View Full Version : Fairfield Inn
Teo9969 12-14-2016, 02:29 PM The surface parking can eventually be developed, and they could pretty easily add a second hotel onto the site at a later date.
Not sure we should try to force them to expand the hotel to fit the lot. My biggest complaint would be how they address the corner at 4th/Broadway...I think it needs some more interaction.
warreng88 12-14-2016, 02:39 PM The surface parking can eventually be developed, and they could pretty easily add a second hotel onto the site at a later date.
Not sure we should try to force them to expand the hotel to fit the lot. My biggest complaint would be how they address the corner at 4th/Broadway...I think it needs some more interaction.
My thoughts exactly. There could be the same layout, just facing SE instead of NE and a shared parking lot for valet in between the two.
SOONER8693 12-14-2016, 03:20 PM Why is it that almost everything OKC gets is 4-5 floors? I'm sure it is a cost thing and things here are always done as cheaply as possible. Frustrating.
shawnw 12-14-2016, 03:35 PM Beyond like 6 floors involves different materials and so more cost I think?
Ross MacLochness 12-14-2016, 03:38 PM Why is it that almost everything OKC gets is 4-5 floors? I'm sure it is a cost thing and things here are always done as cheaply as possible. Frustrating.
I'd much rather see a block filled in with multiple 3-5 story buildings than a block filled with the devon tower. Quality infill and how streets and buildings interact with people should be our focus rather than tall buildings/skyline/how the city is perceived from afar.
dankrutka 12-14-2016, 03:39 PM Why is it that almost everything OKC gets is 4-5 floors? I'm sure it is a cost thing and things here are always done as cheaply as possible. Frustrating.
There is absolutely nothing wrong with 4-5 story developments. Many of the best cities in the world are defined by 4-5 story buildings. In fact, there's decent evidence that humans psychologically prefer buildings at this height. Complaints about density, mixed use, material quality, or walkability would make sense though. OKC's core has enough empty or underutilized lots that it'd take a generation to fill them with 4-5 story buildings.
Bellaboo 12-14-2016, 03:41 PM Paris is 90 % 4 - 5 story buildings, and that's one of my favorite cities.
baralheia 12-14-2016, 03:42 PM I want to see more tall and supertall skyscrapers in OKC myself, but smaller buildings like this are the bread and butter of urban infill. 4-5 story buildings are closer to human scale, and are A-OK with me.
Plutonic Panda 12-14-2016, 03:57 PM I want to see more tall buildings as well. I would like to see at least 2-3 supertalls, 2-3 50+ story, and 10-15 20-40 story buildings by 2030. One can dream
stlokc 12-14-2016, 04:13 PM I care less about the height than I do about the fact that it feels like the newly developing parts of downtown OKC are being overrun by smallish, limited-service hotels. They are now adding four more (4!) of the same type of product directly east of Bricktown. I truly hope there is really enough business to sustain all of these as well as the convention hotel and the other "real" hotels in the core of the CBD. (Yes, I know they serve different markets but OKC isn't growing THAT fast).
Are we creating a really interesting core or are we simply duplicating I-40 and Meridian a few miles east?
Plutonic Panda 12-14-2016, 04:30 PM OKC is growing pretty fast. I guess time will tell.
OKCRT 12-14-2016, 06:47 PM Why is it that almost everything OKC gets is 4-5 floors? I'm sure it is a cost thing and things here are always done as cheaply as possible. Frustrating.
Doesn't make sense to put a small hotel like that there IMO. That belongs on I-40 and meridian. Wish they would build at min 10 stories instead.
ljbab728 12-14-2016, 10:54 PM I love the hotel itself. Looks modern, and I love that it addresses the corner! The hotel could be bigger, but it's size isn't bad. I agree with the other comments on the surface lot though - that should not be allowed to fly here. Other than that, if the hotel itself is built as depicted, it'll be quite nice!
