View Full Version : StarFlyer
bchris02 07-07-2014, 05:38 PM Not to go all Heritage Hills nimby on ya'll... I just wonder what people living in those luxury condos are going to think. Particularly if it really is a carnival ride with screaming people for hours on end. lol
You don't live in a vibrant, mixed use neighborhood expecting peace and quiet all hours of the day. If a little noise is a deal breaker, they should consider not living in Bricktown or even downtown for that matter. On top of that, I think people overestimate how disruptive screams will be at 220 ft in the air. Plus the construction quality of what is built downtown is generally pretty good so the noise impact should be minimal.
Plutonic Panda 07-07-2014, 05:44 PM Pete... when can we expect to see renderings on this?
ChrisHayes 07-07-2014, 05:53 PM My feelings are mixed. I would prefer there just be an observation deck and not a ride. The ride would be an attraction but at the same time it would be out of place. Along the river, especially in the Boathouse District would be much better.
Teo9969 07-07-2014, 05:58 PM Not to go all Heritage Hills nimby on ya'll... I just wonder what people living in those luxury condos are going to think. Particularly if it really is a carnival ride with screaming people for hours on end. lol
They can get over it or sell to sensible people :)
Maybe it could be built to look...better than a carnival ride? I mean, that's what it is but maybe it could be built to where it "fits it" with Bricktown. As much as it could be, at least.
Pete... when can we expect to see renderings on this?
The images I provided in the article at the top of the page were from their presentation.
The ride itself can be customized in various ways (color, top deck, etc.) and I'm sure we won't see more until this project is much further along.
The presentation is to gauge likelihood of gaining City approvals, then they would have to work out a deal with the property owners.
Plutonic Panda 07-07-2014, 06:03 PM Ohhhh... then I change my stance on this. That would better be suited for the Crossroads Mall area, imo.
5alive 07-07-2014, 06:14 PM I too have mixed feelings, not on the attraction, but on the location. I think it could work in Bricktown if the curbside landscaping and the area around the base is really above average.
Urban Pioneer 07-07-2014, 06:41 PM Remember, the mayor owns one of those condos.
Oh I am aware. lol
Urban Pioneer 07-07-2014, 06:43 PM They can get over it or sell to sensible people :)
Man (or lady), I wish we had you show up to some of our streetcar meetings! lolz n Would have been fun to watch the anti-nimby's take on the HH nimbys.
SoonerDave 07-07-2014, 07:14 PM I think this has the potential to be fantastic.
It's on a prime, vacant corner and also on the canal. Will bring so much life and color to that area.
It's also perfectly located between the ballpark, Brickopolis and the the theater and Red Pin bowling. Helps to build a bit of synergy between all and will almost certainly lead to more.
It will also help draw more people to the district, canal, boat rides, etc.
There is the opportunity to customize the top and make a unique view platform as well.
Agree completely, Pete. Think this is has the potential to be a great thing!
skanaly 07-07-2014, 08:20 PM If they changed the design and made it more "un-carnival-like" I would like it...but it would look so out of place. However, I like the concept. It would be nice to see this go somewhere.
Bellaboo 07-07-2014, 11:17 PM Any way this is what would make KC or Dallas jealous ?
Urbanized 07-07-2014, 11:20 PM No.
boitoirich 07-07-2014, 11:37 PM I want to have a problem with this, but I just don't. Bricktown's strength is its appeal to all -- such as when I go to a movie or to hang out before Thunder games, when my mother goes to get a brisk walk in, or when high school kids go loiter without being harassed for it. There's a segment that does not include me which will really enjoy this. And being next to Brickopolis, it's going to be perfectly situated for its target audience. I just wish there was some way to make the tower appear to be bricked to fit more with the area.
ljbab728 07-07-2014, 11:43 PM I want to have a problem with this, but I just don't. Bricktown's strength is its appeal to all -- such as when I go to a movie or to hang out before Thunder games, when my mother goes to get a brisk walk in, or when high school kids go loiter without being harassed for it. There's a segment that does not include me which will really enjoy this. And being next to Brickopolis, it's going to be perfectly situated for its target audience. I just wish there was some way to make the tower appear to be bricked to fit more with the area.
I'm like you. It's not urban, it's not brick. There has to be some reason to be against it but I'm not there yet.
Plutonic Panda 07-08-2014, 01:03 AM No.Just out of curiosity, do you know what it is but can't say it?
MadMonk 07-08-2014, 06:37 AM My initial reaction: "Meh, it seems kinda hokey".
Maybe that will change, I dunno. I apathetic about it.
Bellaboo 07-08-2014, 07:29 AM No.
