06-10-2014, 09:16 PM
Right after watching a couple of episodes of an old NBC program (Homicide: Life on the Streets) (c/o Netflix) I suggested kickin' the viewing dial to Local News.
The "News" story concerning Redbud Construction vs. The Kentucky Shyster Flyster vis-a-vis Tornado Damage Victim Compensation should already have gone viral . . .
That is how good it was.
06-10-2014, 09:24 PM
Can you post the video for those of us who didn't see it?
06-10-2014, 09:28 PM
No. I can't.
Still . . . I'm fairly sure that it can be Googled.
(perhaps our Primary Local NooZ outlet is proud enough of the presentation to have it on their website for the curious?)
(my old, non-digital, VHS player/video stealin' device don't function so good no more . . . so . . . whatever)
At least two or three of the stories should show up in "News of the Weird" or "Chicken Fried News" in "The Oklahoma Gazette" within a week or two.
(Isn't it weird that the word weird violates the I before E except after C rule? =)
06-10-2014, 11:12 PM
Still babbling on the TV about News Coverage and What It's Supposed to Be (for the viewing pubic)
Over on the Brain Drain Network. (K4Affiliate).
Charlie Rose and Some TwitterChick have been brought into the mix
and mentioned Walter Cronkite's Maps as a backdrop.
(I have to guess that they are refugees from CBS . . . hope Fort Sill has room for them . . .)
Back to You, BChris . . .
(bchris . . . bc . . . b..............st
(dude . . . the avatar reminded me of The All Seeing, All Knowing Eye of CBS . . . don't get mad . . . just reply . . . or not . . .