I agree about the design. It fits in better with the modern proposed design of the convention center than the original proposal.
stlokc 12-14-2016, 11:55 PM Here's my fear ... Are we saying "Any development is good development as long as it's an improvement over a vacant lot?" What if Jiffy Lube or Kwik-Trip came along for those parcels along Shields south of the convention center?
UnFrSaKn 12-15-2016, 04:08 AM
Here's my fear ... Are we saying "Any development is good development as long as it's an improvement over a vacant lot?" What if Jiffy Lube or Kwik-Trip came along for those parcels along Shields south of the convention center?
This is a lot better than a Jiffy Lube. You have to be careful that you don't go full drunken PluPan, where anything under 50 stories is "crap". I mean I wish this thing was 10 stories instead of 5, but it's not bad by any means.
Colbafone 12-15-2016, 11:08 AM This is a lot better than a Jiffy Lube. You have to be careful that you don't go full drunken PluPan, where anything under 50 stories is "crap". I mean I wish this thing was 10 stories instead of 5, but it's not bad by any means.
You're right. It's really not bad. I think it will do a great job of accommodating guests to University Town Center in Norman. Or, it would be pretty cool in Chisholm Creek too. It's ALRIGHT here. As much as I like heighth and what not, it is pretty cool to be getting all of these hotels downtown/Bricktown. But I have to ask, at what point do we strive for something better? Literally every 4 or 5 story hotel that has been proposed looks very similar. I get different materials, different companies, different builders. That's all great. And again, I get you don't get the opportunity to have a hotel like the Skirvin or Colcord, or The Ambassador be built/renovated very often. To me, however, there has to be a point where the hotels and accommodations and entertainment destinations NEED to be sperate from anything else in the metro. The only new build hotel recently that I like is Aloft, at least it's different. The rest, literally every 4 or 5 story hotel that has been proposed, could rival the hotels on Memorial Rd. Or in Norman. Hell, the Hampton Inn on 122 and I-35 looks pretty similar to these.
I guess what I mean, is i wish Downtown OKC and its districts could enforce more of an identity for itself and for its guests with its new hotels. On one hand, yes it is very exciting. I don't even care about the heighth so much. We are finally getting real infill all over downtown. How awesome right? I just wish they were more unique. I stayed at a hotel off 380 in Aubrey Texas a few weeks ago that was bigger and honestly nicer than some of what downtown is getting. To me, that's a travesty. What do we need to do to these developers and builders to convince them they can build something better than what they are proposing?
Eddie1 12-15-2016, 11:20 AM I think the revised hotel looks much better; its more modern and the materials appear to be of higher quality, at least when compared with the old rendering.
This project is out to bid and should be starting soon.
Would be the first new construction in Core to Shore other than the streetcar facility.
KingOfTheNorth 07-05-2017, 03:30 PM Woo another hotel
Hopefully a combination and the Strawberry Fields talk and the park will get some construction ideas rumbling that will actually carry some life and permanent population.
OKC_on_mines 07-06-2017, 08:54 PM This project is out to bid and should be starting soon.
Would be the first new construction in Core to Shore other than the streetcar facility.
Im elated about this. Its going to front the major intersection. I said this about the convention hotel as well, I hope we push for great landscaping. Liven up this corner.
Construction has started.
First private development in the Core 2 Shore area.
Eddie1 11-20-2017, 07:43 PM How big a deal is it to move that electrical station? Seems like that could be fairly involved.
gopokes88 11-20-2017, 08:19 PM How big a deal is it to move that electrical station? Seems like that could be fairly involved.
They are moving it and it delayed the CC construction by a while
Urbanized 12-01-2017, 02:53 PM My grandfather (who died in '65, before I was born), was a foreman working out of that OGE facility in the 50s (and early 60s I believe). Obviously there have been reconfigs of it since then, but a part of me is sad to see it torn down. Always hoped I'd get a chance to go poke around in there a bit and see if there is anything in there today that he would have laid eyes on.