OKCisOK4me 07-08-2014, 07:42 AM Cool idea...horrible location.
shavethewhales 07-08-2014, 07:55 AM I think we're all in agreement that if this project is going to go forward, it has to be done right. No one here necessarily wants just a simple carnival ride slapped down in Bricktown. The point is that these rides can be built to be much more than what you see at Six Flags. If those pictures are really what they're using in their pitch then I'm surprised. I have seen some pretty good concepts of Star Flyers in the past that showed how architecturally diverse they can be made to be. They can make the ride assembly portion as big as they want in order to also incorporate an observation tower or whatever.
The more I think about it though, the more I'm surprised this group didn't just go with the standard modern ferris wheel or observation tower - both of which would be accepted much more readily.
I recently saw a somewhat similar concept pitched for a development called "Opry Town" or "Opry Walk" just outside the Grand Ole' Opry in Nashville. They're concept was to use a mix of rides, theatres, and attractions to create a new entertainment district. Not a theme park, but a new variety of mixed attraction. I think that's kind of in the same vein as what these developers are envisioning for this area of Bricktown. Some photos here: TN-OpryWalk (
warreng88 07-08-2014, 08:14 AM The more I think about it though, the more I'm surprised this group didn't just go with the standard modern ferris wheel or observation tower - both of which would be accepted much more readily.
I don't think a ferris wheel would fit on that plot of land.
Urbanized 07-08-2014, 08:23 AM Just out of curiosity, do you know what it is but can't say it?
I am not representing that I know the specifics of what was being rumored, but do have an idea of the location and the scale. This is not it.
Just the facts 07-08-2014, 08:38 AM I'm like you. It's not urban, it's not brick. There has to be some reason to be against it but I'm not there yet.
The trick is not to be opposed to it, but to make it fit. Urbanism doesn't regulate land-use, it regulates and protects the public space. If there is a way to make this fit in the district/neighborhood that enhances the public realm then I say bring it on.
Urbanized 07-08-2014, 08:44 AM Making it fit is more about what happens at the sidewalk than what happens 220 feet above the sidewalk.
Just the facts 07-08-2014, 08:50 AM Making it fit is more about what happens at the sidewalk than what happens 220 feet above the sidewalk.
Yep, and there are some easy way to make it work. They could use the Dr. Doom ride at Island of Adventure Orlando as an idea how to make it palatable from the sidewalk point of view.
Urban Pioneer 07-08-2014, 08:52 AM I kinda wish this was going in next to the Santa Monica Ferris Wheel in the new Wheeler Park. But that's just me. Bricktown is a free-for-all anyway. The only thing missing is a casino.... and maybe the world's largest gun store. I kid.
OkieBerto 07-08-2014, 09:45 AM I kinda wish this was going in next to the Santa Monica Ferris Wheel in the new Wheeler Park. But that's just me. Bricktown is a free-for-all anyway. The only thing missing is a casino.... and maybe the world's largest gun store. I kid.
I would like to second this remark. Wheeler Park would be a great home for this or maybe even the Airpark. It would all look very pretty at night reflecting off of the river.
I moved a bunch of off-topic posts here:
Dubya61 07-08-2014, 02:56 PM Instead of a star in the center of the ride make it a spur and the City will won't be able to approve it fast enough.
and design the tower like an oil derrick!
Dubya61 07-08-2014, 03:00 PM Ohhhh... then I change my stance on this. That would better be suited for the Crossroads Mall area, imo.
Right! I've always wanted to see Mt. Trashmore from above.
Plutonic Panda 07-08-2014, 03:03 PM Right! I've always wanted to see Mt. Trashmore from above.I don't care man. It's the same thing anywhere else. You're just going to be looking at a bunch of rooftops and concrete. Mt. Trashmore will eventually become green. I still think a permanent carnival would be cool in one of the parking lots surrounding Crossroads. The demographics support it and I've seen them in other cities in the parts that are heavily concentrated with Mexicans and it is always packed and pretty fun.
Spartan 07-08-2014, 11:30 PM This should go on a site that has frontage issues, perhaps backing up to the new "boulevard."
Not Reno and Mickey Mantle.
urbanCOWBOY 07-09-2014, 01:33 AM well to be honest:
Bad location. This is a very crucial interstection and the development does not conform to basic urban design principals. (hint " bricktown URBAN design committee")
Interesting concept.
Make the structure/concept unique to Oklahoma City.
I doubt that the Bricktown Design Review Comittee will be have the "cojones" to reject this. Just a threat. :)
If the Springhill Suites in Bricktown is approved, this will definitely be approved.
