View Full Version : Best Public School District to raise two teenagers
ylouder 06-19-2014, 10:44 AM A lot of people who have said I know nothing about the area turn around and show their own lack of knowledge of the school boundaries. Interesting.
I don’t have time to pull everything out, I tried to make an easier to read chart showing the layout of the metro schools. But Yukon is on par with places like Bethany, bethel, Jones, and Mustang. In fact even a place like Union City far exceeds those school systems.
A lot better choices around the metro for student outcomes.
Zuplar 06-19-2014, 10:49 AM I thought Mustang schools went to County line? Mustang Road pretty much splits Mustang. Do you mean north of the city limits?
Mustang schools go a half mile east past county line road.
Bellaboo 06-19-2014, 12:05 PM A lot of people who have said I know nothing about the area turn around and show their own lack of knowledge of the school boundaries. Interesting.
I don’t have time to pull everything out, I tried to make an easier to read chart showing the layout of the metro schools. But Yukon is on par with places like Bethany, bethel, Jones, and Mustang. In fact even a place like Union City far exceeds those school systems.
A lot better choices around the metro for student outcomes.
I'll bite. I took a look at a lot of those schools on the list, like you referenced Union City. How about Mulhall Orlando, etc. Just how many foreign languages, pre AP classes (math, science, arts) do you think those dinky places have ?
My step son went through Yukon Schools, Scored a composite 32 with a high of 35 in mathematics on his ACT, and now has been with Exxon Mobil in their R&D for the past 5 years. Not sure if he'd done that well in a smaller district, but he excelled at Yukon.
To sum it up, the house across the street from me sold 2 years ago for $300,000.00 to a family from El Reno. They happen to own a few motels out on I-40. They never moved in, but they do come over monthly to check it out. The reason they bought the house was for their kids to go to Yukon Schools. If Union City is better, why didn't they buy some backwater dump house there ?
Like I said, there are a few on this board who are totally ignorant.
I'll tell you how ignorant you are - that ACT list you posted, only has 6 or 7 schools out of the 150 or so on the list that has a higher composite score than Yukon.....It is an average score they are listing, and do you think that possibly only 3 or 4 kids from the one small school took the test ? which would skew the results due to low applicants ?
ylouder 06-19-2014, 02:30 PM Okay,
I'll tell you how ignorant you are - that ACT list you posted, only has 6 or 7 schools out of the 150 or so on the list that has a higher composite score than Yukon.....It is an average score they are listing, and do you think that possibly only 3 or 4 kids from the one small school took the test ? which would skew the results due to low applicants ?
If you only counted 6 or 7 then you need to use your toes to count on.
Maybe it's to be expected.
The number you are looking for is 31. 31 schools have higher scores and after Yukon highschool comes Beaver Oklahoma next on the list.
Beaver Oklahoma is the cow chipping capital of the world. Congratulations.
Guys, let's please tone this down.
You can disagree and debate without getting personal.
Bellaboo 06-19-2014, 03:29 PM You are worse than I thought. You must not have the capacity to comprehend statistics. These little schools are skewed. If it was weighted, Yukon would be 6 or 7 from the top.
This list contained over 400 schools.....and you said they are 31 ? Not bad even using skewed stats.
Stop being so small minded......but then again, it's hard to be something you aren't.
ylouder 06-19-2014, 03:54 PM What's with the personal insults. Geesh.
I just provided the results of the students that DID take the Act test. Just imagine the results if this included people from the area who did not take the test and had no plans to go to college after highschool - if they even stayed to graduate. Yukon and mustang dropout rates are very high.
Clearly there are numerous more educated and higher performing schools around the metro.
Martin 06-19-2014, 04:11 PM Stop being so small minded......but then again, it's hard to be something you aren't.
again, let's keep the discussion civil. -M
PennyQuilts 06-19-2014, 04:16 PM This is the internet version of a small town football rivalry.
Zuplar 06-19-2014, 04:25 PM For those that don't know, this may be an opportunity to use the ignore feature. If you get in settings it's on the left side towards the bottom. Just enter the username of the person you want to ignore and boom, it all goes away.
warreng88 06-19-2014, 04:50 PM What's with the personal insults. Geesh.
Clearly there are numerous more educated and higher performing schools around the metro.
I think all started with this comment:
Mustang is gross. Lots of meth, teen moms, and oilfield trash.
We personally chose to stay away from west okc after spending a couple of days driving around looking for homes.
It's just a weird side of town.
And then this one:
Most of the residents probably have less than a highschool diploma and are generally heavy blue collar outdoor workers or on welfare. The type that have bull testicles on the back of their trucks, park in their front yards, and are at the stop slights in town rolling coal (youtube it) in a beat up late model truck.
I feel like that is when the whole tone of this thread changed; when you started making insults to the areas that people might live in. I don't live in Mustang and have no interest in ever moving there, but I have plenty of college educated, professional, family-oriented friends who live there for the schools or that is where they were brought up.
ylouder 06-19-2014, 05:08 PM I'm sorry if anyone doesn't like any of my personal experiences with the area and with the school statistics provided by the state.
But you can't really change either of them.
Martin 06-19-2014, 05:43 PM I'm sorry if anyone doesn't like any of my personal experiences with the area and with the school statistics provided by the state.
...but you can choose to voice those personal experiences in a constructive way. -M
Urbanized 06-19-2014, 11:56 PM I wish a thread could be excluded from the results when I click the "latest posts" button.
betts 06-20-2014, 08:56 AM I'd send my teenagers to Classen (if I had teenagers) or if they were good enough in science and/or math, to the High School of Science and Math. Those are both schools that we can be proud of.
JIMBO 06-21-2014, 09:57 PM It's been awhile since we've lived back in OK and OKC for that matter. I would like to get as many opinions as possible on where to raise two teenagers in the Oklahoma City metro area. I will be working off Western & I-40, so distance isn't too big a factor, but definitely do not want to be driving more than 30 minutes give or take to get to work every day. Much appreciated for any advice.
West Moore H.S. and U.S.Grant H.S. are both good schools. If you live in either district, you will be near OCCC, remember that teenagers do grow up and near by higher education oppertunities may be a blessing later on.
You also said you will be working near I40 and Western and would like a shorter commute. The area south of SW44 and north of the South Canadian River, between Western and May avenues would offer both a short commute time, and housing that should match your budget.
My young Grandsons live in Yukon and will be going through that system. I can let you know how that works out in about 20 or so years.
soonergooner 06-25-2014, 06:14 AM I was fortunate to have landed in PC schools, way back when. 3 kiddos were served well and have gone on to be quite independent and successful. I don't know that I would recommend as they have watered their standards from when we first moved into the district. Parental involvement and interest makes the most difference in the nurturing of sproutlings no matter the particular system.
OSUFan 06-30-2014, 09:27 AM Thought this was rather interesting in regards to the statement that western OKC is nothing but poor, uneducated meth heads. Where's the hardest place to live in Oklahoma? | News OK (
Bellaboo 06-30-2014, 07:30 PM Thought this was rather interesting in regards to the statement that western OKC is nothing but poor, uneducated meth heads. Where's the hardest place to live in Oklahoma? | News OK (
Thanks, this proves what I was saying throughout this thread.