My grandfather (who died in '65, before I was born), was a foreman working out of that OGE facility in the 50s (and early 60s I believe). Obviously there have been reconfigs of it since then, but a part of me is sad to see it torn down. Always hoped I'd get a chance to go poke around in there a bit and see if there is anything in there today that he would have laid eyes on.
If it makes you feel any better, the city is paying OG&E $14 million for those 2.5 acres, or well more than $5 million per acre.
Even though the city had previously revealed the total price of the garage had gone up to $40 million, the contract with OG&E was only revealed when scrutinizing the next Economic Development Trust agenda.
That is a staggering sum.
For comparison, OG&E only paid around $1.2 million per acre for the old Stage Center site and that fronts the Myriad Gardens.
So, they are basically charging the city almost 5X the amount they themselves recently paid for arguably better downtown land.
KayneMo 12-01-2017, 03:30 PM Are the plans and renderings in post #173 still applicable?
Are the plans and renderings in post #173 still applicable?
Yes. Those were the plans that were approved and they can't change without going back to design review.
You can see the foundation starting to take shape:
catch22 01-29-2018, 12:30 PM This whole area is going to be exciting to watch the next 2-3 years.
Going vertical:
Bellaboo 03-19-2018, 10:23 AM That's pretty fast, looks like one of the stairwell or elevator shaft is up.
Laramie 03-21-2018, 09:10 PM As I exited under Skydance Bridge onto Shield Blvd., north bound the other day, that construction caught my eye (#213). Looks as though the Fairfield lnn will be up before they break grown on the Convention Center & the Omni.
T. Jamison 03-23-2018, 03:24 PM I am reading some of agreements between OCURA and Patel and figured I'd share what I found.
1. The deed states the improvements have to be completed by December 31st, 2018, which explains why the project is going up pretty fast.
2. As far as the surface parking is concerned, I have added an except from OCURA regarding this issue from one of the February 15, 2017 agenda. . .
It is the goal of the City and the Authority to minimize surface parking in the Core to Shore Urban Renewal Area. Structured parking is planned nearby which can serve this hotel. In order to allow the development to move forward while plans are being finalized for the nearby structured parking, the Redeveloper will provide surface parking consistent with a granted variance until a future date when alternate parking is available and the remaining portion of the Property can be further developed. Terms have been negotiated for a proposed First Amendment to the Redevelopment Agreement to provide for such future development.
And from the First Amendment. . .
The Parking Property lies within the Redevelopment Site and is shown on the attached Exhibit A, which also depicts the conceptual design for the development contemplated in the Redevelopment Agreement, approved by the Authority and the City’s Downtown Design Review Committee.
The parties contemplate the further development of the Parking Property, specifically with commercial or mixed use development in accordance with the Urban Renewal Plan.
The construction of the Improvements on the Parking Property shall be commenced on or before December 31, 2023, and completed within two years of commencement. The obligation to commence is contingent upon the existence of nearby structured parking or other available shared parking in which parking spaces are available to the Redeveloper at or below market rate.
Consistent with the timelines provided in Section 5 of the Redevelopment Agreement, the Redeveloper shall submit and the Authority shall approve or reject or request modifications to Schematic Design Studies, Design Development Documents, Construction Documents, Landscaping Plans, and evidence of financing capacity for the development of the Parking Property.
David 03-23-2018, 05:38 PM That's pretty interesting. Would be a great spot for a second hotel once the convention center is up and running and the structured parking exists.
Johnb911 05-08-2018, 09:58 AM driving by this on my way home from work has me all excited about the street wall and hopeful future interaction with shields.
Laramie 06-25-2018, 11:28 AM Impressive pic, Pete on the progress of the Fairfield Inn & Suites. It will be in operation long before construction of the convention center & hotel; thus it gives Fairfield a chance to fine-tune.
Notice the position of the main entrance as it faces northeast.
