View Full Version : Star wars episode VII footage leaked....

07-07-2014, 06:46 PM
Not really...
But great job to whomever put this together.

07-07-2014, 06:55 PM
Not really...
But great job to whomever put this together.

That's awesome fun. See stuff like this and it makes me want to spit nails at Paramount for not doing anything a *fraction* this creative to promote Star

Of Sound Mind
07-08-2014, 03:29 AM
Here's an original version without the picture-ratio distortion...

07-08-2014, 12:31 PM
Kevin Smith Gushes About 'Tactile' World of 'Star Wars: Episode VII' | Movies News | Rolling Stone (

I am excited to see JJ Abrams' take on this franchise. Episodes 1, 2, & 3 were so disappointing that I have no problem with Lucas not being involved.

07-08-2014, 01:10 PM
Did anybody besides me actually like Episodes I-III?

Sure, there were a few things that really bugged me about them such as constant forcing of OT elements that had nothing to do with the story being told in the prequels, but overall I thought they were good movies and every bit as worth of the Star Wars title as the original trilogy. Glad to see these movies getting a more OT feel though.

07-08-2014, 01:28 PM
I didn't hate Episodes I-III. Jar Jar I think gets too much hate that isn't really justified. Hayden's acting ability was terrible, but whatever to that. The one thing I did like was an expanded view into the world of the Sith and also seeing some of the Jedi history as well.

I think IV-VI will always have a special place for people since they were the originals. Does that make them better? I don't think anyone can answer that without displaying personal biases.

I still hold out hope for an Old Republic era spin off series.

07-08-2014, 01:48 PM
I didn't hate Episodes I-III. Jar Jar I think gets too much hate that isn't really justified. Hayden's acting ability was terrible, but whatever to that. The one thing I did like was an expanded view into the world of the Sith and also seeing some of the Jedi history as well.

I think IV-VI will always have a special place for people since they were the originals. Does that make them better? I don't think anyone can answer that without displaying personal biases.

I still hold out hope for an Old Republic era spin off series.

I've long heard a theory that people who were children in the late '70s and early '80s and saw the OT in theaters as kids generally despise the prequels as well as the 1997 Special Edition of the originals. People who were children in the late '90s and early 2000s are more accepting of the prequels as part of the Star Wars universe.

My first exposure to Star Wars was the Special Edition in theaters in 1997, so that is the definitive version in my mind.

I have recently rewatched all six movies and I don't see how people can think Mark Hamill's acting in 'A New Hope' was so much better than Hayden. Of course its better in Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi, but Hayden also performed much better in Revenge of the Sith than Attack of the Clones in my opinion. A lot of people hated the political aspect of the prequels but I personally loved it. Only thing I would have changed about that is I wouldn't have put Jar Jar in the Senate. I liked Count Dooku and wish they would have developed his character a bit more. I also would like to see some spin-off movies set in the Old Republic era, beautiful CGI worlds and all.

08-15-2014, 04:52 PM
Spoilers and stuff....

New Rumors Allege Major Star Wars: Episode VII Reveals - (

Interesting play on how things may come together. Especially it appears these folks (Inquisitorius - Wookieepedia, the Star Wars Wiki ( are possibly going to have a big role to play. Now to see if they play the whole clones of Palpatine thing or if they just let it go. Hoping they just pass it over since I doubt Ian McDiarmid would want to come back all over again.

08-15-2014, 07:20 PM
I'm impressed with the way the ramp can take the weight of an Imperial Walker. Way better concrete than we have.

08-15-2014, 09:31 PM
Did anybody besides me actually like Episodes I-III?

Sure, there were a few things that really bugged me about them such as constant forcing of OT elements that had nothing to do with the story being told in the prequels, but overall I thought they were good movies and every bit as worth of the Star Wars title as the original trilogy. Glad to see these movies getting a more OT feel though.

I probably stand alone on this opinion, but I always thought ROTS did some decent justice where the first 2 films were lackluster. Naturally, most people hate TPM, mainly because of Jar-Jar, ...but after watching the fanmade film The Phantom Edit, it gives you reason to appreciate a Jar-Jarless TPM. So, if you could remove Jar-Jar from TPM, youd have a pretty decent film,...albeit the whole midichlorian thing...but anyways. AOTC was in so many places trying to glue itself back together as a film. The whole romance thing tried to rekindle the magic made in ESB but failed on so many levels.

08-15-2014, 09:36 PM
I've long heard a theory that people who were children in the late '70s and early '80s and saw the OT in theaters as kids generally despise the prequels as well as the 1997 Special Edition of the originals..

One of the very first films I ever recalling see in my early life, was ESB when I was 4. ....I fell asleep during most of the film, but remember waking up to the piercing, blinding white snow-drenched scenes on HOTH. The original, and I do mean, ORIGINAL theatrical 1980 release of ESB had opacity errors on the HOTH scenes. LucasFilm later corrected these opacity errors, but back then they were very, very noticeable.

08-15-2014, 11:16 PM
I probably stand alone on this opinion, but I always thought ROTS did some decent justice where the first 2 films were lackluster. Naturally, most people hate TPM, mainly because of Jar-Jar, ...but after watching the fanmade film The Phantom Edit, it gives you reason to appreciate a Jar-Jarless TPM. So, if you could remove Jar-Jar from TPM, youd have a pretty decent film,...albeit the whole midichlorian thing...but anyways. AOTC was in so many places trying to glue itself back together as a film. The whole romance thing tried to rekindle the magic made in ESB but failed on so many levels.

I think TPM would have been much better received if it hadn't been a Star Wars movie and instead was an original family sci-fi adventure movie. I don't think it would be hailed as a classic, per sé, but I do think it would be more fondly remembered. It had, IMO, a lot more artistry involved in the set design, special effects, make-up and costume design, and cinematography. The acting is even relatively decent, albeit nothing spectacular.

AotC and RotS have much more serious, inherent issues. RotS, at least, makes up for some of that with a few memorable scenes and action shots. AotC just flounders.