View Full Version : Awesome anti-texting-while-driving ad
TheTravellers 06-14-2014, 06:51 PM Volkswagen comes up with an effective pre-movie advertisement against texting and driving (Video) : theCHIVE (
Dennis Heaton 06-15-2014, 12:09 AM Excellent!!!!! ( )
BBatesokc 06-15-2014, 07:39 AM Its a good shock value ad - when seen as produced above with movie-goer reactions, which helped to make it go viral. However, I am highly suspect that the entire thing was either 100% staged or still far more orchestrated and edited than the ad leads you to believe.
Broadcast texting in this manner is possible, but too much about this seems far to 'perfect' to be real.
My money says this was either completely faked or this 'movie theater' is actually part of some social experiment in more of a classroom theater setting.
Reminds me of ads done by marketing companies to win regional or national awards/recognition but not actually being that effect at changing social behavior.
TheTravellers 06-15-2014, 11:14 AM Its a good shock value ad - when seen as produced above with movie-goer reactions, which helped to make it go viral. However, I am highly suspect that the entire thing was either 100% staged or still far more orchestrated and edited than the ad leads you to believe.
Broadcast texting in this manner is possible, but too much about this seems far to 'perfect' to be real.
My money says this was either completely faked or this 'movie theater' is actually part of some social experiment in more of a classroom theater setting.
Reminds me of ads done by marketing companies to win regional or national awards/recognition but not actually being that effect at changing social behavior.
I also thought that since the shots of the movie-goers show them to not notice all the cameras that are apparently filming them, and then the guy hitting the "send" button was like those movies that think they know how to present IT-type of stuff, but not really reality.
Would still be great if someone could pull it off in real life, maybe someone(s) will get ideas and do something similar... Have VW send a laptop to each theatre (or smart phone with the capability) and have the projectionist hit the "send" button after he hits the "project" button, but before he leaves the booth (since projection is pretty much automated now).
Bunch of a-holes using their phones in a theater. I want to kick them all in the crotch.
RadicalModerate 06-16-2014, 09:41 AM Even if the entire thing was staged, it was still a good representation of a bad harsh reality.
Perhaps, after a second ticket for texting, the offender might be required to sacrifice a thumb?
Nah. Cruel and unusual. Forget that suggestion.
"But, Officer, I was just trying to learn the meaning of "farfegnugen" . . .
Is that so 'wrong'?"
"Ask the guy you just rear-ended. If he ever speaks again."
jn1780 06-16-2014, 11:40 AM Bunch of a-holes using their phones in a theater. I want to kick them all in the crotch.
Lol, yeah, Its hard to believe every single one of them would not have their phone on vibrate or silent.
RadicalModerate 06-16-2014, 11:59 AM Still . . . It is difficult to fake, so effectively, the shocked expressions after crashing their vehicle into the tree that jumped out in front of them.
On the movie screen. (been on the receiving end of bad driving a few times. even before the advent of cell phones. it ain't pretty.)
Lol, yeah, Its hard to believe every single one of them would not have their phone on vibrate or silent.
Have you been to a theater lately? Not hard to believe at all.
Have you been to a theater lately? Not hard to believe at all.
No kidding. My last trip to a theater the guy next to me was playing samurai siege (poorly I might add) all through the movie. And the saddest part of all his malfeasance was actually more interesting than the movie. Yeah, not hard to believe at all.
And the saddest part of all his malfeasance was actually more interesting than the movie.
You went to see Godzilla too, huh?
You went to see Godzilla too, huh?
Yep...hey you really need to quit building near the edge (it provides no protection whatsoever) and bring your archers inside the wall. Don't be the baby.