Although many of us were disappointed that the Omni didn't exceed the 735 room study suggested & conducted by Texas consultant Jeremy Stone, hired by The Alliance for the Economic Development of Oklahoma City; together the 605 room Omni & the 133 room Fairfield will make 738 rooms available on site.
It won't match the 4 stars by Omni, however they hope to attract & serve visitors wanting easy access to the Chesapeake Arena and new convention center. They could also capitalize on spill-over in the event the Omni can't handle some tier II & III class conventions.
jedicurt 07-09-2018, 08:21 AM I know it will change.... but this hotel looks like it is being build in the middle of nowhere in this pic
I know it will change.... but this hotel looks like it is being build in the middle of nowhere in this pic
Another way to look at it: It is adjoining 3 of the largest development projects ever undertaken in OKC (Scissortail Park, Convention Center and Omni Hotel).
And all of that will be complete in 2 years.
jedicurt 07-09-2018, 09:20 AM Another way to look at it: It is adjoining 3 of the largest development projects ever undertaken in OKC (Scissortail Park, Convention Center and Omni Hotel).
And all of that will be complete in 2 years.
I know, it just looks lonely right now is all. lol
shawnw 07-09-2018, 12:17 PM Those guys had some foresight. Give them more projects.
HOT ROD 07-11-2018, 05:06 PM Glass half full - Pete. I like it.
Glass half full - Pete. I like it.
It's going to be amazing to watch that area develop very rapidly in the next 24 months.
OKC has never seen anything like it and it's on a huge scale.
I've had my issues with many of the dealings regarding the convention center but am very glad it landed where it did and now we can watch that whole area come to life in a pretty short period of time.
David 07-12-2018, 08:41 AM It's pretty impressive how ahead of the curve these guys are. This is exactly the sort of thing we need by the new convention center for its best success, and they're in there building it before the ground was even broken on any other surrounding project.
shawnw 09-06-2018, 11:09 AM Missed opportunity not going higher by even just a 3-5 floors.
Missed opportunity not going higher by even just a 3-5 floors.
I'm sure for franchising and financing there are reasons virtually all these hotels are 4-5 stories and in the 100-130 room range.
Even developments with multiple hotels just build more properties within these parameters rather than build one or two that are larger.
shawnw 09-06-2018, 01:12 PM Agree. But just being able to see the Fairfield name from Bricktown over the tracks has value that should have been calculated in.
catch22 09-06-2018, 01:26 PM Agree. But just being able to see the Fairfield name from Bricktown over the tracks has value that should have been calculated in.
I’m not sure it really matters that much as most people book hotels from either a map or proximity to attractions.
baralheia 09-06-2018, 01:44 PM And honestly, even at 5 stories like it is here, this building feels super impressive to dive south on Shields, creating an urban canyon where there previously was none - and adding in the garage/residential project at the Shields/Boulevard corner, it will be even more impressive. I hope to see more projects like this continue down Shields!
shawnw 09-06-2018, 01:46 PM Definitely not unappreciative of its existence.
Regarding booking, I get that, but just from a sheer brand awareness. As in, oh dang, look, they have a Fairfield downtown, let's try that one on our next trip!
I'm not saying it's a tremendous value, but the value isn't zero.
I wonder how many hotels have been recently built in the OKC area that are in the 4-6 floor range?
I bet over the last decade we are close to 100. And I'm sure there are specific reasons for them all falling into this narrow range.
TheTravellers 09-06-2018, 02:56 PM I wonder how many hotels have been recently built in the OKC area that are in the 4-6 floor range?
I bet over the last decade we are close to 100. And I'm sure there are specific reasons for them all falling into this narrow range.
I thought I had heard somewhere that that height is about as high as wood-frame construction can go (not sure why, haven't researched it), so any higher would have to be steel and would cost more. Could be completely wrong, but that somehow stuck in my head...
kevin lee 09-06-2018, 03:23 PM If I'm remembering correctly, wood framed construction can be no taller than 85'.