View Full Version : STEM graduates jobs lacking.

07-10-2014, 05:10 PM
Census: 74% of STEM grads don't get STEM jobs (

07-11-2014, 07:19 AM
Is the job market flooded?

07-11-2014, 07:40 AM
STEM graduates have relatively low unemployment; however, these graduates are not necessarily employed in STEM occupations

So STEM degrees are still lucrative then. Not sure what the article is getting at. They are trying to frame this as a problem, when all I see is that an understanding of math and science can take you anywhere.

I graduated as an engineer a couple months ago. I had no trouble finding a job here in OK, and everyone I know had a job before graduating (unless they were planning on going into the mission field, or moving to another country, etc.). I realize it's different in any given place in the country, but if you want to go to college, a STEM degree is still a safe bet. It's not the only good set of majors, but its still one of the best for all-around value and applicable-ness.