07-11-2014, 08:54 AM
This literally had me LOL.
View Full Version : How to Make Yourself Appear Smart in Meetings NWOKCGuy 07-11-2014, 08:54 AM This literally had me LOL. https://medium.com/comedy-corner/10-tricks-to-appear-smart-during-meetings-27b489a39d1a kelroy55 07-11-2014, 09:35 AM Those were good Just the facts 07-11-2014, 09:44 AM To be honest - I do #6, #8, and #10 a lot. On a side note, here is one of my favorite meetings: W-DzrLI_J04 ..and second favorite xAEaA31EdtU MadMonk 07-11-2014, 10:04 AM Good stuff! RadicalModerate 07-11-2014, 10:06 AM If you don't particularly care about appearing smart in a meeting, but simply want to pass the time at one of these gatherings that are more of an exercise or test of the ability of one person to waste the time of others and assert their authority here is a good way to do it. http://www.bull****bingo.net/cards/bull****/ The sample card that I viewed on the other end of that link didn't include the phrases: "Ramp Up" . . . "Robust" . . . or "At the End of the Day" but I would include them in the game. I've attended a lot of meetings, in the past, that impressed me with the ability of the "meeting caller" to cram 15 minutes of information into a two hour time frame. P.S. The Original Post here is a CLASSIC!!!!!!! =) Thank You!!!!! FritterGirl 07-11-2014, 11:27 AM Conference Call in "Real Life" - Too Funny! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DYu_bGbZiiQ MadMonk 07-11-2014, 11:41 AM A group of us used to play buzzword bingo in some of the larger meetings. Really helped you pay attention. Just the facts 07-11-2014, 11:44 AM Conference Call in "Real Life" - Too Funny! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DYu_bGbZiiQ DYu_bGbZiiQ RadicalModerate 07-11-2014, 12:02 PM Anyone who draws a Venn Diagram with only two circles obviously got their MBA at a Community College or the Online University of Fenix. Therefore, the desired result to appear smart might not get the anticipated result. =) (yeah . . . I'm jealous . . . I only spent 2.75 years at a Noted Party School back in the early '70s. Majoring in Political Science and History. My favorite class was for a required Humanities credit. It was taught by a tweedy old professor--who reminded me of Mr. Chips--in a dusty old building, in an antique auditorium. The theme of the class was something like "Greek Mythology 101" or "Greek Mythology for Dummies" or whatever. I made a point of making those "meetings." He touched on a lot of interesting topics, such as Hubris. And Hubris is probably the cause of 95% of business meetings.) Just the facts 07-11-2014, 12:11 PM Everyone knows the smartest person in any meeting is really the one that just sits there and doesn't say or do anything. zookeeper 07-11-2014, 01:39 PM Anyone who draws a Venn Diagram with only two circles obviously got their MBA at a Community College or the Online University of Fenix. Therefore, the desired result to appear smart might not get the anticipated result. =) (yeah . . . I'm jealous . . . I only spent 2.75 years at a Noted Party School back in the early '70s. Majoring in Political Science and History. My favorite class was for a required Humanities credit. It was taught by a tweedy old professor--who reminded me of Mr. Chips--in a dusty old building, in an antique auditorium. The theme of the class was something like "Greek Mythology 101" or "Greek Mythology for Dummies" or whatever. I made a point of making those "meetings." He touched on a lot of interesting topics, such as Hubris. And Hubris is probably the cause of 95% of business meetings.) So that explains it! Amazing what only a little over two and a half years can do to a person. (I hope you know I'm kidding. As quirky as you can phrase things, I appreciate the depth of your knowledge on so many subjects. It clearly shows you are educated as opposed to just having been to college - and even more important, it's clear your education hasn't stopped.) RadicalModerate 07-11-2014, 01:47 PM The most amazing detail of all, within the context of the current discussion, is that the original post, appearing at the very top of the thread, was apparently generated by a GIRL (!). I thought that girls were incapable of actual humor/sarcasm/etc. or the appreciation thereunto. =) Sorry . . . Watched a couple of episodes of MadMen a while back . . . scarred me for life. On both the negative and positive sides or the Venn Diagram. =) And, if you stop to think about it for moment, isn't "girl" one of the strangest combinations of letters ever? =) (Groucho Marx, Samuel Clements, and Jesus were generally not required to be at meetings. Were they?) RadicalModerate 07-11-2014, 02:08 PM So that explains it! Amazing what only a little over two and a half years can do to a person. (I hope you know I'm kidding. As quirky as you can phrase things, I appreciate the depth of your knowledge on so many subjects. It clearly shows you are educated as opposed to just having been to college - and even more important, it's clear your education hasn't stopped.) Word to the Wise: Zookeepers should steer clear of Tapirs. (so . . . i was mowing the "lawn" today--on a restful day off--and after moving all of the discarded rosebush clippings, from at least a few months ago, in order to properly resize that tiny bit of rogue grass, surrounding the overturned, store-bought, "fire-pit", and after overcoming the stings (and arrows) of angry dead rosebush twigs in order to do so, i managed to disturb the home of one of the biggest--normally scariest--spiders that I've ever seen. The Creature apparently had made his (or her) home there in the pile of discarded rosebush clippings. Needless to say, i was taken aback and nearly startled(!). For a moment or two i wondered if the spider, rather than a rosebush twig had bitten me. Yet . . . when i looked at the spider and the spider looked back at me, after pausing in its hasty retreat from its natural home of at least a couple of months then scurried back to its relocated comfort zone no worse for the experience i decided that it didn't bite me. =) That little parable might make even the most boring, no-brainer, "Business Meeting" more entertaining if spun properly in the direction of a Point. With or without a PowerPoint Representation of a Crummy Venn Diagram. =) Yet doesn't even begin to approach the level of actual LOL!!! (for real) in the OP's Link. p.s.: the proper word is probably "quirkily" rather than "quirky' within the context of the sentence. =) (sorry . . . grammar nazi from way back . . . probably involving nature and nurture . . . but whaddaya gonna do? =) zookeeper 07-11-2014, 03:10 PM Word to the Wise: Zookeepers should steer clear of Tapirs. (so . . . i was mowing the "lawn" today--on a restful day off--and after moving all of the discarded rosebush clippings, from at least a few months ago, in order to properly resize that tiny bit of rogue grass, surrounding the overturned, store-bought, "fire-pit", and after overcoming the stings (and arrows) of angry dead rosebush twigs in order to do so, i managed to disturb the home of one of the biggest--normally scariest--spiders that I've ever seen. The Creature apparently had made his (or her) home there in the pile of discarded rosebush clippings. Needless to say, i was taken aback and nearly startled(!). For a moment or two i wondered if the spider, rather than a rosebush twig had bitten me. Yet . . . when i looked at the spider and the spider looked back at me, after pausing in its hasty retreat from its natural home of at least a couple of months then scurried back to its relocated comfort zone no worse for the experience i decided that it didn't bite me. =) That little parable might make even the most boring, no-brainer, "Business Meeting" more entertaining if spun properly in the direction of a Point. With or without a PowerPoint Representation of a Crummy Venn Diagram. =) Yet doesn't even begin to approach the level of actual LOL!!! (for real) in the OP's Link. p.s.: the proper word is probably "quirkily" rather than "quirky' within the context of the sentence. =) (sorry . . . grammar nazi from way back . . . probably involving nature and nurture . . . but whaddaya gonna do? =) No. It's just an example of what I was talking about! How many would have caught that, really? But you're absolutely right! |