View Full Version : The Factory
Automobile Alley
Address: 1100 N. Broadway Suite 102
Development: Pontiac Building
Status: Opens Oct. 4, 2014
Square Feet 2,504
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Information & Latest News
7/15/14: Building permit for this high-fashion men & women's clothing and accessories store. Will join Sara Kate Studio and Sidecar.
Mr. Cotter 07-15-2014, 01:27 PM Not to be confused with this:,-97.534396,3a,75y,113.27h,91.96t/data=!3m4!1e1!3m2!1sBZ0ztvJXevvJNayjhnE35A!2e0
The Factory has set an opening date of October 4th. (Sara Kate Studios to the north is opening Sept. 20th).
Here are some photos from their Facebook page. This is going to be a very slick design which will show off that NE corner of 10th & Broadway very well. g?oh=4067a4642bc27be8b5adf79c4d84c3dc&oe=5488644A ?oh=7ec7a330605481d2bcf0708867d521c9&oe=54CF14EF&__gda__=1419937843_cbed2703d80f36b2273a79a03981da1 c oh=26595776c51fcf89b6c13c577ffb591f&oe=548C98F3&__gda__=1422681704_56fa40ee42783ea684557b292798601 b g?oh=1b6bcd1330093eeefbd8329b9329d758&oe=54CFDCC2&__gda__=1418938473_7218b49e4a514864f78d5bc79561875 1
BTW, I just found out they will be carrying both men's and women's clothing and accessories.
ljbab728 09-24-2014, 12:10 AM Brianna's update.
Frustrated by the lack of high-end retail in the area, longtime friends Ashley Liddell and Megan Uber have decided to bring the fashion-forward clothing they love to Oklahoma City with a new boutique in Automobile Alley.
Liddell and Uber plan to bring pieces from up-and-coming designers inspired by the fashion of Manhattan, Los Angeles and Tokyo to Oklahoma City with their new boutique. The Factory will feature clothing for both men and women. There is a particular lack of fashionable menswear stores in Oklahoma City, Liddell said.
“There’s not really much that’s offered here, outside of what is in the mall,” Liddell said.
Here is the press release:
bradh 09-24-2014, 07:56 AM Tokyo inspired men's cuts? I've seen what men in Japan wear, i'll probably pass, as most fashion forward stuff isn't made for athletic builds. I thought we were past the ripped jeans phase too. Shows how fashion forward I am.
To be fair though, the space is lacking, I've been using Trunk Club to get nicer clothes from time to time.
This is a pretty large and certainly high-visible store.
Should make a huge difference at the intersection.
From their FB page: g?oh=b0a180315e344ce4a3c8f939c25f2304&oe=54C073BA&__gda__=1422254826_15c0ebeed5cb6fb69d3aed6043ba733 4
Here's another photo -- this store is going to be incredible.
They open on Saturday 10/4: g?oh=eb42625e4fb57e9f952979df34256f58&oe=54CEB399&__gda__=1422772937_292a45bdad565a25fbd36f3f6752c0e 1
Urbanized 10-02-2014, 07:57 PM Man, they made that terrazzo gleam.
OkiePoke 10-04-2017, 01:31 PM The Factory has paper covering their windows, corner of 10th and Broadway, with a sticker indicating they will be carrying women's clothing and other stuff. Are they closing down or just adding to their selection?
The Factory has paper covering their windows, corner of 10th and Broadway, with a sticker indicating they will be carrying women's clothing and other stuff. Are they closing down or just adding to their selection?
Been meaning to post about this...
One of the original owners Ashley Liddell is changing concepts here.
She has partnered with Shyon Keoppel and the new place will be called Gemma and feature affordable women's clothing (as opposed to the very high-end stuff at The Factory) and designer handbags sold on consignment.
Plan to reopen in late October.
As a part of this, they will be completely removing that very elaborate and expensive conveyor system that allowed the space to be reconfigured for parties and events.
That is a total change of direction that I'm glad to see happen.