View Full Version : OKC Special Event Permit (FYI)

Dennis Heaton
07-06-2014, 03:59 PM
I just wanted to share the following e-mail I received from Mr. Josh Ryan, OKC Event Coordinator...

Hello everyone,

You are receiving this email because you have worked, are working or will likely work toward obtaining an outdoor special event permit with the City of Oklahoma City. Many of you know this but for those who don’t, on February 1, 2014 Oklahoma City’s first Outdoor Special Events Ordinance went into effect. Some significant changes are covered in the ordinance.

The biggest changes included application deadlines and permit fees. Details of these changes have been included for you in OKC’s Special Events Guide and in other resources you can now find on the OKC Special Events website.

The newest update to the site includes event-specific lists that outline common application procedures for you. Some of the most common permitting questions can be answered using these lists:

1) Walks-Runs-Rides

2) Street Festivals

3) Public Events on Private Property

4) Block Parties

5) Assembly Events

6) Beer-Liquor at Special Events

Please take some time to review the information. If you are planning a Fall 2014 event, our 75 day application deadline [street events] is now into mid-September. Making the deadline means sending a preliminary application and plan to us. If you have already done this for your event, please ignore this email.

As always, feel free to send me your questions. I will be on vacation until July 14 and will look forward to working with you on your event applications when I return.

Have a Happy and Safe 4th of July,

Josh Ryan
Event Permit Coordinator
OKC Public Information & Marketing
office405.297.2890 / mobile405.406.9906

City of Oklahoma City | Public Information & Marketing (

P.S. Remember, you do have the right to demonstrate/protest, even when the OKCPD (Hefner Division) tries to tell you otherwise.