View Full Version : Streetcar Route

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07-18-2014, 01:41 PM
Hmn, so a street car system that turns into a commuter system once it leaves the core. Makes me wonder if the same idea could be applied elsewhere in the metro.

The line to the Adventure District, perhaps? Or would that be better as a full on streetcar line?

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07-18-2014, 01:48 PM
We NEED this going to the airport and FAA please.

Plutonic Panda
07-18-2014, 04:07 PM
Now I really hope a separate higher speed light rail line is built

Urban Pioneer
07-19-2014, 11:23 AM
Streetcars in rapid mode can comfortably travel 50 - 65 mph. Is that fast enough?

07-19-2014, 11:24 AM
Streetcars in rapid mode can comfortably travel 50 - 65 mph. Is that fast enough?

that seems like a good speed to me

Plutonic Panda
07-19-2014, 03:19 PM
Streetcars in rapid mode can comfortably travel 50 - 65 mph. Is that fast enough?it would still be nice to have separate light-rail that get closer to 100. Separate rail that goes travels across the city.

07-19-2014, 03:36 PM
it would still be nice to have separate light-rail that get closer to 100. Separate rail that goes travels across the city.

that is an unrealistic expectation.
have you researched how fast a subway or light rail train usually go? for example Denvers light-rail travels at 55mph. avg speed for LA's redline is 35MPH, the L in Chicago does not exceed 55MPH. So these street cars having capability of 50-65 is really in line with the max we would need for the system.
100MPH is not needed or realistic.

07-19-2014, 03:41 PM
And for such a relatively small distance, the trip time at 100mph would not be hugely different than 60 mph. Even a 10 mile trip would only be a 4 minute difference at best. Counting in acceleration and deceleration times, would probably only be closer to a 2-3 minute difference. If it were 100 miles, sure, that would be a 30-40 minute savings. But on such a short stage length, the main driver of time savings would be smoothed out turns and fewer at grade crossings. Not vehicle speed.

Plutonic Panda
07-19-2014, 04:47 PM
that is an unrealistic expectation.
have you researched how fast a subway or light rail train usually go? for example Denvers light-rail travels at 55mph. avg speed for LA's redline is 35MPH, the L in Chicago does not exceed 55MPH. So these street cars having capability of 50-65 is really in line with the max we would need for the system.
100MPH is not needed or is always improving. There are ways to get light-rail faster.

Again, I didn't say 100mph specially. If we can get trains up to 300mph.... Surely a number closer to 100mph is possible. Like I said to catch, the separation of street car and metro wide light rail is also to serve different purposes as well as higher speeds.

Plutonic Panda
07-19-2014, 04:50 PM
And for such a relatively small distance, the trip time at 100mph would not be hugely different than 60 mph. Even a 10 mile trip would only be a 4 minute difference at best. Counting in acceleration and deceleration times, would probably only be closer to a 2-3 minute difference. If it were 100 miles, sure, that would be a 30-40 minute savings. But on such a short stage length, the main driver of time savings would be smoothed out turns and fewer at grade crossings. Not vehicle speed.hey man... 4 minutes every day adds up quick.

The other thing is, the light-rail(yes I know street car is technically light rail) across the metro will serve am entirely different purpose than the street car will. The light rail will have very few stops while street car will stop at every other block or so.

I'm actually surprised people are arguing against metro light rail now just because the street car is going to 63rd and Classen.

The trips for light rail would also average 20-30 miles per person I suspect. Downtown OKC from Edmond is 10-15 miles? If someone wants to use the light rail to go from Edmond to Norman or vice versa.... 30+miles... I know people that commute from New Castle to North Edmond so people will use it for "long distance" metro wide commuting.

07-19-2014, 05:22 PM
hey man... 4 minutes every day adds up quick...

You just made a great argument for living closer to work.

07-20-2014, 09:00 AM
You just made a great argument for living closer to work.


And my comment was not about technology limitations, I am sure there are ways to get light rail faster. the point is I don't think it is needed.
we don't need a bullet train to Edmond and that is just not realistic. What commuter rail does to improve commute is less about speed of train and more about less stops and traffic allowing for a quicker arrival. the cars they are looking at allow for plenty of speed for the purpose we are looking at. just trying to keep this more about real use and non fantasy.

07-20-2014, 12:35 PM
technology is always improving. There are ways to get light-rail faster.

Again, I didn't say 100mph specially. If we can get trains up to 300mph.... Surely a number closer to 100mph is possible. Like I said to catch, the separation of street car and metro wide light rail is also to serve different purposes as well as higher speeds.
Hey man, your expectation is still unrealistic. Trains that travel 300 mph are set on elevated berms so as to remove any vehicular or pedestrian crossings while keeping the tracks at 0° level so there are no ups and downs, very few if any stops, and ever so slight curves so the train can attain those high speeds without centrifuge taking it off the tracks.

None of those options would be part of a 100mph streetcar line so I'd back off your theory lol.

07-23-2014, 08:05 AM
yeah... 300mph....First off, I never said 300mph nor did I say even say 100mph... I said closer to 100mph.... Furthermore, I will also venture to say that my point was hoping our METROWIDE LIGHT RAIL could go closer to 100 and NOT the street cars. I said since we can have hsr go 300 miles per hour, it could get closer to 100mph. I never said 100mph exactly.

