View Full Version : Armageddon Is At Hand

07-10-2014, 10:09 AM
Rachael Ray is interviewing Jane Fonda about her new book.
The name of the book is "Being a Teen."
It's apparently about how to "raise an adolescent rite."

Hopefully, her publishing company edited out the part about the proper way to don North Vietnamese helmet and pretend to operate an anti-aircraft gun.

According to the interview, the book is "frank" about stuff, "below the belt", so to speak.
I wonder how she explains away her involvement with "Barbarella" . . .
And Ted Turner.

07-10-2014, 10:50 AM
Odd that you mentioned this as I have a new book out as well actually a couple one is titled "go back to Hanoi, Jane" the other is titled "my fathers coattails".

07-10-2014, 12:40 PM
Barbarella was her best flick. Her cavorting with our enemies was inexcusable.

Dennis Heaton
07-10-2014, 02:46 PM

Forgiven...but never forgotten.

07-10-2014, 03:04 PM
I had to google jane Fonda to see what's up with this. Best I can figure she got photographed by the north Vietnamese back in 1972? I guess you had to be there.

Dennis Heaton
07-10-2014, 03:33 PM
I had to google jane Fonda to see what's up with this. Best I can figure she got photographed by the north Vietnamese back in 1972? I guess you had to be there.

Let's just say there were a lot of parents of young men serving in Viet Nam that were a bit peeved at her when she did what she did.

07-10-2014, 06:24 PM
Let's just say there were a lot of parents of young men serving in Viet Nam that were a bit peeved at her when she did what she did.

and vets

07-10-2014, 06:31 PM
I had to google jane Fonda to see what's up with this. Best I can figure she got photographed by the north Vietnamese back in 1972? I guess you had to be there.

At the time, it was about a ten on the godawful stage. Many people have never forgiven her. I am one of them and I was antiwar, big time. What she did was, imo, unforgivable. The people she was cavorting with had control of our POWs. There but for the grace of god could have been my brother.

07-10-2014, 09:51 PM
I had to google jane Fonda to see what's up with this. Best I can figure she got photographed by the north Vietnamese back in 1972? I guess you had to be there.

I think it's one part of those perceptual framework/paradigm deals that was once referred to as a Decade Matrix.
(google that book title. Carol Arnold once had the author on her radio show on KTOK. What he said made a lot of sense.)
(or perhaps it was Gwen Faulkener?)
('course this was way back after The Nam and long after Barbarella . . . I seem to recall it was about the time of "On Golden Pond" . . . =)

What sort of shocked me was the juxtaposition of Rachael Ray and Jane Fonda.
In fact, a few things Hanoi Jane said had to be bleeped and even had the cameraman blushing.
(and, as others have stated, whether you were for or against that political debacle, her antics were beneath contempt.)
(clarification: the antics in Vietnam, not the antics on the Rachael Ray show)

(the only goofier bitch I can imagine the PR morons wheeling out in the name of mistakes of the past would be Shirley "The Female Edgar Cayce" MacLaine =)

I know for sure that the one reading resource I want to have close at hand is Jane Fonda's advice on how to raise a child.
She's probably such an overwhelming bitchy bitch that even Ted Turner couldn't put up with her bullsh!te.
Hell . . . She messed him up so much he completely forgot about colorizing black-and-white films and founded Turner Classic Movies instead.

07-10-2014, 09:59 PM
At the time, it was about a ten on the godawful stage. Many people have never forgiven her. I am one of them and I was antiwar, big time. What she did was, imo, unforgivable. The people she was cavorting with had control of our POWs. There but for the grace of god could have been my brother.

Completely off topic, yet on our recent excursion to Minnesota, I met an old friend and employer of my wife who is not only a lawyer but a Quilter!
For real. And the name of the Quilting Supply Store she runs is Quilterati. No kidding. How cool is that?

07-10-2014, 10:36 PM
Let's just say there were a lot of parents of young men serving in Viet Nam that were a bit peeved at her when she did what she did.

It was one thing that my parents and I both agreed upon. At the time. =)

07-14-2014, 10:53 AM
I got to visit Vietnam back in 2008 when adopting my don from there. Got to see, Saigon, Hanoi, Da Nang, and Dong Phu. The mall in Da Nang was cool with the grocery store on the top floor. The pho was amazing though.