View Full Version : NWS Norman WCM Rick Smith Joins WeatherBrains Video Audio Podcast as a Regular

05-19-2014, 06:18 PM
Rick Smith, Warning Coordination Meteorologist at the National Weather Service office in Norman, has joined the WeatherBrains podcast as a regular panelist. The google Hangouts program is generally recorded live on Monday nights beginning at 8:30 PM central time. The pre show, where they get the bugs worked out and get guests set up begins about fifteen minutes before recording starts and it can be viewed as well. The program can be watched live here where it is then archived to YouTube:

The podcast is hosted by Birmingham, Alabama broadcast meteorologist James Spann and features a regular panel of meteorologists: Brian Peters, NWS retired; Bill Murray, weather historian; Nate Johnson, broadcast meteorologist, Raleigh, NC; Aubrey Urbanowitcz, broadcast meteorologist, Harrisonburg, VA; and now Rick Smith.
Over the years that the audio / video program has been broadcast, virtually anyone who is anyone in the weather enterprise has appeared on the program with more scheduled to follow.

As an air raid siren enthusiast who believes that one cannot get too much warning from too many sources when things go bad, the anti outdoor warning siren mentality exhibited by James Spann and some of the other panelists gets on my last nerve, but I try to grit my teeth, smile, and soak up the valuable information otherwise presented. If you have never seen it. give it a try.