If you want people to ride light rail and have it be feasible, you have to give a competitive edge. You have to make people want to ride it which is have higher speed limits than highways which most people drive 70-85... Saying, hey, you have 15 or so minutes to pull out a book or some papers and get work done isn't enough.

Now I'm not sure whether or not you were being serious or joking, but if you are serious, than sir, you either incompetent or just trying to be an ass. My response was positioned in favor of METROWIDE light rail along with street car. Not to pit one up against the other or compare the two. They serve two different kinds of people most of the time.

I will reply here as to not derail the post about stage center.

As I stated before this in unrealistic. do some research as to the speed other metro links travel. Oddly other cities have plenty of people using metro transit systems without the Competitve edge you seek at a NEAR 100MPH light rail system. also as it was stated it wont reduce ride time by much when you consider stops and time ramp up and down times for those stops. so the system as discussed is really plenty for the city.
there are times when Pie in the sky dreams are fun.. then there are times to be more realistic when we are putting pen to paper and spending money. we have one chance to get it right.

08-11-2014, 10:51 AM
When exactly are we supposed to see roads being torn up, and track laid?

08-11-2014, 11:06 AM
Probably 2016

Just the facts
08-11-2014, 11:59 AM
If you want people to ride light rail and have it be feasible, you have to give a competitive edge.

It has a huge competitive advantage, a few dollars per trip vs. having to buy a +$20,000 car, pay insurance, and still pay for gasoline when you want to use it. The average American pays more for a car (which gets traded in every 5 years) than an average Londoner spends on local transportation their whole life. If that is not a competitive advantage then I don't know what is.

06-16-2015, 12:22 PM
So, 10 months later... Are we still looking at the same timelines and route? When should we reasonably expect to see the rails begin to be laid?

06-16-2015, 12:42 PM
2016 or 2017 I thought

06-16-2015, 02:02 PM
2q 2016.

06-16-2015, 03:53 PM
So one year from now there will be tracks in the ground. I hope this holds. I want to be talking about how there's tracks in the ground in one year.

02-17-2016, 06:37 PM
Edited the article at top of the page with the now official route.

02-17-2016, 08:54 PM
What are the frequencies going to be? Every 15 minutes? That would put east Bricktown to Convenion Center/Myriad Gardens/Park on a 7 minute headway. Not bad.

Honestly not a huge fan of the one block dip before going north. My main complaint with the Portland Streetcar is how many turns it takes on the way to the South Waterfront district, all of the turns make it seem to take forever to travel. The less turns the better-- for both ransit times and map legibility.

11-16-2017, 08:02 PM
First, I very much enjoyed this presentation. The streetcar is one of my favorite projects from the Maps 3 initiative and I am elated to see this come to fruition.

But, even thOUgh I have seen a number of complaints on the embark Twitter page regarding Sunday service (lack thereof), and a few friends who I know have expressed concern abOUt this during focus grOUps and/or surveys, Jason Ferbache has not committed to providing Sunday service.

However, I am also encOUraged by the fact we are seriOUsly considering the option of advertising/marketing as operational revenue. Which may offset a hefty fare for the streetcar.

11-16-2017, 09:10 PM
First, I very much enjoyed this presentation. The streetcar is one of my favorite projects from the Maps 3 initiative and I am elated to see this come to fruition.

But, even thOUgh I have seen a number of complaints on the embark Twitter page regarding Sunday service (lack thereof), and a few friends who I know have expressed concern abOUt this during focus grOUps and/or surveys, Jason Ferbache has not committed to providing Sunday service.

However, I am also encOUraged by the fact we are seriOUsly considering the option of advertising/marketing as operational revenue. Which may offset a hefty fare for the streetcar.

Please let go of the OU stuff, it makes it hard to take anything yOU post seriOUsly if yOU are over the age of abOUt 12.


11-16-2017, 11:58 PM
Please let go of the OU stuff, it makes it hard to take anything yOU post seriOUsly if yOU are over the age of abOUt 12.


The ignore list is your friend.

11-17-2017, 02:22 AM
Welp! That's two in quite a few years.

11-17-2017, 07:59 AM
Please let go of the OU stuff, it makes it hard to take anything yOU post seriOUsly if yOU are over the age of abOUt 12.


I thought that typing like that was a little odd for an adult as well.

11-17-2017, 09:32 AM
Who knows what will happen in the end but there are supposedly other entities looking at ways that they could possibly help fund Sunday service for the streetcar.

11-17-2017, 06:46 PM
Who knows what will happen in the end but there are supposedly other entities looking at ways that they could possibly help fund Sunday service for the streetcar.

I have heard the same, and potentially funding the operation where it can be free, or cheaper to ride.

11-18-2017, 01:36 AM
Will the streetcar offer advertising on its vehicles? Stops? I'm sure this is being factored into operating costs already, but seems like a great source to help offset ridership fees.

I am ignorant on this topic, I admit...

11-19-2017, 02:44 PM
Will the streetcar offer advertising on its vehicles? Stops? I'm sure this is being factored into operating costs already, but seems like a great source to help offset ridership fees.

I am ignorant on this topic, I admit...

Yes. The border of the ceiling will have advertising spots, stops are a maybe. They probably won't advertise on the sides unless they really need funding because they're probably going to want to keep the streetcars clean at the beginning.