10:58 AM
I guess this brings up the question, is Thunder named after the weather event or the sound of a herd running? I thought it was named after a herd running.

I would guess the weather, I've seen adds from the Thunder with a lightning bolt going on, among other weather related things.

07-21-2014, 11:14 AM
I would guess the weather, I've seen adds from the Thunder with a lightning bolt going on, among other weather related things.

I thought it was weather related as well because of the ads. Our mascot (Rumble) steers us in another direction because he is a bison. Who knows? It should be one or the other; the nickname 'Thunder' is used conveniently when it applies to the brand. "Oklahoma City looks oh-so pretty... I get my kicks on Route 66." --Nat King Cole.

07-21-2014, 04:11 PM
So this was sort of mentioned on a nba forum. How about free admission to these D league games? Would be a cool thing that would fill some seats and the money can be made off of concessions?

For anyone in the know, is that even feasible?

07-21-2014, 04:31 PM
Is there such a lack of interest that folks need a free ticket bribe to attend a 66er game?

Should Redhawks or Barons games all be free admission then? A ttheir core, are they not simply the development teams for a major league team?

Should all college regular season games be free admission, charging only for certain tourneys?

Not sure where one draws meaningful lines, but then, I'm not a mondo sports person so this doesn't surprise me much.

07-21-2014, 04:32 PM
Boomers seems a weak brand name to begin with, most people nationally will think of Baby Boomers if they hear it. With an NBA team here already it always being essentially a JV squad, it is just going to be hard to make a strong brand on it's own. Either just keep the name or switch to something associated with thunder to at least make it look like tighter integration with the parent organization.

Yeah, I was being sarcastic. I really don't care what they are called. I'd rather see the team in Wichita, because I know people up there support the Thunder, but at the same time I see the perks to having the team in town. Ticket sells aren't a big deal and the team doesn't have to make money, so at the end of the day, they might as well be convenient.

07-21-2014, 04:44 PM
The time in Tulsa showed that there is not much excitement for a D-League team right now. They drew few fans and likely lost money. I doubt Wichita would be much different. So, if you're not going to make money and you're using the team for development then why not have the team in OKC? The most die hard fans are in OKC so I bet they'll do a little better than in other markets. But, most importantly, I think this will bring even more continuity to the developmental process of players and coaches. As others have said, I think the Tulsa arena thing was just an easy out.

I'm a sucker for old names so I like the Cavalry name. I thought Tulsa should have named the team the Fast Breakers in honor of their old CBA team. I remember going to see Anthony Mason play for the Fast Breakers at the Expo Square Pavillion when I was a little kid before he went on to a pretty solid career with the Knicks among others: Cavalry Succumbs To Tulsa's "Beast' | News OK (

Just the facts
07-21-2014, 05:07 PM
So this was sort of mentioned on a nba forum. How about free admission to these D league games? Would be a cool thing that would fill some seats and the money can be made off of concessions?

For anyone in the know, is that even feasible?

Free admission makes a lot of sense. I am sure they never recoup the cost of maintaining a ticketing system anyhow, so giving free admission would probably save them money. I think you are correct that they could then make the money back on concessions and merchandise sales. Maybe just maybe, they could sell the seat on the court. The biggest challenge to free admission is seating priority. If it is first come first serve you have to open the arena earlier, or you could do like it the parking and/or rides at crowded amusement parks and have people guided to their seats and pack them in one row at a time with maybe one seat between groups.

07-21-2014, 05:14 PM
So this was sort of mentioned on a nba forum. How about free admission to these D league games? Would be a cool thing that would fill some seats and the money can be made off of concessions?

For anyone in the know, is that even feasible?

Next thing this crowd would complain about then is the price of concessions and would want them for free too. I'll bet under this scenario you would have lots of people smuggling in their drinks and snacks to keep from paying anything.

07-21-2014, 05:18 PM
So how are the Shock doing?

07-21-2014, 07:04 PM
So this was sort of mentioned on a nba forum. How about free admission to these D league games? Would be a cool thing that would fill some seats and the money can be made off of concessions?

For anyone in the know, is that even feasible?

I expect only a few promo tickets will be free, maybe rewards in their 'thunder blue alliance' system, though strategic bonuses seems more likely. Like for season pass holders or in with other Thunder ticket packs. I could see it mostly for two audiences: first parents who have one or two seats, for going to most games without kids but bringing their small kids to a few d league games in the year. The other group would just be really hard core fans. Probably some relatively cheap ones for school field trips at a mid-day game, since the one last year seemed to do pretty well.

