View Full Version : Chisholm Creek
warreng88 02-04-2015, 11:16 AM I feel like a lot of traffic could be subsided if the lights at Memorial and Western were better timed. There will be a ton of people coming from memorial either way. The majority of people from Memorial eastbound (from Penn) will be turning into the center before the light. I would assume at some point in time a light will be installed on Western, south of Memorial, probably north of TopGolf. The people coming westbound on Memorial will have to turn south and sit through at least one light before going south and turning west. I agree that the traffic coming off the turnpike will be the worst since people will be trying to cross two lanes of traffic to get over. It will be like people exiting trying to turn south on Penn, but much, much worse.
TheTravellers 02-05-2015, 04:02 PM I feel like a lot of traffic could be subsided if the lights at Memorial and Western were better timed. There will be a ton of people coming from memorial either way. The majority of people from Memorial eastbound (from Penn) will be turning into the center before the light. I would assume at some point in time a light will be installed on Western, south of Memorial, probably north of TopGolf. The people coming westbound on Memorial will have to turn south and sit through at least one light before going south and turning west. I agree that the traffic coming off the turnpike will be the worst since people will be trying to cross two lanes of traffic to get over. It will be like people exiting trying to turn south on Penn, but much, much worse.
I've been using Western northbound to go from work (Reno/Portland) to home (NW 164th/May) in the evenings due to the Parkway being horribly jammed up, and the lights at Memorial and Western don't appear to be very well synchronized (if at all) with the lights at Western/Turnpike. The traffic engineers in this city need to step up their game with some kind of sync-ing at quite a few intersections that are just clusterfukkkes (as RM would put it).
Plutonic Panda 02-05-2015, 05:20 PM Kilpatrick service roads, Penn, May, and Western all need to be widened to six lanes. I would widen Penn to 8 lanes for 1/4 mile between Memorial and Quail Springs. I would sync the lights. Add dedicated turn lanes. Dedicated u turn at every single highway cross over. Reconfig the on/off ramps similar to the North Dallas Tollway north of 635.
That would solve traffic problems all the way. There will still be a back up during rush hour, but there is only so much you can do for rush hour traffic. The majority of road in North Dallas are six lanes, they are beautiful, have people walking along them, and a lot of them have lower traffic counts than our crappy four lane roads.
SoonerFP 02-06-2015, 09:35 AM Kilpatrick service roads, Penn, May, and Western all need to be widened to six lanes. I would widen Penn to 8 lanes for 1/4 mile between Memorial and Quail Springs. I would sync the lights. Add dedicated turn lanes. Dedicated u turn at every single highway cross over. Reconfig the on/off ramps similar to the North Dallas Tollway north of 635.
That would solve traffic problems all the way. There will still be a back up during rush hour, but there is only so much you can do for rush hour traffic. The majority of road in North Dallas are six lanes, they are beautiful, have people walking along them, and a lot of them have lower traffic counts than our crappy four lane roads.
This! Still will be crowded at rush hour, but being backed up onto the Turnpike isn't a good thing. That exit onto Western really should have been maybe a 1/4 mile farther back, though that might have put it to close to the bridge that goes across Kilpatrick by the Main Event and the other entrance to Chisholm Creek.
Also noted that they're putting up stop lights at that intersection in front of the Main Event. You know they'll need lights at the Chisholm Creek entrance too once it's open.
OklahomaNick 02-06-2015, 09:54 AM I am guessing that Chisholm Creek is upset that they did not land Trader Joes or REI.
That is likely too close to 63rd & Western for them to open another location.
warreng88 02-06-2015, 10:32 AM I am guessing that Chisholm Creek is upset that they did not land Trader Joes or REI.
That is likely too close to 63rd & Western for them to open another location.
Wan't there another rumored Whole Foods going in at CC? That would be the same distance, but maybe in a later stage.
onthestrip 02-06-2015, 10:39 AM I am guessing that Chisholm Creek is upset that they did not land Trader Joes or REI.
That is likely too close to 63rd & Western for them to open another location.
Highly doubt Cabelas would even allow another sporting goods store like Cabelas or that REI would even want to locate at Chisholm. And I think a larger grocery store is whats desired at Chisholm.
