View Full Version : Need some Help!

06-06-2014, 09:06 AM
I am trying to track down old commercial properties with a pool. Something less grand than say Sportsman's club although if I had the money I would buy that property. I am trying to find a viable pool not one that has been filled but one that could be put into operation. In the same train of thought with all the recent changes to BSA (Boy Scouts of America) policy I understand they will no longer be able to hold Twilight camp at John Nichols Scout Ranch (Camp Kickapoo) so the district is trying to search for a property that they could hold a day camp. Sportsman's would be perfect if the owner would let the BSA use it. It has to have enough space to have Archery and BB shooting at the very least, A pool would just be a bonus. It has to be NW OKC or S Edmond. Anyone have any hidden gems out there?

06-06-2014, 09:50 AM
The old Woodlake Racket Club on NW 63rd and Rockwell. It's now some sort of storage facility and not sure if they filled in the old pool.

Chesapeake bought the old Knights of Columbus (near 63rd & Western) and I'm sure they would sell it, but I think they filled in the pool.

06-06-2014, 11:54 AM
Doesn't older pools have to be upgraded to meet the newest ADA laws?

06-06-2014, 01:58 PM
The old Woodlake Racket Club on NW 63rd and Rockwell. It's now some sort of storage facility and not sure if they filled in the old pool.

Chesapeake bought the old Knights of Columbus (near 63rd & Western) and I'm sure they would sell it, but I think they filled in the pool.

I had completely forgotten about Woodlake good steer going to look into that one. I am not familiar with the KofC or that they had a pool. Do any other lodges have pools? I know there used to be an Elk's Lodge on Tulsa that did but that is where PC is building a new Elementary.

06-06-2014, 01:59 PM
Doesn't older pools have to be upgraded to meet the newest ADA laws?

Yes older pools would have to be updated to be brought up to the new standards but that is cheaper than building from scratch.

06-06-2014, 02:37 PM
I believe to comply you simply have to provide a chair lift, which is easily retrofitted to an existing pool.