View Full Version : Five Star Grille
The old Pearl's at 1920 S. Meridian was sold in May to Sooner Traditions (homebuilders) for $650,000. This location is directly north of Charlestons.
7/7/14: Building permit application for $260,000 to convert to a new restaurant called Five Star Grille.
They now have a Facebook page:
The best burgers and coldest beer served in a casual atmosphere that feels almost like a rock and roll museum!
They've acquired a bunch of historic black & white classic rock photos they will be featuring; they hope to be open in late September.
I spoke to one of the partners and this is not a Hal Smith concept -- he's merely acting as a consultant. The owners are from his organization and the chef if Jon Pope who is coming from Upper Crust.
Zuplar 07-08-2014, 11:37 AM Is this the first of it's kind or an existing restaurant?
It's the first of it's kind and not sure of the operators.
But that's a sizable building and a big investment, so they clearly have big plans.
Zuplar 07-08-2014, 01:48 PM Just learned this will be a Hal Smith venture.
Should be interesting what they come up with.
This was exactly what I was thinking. Means it will probably be good, just not anything to blow your socks off.
Easy180 07-08-2014, 07:14 PM Had no idea Pearls had closed that location. Kinda bummed.
kwhey 07-09-2014, 11:40 PM Hal Smith will end up owning every restaurant in town.
I updated the article at the top of the page.
They hope to open the end of September.
Clown puncher 09-02-2014, 11:25 PM Hunter Miller,Barry Switzer ,and Toby Keith are Sooner Traditions, so it's for sure a Hal Smith production.
kevinpate 09-03-2014, 07:22 AM Hal Smith will end up owning every restaurant in town.
Nope, Taco Bell wins the franchise wars - Now All Restaurants are Taco Bell.flv - YouTube (
positano 09-03-2014, 10:35 AM Sounds like the place Don Elliott is working on.
Sounds like the place Don Elliott is working on.
It is.
They opened on Dec. 29th.
ConetConet 07-13-2015, 01:09 PM Anybody know what happened to this place? Dropped by there in early July...dinnertime, no cars in the lot. There was a sign posted on the door dated June 29th that said they were moving to a new location and to check out their Facebook page for more info. It, of course, hasn't been updated.
Went there a couple of was good, the rock photography was was obvious some money got poured into the makeover. There were always folks in the dining room.
mkjeeves 07-13-2015, 07:05 PM I used to eat at Pearls on Meridian about once a month or so, even though it was a bit of a trek for me. (The only meridian place I frequented.)
Did go there after it changed to Five Star, didn't find a reason to return. I don't remember it being not good or anything in particular. Just not worth the trip. (Perhaps loud atmosphere for one strike? Unmemorable.)
I talked to the proprietor before they opened and he didn't seem very interested in promoting his restaurant.
Since that time, I haven't seen much in the way of marketing from them and thus not surprised they didn't last.
Hate to hear of the closing. I met the wife of an invester. Nice lady. Hope they didn't lose much.
Ate there once and it ws ok enough. Intended to return but out of the way location for me. Yes, very little promotion.
mkjeeves 07-14-2015, 07:32 AM I hate to see anyone pour money into something and lose it. I think location is the biggest problem though. Meridian isn't the draw it once was with all the new development from Mac to Council along Reno and new development in Yukon. That's part of the problem with us eating there, we have to drive past a bunch of places that aren't great, but are at least equal or better than what's on Meridian. I didn't see Five Star as better than BJs and was similar. BJs is several miles closer and much easier to get to.
Roger S 07-14-2015, 07:57 AM I went once and the service was slow and the burger was undercooked... That didn't make me want to drive back out there.
But I think their ultimate downfall was the failure of naming their Flying Burritos... They offered the Emmylou Burrito and the Graham Burrito..... I'm sorry but I believe over the years there were 34 different members of the Flying Burrito Brothers and not a single one of them was named Graham, or Emmylou..... It was Gram Parsons that was in the Flying Burrito Brothers and that blaring mistake was enough reason to drive them out of business!
Note: Before any of you want to get uppity and tell me that's no reason to wish anyone to go out of business.... The second paragraph was made in jest from a big fan of Gram Parsons and Emmylou Harris... The first paragraph is probably why they failed.
mkjeeves 07-14-2015, 08:07 AM After I said my experience was unmemorable, I did see where a bunch of people gave it good reviews online. Your latter reason for failure, naming issues, might be more correct.
NWOKCGuy 07-14-2015, 08:10 AM One of my friends loved this place and we went by the other day for lunch and noticed it was closed. They do have a sign up that says they moved to another location but I can't seem the find where. I mentioned to him that I thought this was a weird location for what they said their concept is - live music and food.