SoonerFP 02-06-2015, 11:07 AM It seems from the development map that Chisholm Creek is looking for something bigger, size-wise, to go into their "grocery" location than the normal Trader Joes. I'm guessing a Whole Foods or Uptown Foods is more likely. And I'm sure they're happy enough to have the Cabela's. I doubt REI would have even wanted to go into the same development, as they're similar to Cabela's, even though they don't cater to exactly the same crowds.
Zorba 02-06-2015, 07:48 PM Bally's? This isn't 1987
If the layout is anything of a tease, it's a Lifetime Fitness, which would be amazeballs. Only sucks that it's not closer to my house if true.
I agree that layout looks just like a Life Time Fitness. The tennis court help support that too. In their last few earnings called they have been talking up their (relatively small) tennis business and have said they were going to be including it with most new properties. The day it becomes official that it is a Life Time is the day I put a for sale sign on my house. Life Time is probably the biggest single thing I miss about Tulsa.
It seems from the development map that Chisholm Creek is looking for something bigger, size-wise, to go into their "grocery" location than the normal Trader Joes. I'm guessing a Whole Foods or Uptown Foods is more likely. And I'm sure they're happy enough to have the Cabela's. I doubt REI would have even wanted to go into the same development, as they're similar to Cabela's, even though they don't cater to exactly the same crowds.
I way prefer REI to Cabela's, but I think Cabela's will get a lot more traffic than and REI. The vast majority of REI's I've been to have not had any nice development around them (i.e. they don't seem to draw other nice retail). The only REI I've been to (about 10) that was part of a nice shipping center was added long after the center was fully developed.
Zorba 02-06-2015, 09:27 PM Construction should start soon.
They want to be complete by this time next year.
Do you know when the "Health Club" is going to start construction? It really looks like a Life Time. From reading their stock reports it seems like they know their future sites about 2 years a head of time, but don't announce until they are less than a year out.
OKCSteel 02-09-2015, 11:41 AM It sucks Trader Joe's is going down right next to Whole Foods. I certainly wouldn't put it there. This would be a much better location.
TJ's is likely to have multiple locations in OKC.
You can almost count on one near Quail Springs at some point.
Just learned that Lifetime Fitness is in fact deep into negotiations with Chisholm Creek.
They may have a deal struck very soon.
bradh 02-12-2015, 11:47 AM just learned that lifetime fitness is in fact deep into negotiations with chisholm creek.
They may have a deal struck very soon.
it's happening!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I have some pictures I'll upload soon from this past weekend but construction is moving at a quick pace for everything it seems.
traxx 02-12-2015, 12:38 PM it's happening!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Okay lets see if i can do this right.
We have cabeals from the west and south side. Top golf. The start of the lake that you can see on the map and lastly the fairly large city park that is just to the south. I don't know if its a new park but I grew up in the area and had never seen it before.
Plutonic Panda 02-12-2015, 08:29 PM Awesome! This will be a great development!!
jn1780 02-13-2015, 07:28 AM The floodgates are open now. I bet Chisholm Creek will be full within five years. Hopefully we will see some of this new development spread north to the Western and Westbound Memorial interchange. Those two shopping strips on the corners badly need to be demolished and redeveloped.
SoonerFP 02-13-2015, 08:40 AM I remember reading somewhere on here that West was closing their office that's been taking up the shopping center on the NW corner of Western and Memorial. That corner could be something nice with some new spit and polish and aggressive re-marketing
Zorba 02-13-2015, 11:36 PM Just learned that Lifetime Fitness is in fact deep into negotiations with Chisholm Creek.
They may have a deal struck very soon.
This would be amazing. Just thinking this was a possibility has made my week a lot nicer. Now when I have to pay their monthly bill it won't be as nice, but so worth it.
My guess is that it'll be a Platinum Club with a cost of ~$130-150 per month for a family. Tulsa's is a Gold, was $110 a month when I was still there.
This is the nice thing about this website, I stalk Life Time's news and stock reports like crazy and they generally don't announce a location until about 6 months out. I am guessing this one will be 18-24 months from now.
Zorba 02-15-2015, 04:33 PM I doubt they will do this, but it would be really nice if they added a walking trail around this whole development. It'd be especially nice for the residential properties they plan to have, but it could also draw people to the development. Just think of how many people are on the Mitch Park trails on a nice day, and this area is more densely populated than around Mitch. It may also be a selling point for Life Time as they do weekly group runs and bike rides. The Tulsa Life Time would routinely make use of the Turnpike trail, especially for the bike rides.