07-22-2014, 09:18 AM
Why not the 66ers? You know we have a huge tract of Route 66 in OKC...down the turnpike, south on 35, west on 44, west on 39th, meeting back up with 40 out at the Canadian (way the crap west of El Reno). So there's just as much 66 in OKC as there was in Tulsa. It's a unique name...something that hasn't been used in any form anywhere else. And if it's stays in OKC, by all means make it OKC and not Oklahoma. Obviously Tulsa didn't want to be a part of it so screw them <- schlong envy.

07-22-2014, 09:26 AM
Next thing this crowd would complain about then is the price of concessions and would want them for free too. I'll bet under this scenario you would have lots of people smuggling in their drinks and snacks to keep from paying anything.

Yep. The worst customers are ALWAYS the ones who are there for the free. The Thunder already learned the hard way thanks to Thunder Alley that free is usually the wrong price. No way do they offer blanket free admission, though I could see lots of free admission to school/church/youth groups and other promotional free admission in conjunction with sponsors.

07-22-2014, 09:45 AM
Yep. The worst customers are ALWAYS the ones who are there for the free. The Thunder already learned the hard way thanks to Thunder Alley that free is usually the wrong price. No way do they offer blanket free admission, though I could see lots of free admission to school/church/youth groups and other promotional free admission in conjunction with sponsors.

I think it would be great to do the promo tickets for youth camps ect. but not as a blanket free admission that would be terrible!

07-22-2014, 11:18 AM
Fans don't mind paying something for sports & entertainment. What we don't like is being ripped off. A $5.00 to $10.00 seat structure would be great for the D-League at the Cox Convention Center Arena.

The D-League playing here doesn't have to be a money maker. Inasmuch as management would like to see a profit; that's probably not going to happen. Just break-even at the gate; you want to have your development league players on stand-by; that should be your goal. "Oklahoma City looks oh-so pretty... I get my kicks on Route 66." --Nat King Cole.

07-22-2014, 12:30 PM
The D-League only plays 24 home games. Not much of an impact IMO.

07-22-2014, 12:47 PM

Oklahoma City 66ers?

As with Sonicsgate; there were no real winners. We closed a chapter on an established NBA city while basketball tapped into a virgin market.

Yes, ownership hijacked the team to OKC; those things happen when you stop taking care of business. The City of Seattle abandoned their first child; they totally rebuilt the interior of the Seattle Center arena while preserving the look of the 1962 World's Fair, they forgot the amenities; however they welcomed MLB and the NFL with palaces which were second-to-none in major league sports.

My intent is not to shake bad apples off the tree:

Tulsa sees herself as a better quality, better looking city than OKC. They forgot one thing, OKC is not the tomboy Jethrine, who compared to Elly May looked like the Bride of Frankenstein (monster) on her bad hair day. Oklahoma City has continued to improve; she has become competitive. Oklahoma City, which one could describe as once being 'dog pound ugly' decided it was time for a change. The NBA franchise that Seattle neglected is a shining star in Oklahoma.

True Tulsa is no stranger to a higher level of professional sports with the NASL Tulsa Roughnecks and their brief engagement with the USFL Oklahoma Outlaws. If anyone thought that there was a chance that something like the NHL or NBA would parachute into Oklahoma you would think that Tulsa was the place.

Understandable so, Tulsa doesn't mind taking a backseat (development) to Toronto, St. Louis, Dallas, Minneapolis or Denver; but Oklahoma City? I lived in Tulsa for a number of years; it is a clean and beautiful city. Why Tulsa didn't grow faster than OKC especially with the Port of Catoosa (most inland water canal) that channels into the world's largest port (Port of New Orleans) is a mystery?

Oklahoma City took her last bean (MAPS), planted it and invested in herself. Now, she's competitive with cities similar in size (Little Rock, Memphis, New Orleans, Omaha, Tulsa, Wichita...). Everyone (cityans) I talk with about MAPS speaks with anticipation and excitement; they like this progress; progress which spurred private development. Tulsa is on a progressive rebound as Oklahoma City 'continues the Renaissance' (momentum).

Now, why would Tulsa want to take a back seat to her archrival? "Oklahoma City looks oh-so pretty... I get my kicks on Route 66." --Nat King Cole.

