View Full Version : New Bricktown Police Station okayed

08-16-2005, 12:50 PM
Looks like this project will finally get off the ground. A new Bricktown police substation will be built off Main Street, using part of the old Rock Island Depot.

"Police substation contract OK'd

By John Sutter
The Oklahoman

The Oklahoma City Council awarded a $2 million contract Tuesday to build a police substation in Bricktown.
Lippert Bros., Inc., received the contract for construction of the station in the old Rock Island Freight Station Depot, 219 E Main. Police now in Bricktown operate out of a rented storefront at the entrance to the Bricktown Canal on Sheridan Avenue.

“It’s just not adequate for their needs now,” councilwoman Willa Johnson said. “That area has grown so much.”

Rick Lippert, president of Lippert Bros., Inc., said construction on the station will begin within 30 days and should be completed in June.

Money for the station comes from bonds approved in 2000."