BTW: Drove by today, they were hard at work on Top Flight, maybe about 30 or 40 cars out front of it. Looks like they are still putting in the water mains on the West side of the development. They've ran in power from Penn on the South side, unfortunately it is above ground :-/.
They did show trails in some of their materials.
Not sure if they are still part of the most recent plans.
SoonerFP 02-16-2015, 10:54 AM Early on, they were promoting the connection to the "80-acre city park" as well. It' on the map just south of the fitness center site. Still makes sense for the rest of the development to have ways to walk throughout the development so people living and working there can get to any of the development without using their car.
Spartan 02-16-2015, 06:55 PM TJ's is likely to have multiple locations in OKC.
You can almost count on one near Quail Springs at some point.
No, they don't build two within 25-30 miles of each other. Cleveland only has two, on opposite ends of the metro (40 miles apart).
I could see them going to Norman instead, though.
bchris02 02-16-2015, 07:07 PM No, they don't build two within 25-30 miles of each other. Cleveland only has two, on opposite ends of the metro (40 miles apart).
I don't think this is true. Charlotte has three locations, one on the south side, one downtown, and one on the north side. The locations are each about 7 miles apart. For OKC, I could see Nichols Hills, Norman, and maybe eventually Covell in north Edmond years down the road.
No, they don't build two within 25-30 miles of each other. Cleveland only has two, on opposite ends of the metro (40 miles apart).
I could see them going to Norman instead, though.
That is not true at all.
For instance. Vegas has multiple locations within the city limits of Vegas. San Antonio has two and they're just 8 miles apart and there are plans for up to five SA locations within the city. I could go on, with LA, Dallas, etc.
Zorba 02-16-2015, 08:16 PM Just obtained this updated site plan and labeled the biggest changes:
Looking at the new site plan posted by Pete, there is a thin line of yellow dots. I think this is the "trail" layout, since it also shows the yellow dots around the city park. I traced it with yellow to make it more obvious. The big loop is probably right around 3 miles. Looks like it'll be pretty nice. Hopefully it is more than 3' sidewalk.
I also noticed on the new site plan it looks like they are going to close in the creek bed on the west side. I think it'll have tennis courts on top of it. Edit: Never mind, I think the new plan is just cutting that off, but it still has room to be there.
Spartan 02-17-2015, 05:46 PM That is not true at all.
For instance. Vegas has multiple locations within the city limits of Vegas. San Antonio has two and they're just 8 miles apart and there are plans for up to five SA locations within the city. I could go on, with LA, Dallas, etc.
There are exceptions to every rule, but beyond that 8 mile span in San Antonio, is there anywhere else that TJ's would really want to be? La Canterra is obvious, but other than that SA does not fit their mold anymore than OKC. Read: Not dissing SA, but there just isn't a southside "counterbalance" there.
As for 5 locations, I'm just going to have to take your word on Notwithstanding, TJ's does see themselves as more of a "Destination Retailer" than WF. This is why they will go for multiple in Vegas or other "destination" cities.
Here is a site plan that shows the various trails:
zookeeper 02-17-2015, 06:57 PM Nice! It reminds me of a smaller version of The Village down in Allen/Fairview Texas.
See the high-res view to see the hiking trails. Go here: and click on the map.
Zorba 02-17-2015, 09:28 PM Here is a site plan that shows the various trails:
Thanks! That'll be nice for when I move to that side of town. :)
Something else I thought of tonight that would be a nice get, would be a Buca di Beppo.
metro 02-17-2015, 11:47 PM Has anyone else noticed while driving by the "frame" (concrete tilt up walls) of the Cabela's looks really tiny to be a decent-sized Cabela's?
jn1780 02-19-2015, 08:54 AM Has anyone else noticed while driving by the "frame" (concrete tilt up walls) of the Cabela's looks really tiny to be a decent-sized Cabela's?
Compared to their largest stores it is "tiny", but this is the standard size for any new store that they build.
Motley 02-19-2015, 09:54 AM Cabela's redesigned their floorplans and claim to have almost the same inventory in both stores sizes. The merchandise is arranged differently and most of the stuffed animals and other amusements are now displayed above the merchandise, not on the floor. It is part of the move away from massive box stores in the industry.