Just the facts
07-22-2014, 12:55 PM
Okay, if you guys don't like free how about free admission with a canned food donation. The Tampa Yankees used to do this when we live there. If we went on dollar night I could take both kids and for $5 and 3 cans of corn we could watch the game, get 3 hotdogs, and 2 sodas. The food went to the local food bank.

07-22-2014, 01:24 PM
Okay, if you guys don't like free how about free admission with a canned food donation. The Tampa Yankees used to do this when we live there. If we went on dollar night I could take both kids and for $5 and 3 cans of corn we could watch the game, get 3 hotdogs, and 2 sodas. The food went to the local food bank.

I actually love these kind of promo's. More butts in the seats and a win for the local food banks.

07-22-2014, 02:55 PM
Okay, if you guys don't like free how about free admission with a canned food donation. The Tampa Yankees used to do this when we live there. If we went on dollar night I could take both kids and for $5 and 3 cans of corn we could watch the game, get 3 hotdogs, and 2 sodas. The food went to the local food bank.

Great idea for an occasional promotion to help restock the food bank.

There will be some interest in the D-League here. How much, who knows?

My Walter Mitty moment...

Recall: The old infamous green bleacher seats called the Bunte Brigade (All Sports Stadium); any wrapper from a Bunte Candy product could get you free admission (89ers game) into the Bunte Brigade seat section, those were the days. All Sports Stadium holds Oklahoma City's record baseball crowd of 18,541 (April, 1971) in a 10,000-seat stadium.
A record crowd of 18,541 showed up to an 89ers game on April 24, 1971 to watch the home team best Iowa.

After taking a class (field excursion) some decades ago to Harris Packing Company (OKC); I got to observe the wiener process. Once you see that process, most of you will agree, that's my last 'ballpark frank.' "Oklahoma City looks oh-so pretty... I get my kicks on Route 66." --Nat King Cole.

08-05-2014, 05:09 PM
Oklahoma City 66ers?

Will this move to the Cox CC put the squeeze on the AHL Barons? "Oklahoma City looks oh-so pretty... I get my kicks on Route 66." --Nat King Cole.

I think it will

08-05-2014, 05:11 PM
Great idea for an occasional promotion to help restock the food bank.

There will be some interest in the D-League here. How much, who knows?

My Walter Mitty moment...

Recall: The old infamous green bleacher seats called the Bunte Brigade (All Sports Stadium); any wrapper from a Bunte Candy product could get you free admission (89ers game) into the Bunte Brigade seat section, those were the days. All Sports Stadium holds Oklahoma City's record baseball crowd of 18,541 (April, 1971) in a 10,000-seat stadium.
A record crowd of 18,541 showed up to an 89ers game on April 24, 1971 to watch the home team best Iowa.


It's too bad the Redhawks can't draw crowds like that anymore.
Hell, they tarp off half the upper deck and the stadium STILL looks empty!

08-05-2014, 05:22 PM
I think it will

There are only 25 66ers home games total. You'd think between two arenas that both teams could be accommodated pretty easily. Lots of arenas have busier schedules that that.

Plutonic Panda
08-05-2014, 05:54 PM
There are only 25 66ers home games total. You'd think between two arenas that both teams could be accommodated pretty easily. Lots of arenas have busier schedules that that.Pete said the Staples arena hosts tons of events

Stan Silliman
08-05-2014, 05:55 PM
"Oklahoma City took her last bean (MAPS), planted it and invested in herself. Now, she's competitive with cities similar in size (Little Rock, Memphis, New Orleans, Omaha, Tulsa, Wichita...). Everyone (cityans) I talk with about MAPS speaks with anticipation and excitement; they like this progress; progress which spurred private development. Tulsa is on a progressive rebound as Oklahoma City 'continues the Renaissance' (momentum)."

Every one of the towns mentioned with exception of Memphis is smaller than OKC. New Orleans used to be larger, but, since Katrina, no more. But as far as a metro statistical area, Memphis has to grab into two more states. Little Rock and Wichita are half the size of OKC. Omaha and Tulsa are 300-400K less in size.

08-06-2014, 12:30 PM
Pete said the Staples arena hosts tons of events

thats an understatement. Staples center is Busy busy.. and they have to turn it over quickly is many cases.