Just the facts 07-09-2014, 07:20 AM I haven't seen anything yet that indicates this will not have a good street interaction. If it does include an observation tower that alone will draw a lot of people to that intersection, and will provide an even bigger reason for slowing traffic on Reno (i.e. reducing to two lanes and adding on-street parking.)
bchris02 07-09-2014, 08:15 AM If it is such a crucial intersection, why has it still not been developed? If this isn't good use of the property, what would be?
bombermwc 07-09-2014, 09:07 AM I don't really care one way or the other about if it goes in. But if it does go in, at least finally something may actually go in the lot that has been "about to construct" something 20 times and they've all fallen because of stupid crap from the city. Hello Cotton Exchange! Oklahoma Opry! Anyway, if it does go in, I hope they do it right and don't just construct some stupid cheesey carnival crap thing. At least clad it in brick or SOMETHING to make it look nicer. it's going to have to get a variance from the city ordinance to even get built, so maybe that's the time to keep some brick requirements in there?
As for residential complaints, I say if you bought a condo in the centennial, you understood that you bought something in the middle of an entertainment district and you should expect a certain level of noise and action. This is bricktown, not the 15th floor of Park Harvey. The ride is going to have to close by a certain time to follow noise ordinances, so it's not like they're going to be running the thing at 2am or anything.
One thing it does do is give people something to DO in bricktown. That's always been a major complaint that there wasn't much "entertainment" in the entertainment district. Losing things like GameWorks kept out the things that attract people to hang out and spend more time/money in the area than just eat and go home. Those entertainment things keep the cash flowing year-round too. This particular design doesn't do it, but maybe with a little more investment it could be converted to be something like Tower of the Americas...operate year-round,etc....sort of reaching on that but just throwing something out there.
When kwtv broadcast the story on the morning news, Stan Miller voiced a comment that might make this sit better with some of you. He was opposed to it being in bricktown, but said maybe on the edge of the new central park or something.
Just the facts 07-09-2014, 09:39 AM I don't really care one way or the other about if it goes in. But if it does go in, at least finally something may actually go in the lot that has been "about to construct" something 20 times and they've all fallen because of stupid crap from the city.
Different corner. You will have to wait longer for the canal corner to be developed.
shawnw 07-09-2014, 09:43 AM I still think a permanent carnival would be cool in one of the parking lots surrounding Crossroads.
If you're going to do something like that, might as well just leave the state fair rides/midway standing year round (kinda like Bells does [did?] in Tulsa) since it's essentially the same kind of rides/games as a carnival.
CuatrodeMayo 07-09-2014, 10:03 AM Put me in the "like the idea, but not the location" column.
As a side note, Steve's is making sure everyone knows (at least on FB) that he reported it first.
Bullbear 07-09-2014, 10:13 AM Put me in the "like the idea, but not the location" column.
As a side note, Steve's is making sure everyone knows (at least on FB) that he reported it first.
LOL.. well because that's whats most
As a side note, Steve's is making sure everyone knows (at least on FB) that he reported it first.
For the record we put the story out several hours before he did.
ABryant 07-09-2014, 11:04 AM The who is first thing is getting annoying. You can post unsubstantiated things first without total responsibility. That is why I love this site. Steve has to go through his rounds. He will likely never break a story before we know about it. I'm really a huge fan of this site, and I like Steve's reporting. I do trust the sources you give, but I'd never cite them in a paper. Keep up the good work.
David 07-09-2014, 11:10 AM Yeah, I was a tad unimpressed when I saw this tweet ( go by on Monday hours after this one ( While it's entirely possible his story was live first and the tweet was simply late, that seems fairly unlikely given that the comments on his article start at 2:10pm.
Yeah, I was a tad unimpressed when I saw this tweet ( go by on Monday hours after this one ( While it's entirely possible his story was live first and the tweet was simply late, that seems fairly unlikely given that the comments on his article start at 2:10pm.
His article came out several hours after we broke the news yet he went out of the way to specifically post on Facebook and Twitter he had the story first.
Just the facts 07-09-2014, 11:22 AM It kind of reminds me of the Space Needle in Gatlinburg, TN. While it could be better, the sidewalk interaction is not bad. It definitely grabs your attention as you walk by. I believe what many people are thinking is that it is just going to be a carnival ride with a maze of metal gates at the corner - when most likely the structure will rise out of a building that is massed at the corner and you won't be able to see the queue (or even the on-boarding of the ride) from the street. In fact, the entrance for the ride might start at the canal level with the entrance for the observation deck starting at street level.
BTW - at night it is illuminate in various alternating colors - a theme common in downtown OKC.
Yep, no chance we would want this downtown [/sarc]
OkieNate 07-09-2014, 11:27 AM His article came out several hours after we broke the news yet he went out of the way to specifically post on Facebook and Twitter he had the story first.
I noticed this as well. On NewsOKs comment section everyone should mention OKCTalk and give Pete his due. I still think it's extremely laughable steve is so up in arms as a "professional journalist", that an amateur (although one of the best most informed amateurs there could be) is beating him to all this information.
