Plutonic Panda
07-09-2014, 01:55 PM
I've seen this subject pop up a few times. I don't live there nor do I even really know where this road is at, but I will say, lowering the speed limit from 45 to 40 doesn't seem like it would improve safety at all and screams new revenue for the police.
Plutonic Panda
07-09-2014, 01:57 PM
Mustang Times, Councilman opposes ODOT traffic study (
Councilman opposes ODOT traffic study
Mustang Ward 1 City Council Matt Taylor voted against an ODOT study for the eastern portion of E. State Highway 152.
By Jon Watje
Managing Editor
A Mustang city councilman expressed his concerns with the possibility of lowering the speed limit on the eastern portion of State Highway 152.
The City of Mustang voted 6-1 in favor of requesting a traffic study by the Oklahoma Department of Transportation at their meeting last week. Ward 1 Councilman Matt Taylor voted against the study.
"I have spoken to several residents in the city who are concerned about the motivation behind this study," Taylor said. "I have a problem with asking ODOT to lower the speed limit on that part of State Highway 152 from 45 mph to 40 mph. Would 5 mph make that much of a difference?"
Councilman Taylor brought the issue up as the item was placed on the City Council’s consent agenda for consideration.
The Mustang Traffic Commission recommended the study to the City Council after it heard from Harry Weatherford, who owns properties near the intersection of S.H. 152 and Morgan Road.
"I have owned property there for about 20 years or so now," Weatherford told the Traffic Commission last month. "When I bought it, State Highway 152 was two lanes and had stop signs. Things keep growing and now that intersection is a real bottleneck."
Weatherford said his property has several entrance and exit points, but for his customers, pulling onto the highway has become a problem with the volume of traffic. He proposed that the city lengthen a turn lane or possibly reduce the speed to help the problem.
Councilman Taylor proposed that the City ask for a study from ODOT on the entire highway, not just the eastern side.
"If we should ask ODOT for a traffic study, we should ask them about traffic islands or medians in the middle of the road, like the ones you see on Broadway in Edmond," Taylor said.
"That would keep people from driving in the center lanes."
Mustang Police Chief Chuck Foley serves on the Mustang Traffic Commission and told the City Council that he believed the speed limit should be lowered on the highway from 74th to Sara Road.
"From my observation, people are going at least 10 mph over the 45 mph speed limit once they enter Mustang," Foley said. "I think part of it has to do with the fact that the speed limit is 55 mph on State Highway 152 before they take that turn into the city limits where the speed limit suddenly drops. I have stopped people on a regular basis that are doing 55 to 60 mph all the way down the highway until they are at Sara Road."
Plutonic Panda
07-09-2014, 01:59 PM
Mustang Times, Highway speed limit too high? (
When it was a little 2 lane the speed limit was 50. The Gov made it four and a turn lane and dropped it to 45. Big slowdown after coming off the 152 ext. It's going to be a money maker.
07-10-2014, 01:29 PM
"If we should ask ODOT for a traffic study, we should ask them about traffic islands or medians in the middle of the road, like the ones you see on Broadway in Edmond," Taylor said.
So we're going to model all of our roads after the absolute least efficient, most frustrating road in Oklahoma, because of one guy's minor complaint? Sounds reasonable...