Published on May 22, 2012

Inside Staples Center: a weekend like none other
Staples Center in Los Angeles took on many different looks over a wild playoff weekend. NHL to NBA
LOS ANGELES -- Over a four-day span, Staples Center in downtown Los Angeles hosted six sporting events, each requiring its own changeover. What transpired from Thursday to Sunday, when the Los Angeles Kings (NHL), Clippers (NBA) and Lakers (NBA) played a total of six games in 72 hours is an unprecedented string of events for a single arena to host.
It began Thursday night with the Kings hosting the Phoenix Coyotes in the NHL's Western Conference final and ended Sunday night with the Clippers hosting the San Antonio Spurs in the second round of the NBA playoffs. In between there were five changeovers (the Clippers and Lakers use different courts), with the switch from ice to basketball taking approximately 2 hours, 15 minutes; from one basketball court to another taking about 90 minutes.
In all, more than 110,000 fans poured in and out of Staples (assuming some didn't hide out in a bathroom between games).
(Video courtesy of Getty Images)

08-06-2014, 01:04 PM
If we had a NHL team and two NBA teams I bet we could hire the staff to do what they do at Staples. I doubt our AAA Hockey and D League Basketball teams can really afford to shoulder much of the cost. People have to quit acting like Chesapeake and Staples business situation is the same....completely apples to oranges. Technically, can the Peake be used the same way...of course. Economically...won't happen.

08-06-2014, 03:01 PM
I would almost guarantee the Barons are gone after this year. The Funks are too focused on the Energy right now to put any energy into the Barons... See what I did there?

08-06-2014, 06:28 PM
I would almost guarantee the Barons are gone after this year. The Funks are too focused on the Energy right now to put any energy into the Barons... See what I did there?

Didn't they just extend the contract though?

08-10-2014, 01:41 PM
Didn't they just extend the contract though?

I'm trying to remember what was extended. Was it an agreement with the city to keep the team here, or was it an agreement between the Oilers and the Barons farm team organization to retain them as an affiliate? If it was the 2nd, does it require the farm team to remain in OKC?

08-10-2014, 06:33 PM
I would almost guarantee the Barons are gone after this year. The Funks are too focused on the Energy right now to put any energy into the Barons... See what I did there?

Is this just speculation or do you actually have a source good enough to guarantee it?

08-11-2014, 07:54 PM
Oklahoma 66ers?

How about Enid, Oklahoma?
Roughly 75 miles from OKC lies Enid, a small but reputable basketball city which I feel would embrace an NBA Development League franchise:

Population: City - 50,000, County - 60,000

Facilities & Places of Interest:

Chisholm Trail Expo Center: Capacity 6,500 seats 3M4Lj7hHAjW5fqipMcS

Enid Events Center: Capacity 3,400 seats "Oklahoma City looks oh-so pretty... I get my kicks on Route 66." --Nat King Cole.

09-10-2014, 03:21 PM
Looks like they are going to play the majority of their games in the Cox Convention Center with 4 in the Peake. Also look to be rebranded as the OKC Blue

09-10-2014, 04:03 PM
That's gotta suck to keep having to move their floor between places...

09-10-2014, 04:10 PM
That's gotta suck to keep having to move their floor between places...

With only four games at the Peake, I could see them just using the Thunder court rather than replacing it each time.

09-10-2014, 04:38 PM

09-10-2014, 04:54 PM
With only four games at the Peake, I could see them just using the Thunder court rather than replacing it each time.

Exactly my thought.

09-11-2014, 01:51 PM
Oklahoma City Blue

The Oklahoma City Thunder might soon have a new nickname for its NBA Development League franchise.

After relocating the team from Tulsa, it appears the Thunder is on the verge of rebranding the franchise the Oklahoma City Blue.
The rebranded D-League team will train at the Thunder Community Events Center, the original training home of the Thunder.

Records show that the Professional Basketball Club, LLC also filed a service mark application with the United States Patent and Trademark Office for the term OKC's MVP. That application was filed on May 6, the day Thunder star Kevin Durant was announced as the league's Most Valuable Player.--Daily Oklahoman, Sports: 09-11-2014 "Oklahoma City looks oh-so pretty... I get my kicks on Route 66." --Nat King Cole.

09-24-2014, 01:12 PM
Just when I thought the Thunder logo was bad, they pinched off this stinker for the Blue (an equally awful name). 9173

09-24-2014, 03:03 PM
Yeah I thought the Oklahoman did it just to have something to put on the article. Really shocked it's the actual new logo.