OkieNate 07-09-2014, 11:29 AM Back on topic, I was at Mickey Mantle and Reno last night and I tried to imagine this thing being there and just couldn't see it. It should go with the ferris wheel, at the airpark.
warreng88 07-09-2014, 11:31 AM Are there still rumblings of a hotel on the the corner canal site? If so, could this hinder that development?
Bullbear 07-09-2014, 11:34 AM It kind of reminds me of the Space Needle in Gatlinburg, TN. While it could be better, the sidewalk interaction is not bad. It definitely grabs your attention as you walk by. I believe what many people are thinking is that it is just going to be a carnival ride with a maze of metal gates at the corner - when most likely the structure will rise out of a building that is massed at the corner and you won't be able to see the queue (or even the on-boarding of the ride) from the street. In fact, the entrance for the ride might start at the canal level with the entrance for the observation deck starting at street level.
BTW - at night it is illuminate in various alternating colors - a theme common in downtown OKC.
Yep, no chance we would want this downtown [/sarc]
seeing this model with an observation deck looks a bit better than the other renderings. I can see if designed correctly how this could look better than i'd expect there.
Are there still rumblings of a hotel on the the corner canal site? If so, could this hinder that development?
Don't know what's happening on that proposed hotel other than the owner (same as Brickopolis) is still working on it.
I can't imagine how this project would affect it, though.
warreng88 07-09-2014, 11:38 AM Don't know what's happening on that proposed hotel other than the owner (same as Brickopolis) is still working on it.
I can't imagine how this project would affect it, though.
I guess I am asking if the hotel operator would be turned off by that location because of the StarFlyer.
Steve 07-09-2014, 11:45 AM I noticed this as well. On NewsOKs comment section everyone should mention OKCTalk and give Pete his due. I still think it's extremely laughable steve is so up in arms as a "professional journalist", that an amateur (although one of the best most informed amateurs there could be) is beating him to all this information.
You copied info from an application. I got the story. If I said I had reported the info first, yeah, that would be wrong. There's a difference between putting out info from a report and getting interviews, context for a story. I am not going to get into another public argument with you Pete. I hope you'll respond to my DM and keep the conversation of our disagreements to that as previously requested by members of OKC Talk.
Bullbear 07-09-2014, 11:54 AM You copied and pasted info from an application. I got the story. If I said I had reported the info first, yeah, that would be wrong. There's a difference between putting out info from a report and getting interviews, context for a story.
Makes sense then.. so Pete posted info from a report.. which gave you a lead and you followed that lead to get interviews and putting together context of a story..
you are kind of splitting hairs here. you can't tout you broke the news first because you have interviews and context. this is very sandbox to me and not very professional.
You copied and pasted info from an application. I got the story. If I said I had reported the info first, yeah, that would be wrong. There's a difference between putting out info from a report and getting interviews, context for a story.
1. You have no idea what I did, who I spoke to, etc.
2. Using your logic nothing is a "story" until you report it.
3. If being first wasn't so important you wouldn't be putting forth that specific claim.
4. Anyone could take something reported, add a little bit of info. (if any) and then claim to be first.
5. Your quick responses on this site demonstrates how often you are here seeking information.
Bullbear 07-09-2014, 12:01 PM I don't understand why he doesn't just say he uses this site for information?. I mean you would be a fool not to. You can't possibly scoup every story before this forum so why not just admit that OKCTALK is a great source of information. the entire population of the city isn't aware of this site and some really aren't that interested they would rather you spoon feed them a sound bite on the news or in the paper than to read the forums. not sure why be so sour and having to make points of breaking a story first but still be on this forum. I mean any fool knows why you are here. So relax.. enjoy life and the free info
macfoucin 07-09-2014, 12:02 PM This "who broke the story first" argument is getting very old! You guys both do great work...leave it at that and stop the child's play.
NWOKCGuy 07-09-2014, 12:07 PM 1. You have no idea what I did, who I spoke to, etc.
2. Using your logic nothing is a "story" until you report it.
3. If being first wasn't so important you wouldn't be putting forth that specific claim.
4. Anyone could take something reported, add a little bit of info. (if any) and then claim to be first.
5. Your quick responses on this site demonstrates how often you are here seeking information.
Girls, girls... you're both pretty.
shawnw 07-09-2014, 12:10 PM Back to topic... if this thing were just a space needle/observation platform and designed well, it would be amazing and very popular. I feel the swings detract from it. Just my opinion though.
Just the facts 07-09-2014, 12:13 PM Back to topic... if this thing were just a space needle/observation platform and designed well, it would be amazing and very popular. I feel the swings detract from it. Just my opinion though.
I could do without the ride as well, but if it helps make the cash-flow work then so be it. I know 2 kids who will ride it.