Richard at Remax 02-19-2015, 10:44 AM its still an impressive structure when you drive by it
Plutonic Panda 02-23-2015, 05:52 PM Saw on their Instagram that the Saint Anthony healthplex is officially open.
metro 02-23-2015, 11:15 PM its still an impressive structure when you drive by it was not impressed, it looks like a Walmart Neighborhood Market thus far.
ljbab728 02-23-2015, 11:30 PM was not impressed, it looks like a Walmart Neighborhood Market thus far.
Of course, impressive can mean different things. Sometimes impressive just means size.
OKCisOK4me 02-25-2015, 06:04 PM was not impressed, it looks like a Walmart Neighborhood Market thus far.
...and Bass Pro didnt? It's a shell of itself... come on now.
jn1780 02-26-2015, 07:10 AM ...and Bass Pro didnt? It's a shell of itself... come on now.
I'm glad its not a huge structure. It leaves room for other things. I think not getting Costco will turn out to be a positive for Chisholm Creek. Doesn't really fit the target demographic.
bchris02 02-26-2015, 07:28 AM I'm glad its not a huge structure. It leaves room for other things. I think not getting Costco will turn out to be a positive for Chisholm Creek. Doesn't really fit the target demographic.
I am not sure I would say that. Costco would fit well into the center from what we know about it. I don't think not getting it will hurt however as long as the rest of the center is built according to the vision.
oklip955 02-26-2015, 09:32 AM Anyone have any ideas if there are any plans for the land on the east side Western across from this developement. I was thinking that the corner would be a nice place for Costco and another similar style development.
Rover 02-26-2015, 09:58 AM It has been considered by them.
jn1780 02-27-2015, 02:12 PM I am not sure I would say that. Costco would fit well into the center from what we know about it. I don't think not getting it will hurt however as long as the rest of the center is built according to the vision.
We will have to just disagree. I think its just a nicer Sam's Club. Its only special because there are zero in the city right now, but don't get me wrong it would still be nice if they built across Western.
Chisholm Creek would not be meeting its full potential if it became littered with big box stores.
I believe at this point they probably wouldn't take Costco.
And Costco will have plenty of other options when the are ready to come to town.
Zorba 02-27-2015, 08:17 PM We will have to just disagree. I think its just a nicer Sam's Club. Its only special because there are zero in the city right now, but don't get me wrong it would still be nice if they built across Western.
Chisholm Creek would not be meeting its full potential if it became littered with big box stores.
I agree with this. We had them in Cincinnati. They really just look like a Sam's from the outside, not really the right vibe for this complex.
oklip955 02-27-2015, 11:18 PM First let me say that I shop Sam's Club often. I was up in Minn last week and did have some time to stop and shop Costco for a few items. If and when we get one, Ill add it to my shopping mix. I'm not a single store shopper, each one has items that I want. I'm hoping that soon they will have another site located for an Okc metro Costco.
bchris02 02-28-2015, 09:32 AM Costco would be perfect for a shopping center like University North Park in my opinion. Not sure their first OKC metro location will be in Norman though.
oklip955 02-28-2015, 10:10 AM You would like them in Norman and I would like to see them along I-35 in Edmond. Realisticly I think they would be better off building somewhere central. Maybe alone I-40 on the west side of town.
bchris02 03-03-2015, 02:37 PM So when can we expect ground to break on the Tract30 section of Chisholm Creek?
jn1780 03-06-2015, 07:17 AM I noticed they were clearing land on the east side of Western. What is going on over there?
bchris02 03-06-2015, 07:33 AM I noticed they were clearing land on the east side of Western. What is going on over there?
I don't think that is part of Chisholm Creek. I could be wrong.
jn1780 03-06-2015, 07:46 AM I don't think that is part of Chisholm Creek. I could be wrong.
Well, I know, but I figured someone could direct me to a thread if one existed.
Well, I know, but I figured someone could direct me to a thread if one existed.
I appreciated the head's up the dirt is turning on that site.
That large tract is owned by Dr. Dahr and there haven't been any transactions lately and I can find a building permit.
I'll keep my eye on it because he's owned for a long time and if there is now movement, something is afoot.
Teo9969 03-06-2015, 04:01 PM How much work could be done before applying for a building permit?
You can do site work without a permit; but foundations have to be inspected before going further.
Richard at Remax 03-06-2015, 10:35 PM Although not at full height, it looks like all the posts are up that encloses the playing area at top golf. Really excited this is 5 min from me
OKCTalk - OKC to get indoor skydiving facility (
bchris02 03-12-2015, 07:00 PM This development keeps getting better and better. Great catch for OKC!