06-01-2014, 07:56 PM
Does GFB offer a total cost savings to some customers?
Anybody on GFB that has saved money on an annual basis vs. being on standard rates? If so, how much cheaper is it vs. averaging?
From reading the rate sheet it looks like OG&E predicts your bill based on the last 12 months of use and adds up to a 10% "risk factor charge".
Why do you care so much if someone may be paying a little more for electric service if they are GFB? And I'm not saying people are if they are on GFB. It depends on your usage. It's not always about what the actual amount you are paying for something. You can get coffee cheaper than at Starbucks but lots of people get their coffee there every day. Maybe some people just like having the same bill every month regardless of what I use. It's nice to be able to set my t-stat on 66 or 67 no matter what the temps are outside and know I'm not going to bust the budget with a higher electric bill. Even with averaging there are monthly ups and downs. I was on average billing for over 15 years before I went to GFB. Also I am able to use up to 30% more electricity than what they predict I will use over a 3 month period without it effecting my monthly bill. That is a lot of electricity. In the 6 or 7 years I've been on it I've never had them say I owed more. They raise my monthly rate once a year and so far it is less then what all my other bills have gone up. I'm paying $182/month to keep a 2200 sq ft house always below 68 degrees with no setback and a 20x30 shop cool whenever I want. Total electric kitchen and 2 refrigerators and a chest freezer, a dusk to dawn light over my garage. That light is no different than the OG&E security light in my back yard that is billed separately at $12/mo. There was a lady in the smart hours thread that pays $140/month averaged and keeps her t-stat on 80. I feel I get a lot of electricity use for what I pay for it.
06-02-2014, 06:23 AM
I'm all about paying the least amount possible for the KWH I use, its just a matter of selecting the cheapest billing plan. If you can do whatever you want and keep your temp in the 60's for $480/yr more than the Smarthours customer who keeps it at 80f, it's worth looking into. Looks like you are getting a LOT of power for your $2,184/yr. Do you know how many KWH you use and how much your bill would have been if you averaged instead? The amount averaging changes per month won't buy a cup of coffee at Starbucks, the small difference wouldn't matter to me since I don't live payday to payday.