09-24-2014, 04:28 PM
Am I the only one who thinks the guy from Old School should be the mascot?

09-24-2014, 04:40 PM
To quote, "Oh to have their money and my taste".

09-24-2014, 04:41 PM
Just when I thought the Thunder logo was bad, they pinched off this stinker for the Blue (an equally awful name). 9173

Plutonic Panda
09-24-2014, 05:35 PM
Just when I thought the Thunder logo was bad, they pinched off this stinker for the Blue (an equally awful name). 9173is..... is that laminate hardwood in the background?

09-24-2014, 05:53 PM
Am I the only one who thinks the guy from Old School should be the mascot?


09-24-2014, 05:55 PM
It's actually embarrassing for OKC in my opinion. The Thunder already have the worst logo in the NBA (we're just used to it by now) and this is worse than most middle school logos. For as meticulous as the organization is in most affairs, it seems utterly incompetent in design. This logo seriously looks like it was created in 10 minutes using Microsoft Paint. Lol.

09-24-2014, 06:23 PM
Why oh why 1) did the Thunder use local boys Akcerman and McQueen to come up with that grade school logo in the first place, and 2) do they continue to find new ways to use it??

I love the colors and the tie in to the state flag and I even like the name 'Thunder'. But the logo and lettering and the way it makes our home unis in particular look... Virtually every college team has done a better job.

And while I'm grousing, how on earth have they continued to miss the opportunity to feature 'OKC' on at least alternate unis?? We are actually *called* OKC by most fans and media and yet cities like Phoenix use PHX, etc.

The design and branding of this team is so bad it makes you wonder how anyone ever came up with it and how a bunch of ostensibly smart businessmen all took a look and said, "Pefect! Let's have that specific design characterize our entire organization!"

I keep waiting for them to chuck all of it and start over but we just continue to double down.

09-24-2014, 06:49 PM
I keep waiting for them to chuck all of it and start over but we just continue to double down.

Do you think they ever will rebrand?

09-24-2014, 07:24 PM
Do you think they ever will rebrand?

They'll have to do something to sell jerseys after Durant and Westbrook are gone.

09-24-2014, 09:50 PM
That's uncalled for. They'll play here for ever and ever. PLEASE LET THEM PLAY HERE FOR EVER AND EVER.

09-24-2014, 10:54 PM
Seriously good thing we have Durant and Westbrook and a good team because our logo and overall branding sucks. They should lose the Orange and stick with mostly blue and white. I like the OKC that's featured in the arena that is just white. Very simple and I agree we need an OKC alternate, maybe a yellow one?

09-24-2014, 10:58 PM
Seriously good thing we have Durant and Westbrook and a good team because our logo and overall branding sucks. They should lose the Orange and stick with mostly blue and white. I like the OKC that's featured in the arena that is just white. Very simple and I agree we need an OKC alternate, maybe a yellow one?

Well, at least we don't have much problem with gangs adopting our gear do we? LOL

09-25-2014, 12:59 PM
Royal Ivey is coming back as part of the coaching staff for the Blue. Just his Thunder picture is reason enough to hire him:


09-25-2014, 01:58 PM
Have you ever been part of a video or picture and you thought, "This would be cool/hilarious/awesome because we have insider info on what our personalities are!" And then you show the video/picture to other people and even after you explain it, they still don't find it as cool/hilarious/awesome as you do? I feel like that is how this is...

C. B.
09-25-2014, 03:00 PM
Have you ever been part of a video or picture and you thought, "This would be cool/hilarious/awesome because we have insider info on what our personalities are!" And then you show the video/picture to other people and even after you explain it, they still don't find it as cool/hilarious/awesome as you do? I feel like that is how this is...


09-26-2014, 01:38 PM
Our brand is our brand; we'll live with it for now. When the team wins an NBA championship; that brand won't be a concern.

Has anyone submitted anything to the Thunder to suggest--here's something better?. "Oklahoma City looks oh-so pretty... I get my kicks on Route 66." --Nat King Cole.

09-30-2014, 09:09 AM
Our brand is our brand; we'll live with it for now. When the team wins an NBA championship; that brand won't be a concern.

Has anyone submitted anything to the Thunder to suggest--here's something better?

Once they pay me millions of dollars, I will get on it.